WWE- Are You The One (Season...

By SinnaMonnBun

60.7K 2.1K 6.2K

What would you do if you were throw into a house with 20 something strangers and told that one of these stran... More

Game Format/ Description
Male Cast
Female Cast
Episode 1- Part 1
Episode 1-Part 2-Challenge 1
Episode 1- Part 3- Dates
Episode 1- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 2- Part 1
Episode 2- Part 2- Challenge 2
Episode 2- Part 3- Dates
Episode 2- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 3- Part 1
Episode 3- Part 2- Challenge 3
Episode 3-Part 3- Dates
Episode 3- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 4- Part 1- Challenge 4
Episode 4- Part 2- Dates
Episode 4- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 5- Part 1- Challenge 5
Episode 5- Part 2- Dates
Episode 5- Part 3
Episode 5- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 6- Part 1- Challenge 6
Episode 6- Part 2- White Party (1)
Episode 6- Part 3- White Party (2)
Episode 6- Part 4- Dates/Match Up Ceremony
Episode 7- Part 1- Challenge 7
Just a Quick Question about Ships
Episode 7- Part 2- Dates
Episode 7- Part 3- Match Up Ceremony
Episode 8- Part 1- Challenge 8
Episode 8- Part 2- Dates
Episode 8- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 9- Part 1- Challenge 9
Episode 9- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 10-Part 1
Episode 10- Part 2- Challenge 10
Episode 10-Part 3-Dates
Episode 10- Part 4-Matchup Ceremony
Episode 11-Part 1- Challenge 11
Episode 11- Part 2- Dates
Intro Video
Episode 11- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 12- Part 1-Challenge 12
Episode 12-Part 2- Last Date
Final Matchup Ceremony Discussion
Episode 12- Part 3- Final Matchup Ceremony
Reunion Special

Episode 9- Part 2- Dates

864 38 143
By SinnaMonnBun

'And then she told me that she thinks she can be his match.'

'Pft. No way.'

'Tell me about it.'

Mickie's eyebrows arched when she walked passed the closed door of the bedroom and heard those words. She stopped, reversed and decided to listen a little longer.

'I dont understand why all these girls are out for my man. Like, yea I understand because he's the total package but keep your distance bitch. The best part is that she said she wanted to get to know him better.' the person laughed, 'Then she goes on to say that shes respecting what we have. If shes respecting it then she should be watching from the sidelines.'

'Who does she think she is?'

'Right? The bitch literally acts like a grandma.'

'I think she's the oldest girl here. 28 I believe.'

'Wow, 28 and still cant find love? She's been here for so long and she hasnt even hooked up with anyone.'

'Down there is probably soo dry if you know what I mean?' the person with an Australian accent said.

'Tell me about it. '

'Do you actually think Mickie and AJ could be a match though?'

'Pft please. The match makers would never pair AJ with her. If she is then ,those match makers are literally drunk and need to jump off a cliff because clearly they suck.'

Mickie's head tilted.

VC-Mickie-.....These girls are talking about me like that? Nuh uh. I dont think so.

She barged into the room and sure enough there she saw Alexa and Billie sitting on the floor painting their nails.

Their eyes shot up to her and then to each other.

"What were you girls saying?" Asked Mickie folding her arms.

"What are you talking about?" Answered Alexa.

"Dont play dumb with me little girl."

"Wow were you eaves dropping Mickie?" Billie asked, "Real mature."

"I heard every bit of what you girls were saying and im not going to stand there and let you disrespect me like that!"

"Its not like we did it to your face you know?" Alexa shrugged, "You chose to eaves drop."

"You two are absolutely immature!"

"Blah blah blah just get out of here." Billie said.

"No! You know what Alexa, someone needs to put you in your place. All you are is just insecure! You're insecure that AJ is going to leave your ass and find somebody better which he sure as hell can! And you." she pointed to Billie, "I dont even know what to say about you because since you've been here nothing good has come from you!"

Billie rolled her eyes.

"Okay mom!" Alexa mocked, "We get it!"

"Alexa be sensitive." Billie said, "She's going through menopause, she gets mood swings."

Mickie's jaw dropped.

VC-Mickie- For too long ive been keeping my mouth shut. Not this time. They've drawn the line.

"I get mood swings? Oh really?" Mickie barged into the room, grabbed their bottles of nail polish and threw it against the wall shattering the bottle and staining the wall with the black paint.

