WWE- Are You The One (Season...

Por SinnaMonnBun

60.7K 2.1K 6.2K

What would you do if you were throw into a house with 20 something strangers and told that one of these stran... Mais

Game Format/ Description
Male Cast
Female Cast
Episode 1- Part 1
Episode 1-Part 2-Challenge 1
Episode 1- Part 3- Dates
Episode 1- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 2- Part 1
Episode 2- Part 2- Challenge 2
Episode 2- Part 3- Dates
Episode 2- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 3- Part 1
Episode 3- Part 2- Challenge 3
Episode 3-Part 3- Dates
Episode 3- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 4- Part 1- Challenge 4
Episode 4- Part 2- Dates
Episode 4- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 5- Part 1- Challenge 5
Episode 5- Part 2- Dates
Episode 5- Part 3
Episode 5- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 6- Part 1- Challenge 6
Episode 6- Part 2- White Party (1)
Episode 6- Part 3- White Party (2)
Episode 6- Part 4- Dates/Match Up Ceremony
Episode 7- Part 1- Challenge 7
Just a Quick Question about Ships
Episode 7- Part 3- Match Up Ceremony
Episode 8- Part 1- Challenge 8
Episode 8- Part 2- Dates
Episode 8- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 9- Part 1- Challenge 9
Episode 9- Part 2- Dates
Episode 9- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 10-Part 1
Episode 10- Part 2- Challenge 10
Episode 10-Part 3-Dates
Episode 10- Part 4-Matchup Ceremony
Episode 11-Part 1- Challenge 11
Episode 11- Part 2- Dates
Intro Video
Episode 11- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 12- Part 1-Challenge 12
Episode 12-Part 2- Last Date
Final Matchup Ceremony Discussion
Episode 12- Part 3- Final Matchup Ceremony
Reunion Special

Episode 7- Part 2- Dates

926 39 157
Por SinnaMonnBun

"Who are you voting for to go into the Truth Booth?" Roman asked, taking a seat next to Jojo on the sofa with a coffee mug in his hand.

"Um..are you talking to me?" she asked him.

He looked side to side, "Yea. You're the only one here."

"I really dont feel like talking to you right now." she turned to the side.

"Uh, okay, what did I do?" he asked.

"Dont act like nothing happened Roman. What, you think you can go around hooking up with other girls and I would be okay with it. I saw you and Sasha. Why do you think Peyton and Billie caused a scene that night? Because I told them about it."

Roman sighed.

VC-Roman- I was really intoxicated that night but I do have slight memories of getting with Sasha. She was coming on to me and...I guess it was all in the heat of the moment. I had no clue that Jojo saw everything. I feel so horrible. Jojo is a great girl and she definitely doesn't deserve that.

"Im really sorry Jo. I didnt mean to hurt your feelings."

"Of course you didnt. Thats what they all say. Im not here to play games Roman. Its either you want her or you want me. I mean, ive spent all this time with you, getting to know you so its not easy seeing you hook up with someone else. Do you have feelings for her?"

"Well..." he scratched his head, "Not as much as I have for you but I do think Sasha has a possibility of being my match."

Jojo looked at him, "Well, If you think she can be your match then just chase after her and stop leading me on. Im not just here to win money. Im here to find love. I want to leave Hawaii knowing that ive found someone. As far as I can see, you're attention isnt fully on me. If you're down for me then I need to know you're only about me and not thinking about anybody else." she stood up, "Come talk to me when you've figured out what you really need."

She started walking away.

"Jo." he called out, "Why you gotta act like this? It was just a random hookup."

She turned around to face him, "Oh a random hookup? That makes it okay because it was random?"

"Stop acting like im your man and your property."

"Im supposed to sit here, see you hook up with other people then come talk to me like nothing happened while you're also fulling my head with lies saying that I can be your match?" she raised her voice in an angry tone, "Lemme tell you one more time, if you're down for me, you're down for me only. Thats it. I do not come in second to anyone."

She turned and stormed off, leaving Roman sitting there on the sofa.

VC-Jojo- I may be the quiet girl in the house but I sure as hell aint no pushover. My mom taught me better than that. I know my worth.


Paige walked all around the house looking for one specific person. Eventually, she found him sitting in the balcony alone, strumming his guitar.

"Elias." she stood at the doorway and called.

He turned his head to look at her. He smirked a little but tried to hide it.

"You and I, need to talk." she said walking over to him.

"Yea we do." he said putting his guitar on the floor.

"The night of the party, what was that?" she asked in a serious tone.

There was a moment of silence before he answered, "That whole thing was stupid."

"It was fucking stupid you asshole." she said to him, "Ive tried to brush off the feelings I had for you but I cant. I still freaking love you but like...why. Why her?"

