War of Hormone | JJK

By taekookiesncream

8.3K 167 49

"We're just really... close..." ~ ~ ~ Jungkook and Madeleine have been friends, in fact close friends, for a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 32

Chapter 9

204 3 2
By taekookiesncream

My eyes flutter open as I awaken from my peaceful sleep. I take a second to take in my surroundings and soon realize that I have to pee. I turn my head to the side to see a still sleeping Jungkook with his naked back facing me. I slowly pull the covers off and sit up, trying my hardest not to wake him up. I climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

I come back to the room and climb back into bed, crawling up behind him so my chest is pressed up against his back. I swing my arm over his shoulders and put my face in the crook of his neck feeling the warmth of his skin and being engulfed by his scent. He stirs a little bit as I do so and I feel his hand snake up to hold mine.

"Good morning," he says in his cute, raspy, morning voice, turning his head slightly towards me.

"Mmm I thought you were still sleeping," I whisper into his neck.

"I've been up for a little while, I'm just relaxing and resting my eyes." I close my eyes again to do the same. We lay there for a little while just cuddling. "How did you sleep?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"I slept great. What about you?"

"Same. I wonder if Jimin is back yet."

"I have no idea." He slowly sits up, my arm falling off of him. "Nooooo, I don't wanna get up." I groan because I had just gotten comfortable again.

"I don't either but Jimin will probably kill both of us if we stay in bed all day." I sigh and sit back up even though I would rather stay there. "I have to pee first." He gets out of bed and puts on his t-shirt that was thrown on the floor last night along with a pair of gray sweatpants. I take that as my opportunity to flop back down on the bed on my back, closing my eyes again.

"Hey Maddy, what do-," I start to hear Jungkook say as he comes back to the bedroom. "Oh no, princess. If I have to get up, you're getting up too." Before I even open my eyes he puts his arms under me and picks me up bridal style like he did last night, which causes me to open my eyes.

"Ugh, okay I'm up." I groan. He bends down to put my feet on the ground.

"As I was trying to say before you fell asleep, what do you want for breakfast?" He asks, taking my hand and guiding me to the kitchen.

"I don't really care. Whatever you feel like." I follow behind. Once we reach the dining room area he lets go of my hand and that's when I spot Jimin sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee with papers lying around him. I sit across from him.

"Ahhh, look who made it home," Jungkook jokes as he walks into the kitchen. A smile appears on Jimin's face and he tries to hide it, but fails miserably.

"Oh, yeah. I got back a little while ago. I didn't mean to come back this late." He picks up his coffee and puts it in front of his face to try and hide his smile.

"How was your night?" Jungkook asks.

"It was...good." He stopped trying to hide his smile because it turned into a grin.

"After Maddy decides what she wants to eat I want to hear all about it." I snap my head to look at Jungkook. I scan the boxes of cereal on top of the fridge because I wasn't that hungry.

"Just some Frosted Flakes."

"That's it?" Jungkook asks, reaching for the box.

"Yeah for now."

"Okay. So, Jimin. Am I finally going to find out who this mystery friend is?" Jungkook brings me the bowl of cereal, putting it down on the table in front of me and sits down in between me and Jimin, our usual spots at the table.

"I can eat in Jungkook's room if you want to talk to him alone, Jimin," I offered because I wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about this in front of me when he hasn't even told Jungkook anything yet.

"No no, please stay. I want to tell you both because I'm...excited. And I know he was going to tell you anyway."

"Okay so it's obviously not just a friend. Who is she?" Jungkook urges Jimin to tell.

"Well, actually...it's not a girl. It's a guy. And we started hanging out just as friends and but then we kissed and it just kind of...turned into something, I don't know." He looked down, avoiding both of us.

"Okay so how did you meet? What's his name? You have to give me some more information I'm dying here." Jimin met Jungkook's gaze and smiled.

"Well his name is Hoseok and I met him at the gym a couple weeks ago, maybe more. He's a dance instructor there and I would catch myself staring at him during his classes sometimes because the dance studio was separated by a wall of glass from the workout stations. One day he caught me and we started talking and then one thing led to another and we started hanging out. We got coffee, worked out together, and I sat in and watched a few of his dance classes. He's an amazing dancer. And a really great guy."

"So when did you guys kiss. Are you like a thing?"

"Not too long ago. It was actually in the locker room at the gym." His cheeks turn pink and he runs his fingers through his hair. I think it's adorable. Both him and Jungkook do that when they're nervous. "It was kind of awkward and I did it on impulse and regretted it right after because I didn't know if he was feeling that vibe too or if it was just me. But then he kissed me back and I kind of fell for him. Not to sound dramatic or like every girl in every rom-com ever, but there's something about him, I like him." I didn't want to interrupt the flow of his story so I just kept taking bites of my cereal and smiling.

