Forbidden lovers | Kakashi Se...

By Queendreamteam

376K 14.4K 5.2K

(Y/n) (L/n), once a ordinary girl, living her life in the city of Queens, New York, will soon, and literally... More

Chapter One: Help me
Chapter Two: Sealed away
Chapter Three: Death is inevitable
Chapter Four: Ninja training
Chapter Five: Troublesome sensei
Chapter Six: The Void
Chapter Seven: Late
Chapter Eight: Itachi Uchiha
Chapter Nine: Team Gai
Chapter Ten: Yoko Kurama
Chapter Eleven: Exam
Chapter Twelve: Intoxicated
Chapter Thirteen: Lovers
Chapter Fourteen: The Academy
Chapter Fifteen: The kiss
Chapter Sixteen: Squad Seven
Chapter Seventeen: Survival Test
Chapter Eightteen: TenzĹŤ sensei
Chapter Nineteen: Pass or fail
Chapter Twenty: Failed Attempt
Chapter Tewenty One: You Pass
Chapter Twenty Two: Battle skills
Chapter Twenty Three: First Date
Chapter Twenty Four: Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Excitment
Chapter Twenty Six: The Demon Brothers
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Vow
Chapter Twenty Eight: Demon of the Mist
Chpater Thirty: Releasment
Chpater Thirty one: Truth
Chapter Thirty Two: Training
Chapter Thirty Three: Hot
Chapter Thirty Four: Nightmares
Chapter Thirty Five: Reality
Chapter Thirty Six: Star gazers
Chapter Thirty Seven: Lies
Chapter Thirty Eight: Friends
Chapter Thirty Nine: Consequences
Chapter Forty: Battle on the bridge
Chapter Forty One: Scream
Chapter Forty Two: Will of Fire
Chapter Forty Three: Love
Chapter Forty Four: Screwed
Chapter Forty Five: Immature
Chapter Forty Six: Very skilled shinobi
Chapter Forty Seven: Dangos
Chapter Forty Eight: Hamburgers
Chapter Forty Nine: Precious
Chapter Fifty: Caverns
Chapter Fifty One: Job
Chapter Fifty Two: Goddess of light
Chapter Fifty Three: Reason for a home
Chapter Fifty Four: Sister
Chapter Fifty Five: Preliminaries
Chapter Fifty Six: Support
Chapter Fifty Seven: Toads
Chapter Fifty Eight: Deal
Chapter Fifty Nine: Minato Namikaze
Chapter Sixty: Fifth Hokage
Chapter Sixty One: Murderous rage
Chapter Sixty Two: Pulverise
Chapter Sixty Three: Cease to exist
Chapter Sixty Four: Whatever
Chapter Sixty Five: Uchiha Charm
Chapter Sixty Six: Stick Figures
Chapter Sixty Seven: Strongest
Chapter Sixty Eight: Unique girl
Chapter Sixty Nine: Time
Chapter Seventy: Apart
Chapter Seventy One: Hickey
Chapter Seventy Two: Wild Fire
Chapter Seventy Three: Truth Untold
Chapter Seventy Four: Apples to Apples
Chapter Seventy Five: Meant to be
Chapter Seventy Six: Departure
Chapter Seventy Seven: Battles and Betrayals
Chapter Seventy Eight:
Chapter Seventy Nine: How long has it been?
Chapter Eighty:

Chapter Twenty Nine: Team Work

4.3K 186 41
By Queendreamteam

Naruto's head band flying off as he fell to the ground, Zabuza immediately stepped on it. My temper bubbling inside me, as he did so.

"Your just brats," Zabuza stated as Sasuke turned around to see him, his mouth agap in shock.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled as she looked at his fallen form. Zabuza lifting his head turned to me, seeing his smile outlined on his wrapped face.

"Your next. You wanted me to kill you by your heart, right?" Watching his gaze I narrow my eyes at him, as I smile letting a laugh escape my lips.

"Yeah, if you can even manage a scratch on my heart, I'll be a surprise to me. Bring it on bitch!" I yell as I take my jujutsu stance and lift my kunai to protect my self.