"Calm down you freaking psycho!" Alexa yelled.

"You girls are some of the most immature bitches in the house!"

"Why are you mad Mickie? Because I dont want you talking to my man?" asked Alexa.

"No because you're ignorant and stubborn. GROW UP!" Mickie clapped.

"Whats going on here?" AJS asked entering the room.

"Mickie's apparently going through a mid life crisis." Billie stated.


"You cant get mad about our conversation."Alexa said, "It was none of your business anyway."

"Anything that has my name in it is my business!"

"Just go eat some oatmeal and go to bed. Your bed time is near." Billie said.

Mickie grabbed a pillow from the nearest mattress (which was Roman's) and flung it at Billie.

"Mickie stop." AJS said.

"Im gonna kick your girlfriend's ass." she said as she began marching her way up to Alexa.

VC-Mickie-I might get kicked off of the show for getting physical with someone but I dont even care. At least i'll get remembered getting kicked off for beating a bitch.

AJS quickly held her back.

"Come at me Mickie!" Alexa teased.

Billie flung the pillow back in her face.

"AJ LET ME GO!" Mickie wriggled to get out of his hold.

Alexa and Billie walked up to Mickie's face as she was still being held captive by AJ.

"You're pathetic." Alexa scoffed and the both girls left the room.

AJ released her.

"Whats gotten into you?" he asked.

They both were alone now in the room.

"I dont know how you put up with her!"

"Whats this about?"

Mickie gave him the run down of her conversation with Alexa last week and the conversation she overheard Billie and Alexa having.

"Listen Mick, she's my girlfriend. I want to be here with her. If you think im your match then great. I think you can be my match too. I dont mind choosing you for matchup ceremonies but honestly I dont plan on leaving this house until the end of the show. I dont see the need for us to get to know each other better because one, Alexa wouldn't like that and two, it wouldnt make sense. I dont want to win dates with anyone or go into the Truth Booth. Lex and I plan on staying together until the end of the show. You cant blame her for being protective of me." AJS explained.

Mickie shook her head in disgust.

"AJ, I thought you were a man's man but......Alexa is the one that wears the pants in your relationship."

She barged out of the room leaving AJ alone.

VC-Mickie- This is so frustrating. The only guy that I really have interest in is too caught up being with a little immature idiotic girl to appreciate a good woman. These guys are ridiculous. All of them.


Dates: Cruising on miniboats to the private island of Icacos.

The four couples cruised their way through the open waters, riding on the waves with the wind aggressively blowing through their hair.

VC-AJL- Dean is steering this boat thing like a pro.

"How are you so good at this?" she asked him.

"I dont even know what im doing." he laughed.

VC-Dana- I needed to steer this boat because after my last date with Chris....yea im not risking that again.

After the 30 minute boat ride, they finally landed on the island. It was small, full of greenery and surrounded by the crystal waters.

They saw that they had umbrellas and beach towels set up for them as well as a personal bartender.

As they arrived on shore they all were handed shot glasses with alcohol. They all raised their glasses together to cheers and downed the shot. Except for AJ who gave Dean her shot and he gladly took it.

"This is going to be awesome!" TJ said.

"Race you to the water." said Renee and they both took off running into the water.

VC-Dana- This date...is definitely an awkward one. You got Seth and Dean who hate each other not to mention that Seth slept with Renee, the girl Dean was in love with. Then on the other hand you have AJ and Dolph who had their little fling but now AJ is here with Dean even though TJ has interest in her and who knows if she still has feelings for Dolph and who knows if Dean has feelings for Renee as well. Billie and I are the odd ones out here.

AJ proceeded to sit on her beach towel but was stopped by Dean.

"You're sitting? We didnt come here to sit. Come on lets go into the water." he said.

"Ugh but we just got here. Lets talk a bit." she patted the ground signaling him to sit.

"We talked already. Dont make me drag you into that water."

She smirked, "Id like to see you try."

He bent over and lifted up her little petite body over his shoulder. She screamed and laughed.

"Dean! Put me down!" she yelled even though she didnt want him to put her down.

He walked straight into the water and dunked her inside. She laughed as she spurted out the water that went in her mouth.

TJ couldnt help but notice them. So did Renee. She smiled, looking on at them having fun in the water.

VC-TJ- Im doing my best to ignore them right now.


