The Mystical Wolf

By Lun4r_

4.5K 536 187

Amelia, 18 years old, is a vampire and a werewolf. Everything changes when she finds out that she's the mysti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 4

261 22 14
By Lun4r_

We were silent in the car, neither of us say anything. I looked out of the car window and Jayce started a conversation. "So, Amelia. You seem to be closed with my cousins, Austin and the twins" He said. I stayed quiet, ignoring him. I'm still mad at him for hurting Tyson. He sighed and decided to stay silent as he drove the car.

After a long silent journey, we entered the pack territory and a few wolf started to surround us, guarding us, well Jayce not me. These people seems to be protective of their Alpha.

"Felicia and Daniel will be with you while I'm gone. They will also show you around the place" Jayce told me. I nodded my head and we stopped in front of a huge modern mansion. The scenery was beautiful.

He got out of his car and I did the same. I breathe in the air as soon as I'm out of the car. It was refreshing. Jayce walked over to me and I saw two people approaching us. Jayce smiled at them and they bowed at him. They talked for a while before Jayce walks away.

They both, who I thought must be Felicia and Daniel, smiled at me and I returned their smile. Felicia smiled even wider and said, "I'm Felicia and this is Daniel. You must be Amelia, Jayce's mate?"

I nodded my head and she hugged me. "We're gonna be best friends!" She said excitedly and I giggled. She pulled away and turned to look at Daniel. He nodded at her and Felicia told me to follow them.

I followed them inside the mansion and walked up the stairs. The mansion looked gorgeous inside. I mean, I could already tell that it'll be beautiful from the outside but never thought that it'll be this gorgeous.

After a long walk, we finally come to a stop in front of a huge door. Daniel opened the door before we walked into the room. The room was beautiful.

"Is this-" I started and Felicia said, "Jayce's room? Yes, it is" I scanned the room and looked at Felicia. I'm mesmerised by the beauty of the room. It was gorgeous. Felicia smiled at me and said, "Your clothes are in the walk in wardrobe, if you're wondering"

I raised an eyebrow at her and she chuckled as she gestured me to follow her. We walked further inside the room and Felicia opened a door that leads us to the walk in wardrobe. We walked inside and I looked around.

I walked towards my side of wardrobe and looked at a few clothes that was unfamiliar. "Jayce told someone to store up some clothes for you" Felicia told me and I nodded in understanding. This is a bit too much for me. I just got here and they don't even know me. I'll cause danger towards everyone here, in this pack.

"Amelia?" Felicia called me and I looked at her, confused as I asked, "What did you say?" She blinked her eyes and said, "I was just saying, that door over there, leads you to the bathroom" She pointed out at a door, I don't remember seeing. I was probably too distracted by the beauty of this place.

"I have to go now. I'll be back to get you for dinner, okay?" She told me and I nodded my head at her as I smiled. We walked out of the walk in wardrobe and saw Daniel sitting on the chair, waiting for us. He stood as soon as he saw us and I smiled at him. The both of them head for the door and excused themselves before leaving.

I went to search for my phone and checked to see if anyone sent me any message. There's a few from my friends but none of them are from Tyson. I sighed and hoped that he'll be alright. I stood and bumped into a wall. I looked up and my eyes met his. Definitely not a wall. I looked up and my eyes met his. We stayed like for god knows how long and I backed away when I realized that we have been standing there, staring into each other's eyes.

"Hey! I just- I want to say sorry for hurting your friend" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him and bit my bottom lip. I shook my head mentally as I looked away and stepped back. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

I stood there, looking at him and he said, "I'm so sorry. I couldn't control my wolf" I didn't respond to him and took a peak of him. His head lay low as he clenched his fist. I sighed and walked over to him. He looked up at me and I told him that I forgave him for what he did.

He smiled a breathtaking smile. My heart beats fast and it sent shiver up my spine. I cleared my throat and said, "I was just wondering. Am I sleeping here with you?" He nodded his head and said, "You can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch, if you want"

I shook my head at him and he raised an eyebrow at me. This is his room and he deserves to sleep on the bed. I mean, it's his to use. Not mine. I told him that I disagreed and explained why.

"No, love. I won't let you sleep on the couch. I want you to be comfortable when you sleep" He said as he took my hand and rubbed on top of my hand with his thumb. I shivered and pulled my hand away from him, slowly. He cleared his throat and said, "Go get some shower and then we'll go for dinner with the pack"

I nodded and he walked out to god knows where. I sighed in relief and walked towards the walk in wardrobe, into the bathroom. I froze as I looked around. This bathroom is huge! I blinked my eyes and mentally face palm. I went to take a shower and put on my clothes. I combed my hair and tied my hair into a ponytail.

I walked out of the walk in wardrobe and gasped when I saw Felicia, sitting. She giggled and asked, "Ready for dinner?" I nodded my head as she stood and head for door. "What are you waiting for? Come on" Felicia called out and I followed her. We walked out of the mansion, towards the pack house and stopped in front of a huge wooden door.

I looked at Felicia and she nodded reassuringly. I took a deep breath and looked at Felicia, signalling her that I'm ready. We entered the dining room and everyone went silent, looking at me. I looked down at the floor and Felicia whispered, "It's ok. They're just surprised to see their future luna"

Someone approached me and I looked up to see my mate, Jayce. He smiled at me as he took my hand and walked towards our seat, side by side, holding hands. My heart beats rapidly and my cheek felt hot. We then sat on our seats and Felicia and Daniel join after.