"Listen! Get the bridge builder and run! You can't win this fight! He's using all his power to keep me in here so he can only fight you with his water clone, but the clone can't go far from his real body! If you get away from him he can't follow, now run!" Kakashi yelled interrupting me and Zabuza's clash.

Lifting my head I look at Kakashi. "Are you stupid?" I say loudly at him as I hold my kunai so tight making my knuckles turn white. "The minute you got caught, it became unthinkable! God, for a teacher your not doing a good job teaching!"Looking to my side I see Sasuke move into a running stance, thinking the same exact thing. "Sasuke, lets go!" I yell to him, as I quickly grab ten kunai from my pouch.

"We've go to do it!" Yelled Sasuke as we charge at Zabuza in a frontal attack. Zabuza turning to face us both he reached across his body to clasp his sword in his hand. Sasuke running towards him he immediately starts throwing shuriken like crazy. Also running towards Zabuza, I immediately jump in the air placing my chakra in my custom kunai blades. Zabuza raising his sword, he immediately slices his Shuriken away. Throwing my kunai in the blind spots he left open- five of the ten kunai cut his arms and stomach. Only having one go through his thigh.
Jumping down just as Sasuke jumped up, he took his kunai in hand plummeting down at Zabuza. Throwing my transportation kunai infront of Zabuza's feet without his realization. Zabuza immediately looked up for Sasuke as he grabbed him by his throat. Throwing Sasuke aside I immediately transport my self in front of Zabuza with a kunai in my right hand. Immediately moving up from my squatting position I plummet my knife into Zabuza's abdomen hearing him yell in pain, I immediately smile.

"What the?" Zabuza yelled as he looked down at me. "You!" Deciding to let him hit me so Naruto can gain the courage to work as a team with Sasuke, I feel my self smile turn into a face breaking grin. Zabuza picking me up by my hair I see his eyes narrow at me as he takes his fist punching me in my stomach. Coughing out blood from the punch, the smile never leaves my face as he tightens the hold on my head.

"Why won't you scream out in pain?" Yelled Zabuza in my face as his eyes were widened in rage.

"Because, I'll never lose to you moo-moo child. Your my bitch," I say laughing a little as my mouth turns into a evil smirk. Zabuza losing it immediately throws my down on the ground to kick me off and away from him. His foot connecting into my stomach he sent me flying in the same direction of Sasuke.

"You've got some attitude for a kid!" Yelled Zabuza as he saw me tumbling onto the ground.

"Sasuke no!" Yelled Sakura as she turned to look at Sasuke hitting the ground just like I did.

Thanks for worrying about me Sakura.

"He-e got Sasuke and (Y/n)," Naruto said as he shakily turned from us to look at Zabuza. Coughing up blood from the blow, I slowly get to my knees as I stand up raising my head to look at Zabuza. Smiling, I feel my eyes lock on him with joy.

He's so much weaker than the opponents I've faced in the black ops. This is crazy that I'm holding back on him.

Watching as he peered down at Naruto. He stared his eyes widen as he shook of terror. Naruto turning around on his left hand it immediately caused him pain as he looked down in memory of his vow to himself. Smiling as I look at Naruto, I feel my lips break out into a more maddening grin. Success. Watching Naruto I see him place his injured hand on his knee as he started getting up, to look at Zabuza. His eyes dropping to his headband underneath Zabuza's foot. Slowly, Naruto lifts up his one leg and then another to stand. Clutching his bandaged fist he looked at Zabuza, ready as ever. Naruto yelling he immediately charged at Zabuza.

"Naruto no!" Kakashi yelled as he saw Naruto's charge.

"Ah! Naruto! What in the world are you doing?" Sakura yelled as she placed her hands on her head in shock. Sasuke and me silently watching I place my hand on Sakura's shoulder.

"Trust him, Sakura." I whisper as I see her eyes go back to the regular way they were and glance at me, then back at Naruto.

Zabuza laughing he tilted his head down as he stared at Naruto, "fool." Naruto being punched down by Zabuza and thrown back to were he was, he curled up on the ground, face down into the dirt. Sakura leaning forward she began yelling at Naruto.