" I still love you too but it was one kiss. It doesnt mean I have feelings for her.Listen im just trying to find my match and get this whole thing over with. I got to start getting to know other people just for the sake of the game, not because I want to. "

"That doesnt mean you gotta kiss your way around to find your match."

"Oh really? Tell Chris that. Remember, spin the bottle."

She laughed, "Chris is a nutjob. But im serious. Renee has thrown herself at everyone. If you think shes genuinely interested you, you got another thing coming. I have so much feelings for you it literally rips me apart inside. I wish I could just drop you and move on but...I cant."

"I know." He softly said, "I cant either."

"Then you have that stupid date with her coming up." Paige rolled her eyes.

"Listen, you dont have to worry about anything. I dont have feelings for Renee or any other girl here except you. Can we just forget about that whole night and pretend like nothing ever happened?"

"Oh do you think its that easy?"

He looked at her.

She stared into his pleading eyes and smiled, "You're lucky you're so sexy. Just dont hurt me again."

"I wont. Dont worry about it."

She reached in for a hug and eventually she went in for a kiss.

"Im sorry." He uttered once more.

VC-Paige- Renee, I dont know what you're trying to do but if you dare throw yourself at my man again, im going to get myself kicked off the show because of the things i'll do to you.


Dates: Paddle Boarding to restaurant.

At The Restaurant

VC-Renee- So far, my date with Elias hasnt been going....like I thought it would. He's been very quiet and...I dont like that.

The two sat at a table on the outdoor deck of the restaurant that overlooked the ocean. Elias just stared out into the water as Renee continuously stirred her orange juice with her straw. Laughter from Tye and Peyton's table filled the air. At Renee and Elias' table there was nothing but silence.

"I like your floral shirt. I can see you're in touch with your feminine side." Renee smiled trying to break the ice.

He looked up at her, "No. Not really. Its just a shirt. It doesnt mean anything."

She nodded, feeling stupid for saying that.

"So tell me something about yourself. What do you like to do for fun? What are your interests? What are your goals?"

He took a deep breath as if he didnt want to talk to her, "I like music and playing guitar."

"Really? Who's your favorite musician?"

"Johnny Cash."

"Thats so cool. Do you want to become a musician some day?"

"I already am."he stated boldly.

At the same moment, the waitress came with their food.

"Baby back ribs with a side of sea salt fries and a sprite?" she said.

Elias raised his finger signaling it was his.

"And a garden salad?"

"Ooo, thats mine." Renee said.

The waitress rest the plates down and left.

"Man, those fries look so good." Renee said taking one Elias' fries.

This got him triggered.

"...What are you doing?" he glared at her.

"I just took a fry." She shrugged, "No big deal. Those fries are really good by the way."

"If you wanted fries then why didnt you order some? Eat your salad." he said roughly.

She didnt know what to say. Her eyes darted from corner to corner.

He shifted his plate closer to him and continued eating.

"Jeez, why are you such a dick today?" she asked.

He heard her question but didnt respond. He kept on eating knowing very well that he was being an asshole.

VC-Renee- Well this date freaking sucked. How am I supposed to establish a connection with him when he's being so standoffish. At this point im feeling so uncomfortable and hurt and I just want to go back into the house.

VC-Elias- I cant help it, when im in asshole mode, I stay in asshole mode.


Date 2- Camping at Private Beach.

Mandy and Cesaro was out alone on a beautiful private beach. They started a bond fire and sat around it on folding chairs, looking out onto the water and the beautiful sky still not believing they had a whole beach to themselves.

"You are truly stunning." Cesaro said to Mandy, admiring the way the sun set was hitting her face.

She smiled, "Stop."

"Dont act like you dont know you're gorgeous."

"Haha, I do know that."

"Why do I feel like you're going to end up hurting me in the long run?" he asked.

"I dont know. Thats a bit disappointing to hear."

"I guess im so paranoid. Thats what happens when you're with a beautiful woman."

"So, you dont trust me?" she asked.

"Im really trying to trust you 100%. Right now im at like, 78%. You said that you've always cheated so that concerns me. I dont want to give you my all and in turn get cheated on."

"Cesaro ive told you before, all the guys ive dated in the past were exactly like Dolph. Immature and stupid. Ive never had anybody like you before. I have something so good right now, why would I throw it all away. Im here to change and because of you, I think I am."

Cesaro smiled.

"I dont expect you to have the full 100% of trust in me yet but im working my way for you to eventually reach that."

"Okay." he nodded and smiled, "I believe you."

"I like you a lot." she said.

"I like you too."

VC-Mandy- If its one thing ive noticed about Cesaro is how respectful he is. Thats something I wasnt used to in the past. Usually when im with a guy the first thing they think about is sex but so far, Cesaro hasnt even made those advances. He's a true gentleman and he knows how to treat a lady. Im done messing with these boys. Men like Cesaro is what I should have been going for all this time.