"Can you believe we're already 9 weeks in?" Seth said to Billie, "Im actually going to miss all the chaos when we're gone."

The pair was strolling along the sand with drink in their hand. Billie opted not to go into the water because of....womanly problems.

"I know right." she responded.

"You know....I was really into you when we first got here."

"...Really?"she tilted her head.


"Why tell me now?" she asked.

"Well at the beginning I had my thing with Alexa. After all that drama happened, I just never really bothered again."

"I understand. Its hard making a connection with someone and trying to move on from that. I felt the same with Chris."

"Oh yea we were on that date together. You were with Chris, I was with Lex and Dana was with AJ."

"Oh yeaa I remember. To be honest, I dont think anybody is going to leave this show with love except for like 3 couples."

"I agree."

"So, why are you single Seth?"

He shrugged, "Ive cheated in my past. I guess im scared of commitment you can say. Its just that ive been-" he came to a stop after he heard a strange sound, "You hear that?"


The sound sounded like.....moans. The two walked further and to their surprise they saw Dolph and Dana making out behind a tree. Their eyes bulged. Dolph and Dana didnt notice them. They quickly walked away after seeing them.

"Well then..." Seth awkwardly said.

"That was quick."

VC-Dana- What?.....Dolph and I had a bit too much to drink.....plus we have a lot of sexual tension between us *Smiles *

Meanwhile AJ and Dean's fingers had become wrinkled because they hadn't left the water yet.

"Is it weird that I feel so comfortable with you?" she said to him.

She was sitting on his lap facing him as he sat on the shallow part of the water. Her hands were wrapped around his neck and he held her waist. The sun was setting and the sky was painted in a beautiful orange fading into violet.

"I mean ive never really felt 100% comfortable with anyone else." she added.

"It is kinda weird because no one ever feels comfortable around me. No one."

She laughed, "Well...I guess its a sign. Our chemistry is just so great together."

His fingers played with her wet hair that fell on her back.

All the while Renee and TJ were sitting on the sand looking off into the water.

VC-Renee- I dont think TJ can be my match. I just dont feel it.

It wasnt long before AJ grabbed Dean's face and slowly went in to give him his first real passionate kiss he's had in years. Her soft lips inserted between his as he tightened his grip on her waist. His mouth tasted like alcohol but she didnt mind. Her thumbs kept sweeping his cheeks.

"Wow...look at that." said Renee noticing them.

TJ sighed, "Good for them."

"This girl falls in love way to easily."

TJ didnt respond. He was just about ready to head back to the house.

VC-Renee-Im happy for Dean....Things werent working out between us so im happy hes finally found someone. Good for him.

VC-AJL- I hope ive gotten his mind off of Renee. Im pretty sure he doesnt even remember who she is now.

VC-Dean- What a good time to be me right. I thought this show had no hope for me but....I was wrong.


"Everyone, welcome to your ninth Truth Booth." Shane welcomed everyone who was gathered in the living room, "Only 3 more of these remain. Anyway lets welcome back our daters. Dana, Dolph, how was the date guys?"

They both smirked and the look of guilt came across their face.

"Probably the best one ive been on so far." said Dolph.

"Man, I wonder why?" Chris said.

"Im sure those red marks on his neck has nothing to do with it." Paige commented.

Dana smiled.

"Anyway, lets reveal who you guys chose to go into the Truth Booth." Shane said and pointed to the screen.

VC-Paige- I chose my boy Ambrose and my girl AJ because theyre the cutest together!

VC-Mandy- I chose Dana and Dolph because I have a strong feeling about those two. I hope he gets sent in, gets a perfect match and get the hell out of this house.

After a few seconds, a picture of AJ and Dean popped up.

"AJ and Dean, go on and start making your way into the Truth Booth." said Shane.

They held hands and headed out the doors as everyone clapped for them.

"I dont know about them guys." Chris said, "I dont feel to good about this."

"You never feel good about anything. Just shut up." said Alexa.

"Positive vibes everyone! Keep it positive."Renee said.

Dean and AJ finally entered the Truth Booth. Not long after the scanners started.

"Man,I look great in that picture." He said as he noticed his picture on the screen.

AJ's heart began racing more than ever. Dean just hoped for the best. He would have loved nothing more than to actually find his match after thinking that he had no hope.

VC-AJL-Ive never been this anxious and nervous before. I just really want us to be a match. We have so much more of each other to explore so if we are a match id just be so excited to be with him.

