Harry Potter x Reader One Sho...

By DaisyErina

251K 4.7K 2.2K

Reader insert one shots. Requests are open but there are rules. More

A Thousand Years - Draco
Loving You Is Fun - George
Ron - I Can Love You Better
Neville - How I Met Your Mother
Harry - You Belong With Me
Draco - Love Conquers All
Ron - It's a Date
Harry - No One Wants Her
Fred - Dear Diary
Fred - Happy Christmas
Harry - Don't Go Breaking Her Heart
Fred - The Death Eater
Harry - She's Such an Outsider
Draco - Love Me or Hate Me
Harry - Nobody's Perfect
Hermione - Witches
Draco - Desire
Oliver - Fly Away
Neville - As The World Falls Down
Harry - Kiss Me
Harry - The Day We Wed
Harry - Rescue Me
Harry - Together Forever
Draco - Daddy's Little Princess
Draco - I Choose You
Draco - Two of a Kind
Hermione - Aguamenti
Draco - Changes - Trans!reader
Harry - Nurturing
Draco - The Girl Who Lived
Harry - K-K-Kiss Me
Ron - Speak Now
Harry - Lady Love
Harry - Something Better
Snape - Long Lost Love

Draco - Love Story

2.8K 72 7
By DaisyErina

Love Story

Request for MeganChiang

"Could you please write a Draco x anxious! Reader? Many many thanks."

Request for Kyo-Chi

"Could you please do a Draco x childhood friend reader, where she gets sorted into hufflepuff but they are still BFFs, even though she's befriended with the golden Trio without them knowing that Draco and her are BFFs. And Draco having a crush on her since they first met as kids so he gets a bit jealous when she spends a little bit to much time with Harry and Co. Only if you have some time of course. Just ignore this if you're too busy."

Draco had always been there. Since the day you met, the blond was by your side, keeping you company and making you smile. He was your rock, the only person who could bring you out of your shell and make you feel comfortable in your own skin. You'd always been shy and awkward, and when you both started school, your anxiety kicked in. You preferred to hide in the background, whereas your best friend was open and outgoing. Draco helped you to meet new people, and should anyone dare tease your shyness, the blond was ready and willing to defend you by any means necessary.

When you were sorted into Hufflepuff, you worried that your friendship with Draco would come to an end. You knew how strict his father was - being a pureblood Slytherin was everything. Nothing else mattered.

But as you sat on your stool and listened to the Sorting Hat shout out your house, Draco smiled up at you, clapping and cheering because he knew in his heart that you were meant to be a Hufflepuff.

Over the next few years, as puberty came into focus, you began harboring a crush on your childhood friend. You thought it futile and never mentioned it. You knew how Lucius was raising Draco - the boy would be disowned if he fell for someone outside of Slytherin. You were only allowed to be friends as children because you were a pureblood.

Draco was your best friend. He would always be your best friend. But you wanted more than that, and you knew there was no way you'd be able to live watching him fall in love with anyone else.

Unbeknownst to you, Draco was in the same boat. He watched as you befriended Harry and his comrades, and his blood boiled. But this time, it had nothing to do with his petty hatred of the Chosen One. A distinct, unfamiliar twinge stabbed his heart every time he saw you chatting and giggling with the Golden Trio.


Draco had hoped against hope that you would be sorted into Slytherin with him. He didn't think it was the place for you, but he wanted you to be close to him always. How was he supposed to make a move when you were in another house - a house that he wasn't even allowed to fraternize with unless he wanted to invoke the wrath of his father?

The blond had been crushing on you since you were children. When you started school, he assumed the tingly sensation would fade away, believing it to be a silly childhood crush. But instead it grew stronger, to the point that every time you were around, he was certain you could hear how hard his heart pounded.

The annual visit to Hogsmeade Village was approaching. Everyone had gotten their permission slips signed, and your friends were already partnering up. Harry had already asked Ginny to spend the trip by his side, and Hermione was growing impatient with Ron's lack of asking her.