"So, what are we going to do with this whole beach to ourselves?" he asked.

She smirked, "That's a good question. How about...skinny dipping?"

"I'll do anything you want."

VC-Mandy- Maybe tonight i'll be the one making the advances *Smirks*


After the dates concluded, everyone returned back to the house for the Truth Booth. As per usual, everyone gathered in the living room where Shane and the returning daters joined them.

"Hey guys, welcome to your seventh Truth Booth." Shane emphasized on seventh.

Everyone clapped.

"Lets welcome back our daters, Peyton and Tye, Renee and Elias and Cesaro and Mandy. Renee, Elias, how was your date?"

Renee shook her head, "I dont want to think about it."

"So im guessing it went not so good?" Shane asked.

"Horrible. I just want to say, Elias, if you have to treat other girls in the house like that then you might never find your match and we might lose the game. I get it. You're not over Paige but that doesnt mean you got to be a complete douche bag to other girls who are trying to get to know you."

Paige smirked.

Elias didnt respond.

The whole room was in awkward silence for some seconds.

"Well thats a definite perfect match right there guys." Dean sarcastically said.

Shane chuckled, "Well, without further ado, lets reveal who you decided to send into the Truth Booth."

He pointed to the screen and after a few seconds, a picture of Tye and Peyton popped up.

"The couple thats going into the Truth Booth this week is Tye and Peyton. Go ahead and start making your way into the Booth guys. Good luck."

Tye and Peyton looked at each and smiled.

VC-Finn- Just get them out of here. They wanted each other sooo much so I wish them all the best.

They held hands and left the room.

VC-Chris- Im not so sure that those two would be a match but hey, it made more sense than the other two couples. Thank god I didnt vote for Elias and Renee.

"What do you think its going to be?" Peyton asked Tye on her way to the Booth.

"Im hoping its a match of course. I want you all to myself."

She blushed.

They reached the doors of the Truth Booth and entered inside. Within a few seconds, the scanners began.

Everyone's fingers were crossed.

VC-Seth- For the love of god, please let it be a match.

VC-Dana- I feel confident in this.

VC-Dolph- If the screen says no match, I wont be surprised.

Finn sat anxiously waiting to see the results. He may have claimed to be over Peyton but she still had part of his heart. After 2 years of being single and finally falling in love again only to be cheated on wasnt something you can just get over. On the outside he seemed like he was dealing with it really well but on the inside he still kept asking himself what did he do wrong. However, he was a forgiving soul. If Peyton came back to him asking for a second chance, he wouldve given in. If the screen said no match, then there was a strong chance that he could be her match but, if the screen said perfect match then he wasted all his time and feelings on someone that didnt even appreciate it. He acted tough and kept on saying he hopes its a perfect match but deep deep down, he wanted her back and he wanted her as his match just to rub it in Tye's face.

The results finally came up.

Everyone gasped.

Peyton covered her mouth in disbelief. Tye's eyes grew wide.

"Woah," said Paige.

Peyton jumped into Tye's arms as they celebrated in the Truth Booth.

"Yesss! I knew it!" he said to her.

"Oh my god I cant believe it!" she responded.

Everyone back at the house erupted into a celebration.

They jumped about, hugging each other and randomly screaming.

Finn stood and clapped with a fake smile on his face.

VC-Peyton- I cant believe it! All this time Tye was my match!

VC-Tye- I chased after what my heart told me to chase after and it ended up being a perfect match. From our very first date my mind was hooked on Peyton and I didn't back away. Because of me her and Finn broke up and because of me we found our second perfect  match. This goes to show that we all should really be following our hearts.


"FINALLLLLY!"Paige yelled out then grabbed Elias and kissed him.

VC-Finn- Well...good for them. Not like I mattered anyway.

Peyton and Tye ran back to the house and was immediately greeted with cheers, hugs and congratulatory comments.

VC-Sasha- Good, get her out of here. Its about time. I wonder if she wants me to pack her bags...............

"Oh you guys! Im so happy for you!" Billie said, hugging Peyton.

VC-Mickie- Poor Finn. He's just standing there looking at them.

Dean handed Tye a bottle of champagne and the couple climbed onto the counter tops, shook the bottle, uncapped it and let it explode down on everyone as a way to celebrate.

Finn tried to stop feeling the way he was but he couldnt shake it. He remained standing there, watching as Tye and Peyton share a kiss.

A/N-Matchup Ceremony is next guys. This week its girls choice. You know what you go to do. Even though i already know who you want being paired together, comment it anyway.

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I'm doing this because I can seem to keep a Harem story going! Enjoy!