"So why didn't you tell me before? You really thought I was convinced that it was just 'a friend?' Sorry to break it to you buddy but me and Maddy both knew it wasn't just a friend." Jimin laughed before he spoke.

"I don't know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to purposely keep it from you. I just didn't really know where this was gonna go and I didn't want to say anything if all we were gonna be was just friends. I never felt this way about a guy before and I had no idea how to react, you know?" Jimin admitted.

"It's fine, I'm not mad. I just wanted to know who this mystery person was because it wasn't hard to tell that they were making you happy. And especially since you stayed over last night I just would like to know where you are and who you're with, it would just make me feel better."

"Yeah I get that. I wasn't trying to sneak around. But after last night I wanted to tell you. That's why I said I would explain when I got home on the phone last night."

"Did you guys...you know...get busy?" I slap Jungkook's chest. He gasped and looked at me, holding his chest.

"Are you serious? That's what you wanna know? You're something else, Jungkook." I scold him.

"What, I'm sorry I was just curious." Jimin rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed at his comment too.

"No we did not. We just hung out, you know nothing special. After we ate dinner we went back to his place, which he doesn't live that far from here, but we talked and kissed and cuddled and kissed some more and then we went to sleep. We woke up early, but I didn't want to leave him, that's why I got back so late."

"So is this a thing now? Does he like you back?" Jungkook quizzes Jimin.

'Well, I hope he does, he did invite me back to his place to hang out. And we kissed almost the entire time I was there so if he doesn't then I'm wasting my time."

"He definitely does. He wouldn't invite you back to his place to just hang out if he didn't like you. So it sounds like to me that he does." I chime in.

"I hope so. I really like him. I didn't expect this to turn into anything, but it kind of did. I always thought he was attractive from the moment I saw him and when we started talking it just made me more invested. I'm not saying right now, but I would date him, eventually, maybe. Guys, he's so sweet." He smiles again.

"Can we see what he looks like?" I ask. I'm eager to see what he looks like. Jimin has such a particular taste in women, but every single girl I've ever seen him with was very attractive. But he's also a very attractive man. Tall, slim, baby soft yellowish-paleish skin, long soft blonde hair, plump pink lips, sharp jawline, and beautiful brown eyes. Not to mention how he looks in his business attire; put that man in a black suit or dark blue suit with some nice dress shoes and damn. If he wasn't Jungkook's best friend, shit, I would fall for him too.

"Yeah hold on, let me pull up his Instagram." He scrolls through his phone and hands the phone to Jungkook. I get up and hover over him to look at the pictures. I would be lying if I said I wasn't impressed. He wasn't what I expected, but then again I didn't really picture him looking any specific way. He was tall, had long brown hair that fell in his eyes in some pictures and in others it was parted and completely out of his eyes, skin tone similar to Jimin's, chiseled jawline and the biggest, most beautiful smile I've ever seen. He was no doubt attractive. There were videos on his Instagram of him dancing and he can dance. Like he's amazing. Right off the bat I can see what Jimin sees in him.

"He's so handsome and he can dance. I'm impressed, Jimin." He smiles and his cheeks turn pink again.

"Dude's a great dancer, I'm impressed also. Not gonna lie though, he is very attractive, good job Jim." Jungkook hands Jimin his phone back and pats his shoulder. "So when do we get to meet him?"

"I'm not sure. He asked me out to dinner this weekend coming up. Maybe I'll talk to him and see it he's comfortable with meeting my friends first."

"Well, I can't wait to meet him. Just let me know when he's ready and I'll be there." Jungkook says and takes my bowl to put it in the sink.

"Same here. I'm really happy for you, Jimin."

"Thanks guys. It felt so good to talk about. I knew neither one of you were going to judge me, but like I said I've never been with a guy before and it's a whole new experience. I just didn't know how to...come out...I guess? I don't really know." He shrugged.

"You like who you like, dude. That's just how it is. My main concern was where you were sleeping last night. For all I knew you could've went to a serial killer's house and I never would've known. But now that I do, I feel a lot better. But I'm happy for you too and he better treat you right, that's all I'm saying." I laugh at Jungkook's comment, he thinks he's all tough but he's really just talk.

"Thanks again, guys. Hopefully you can meet him soon, I really want you to see how great he is." Jimin gets up and puts his mug in the sink. He comes back to the table to organize his papers and take them with him back to his office. "But just so you know Jungkook, he works out a lot more than you do and is a professional dancer, so he could probably kick your ass without even trying." He pats Jungkook's back and makes his way to his office. I bust out laughing because I was just making fun of Jungkook in my head. His mouth hangs open a little bit in shock.

"Think you're so tough, huh?"


Okay so this was a short chapter, but I want to try to develop Jimin's character a little more. But there's a lot more exciting stuff coming soon so stay tuned! If you're enjoying the story so far then comment/vote, it would mean a lot to me :)

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