War of Hormone | JJK

By taekookiesncream

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"We're just really... close..." ~ ~ ~ Jungkook and Madeleine have been friends, in fact close friends, for a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 32

Chapter 6

318 7 0
By taekookiesncream

I wake up to the sound of muffled voices in the distance and the clinking of pots and pans. It takes me a second to open my eyes and when I do, I feel refreshed. That might have been the best sleep I've gotten in a while. I fell right asleep and didn't wake up once; very well rested. I roll over feeling the other side of the bed next to me empty. Jungkook is awake before me? What kind of alternate universe are we in where he cooks and gets up before me?

I slowly sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I stretch and grab my phone in the process. A message from Dana.

D: Sorry again about last night, but I think I really hit it off with his parents. I can't wait to tell you about it! Call me when you can. But other than that, I hope you're okay!

M: That's great! I'm so happy for you, I can't wait to hear all about it. And seriously D don't worry about it. I stayed over Jungkook's last night and I'm still here so I'll call you when I get home

I walk to the bathroom to pee and then look at myself in the mirror. The hickies aren't as bad as they were yesterday, but they are still extremely noticeable. At least there weren't any new ones added last night so I'm happy about that.

I still hear the muffled voices so I walk down the hallway to find the source. As I'm walking down the hallway I see Jimin sitting at the dining room table and Jungkook in the kitchen in front of the stove. Is he cooking again?

Jimin must have noticed me walking closer because he met my gaze with a smile.

"Good Morning Maddy," he says and takes a sip of his coffee. As soon as he says my name, Jungkook snapped his head around to look at me. He smiles from ear to ear.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He jokes then looks back down at the stove.

"Very funny. Good morning guys." I yawn and take a seat at the table across from Jimin. "It's usually you sleeping later than me, so I don't want to hear it." I fire back at him. Jimin laughs at my comment.

"Fair enough. How did you sleep last night?" Jungkook asks.

"Amazing actually. That might have been the best sleep I've had in a while honestly."

"It must've been because it was dead silent last night. I usually hear you guys up until late." Jimin says, scolding both of us. I look away from him, my cheeks tinged with pink.

"I promised I would keep him quiet!" I say back trying to defend myself.

"I'm just kidding, you guys never bother me. I just think it's funny." Jimin says as he takes another sip of his coffee. This is the first time I've seen him in a while just relax a little and not surrounded by work and documents and what not. I do feel bad that he's always working, but he likes what he does. It's so funny, Jimin and Jungkook are complete polar opposites. I think that's why they click so much.

I snap my head in Jungkook's direction when I hear him speak.

"Are you hungry Maddy? I made pancakes." He sounded so proud of himself.

"Of course I'm hungry, that sounds amazing."

"They were actually good, he didn't burn them. Or the entire apartment complex down." Jimin joked. I threw my head back and laughed.

"Yeah yeah yeah, very funny. You weren't saying that before when you ate every bite," he said in a mocking tone. Jimin put his hands up in surrenderance.

After the pancakes were done he threw some on a plate for me and brought the plate over to me. I was going to ask him for something to drink, but he beat me to it by bringing me a glass of chocolate milk.

"Aww thank you." That was really cute. It's the little things.

He went back to the kitchen and got his plate and a bottle of syrup. He sat down in the chair at the end of the table, between me and Jimin who were sitting on either side. I dig into the food, which was really good. I liked them even more because Jungkook was so proud of himself for making them.

"Do you have a lot of work to do today, Jim?" Jungkook asks Jimin in between bites. Jimin looks up from his phone to answer him.

"Same as usual. Just some financial cases to analyze." Jimin doesn't seem bothered by it, even though it sounds like a different language to me and probably Jungkook.

"I don't know how you do it. I mean, you're really good at it. But it just looks like a big jumbled up pile of numbers." That's what I thought.

"It pretty much is. But this is only temporary. Until I become a financial manager and I won't have to work these long hours." It seems like he has a lot figured out already in terms of his future and career. It kind of makes me feel bad because I have absolutely no idea what I want to do, even though I've had plenty of time to think about it.

"Maybe I can be smart and a big business man like you one day." Jungkook saying that made my heart hurt a little bit. It's so sad to see him think he's not good enough or smart enough. He has the potential to be great at a lot of things but he doubts himself and doesn't get out there and try.