Everyone was still looking at me and I held my head low. Jayce cleared his throat, taking everyone's attention and said, "This is your future luna, Amelia. So please, make her comfortable and respect her as she will be the mother of this pack"

Jayce looked at me and I stood from my seat. He took my hand and I took a deep breath before I said, "Hi, I'm Amelia, originally from Ember Moon Wolf Pack. It's really nice to meet everyone here" I smiled at them and they returned my smile.

We sat back on our seat and Felicia looked at me as she smiled. "I'm glad that you'll be our luna. You're perfect as the mother of the pack. I mean, you seems nice, caring, kind and loving" I shook my head and chuckled. I looked at Daniel and he was grinning widely as he looked at Jayce.

Jayce had an annoyed look on his face and Daniel chuckled. I shook my head and ate my food. As I was about to take my second bite, Jayce choked on his water and Daniel laughed. I looked at the both of them confused and Felicia shook her head.

Felicia cleared her throat and the both of the boys looked at Felicia. She rolled her eyes and said, "Seriously guys. Stop joking around and Daniel, please stop acting like you're this guy who doesn't talk as much"

"I'm not acting. I'm just trying to make her comfortable!" Daniel said as he crossed his arm and looked away like a kid. Felicia laughed and Jayce said, "I don't think that she's comfortable with you being quiet"

Felicia nodded in agreement and Daniel rolled his eyes. "That's not a way to make me comfortable. That made me felt like you don't like me" I said, making a sad face.

Jayce and Felicia laughed at Daniel. Daniel looked at the both of them and rubbed the back of his neck.

"See! She's uncomfortable!" Felicia said, laughing soo hard. I shook my head as I chuckled and Daniel ignored Felicia. He stuffed his face with foods and smiled, satisfied with the food. The foods were delicious and I'm enjoying it.

We all ate our dinner and talked to each other. After dinner, everyone went to their room while Jayce and I went to the mansion, towards his office. His office was big and gorgeous. The painting was dark grey while the furniture was light grey. Bookshelves full of files and books were covering the walls.

I sat on the couch, looking at Jayce doing his work. Pack work I guess. He yawn and lied his head on the desk. I looked at Jayce in awe and smiled. Cute.

He turned his face to me and smiled. He lied his head on the desk, facing his face towards me. I sat there eyes wide open and my cheek was burning. Am I blushing or something?! Nope! Never!

I looked away and he said, "It's 1:30a.m already. Go get some sleep on our room, on the bed. I'll be there in just a few minute" I shook my head and said, "I'm fine, don't worry"

He sighed and continued to do his work. I lied my head as I watched him do his work and fell into a deep sleep.

Jayce's P.O.V

I looked at her, sleeping. She looked cute when she's sleeping. I stood from my seat and walked over to her. I lift her up and brought her all the way to our room. I looked at her sleeping peacefully and adore her. I put her down on the bed and moved her hair that were covering her pretty face.

'Mark her already bruh!'

I ignored my wolf and kissed her forehead. I walked to the couch and slept there, happy looking at my mate.

Amelia's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning and found out that I'm sleeping on the bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before stretching my body. I stood and saw a note on the desk.

Good morning sunshine! I'm really sorry but I have to go work, pack work. Felicia and Daniel will be there with you. Have fun!

I smiled, reading the note that he left and decided to take a shower.


We laughed soo hard at Daniel's joke. This is the real him. He's a funny guy who makes lots of jokes and he even teased people but not in a bad way. He's showing me his true self. That's good.

This made me remember Vanessa, Katelyn, Tyson, Jessica and Jason. I wish I could see them and talk to them.

"Ladies and gentlement! Let's welcome Amelia!" Daniel said.

"Thank you. Thank you!" I said and we all laughed. I couldn't stop laughing and I feel like I might die of laughter. I clutched my tummy as I laughed and Daniel was lying on the floor, laughing.

Daniel continued telling his jokes and we laughed soo hard. Jayce clear his throat and we stopped, looking at him. "Oh sup Jayce!" Daniel greeted him. Me and Felicia stayed quiet, looking at Jayce and he sat beside me. He looked at us confused and asked, "Why do you guys stop?"

"I'm tired of laughing. Let's watch a movie!" Felicia said, excitedly and I nodded in agreement. Daniel took out a box full of CDs and I asked, "Can we watch horror movies?"

Felicia looked at me with a weird look on her face and I said, "What? I like horror movies! It's awesome and I-" My voice trailed off and I frowned. "Me and my friends used to watch horror movies together" I continued, my voice low.

She hugged me and said, "It's ok. I'm here for you."

"You mean we're here for her!" Daniel said.

Felicia rolled her eyes and Daniel turned on the television while Felicia get us some popcorn. I turned my face to see Jayce smiling at me and I blushed. I looked away and watched the movie while eating popcorns.

I looked at Jayce from the edge of my sight and found out that he's looking at me. I asked Daniel to change seat and he agreed. Yes! Thank you, Daniel! Jayce looked at Daniel with a 'are you kidding me' look and Daniel said, "What? She asked me to change seat"

After watching 3 different movies, Felicia and Daniel went out to the training area, leaving me and Jayce in the living room alone. Now what? I sat on the couch and Jayce looked at me.

"Hey! Stop it! It creeps me out, that you're looking at me smiling all the time" I said, looking away as I blushed. "I'm sorry. Amelia, love. I want to ask you something" He said.

"What is it?" I asked, curious.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow?"

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