You sat in the library with your friends. You were meant to be studying, but good luck getting any work done with Ron and Seamus around. Though you were a Hufflepuff, you spent most of your time with Harry and friends. Your housemates were nice, but you didn't have the connection with them that you had with Hermione and Ginny.

Of course, none of that compared to your friendship with Draco. But your new friends were blissfully unaware of that comradery.

"Who are you looking to spend the Hogsmeade trip with, (Y/n)?" Seamus' voice brought you out of your mind palace.

"Hmm?" you replied lamely. "Oh, I don't know. I'll just wander around with whoever's left, I suppose."

"You don't fancy anyone?" Ginny inquired.

A blush dusted your cheeks, but you couldn't possibly tell them the truth. With a half hearted shrug, you answered, "No, not really."

The way Ginny's eyes narrowed told you that she didn't believe you, but neither she nor anyone else pushed the matter.

Hours later, your friends had slowly dispersed, leaving you alone in the library. With a glance to the window, you saw that it was nearly dark. You stuffed your books into your messenger bag and slung it over your shoulder as you rose from your seat.

On your way out of the library, you nearly collided with another student. Glancing up at the taller, you immediately recognized his neatly combed platinum locks.

"Draco!" you beamed. You hadn't been able to spend much time with him as of late.

He smiled softly, your excitement giving him the boost of confidence he needed to carry out the reason he'd come looking for you. "Hey, (Y/n). I have a question for you."

Your head tilted in curiosity as you gazed up at him. "What is it?"

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me? I mean, spend the trip with me, instead of your friends?"

Your eyes widened. "Like... a date?"

His heart hammered against his ribs as he nodded. "Yes. Like a date."

Your smile grew wider. "Draco, I'd love to."

He grinned, pulling you into a hug. You buried your face in his neck, resisting a giggle.

"I should get to my dorm," you murmured, reluctantly pulling back.

He nodded, resting a hand on your cheek before letting it fall. "I'll see you on Saturday."

You nodded eagerly. "Saturday."

The trip finally came, and students gathered outside the castle in a mob of sweaters and scarves. After handing McGonagall your permission form, your (E/) eyes darted around in search of a certain blond.

An arm draped around your shoulders and you nearly jumped before recognizing the scent of sandalwood and apples that could only be Draco.

You turned to look up at him, holding his gloved hand with your own in order to keep his arm in place. He grinned at your approval, tugging you close to him before beginning to walk down the path.

He kept asking where you wanted to go, but you would simply shrug in response. You didn't like asking for things, so you let Draco lead you through the shops.

He eventually sauntered into a small store that sold jewelry and other wearable merchandise. You were unaware of the stormy blue eyes watching your every move, paying attention to which pieces of jewelry you picked up and inspected.

While you were distracted looking at sweaters, Draco made his move. Be shuffled up to the counter, asking that his purchase be placed in a decorative box. With an out-of-character "Thank you," he stuffed the box into his jacket pocket before returning to your side.

"Ready to go?" he asked. "I was thinking we could head to the Three Broomsticks for a couple of butterbeers."

You nodded. "That sounds nice."

He wrapped his arm around you once more and led you out.

Once at the inn, he led you to a table and sat down beside you. He liked keeping his arm around you, and you certainly didn't mind snuggling into his warmth.

After your drinks arrived, Draco turned to look at you. "I got you something."

Your brow furrowed. "You did?"

He nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the box. Chewing your lip, you lifted the lid, peering at the trinket inside.

Lying on a bed of cotton was the silver and (f/gemstone) necklace you'd been eyeing at the store. "How did you-"

"I pay attention," he chuckled. "Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful," you smiled. You then placed the necklace in his hand and held up your hair. "Put it on me?"

A smile danced on his lips as he clasped the chain around your neck. With a happy hum, you sipped your butterbeer and settled back into his side. His arm secured around you, and there you stayed until it was time to return to Hogwarts.

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