Quite A Catch (A Rob Gronkows...

By Breebree02

70.2K 1.1K 40

Riley Reynolds grew up with all brothers and a love of football. She was so in love with her high school flam... More



1.7K 26 0
By Breebree02


"It's been two minutes." Monica called through the door as I stared at the stick. My stomach was rolling in knots. This changes everything in my world.

It was positive. Two pink plus signs. I was pregnant. It could be a mistake though. I'm sure there are false positives all the time. Maybe I'll go to the doctor and it'll be just some indigestion. How could this happen? I know I was pretty drunk the first two times but I'm sure Rob was careful. What if I was farther along though? Alex and I hadn't slept together in almost a year though! No way it could be anyone other than Rob.

"Ry, did you hear me?" Monica knocked on the bathroom door again.

"Uh yeah," I said shaking my head. "It's fine."

"Are you?" She asked sounding ready to pass out.

I couldn't tell her the day she was losing her kind of boyfriend that I was pregnant. I could tell her it was a mistake and even if I am I can tell her later. Ugh that sounds so bad! I don't want to lie to my best friend. I also don't want to tell her the truth.

"Riley are you pregnant?" Monica asked again.

"No, I don't, I can't be." I was actually crying when I opened the door to face her. "Rob told me he's falling in love with me and I believed him. I love him too but this is too much. I can't be pregnant. He'll think I'm trying to trap him for money or something crazy. This could end our relationship."

Monica pulled me into a hug. "Shhh, first things first."

I nodded stepping out of her hug. "Okay what?"

"Put the thing you peed on down." She chuckled as I sat it down beside the sink. "Now, can we talk rationally?"

"I'll try." I nodded still crying.

"You need to tell Rob." She said simply. "He needs to be the one with you through this. Whether you are or aren't."

I sighed. "I know you're right. What if he freaks out though?"

"What if he does?" She gave me a sad smile. "At least you won't have to wonder."

I nodded. "Okay you're right. I'll call him first thing tomorrow and tell him we need to talk."

"Ew don't say that." She laughed. "He'll think he's done something wrong. Just ask him to get lunch or something."

"Fine, I agree. It's probably better to tell him in person anyway." I said.

"Okay. You should get some sleep."

I yawned as if on cue making he laugh. I pulled my best friend into a hug. She was amazing for many things but this moment puts her above all others. She just found out her almost boyfriend was a cheating scumball, and she's here comforting me.

"Are you staying in town?" I asked softly.

"I'd never leave you at a time like this Ry. Of course I'm staying." She hugged me tight then let me go. "Now go try to get some sleep."

"Good night."


It was a very sleepless night. I tossed and turned thinking of all the ways Rob could react. Trying not to freak out was impossible. I needed to make a doctors appointment to be sure I was actually carrying a baby. That brought me to a new issue though, I wasn't working so I had zero health insurance. I also have no money to pay for anything more than half of a two for twenty at Applebee's.

"Riley," Monica's voice was quiet right outside my bedroom door. "Are you awake?"

I sighed. "Yeah Mon?"

She cracked open the door. "It's after ten, and I think you should call Rob."

"Yeah I'll just get up and get ready, then I'll call him." I sat up looking outside.

It was raining. How perfect was that. I got dressed in some jeans and a Patriots hoodie from my closet. I picked up my phone and noticed my hands were shaking.

This was it. I had to call him. It was the right thing to do. That doesn't make it any easier though.

"Riley? How's Monica doing? I figured you two would be in a sugar coma right now with some Gossip Girl on repeat." Rob laughed.

I let a shaky laugh slide out. "Actually I called to-"

"Hang on a sec." He was shouting at someone and there was scuffling. "Alright, sorry Chris is here helping me move furniture around."

"Oh if you're busy I can call back." I said twirling my hair.

"Hmm, is this one of those booty calls?" Rob teased.

I rolled my eyes. "No, I just missed you and wanted to get lunch or something. You're with your brother though so it's fine."

"Come on over Ry! Bring Monica and we can all order in some pizza." Rob said as his brother bitched about stubbing his toe in the background.

"Umm, sure okay. We'll be over soon." I sighed.

"Alright babe see ya soon." He hung up.

Ugh! I threw myself back in the bed and put my hand on my stomach. Would I even make a good mom?

"Well are you meeting him?" Monica asked coming to sit beside me on the bed.

"Yeeeeeaaahhh, actually we both are." I fiddled with my shirt hem. "His brother is there helping him move furniture and well, we're both going over for pizza."

"Riley you have to tell him." She said softly.

"Not in front of his brother!"

"Pull him aside or something, but you've gotta tell him." She said.

"Yeah I know." I said. "I just so fucking nervous. Maybe I should go to the doctor first before I scare him."

"No he should go with you to the doctor. Riley this is the right thing to do here and you know it. Now let's get going." My best friend smiled encouragingly.

"Alright let's go."

Once we got to Rob's I parked beside what I assume is his brothers suv. Monica walked with me to the door and we knocked. The door was thrust open and Rob's brother was standing there with a wide grin on his face

"Dude you're real!" Chris looked so shocked.

"Um yeah I'm real?" I chuckled.

"See when my brother said his girlfriend was coming over I imagined a stripper in eight inch stilettos or something." He laughed. "I'm Chris, the better looking and smarter brother."

"Riley, apparently the girlfriend." I smiled as the word girlfriend slid off my tongue.

"And I'm Monica." My best smiled. "Her best friend and the closest thing she has to a sister."

"Alright then come on in." Chris waved us in.

The living room had been moved all around. The couch was on the opposite wall and the tv had been remounted. It looked nice, but what looked nicer was Rob was laying in the middle of the floor all spread out.

"Hey guys." He glanced from Monica to me. "I hurt my back."

"Moving furniture?" Mon asked.

"Oh no, I bet Chris four bucks I could jump that chair over there." Rob laughed. "I lost."

Everyone laughed but me. Monica bumped my shoulder and I kinda laughed halfheartedly. Rob knew something was up though judging by the look in his eyes when I looked back at him.

"Can we talk alone a second?" He looked to his brother and Mon. "There's pizza in the kitchen."

"Sure thing Loverboy." Monica winked and headed to the kitchen with Chris tailing behind her.

Once they'd left Rob patted the floor beside him. My hands started sweating and I crossed the room. I sat beside him and before he could say anything I blurted it out.

"Rob there's a pretty good chance I'm pregnant."

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