"What are you thinking charging at him by yourself? Even Sasuke and (Y/n) couldn't get to him! We're only genin we can't defeat a jonin! Whatdda you think you'd accomplish by that?"
Sakura taken a back she leaned back as she saw Naruto rising back up. Naruto groaning as he got back up to his original stance while clutching onto his headband.

"Hey you. The freak with no eyebrows. Put this in your bingo book, the ninja who will become Hokage of the village Hidden in the Leaves," Naruto stated as he stood up straight putting his headband back on his head. "He never backs down," tighten his headgear he looks up with Zabuza with a newfound determination. "His names Naruto Uzumaki." Smiling I stand into my battle stance as I see him standing once more.

"Alright (Y/n), Sasuke listen up, can you hear me?" Naruto asks as he keeps his eyes trained onto Zabuza.

"Yeah I hear you," Sasuke said also in his battle stance.

"I hear you Naruto," I reply as I crack my knuckles in anticipation.

"I've got a plan," Naruto states cooly as the gears in his head turn.

Sasuke 'tching' he looks at Naruto, "so your finally thinking about team work huh?"

"What do you mean Sasuke! You can tell he's had one from the moment he kept his vow!" I say as I hit Sasuke's shoulder as I laugh lightly.

"Alright guys, lets go wild," Naruto says as he lifts his injured hand up wiping away his blood from the corner of his mouth. "Okay, ready? Lets bring this guy down." Naruto says as he stared at his prey.

Zabuza laughing as he looks at us, "big words for such a little man. Think your plans going to keep you in the game?"

"What are you doing I told you to run!" Yelled Kakashi from the water prison. "This fight was over the moment I got caught! Now take off! Your mission isn't to prove how brave you are! It's to save the bridge builder! Stay on mission!" Breathing out I turn my head over my shoulder to look at the bridge builder. Seeing Naruto do the same, I let him ask.

"Bridge builder?" Naruto asks his eyes as soft as they could be for the situation.

"Well, I guess this all happened because of me, because of my desire to live, but I won't let that stand in your way now. Forget about me and do whatch you got to do. Go ahead and fight to save your Sensei." Tazuna yelled as he lifted his head to look at us directly instead of at the ground. Looking away from Tazuna and down at the ground I close my eyes with one laugh slipping out.

"Your lucky you agreed Tazuna. I would have done it anyway," I say as I lift my head back up to look at Zabuza. "No comrade left behind. Especially our Sensei."

Sasuke lifting his head smiles as well, "alright you hear that?"

"Yeah believe it, ready?" Naruto asks with his grin unwavering. Zabuza breaking out into a fit of laughter as he looked down at the ground and then back up at us.

"You really haven't learned anything have you? Still playing your little game, pretending to be ninja. When I was your age this hand already crushed many opponents." Zabuza stated as he lifted his right hand looking down at it. Everyone shocked by this besides me and Kakashi. Once more in unison we both whisper the truth about Zabuza.

"Zabuza, the demon."

"Ah, so I was in your book too, huh?" The real Zabuza stated as he stared down at us.

"Long ago in the Village Hidden in the Mist, also known as blood mist village, before a student could become a ninja there was one final test." Kakashi told us all as he looked at us.

Gaining Zabuza's attention he looked at Kakashi humming. "Do you know about the graduation exam?"

"What graduation exam?" Naruto asked as his face was once more blank.Zabuza laughing with his eyes closed at Naruto's cluelessness. "What's the big deal anyway? We took a graduation exam too."Zabuzas laughter only amplifying at Naruto, his eyes opened from their closed position.

"Did you have to kill the other students to pass? Imagine young ninja like you eating together, training together, and then comes the final exam. They change the rules and it's kill or be killed. You can't stop while your opponent still breathes. He was your friend, shared your dreams and now it's him or you."

"Ten years ago the Village Hidden in the Mist graduation exam changed. One year before a dark evil filled the school with terror." Kakashi stated to us.

"What's he saying?" Sakura asked, "what evil? What kind of terror? What caused the terror?"

"Without a pause of hesitation, a young boy who was not even a ninja approached the class and took down over a hundred other students." Kakashi finished as silence filled the fighting grounds.