"Of course you can, but Jungkook, you're already smart. You act dumb and like a child sometimes, but you're not stupid. You can do anything you want and be good at it." I absolutely love the relationship they have with each other. He's like the older brother he never had. That's what sucks about being an only child, not having an older sibling to guide you. Me and Jungkook are both the only child. Jungkook has Jimin, at least. Dana is like that for me, she's not really older than me, but she is definitely wiser and guides me, acting like an older sister.

Jungkook just looks down at his plate, not really knowing what to say. "I'm serious, Jungkook. I tell you that all the time." Jungkook looks at him and smiles.

"Thanks bud."

"And you too, Maddy. You're really smart too and like I said last night, you'll figure out what you want to do in the future. Some people just take a little longer to figure it out. My father is a business man and I just kind of took after him. But you both can really do anything you set your mind to." I don't really know how it got to this, but that was really nice.

"Thank you, Jimin, really." He smiles at us and gets up.

"I have to get started on work. If you guys need anything, I'll be in my office." He puts his mug in the sink and disappears down the hallway.

I put my silverware and napkin on my plate.

"Pancakes for breakfast and chicken for dinner, I could definitely get used to this," I lean back in my chair.

"I told you I would do this for you everyday, you know," he gets up and puts my plate on top of his to bring them to the kitchen sink. "What do you feel like doing?" He turns around and looks at me, leaning on the counter behind him with his hands holding the edges.

"I don't really care honestly. I just don't feel like going home yet."

"Wanna watch a movie? Maybe something good is on."

"Sure, sounds good to me." He sits down on the corner of the couch while I wait for him to get comfortable so I can choose my spot. He pulls the lever on the side of the couch and reclines the chair back, the foot rest also coming up so he's in a laying down position. I crawl up next to him and he puts his arm out so I can get comfortable. I put my right leg over his legs and rest my head and hand on his shoulder. His left arm is snaked around my neck, holding my body close to him. He reaches over and grabs the remote from the bedside table and flips the tv on. He settles on "10 Things I Hate About You," as he knows I like that movie.

"Are you comfortable?" He asks.

"Very. Are you?"


It's silent for a few moments after that as we just watched the movie and enjoyed each other's company.

"Are you doing anything later?" He asks.

"Probably just gonna relax at home, why?"

"You can stay over again, if you want. I know you said you're feeling better, but that doesn't mean you have to leave." I contemplate his offer for a second. I could go home and relax by myself, or I can stay over again and cuddle.

"That sounds really nice. I'll take you up on that offer. But I do have to take a shower later and I have work tomorrow afternoon."

"That's fine. We can take a shower."

"Oh, I didn't know this was a we thing." I raised my eyebrows and looked up at him.

"We're conserving water, remember?" He always uses that excuse and it's so annoying, but for some reason it's impossible for me to decline.

"Fair enough. But just showering, got it Jungkook?"

'Got it."

We watch the entirety of the movie and talk here and there. When the movie ended it didn't seem like we were getting up anytime soon and I was okay with it. I sit up to change positions because my neck was starting to hurt. I grab a pillow lying on the couch and lay it down on Jungkook's lap. I lay down, resting my head on the pillow on his lap. As I reposition myself, he tangles his fingers in my hair and plays with it, massaging my scalp in the process. He knows this is one of my weaknesses.

Jimin walks out from the hallway and goes back to the kitchen, preparing himself another cup of coffee.

"Anyone want coffee?" he asks us. We both say no in unison. After making his coffee he comes and sits down on the couch on the other end. He takes his glasses off and puts them on the couch next to him and runs his hand down his face.

"How's it going in there?"

"Fine. I'm just taking a break. What are you guys up to?"

"Just relaxing, watching tv. Nothing exciting." Jungkook answers him

"Mind if I join for a while, I'm gonna go crazy if I go back to work anytime soon"

"Not at all, did you want to watch something specific?"

