Breaking Point (Sequel)

By Sincerely_McKenna

96.4K 2.5K 1K

Life for One Direction will change with two new additions to the family. After the Styles' twins are born, ta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
-Authors Note-
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 10

3.2K 94 27
By Sincerely_McKenna

Sara's POV

"Can you get a bottle from the fridge and warm it up? Aiden is hungry." I called out to Harry. Currently I'm sitting in the living room with the twins. Both of them are in their swing chairs while I fold the most recent load of laundry. It's crazy to see how fast the twins are growing. It feels like we just took them home from the hospital but in reality, their already more than a month old.

"Yeah give me one sec." He replied. I finished folding and put all the clothes back into the laundry bin. Not much has changed in the past few weeks. Harry and I have a pretty solid routine now. It's been easier getting up during the night with the twins and we've been able to cope with the lack of sleep better. As we have gotten better with the twins, Harry and I talked about the possibility of us getting our own place. We agreed it was the best thing to do. After many conversations, we ended up calling our realtor and set up a time and date to go look at houses. The appointment is for today at 3:30.

Louis and Eleanor offered to watch the twins while we go looking around. I know Louis has always been good with kids since the first time I saw him around the twins when they were first born. This will be the first time Harry and I have gone somewhere without the twins. I've barely gone out myself let alone without Aiden and Addison. I've tried to calm myself down by repeating over and over how they'll be fine. I'm not doubting Louis or Eleanor, I'm just worried.

Last night Harry and I discussed what types of places we'd be interested in and we both decided to look at houses that's not too big a flashy but more subtle and family based. I want us to raise our kids to grow up like any other child would. I don't want their dad's (celebrity status) effect their childhood. I don't want to use the word "normal" because I don't believe anything can be classified as "normal." Everyone is different in their own way and there isn't a specific definition to be the perfect human being.

"Here's your bottle. Louis and Eleanor should be here soon. They just went out to get something to eat. What time do we have to meet the realtor at?" Harry asked, handing me the now warm bottle. I picked Aiden up out of his seat and manoeuvred the bottle to his lips and into his mouth. It took him a few seconds but he soon latched on. I can honestly say I'm getting used to doing all the things a mother is supposed to do considering I have to do it so much in a day.

"Were meeting Darrel at the first house in about twenty minutes." Darrel Cook is our realtor we arranged a meeting with after he was suggested to us by one of Harry's managers. "I hope Eleanor and Louis get back soon. We have to leave here as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can get Samantha or Niall to watch them until they get here. They are just upstairs, you know." Harry pointed out. I nodded my head. I have nothing wrong with someone else in the house to watch them because I'm sure they're fully capable but I just got used to letting Louis and Eleanor watch them.

I thought it was a good idea to put the twins down for their nap before we leave so it will be easier for everyone else. Their usually pretty good with naps and don't normally get up for a few hours which will hopefully be enough time for Harry and I to go and come back. Darrel said we'd only be looking at a few houses today so it shouldn't take us too long.

Harry walked over to the window in the twins room. "Eleanor and Louis are here, they just pulled up." I pulled the blanket over Addison and followed Harry out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"Aiden and Addison just went down for a nap so they shouldn't be up for a while. Bottles are in the fridge. Diapers are in the top drawer of the dresser if you need them. There is pacifiers beside-"

"Sara, it's fine. I'm sure I'll be able to figure out were everything is if I need it. Don't worry about a thing. Focus on finding yourself a house." Eleanor reassured, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks for doing this." I told them. "We shouldn't be too long."

"Have fun!"

We got into the car and arrived at the house not much longer. As we drove to the house, all I could picture was Harry and I driving home to our first house after visiting what would now be the old house. Everything is changing so fast lately it's hard to wrap my head around it. I'm a mother, I have month old twins, and I'm buying a house with the love of my life.

As we turn another corner, I look down at the still beautiful ring on my finger. I remember the night Harry gave me the promise ring. It was a few months before the twins were born. It seems like a lifetime ago we were back in Cheshire. His worlds still replay in my head: "I love you and I want you to know that I intend to marry you one day. This ring shows you that I'll always be there for you and our children. That no matter what happens, I'll stand by you."

I can't help think about one day marrying Harry. I never pictured my life turning out this way but I couldn't be happier with it. I'm in such a better place now and I can go no where but up from here. Buying a house with Harry is just the first step to living a happy life with the father of my children. We may still be young but I feel like we have taken on such a mature roll. Being parents isn't easy but we seem to be handling it well.

"Were here." The car stopped and we both got out. I looked at the house standing in front of me. It was a beautiful house on the outside. It's close to what I had in mind with makes it even better.

"It's a really nice house." Harry smiled. He grabbed my hand and I locked our fingers together. I soon felt the warmth of our hands and I couldn't help but smile as well. I leaned closer to him as we spotted the realtor standing by the front door.

"I see your early." Darrel greeted us. We both shook his hand. I can finally put a face to a name. His dark hair is short and I can see the start of wrinkles forming around his eyes. I wouldn't say he's very young but he's not exactly old. I'm guessing he's in his late forty's.

"Would you like to see the house?" I looked at Harry and we both smiled. I put my hand on the door handle and imagined walking into the house with my kids and being able to call it home. We walked into the house and I was in amazement by the interior design. Right in front of us was a beautiful set of stairs that divided at top so you could walk in either direction.

"To your left you will enter into the dining room. The table and chairs are included with the house." Darrel told us. The table was a dark brown color and was extremely smooth to the touch. The chairs had white seat cushions on them and there were was a playful centre in the middle, finishing the look.

"If we continue, you will walk into the kitchen."