"It-it felt so," Zabuza paused as his eyes opened wider than before and looked down at Naruto, Sasuke, and me with bloodthirst eyes. "Good."
Zabuza coming out of nowhere rammed his elbow into Sasuke's stomach. Sending him flying to the ground as Zabuza waisted no time hitting his whole upper body with his forearm. Blood flying out of Sasuke's mouth, I charge at Zabuza.

"Leave him alone!" I yell as I charge at him, with Zabuza stomping his foot on Sasuke's stomach.

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled as she watched the scene unfold. Running towards Zabuza I immediately throw my transportation kunai at his feet. Appearing right underneath him I waist no time to kick upward hitting his jaw, sending him up in the air. Going up in the air I appear above him as I clasp my hands and raise them up to my head and pound Zabuza's clone in his stomach. Zabuzas hand stretching out grabbed my ankle dragging me down with him. My eyes widening he throws me down onto the ground. Stepping on me the same way he did Sasuke, I close my eyes from the pain. Crying out in agony I have more blood come out my mouth from the attack.

"Ha. Your nothing," Zabuza mused with his hand crossed over his chest clutching the handle of his sword.

"Stop right there!" Naruto yelled, "shadow clone jutsu!" Opening my eyes I smile as I see multiple shadow clones surrounding me and Zabuza.

"Ah, shadow clones and there's quite a few of them." Zabuza mused as he eyed the clones around him. Naruto's clones pulling out kunai knifes all looked up at Zabuza.

"Here we go." Sasuke finally getting up from Zabuza's attack realizes how many shadow clones Naruto truly had made. Zabuza looking down at me for a quick second kicked me away next to Sasuke. Hearing my ribs crack in the process I let out a groan in pain. On my hands and knees, I cough up more blood.

"Fuck," I mutter as I slowly stand back on my feet, wanting to see Naruto's attack.

Not being able to fight him with all my strength is proving difficult.

Naruto's hopping all on Zabuza were soon flung off and were all over the place. Naruto's shadow clone throwing a transformed Naruto in the form of a demon wind shuriken.

"Sasuke!" Yelled Naruto's shadow clone as Sasuke smoothly catches it and replaces the fake for a real one.

Sasuke spinning out the real one in front of him looked up at Zabuza, "demon wind shuriken! Wind mill of shadows!"

"A shuriken? Ha you won't touch me with that." Zabuza's clone stated as he dropped his old on his sword and just stood in front of Sasuke. Sasuke moving it to the side jumped in the air, flinging it at the Zabuza water clone, only to have it pass him and head straight for the real Zabuza.

"So you passed the clone and aimed for my real body. Smart." Zabuza stated as he saw the shuriken flying at him. Catching it with his free hand easily he held it in his grasp. "But not smart enough." Looking up he then was surprised to see another shuriken in the shadow of the last. Me, Sasuke, and Naruto all staring blankly at the scene unfolding. Zabuza quickly and easily jumping up in the air with his legs to avoid the shuriken he stared madly at us. "I told you a shuriken can't touch me!" He said in superiority of still being able to hold Kakashi captive. Me and Sasuke's lips upturn into a smirk as we see our plan work perfectly. Naruto poofing into himself holding a kunai knife then appeared in place of the shuriken.

"Eat this!" Naruto yelled throwing the shuriken directly at Zabuza's head forcing him to let go of the water prison entrapping Kakashi. Zabuza turning around he quickly started spinning the shuriken wildly as he planned to aim it at Naruto for one. Making him bleed, and two, letting Kakashi go.

"I'll destroy you!" Zabuza said to Naruto as he planned on launching it back at him. Kakashi appearing to the side of him drenched in water, blocked the shuriken from spinning anymore with his metal from his glove. Blood spraying all around him from the block. Naruto falling in the water safely from the possible attack. Kakashi looking up at Zabuza his eyes made contact with his sending shivers down Zabuza with the a death glare.

"Kakashi Sensei!" Sakura yelled out in happiness to see her teacher still alive.

Feeling my cheeks dust itself with a blush, I air punch the air. "You get him Kakashi Sensei!"

"Naruto. That was an excellent plan, you've really grown haven't you?" Kakashi states as you could hear in his voice that the shuriken was hurting his hand- really bad.

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