"No, I'll watch anything I don't really care." Jungkook starts flipping through the channels to find something else to watch. There wasn't really anything good on so he just decided on the channel that was showing a marathon of "The Office" reruns. It was more like background noise because we were all talking pretty much the whole time. We were talking for hours and it was nice the three of us together. I really enjoy Jimin's company because I don't really get to see him that much. Usually Jungkook stays over my place and when I do come here he's locked away in his office, glued to his computer.

"Well I'm gonna get back to work. I want to finish early tonight so we can all have dinner together. Jungkook should we cook or just order something?" Jimin puts his glasses back on and starts to get up.

"It doesn't matter. Maddy?" he looks down at me.

"I don't really care either. I'm fine with anything."

"Decide and then let me know." Jungkook nods and Jimin walks back into his office.

"You don't want to show off your amazing cooking skills again?" I mock Jungkook.

"My cooking skills are amazing and you know it." I turn over to look up at him, still laying on the pillow. "If you want me to cook for you again then I will." He stares into my eyes.

"If you do then I can help you. Jimin seems really stressed so I think it would be nice for him not to worry about it, you know?"

"I think that's a great idea. Let's go see what we have."

"But I'm so comfy," I grown.

"Sorry princess but you were gonna have to get up eventually." He looks down at me, waiting for me to get up and remove the pillow from his lap. I lift myself up with my arms and put the pillow back to the place where I took it from originally.

I follow him to the kitchen and he opens the double doors to the fridge and scans the contents inside.

"Hmmm, how about...salmon?" He looks at me, holding the refrigerator door open.

"Can you handle that?" I smirk at him. He takes the package of salmon out of the fridge and tosses it on the counter. He walks toward me and towers over me, looking down at me staring darkly into my eyes.

"Can I handle that? Do you know who you're talking to?" He bends down and runs his hands down my arms, sending shivers down my spine. He moves to my underarms and lifts me up, placing me on the counter. He positions himself between my legs and grabs my face with both hands. He aggressively kisses my lips, biting my bottom lip in the process. He then moves down to my jaw, nibbling at it. I tangle my fingers in his hair. and he moves even lower to where my neck meets my collarbone. I throw my head back, giving him more access to my neck. This is around the time when I should try to stop him from making even more marks, but I couldn't be bothered. He claims that area as his as he sucks on the skin and bites it.

"Jungkook, Jimin is in the other room," I say in between moans, coming to my senses.

"It's okay, he's buried in his work." He says as he detaches himself from my neck and moves to over to give the other side just as much attention. I honestly think giving hickies and people being able to see them is one of his kinks. He's always attacking my neck every chance he gets and marks it in visible places. It's actually really hot, but covering it up gets annoying.

Once he decides that he's done mauling my neck, he let's go and looks at me.

"Of course I can handle it, princess. Don't doubt me." He smirks then goes back to the fridge, leaving me on the counter. "I think there's some rice in the cabinet above you, can you see if we have any?" I nod and reach over to open the cabinet and grab a box of rice to hand it to Jungkook. "Thank you princess. Can you please tell Jimin we're cooking and can you also see if he's almost done?"

"Can I have a kiss first?" I ask, smiling. He stops what he's doing to look at me. He smiles then leans over to plant a soft kiss on my lips. "Thank you." He laughs then goes back to the food.

I jump off the counter and walk to Jimin's office. He's leaning back in his chair reading something.

"Hey, how's it going in here?" I ask and Jimin looks at me.

"Almost done. Just going over something one last time making sure I got everything. Did you guys decide what you wanted to do for dinner?"

"Yeah, me and Jungkook are cooking right now so you don't have to worry about it." He smiles.

"Thank you guys. I'll be done soon, let me know when it's ready." I nod and walk out, going back to join Jungkook in the kitchen.


"Dinner's ready, Jim," Jungkook calls out as we finish setting the table and putting the plates of food down. Jimin gets up from the couch and sits down at the table across from me and next to Jungkook, where we were sitting this morning.

"Thank you guys for cooking, I really appreciate it," Jimin says as he starts putting food on his plate.

"You always cook for me, it was the least I can do. Well the least we can do." Jungkook said.

"I don't mind doing it, but it was nice to not have to worry about it for a while." Jimin said between bites.

We talk here and there and it was nice being able to spend more time with Jimin as well. I value and respect Jimin as a person as a friend. He's so good to Jungkook and they have the best relationship with each other. He's a good person to have in your life.