VC-Dean- All the women of my past never quite trusted me. They thought I was very 'unhinged' and may have 'mental' problems. The truth is, I have regular problems, not mental ones. Anyway AJ....doesnt see that. She doesnt feel that way. She treats me like a normal person. Im not used to that at all.

"My heart is pounding." AJ said to him.

"Hey, in the fine words of Bob Marley, 'don't worry, be happy.'" Dean replied.

"I cant look." Paige said covering her eyes from seeing the screen.

"Me neither." TJ sourly said.

VC-Roman- Its week 9. If we dont get a third perfect match right now, we're in deep waters. Our days are numbered and our chance of winning this show may be hanging by a thread.

Finally...the scanners came to a stop and the results popped up.

"Ohhhhh my godddd!" Paige responded to the results.

"What the hell are we doing wrong?" Sasha ranted.

"The game is rigged guys! Ive been telling ya'll that." commented AJS.

Chris just got up and left to go sleep. He was just about done.

Once again AJL's heart shattered to pieces. Finer pieces. Tears flooded her eyes as she tried not to start bawling.

"Well...it was worth a shot." Dean said as he pulled her in for a hug.

VC-Dean- She was too good for me anyway.

Her breathing turned heavy. Dean consoled her by rubbing her back.

"Ev-every t-time-" her voice broke as she tried to speak between tears, "T-this happens. What am i- what am I doing wrong?"

She sniffled.

"Its not you. Stop blaming yourself."

"Then who should I blame!" she yelled, "Its my fault I keep going after the wrong guys! Just....why!! I keep giving people my heart and it never works out! Now you're going to go and forget all about me and I alone have to pick myself up from the floor!"

"Its not going to be like that AJ."

She wiped her eyes, "Im just so done!"

She stormed out of the Truth Booth and angrily headed back to the house. She barged in, not even looking at anyone, and went into the bathroom.

"Should we go check on her?" Mickie asked.

"You know the rule. Give them space." replied Cesaro.

She held her head as she paced and breathed heavy.

The sadness drained from her body. All she was feeling was anger and frustration. Her blood was boiling.

She knocked everything down from the top of the sink. Everyone's shampoo and toothpaste went flying. She continued pacing and breathing heavy.

"ITS NOT FAIR!" She screeched as she kicked a bucket that was laying around, "I WANT TO GO HOME!"

She grabbed a little bathroom rack that held someone's hair products and flung it against the glass door of the shower.

She screamed.

Down in the living room everyone heard the ruckus.

"What the hell is happening up there?" asked Roman.

"I think she got possessed." said Billie.

"Someone go check on her."AJS said.

"Not it!" Dolph said.

"Dean. Go get your girl." Paige said.

Dean hesitated, "Like...right now? Can I wait for like 10 minutes until she calms down."

CRASH!  They heard again from the bathroom followed by angry screaming.

"Can someone do something quick before she sets the goddamn house on fire!" Seth said.

"Fine i'll go." Paige volunteered.

"Wait Paige. Let TJ do it." suggested Dolph.

"Me? She'll bite my head off." TJ said.

"She's like 95 pounds what can she do?" Dolph said.

Soon after they heard the sound of something smashing against something and shattering.

"This is your chance TJ. Go get her."Dolph said.

He crossed his heart and headed to find her.

VC-Seth- No wonder why she wasn't his match. The match makers would never put two psychos together. That's just a recipe for total chaos.

He made his way to the bathroom and found her sitting on the floor surrounded by everyone's belongings scattered all around her. The bathroom was a wreck. She was crying. Her eyes were red and her face was wet.

"AJ." he said.

"Just get out."

"Can we-"

"GET OUT!" She screamed and started crying even more.

She grabbed the items that were around her and started throwing them.

He walked further into the bathroom, knelt down and hugged her. Her tears stained his hoodie. He rubbed her back as she just let it all out on his shoulder.

VC-AJL- *talking while crying* This was supposed to be my happy ending y'know. He was supposed to be the Joker to my Harley Quinn. Nothing ever works out for me. I thought that Dean was the one for me and him and I were going to leave this game happy together. Why cant I get what I want for once. Just once.

"Everything's going to be okay." he said.

A/N- Im sorry for the Deanlee hearts I broke today :( Anway, the Matchup Ceremony is next. This week its girl's choice. Tell me who you want paired with who!

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