The kitchen was what I was the most exited to see. As we entered the room, I was blown away. There was a stainless steel refrigerator and marble counter tops. I ran my finger tips over the marble and couldn't remove my smile off my face. I closed my eyes and pictures myself in the future, working in the kitchen with Aiden and Addison. We would make cookies together and bake treats for when Harry would come home from work. It seemed absolutely perfect.

We walked through the rest of the house and everything seemed to amaze me. "The last thing I want to show you is the backyard."

We walked outside through a sliding glass door. The layout was beautiful. The first thing I noticed was the children's swing set and playhouse. It seemed like this house was made for our little family. The upstairs had four bedrooms in it which meant Addison and Aiden would have their own bedrooms when they were old enough while Harry and I would have our own bedroom. We would still have a spare bedroom for anyone to stay over like Harry's parents or one of the boys.

"So that ends the tour there. What are your thoughts on it?" Darrel asked. Harry who has been quiet more than half of the time we've been here, spoke up.

"I think it's great. Sara seems to like it which is important to me and it has a lot that we were looking for."

"Keep in mind, we still have two more houses to look at today." Darrel reminded us. I was happy to continue looking and I hope the rest of the houses are just as good as the first one.


Harry and I are driving home after looking at all three houses. They somewhat had the same design but they were all different sizes. The second house was similar to the first one but it was significantly bigger, almost too big. There would be many spaces that wouldn't be used. The third house was like the second one but there were a lot of things that Harry and I didn't particularly like about it. That leaves the first house.

Both Harry and I know we don't have to choose a house right now but we don't feel the need to look at any more houses when we like the first one so much. Not to mention the area where the house is, is really nice. There is a small park about a five minute walk from the house. It will be perfect for when Aiden and Addison are older. We talked to Darrell and told him that we are interest in buying the first house. He told us he would contact the owners and get a price from them. He said he will get back to us in a couple days.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Harry asked, removing me from my thoughts. He grabbed my hand as he continued to drive down the road.

"I'm thinking about how amazing it's going to be spending the rest of my life with you." I smiled. I went to go give him a kiss on the cheek when my phone began to vibrated. I glanced at the caller ID to see its Louis. My heart began to race. What if something happened to the twins? Not even a second later, I answered the call as soon as I could.

"What happened? Are the twins alright? What did you do?" I exclaimed. Harry looked at me and had a concerned look on his face.

"Sara calm down, nothing's wrong and the twins are fine." Louis replied. I let out a huge sigh of relief. Harry could see on my face that nothing was wrong so he focused on the road again.

"Then why did you call because you just about gave me a damn heart attack."

"I was just phoning to see if you could pick up something for dinner because no one has made anything yet and I've been taking care of your kids all day." He exaggerated. I rolled my eyes.

"Louis it's been like two hours and fine, what do you want?" I asked. I could hear him yelling to what I assumed was the rest of the guys. I hope the twins aren't sleeping because if they, they won't be for much longer.

"For Christ sake! It's so hard to be quiet around here! Now one of the twins are awake for like the hundredth time today." He sighed. I really do feel bad that they have to deal with the twins but it helped us out a lot and I'm sure Louis is just exaggerating a little.

"Does pizza sound okay?" I asked.

"Yeah sure."

I hung up the phone and instructed Harry to pull into the nearest pizzeria. We returned home shortly and I couldn't get into the house faster. I threw my bag down and kicked off my shoes, not caring where they landed. I didn't even make it to the living room before Louis walked over to me and handed me Addison.

"Here, take it. She's all yours. I'm done babysitting for the next year." He complained, throwing his hands in the air and walking away, making a big fuss. I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but laugh. I followed him into the living room to see Eleanor holding Aiden. Samantha, Niall and Zayn were also there. I can see Samantha sleeping on Niall and I can't somewhat feel jealous. I haven't had very much alone time with Harry since the twins were born. I can't remember the last time I cuddled up to him on the couch.

"Where's Liam?" I asked.

"He's with Emma. Their back at her place." Liam's been at Emma's a lot lately. It was hard to remember that their a couple but since they've been hanging out so much more, it's hard to forget.

"Oh there's pizza in the kitchen if you want." Niall quickly stood up, making Samantha fall sideways on the couch. Her eyes opened but just too glare at Niall.

"Sorry babe, forgot you were there. How about I bring you back some pizza?" He asked rather quickly. She didn't reply so he took that as a no. Everyone else seemed to leave the room to go eat except Samantha. With Samantha now up, I took the opportunity to tell her about today. I walked over to her and took Niall's spot beside her.

"So how was house hunting?" She asked before I could even say anything.

"It went really well. Don't tell anyone but we found a house we really like and we told the realtor were interested in buying it. He's talking to the owners to try to get a price and he'll get back to us in the next couple of days." I told her. The expression on her face was almost unreadable. I couldn't tell if she was happy for us or not.

"That's great, I'm really happy for you both. It's a big step in your relationship." She smiled even if the smile wasn't 100% real.

"I know your not being honest with me. Tell me what's actually going through your mind." I told her. She sighed and looked down at her hands. She began to pick at her nail polish, something she always does when she's nervous or uncomfortable.

"The truth is, I don't know if I'm ready for you to move out yet. I know it's not my decision and I'll have to adjust to it but this is such a big milestone in your life. It won't be the same not having you around. Even when we were back living in Wolverhampton you practically loves at my house." She replied.

"Then we'll just have to arrange for you to come visit often at the new house. I know for a fact your going to love it. It's perfect for the four of us and most of the stuff in the house is included so we don't have to buy too many things for it. We'll have to pack up the twins room along with mine and Harry's room but that's about it."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for you and Harry. Let's just see if Harry will put that promise ring to good use any time soon."

That was the last thing she said, leaving me in wonder and confusion.

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