After dinner Jimin recedes back to the couch and starts talking to someone on the phone. Me and Jungkook clean off the table.

"Ready to 'conserve water'?" I ask Jungkook, putting air quotes around "conserve water."

"Always," he says with a smirk. He leads me down the hallway, grabbing a few towels out of the closet across from the bathroom for us. He locks the door and turns the water on. I strip out of his clothes as he does the same.

"Remember, we're just showering. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am." He steps into the shower first and I follow closely behind.

We follow the same routine, him letting the water wash over him then him moving out of the way to let me get under the water. Then washing our hair. And of course, he feels the need to wash my body, grazing his hands over every inch of my skin. The only thing that was different was that he didn't attack my body with kisses or hickies, but instead just giving me a little peck on the lips. I was surprised, but glad we weren't in the shower too long.

He turns the water off and we get out. He puts a towel around his waist and then hands me one. He leads me out of the bathroom and into his room. I didn't really think this sleeping over again thing through because I still don't have any clothes to change into, not even underwear.

"I still have no clothes with me, so it looks like I'm gonna have to wear yours again."

"Or, you don't have to wear any." He goes to his dresser and winks at me.

"I would consider it if Jimin wasn't here." He laughs and grabs me another big t-shirt, basketball shorts, and a pair of Calvin Klein boxers. I put on his clothes, taking my time to put his shirt on so I can sulk in his scent.

"You look sexy wearing my clothes, you know that?" Jungkook bites his lip and slips on a pair of gray sweatpants, leaving the top half of his body bare. 

"Duly noted...I'll be right back, I have to get some water so I can take my pill." He nods then flops down on the bed. I take out the pill for today (Wednesday) out of the pouch on my keys and go to the kitchen. As I'm walking there I notice Jimin still on the phone. When he originally started talking I thought it was a business call, but it sounds more like a friendly call. I try minding my own business and just focus on pouring water into a glass, however it was hard to completely block out the conversation. Jimin was giggling and asking whoever that was on the other line when they had some free time. He must be talking to a girl because there's no way he would talk to a coworker like that. He sounded like a highschool boy talking to his crush, it was actually really cute.

I don't want to look suspicious standing in the kitchen for longer than necessary, even though he didn't notice me. I put the glass in the sink and walk back to Jungkook's room, leaving the door open a crack. I join Jungkook on the bed, who's sprawled out on top of all the blankets. I rest my bed on his left bicep and rest my leg on top of his. He starts gently rubbing it with his fingertips, probably because he knows how soothing it is.

"I wasn't trying to be nosey, but it sounded like Jimin was talking to someone that he was, ya know, a little friendly with." I say.

"He's been talking and being a little friendly with someone for the past few days. I hear him sometimes like in his office or in his room. I have no idea who it is, I think he's talking to a girl but he always says it's just a friend so who knows." He shrugs under me.

"That's what I thought. I think having someone like that would be good for him. He's so stressed out all the time and doesn't make time for himself or anyone else."

"Agreed. Maybe I'll find out soon, I mean I hope soon because I wanna know who it is."


We just lay there and talk for a little while. I still wasn't really in the mood to have sex and he respected that so we just talked and cuddled. In the middle of laughing at something Jungkook said we hear a knock at the door.

"Come in," Jungkook calls. We both turn out head towards the door to look at Jimin. He slowly walks in so he's past the door frame. He's holding his phone to his chest, probably because he's still talking to whoever it was from before.

"I'm gonna try to go to sleep a little early tonight so I'll be in my room if you guys need me. Goodnight." We both say goodnight in unison.

"Also, who were you on the phone with?" Jungkook asks.

"Just a friend," Jimin smiles. He puts the phone back up to his ear and leaves the door open a crack.

"He's definitely talking to a girl." Jungkook laughs.

"Good for him,' I say.


Okay, I know it's a pretty long chapter and nothing exciting really happened, but I was just in the mood to write something cute idk. Also, I wasn't sure how I was going to go about Jimin's character, but now I'm confident in the direction I'm going with him. Looks like he could have a possible love interest hmmmm! Keep reading to find out!

Thank you to all my readers, as always. If you like this story you can vote and/or comment, I would really appreciate it!

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