A Girl Who Likes Ketchup (Mic...

By Pengu_Cub

537K 20.4K 30.8K

๐ŸŒนIt's not just one pair of friends that falls in love but most of the characters. Each one has a story to te... More

Ketchup ๋ฏธ๋‚˜
When a penguin meeting a cub
Why am I red?
I want to be owned
Confession at a rooftop
I like you
A date
Finally found you
On Rainy Days
Give me a chance
It's always been you
Look at me now
Into The New World
์ง€์›Œ (Erase)
I miss you
I'm 101% sure
Feeling used
Lie Lie Lies
Double Pain
Shaking Heart
A little bit too much
Can we talk?
Karma will get you
Cold yet caring
Try to win you back
Push and Pull
Gotta be you
Being expressive is not tough
Dahyun's GF
Drunk girl
Watching Jeong's race
Waiting & Apology
Let's stop taking detours Part 1
Let's stop taking detours Part 2
Gimme gimme one more time

Having fun

11.7K 408 583
By Pengu_Cub

(At Nabongss dorm)

No One POV
"I'm going to have a date..." Momo started the conversation. Jeongyeon turned to Momo with questioning eyes.

"With who?" Jeongyeon asked. She looked so serious.

"With the person sitting in front of me" Momo said and that made Jeongyeon choked on her food.

Both couldn't help smiling

"Ehem.." someone came to the room. They turned to see it was Chaeyoung. She was grinning.

"What??" Jeongyeon said

"The two of you official already?" Chaeyoung teased.

"Umm..well yeah"


Chaeyoung then sat next to Jeongyeon and grab some Jeongyeon's food from her plate.

"Yahh don't steal my food, just eat the bean!" Jeongyeon shoved beans to Chaeyoung's mouth.

"I hate beans" Chaeyoung spat it out while making faces. Momo just laughed looking at those two.

"Momo told me that you and Min-" Jeongyeon was cut off

"Yeah we are. I don't wanna hide it too. I like her, no, I love her" Chaeyoung replied smiling and she ruffled her hair looking so proud.

"Congrats chingu-ya" Jeongyeon patted Chaeyoung's back.

"Chaeyoung-ah, if you fancy Mina, I beg you don't hurt her. She might look tough outside but she's quite fragile inside. I don't wanna see her hurt anymore" Momo said.

"I won't hurt her" Chaeyoung replied smiling

"Chaeyoung may looks small and gentle but she is actually as fierce as a tiger" Jeongyeon laughed as she imitated the tiger roaring.

"Yahh!" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

"Mianhae~ where's Mina? you don't wake her up?"

"She will be up anytime soon" Chaeyoung said coolly

"Hey girls~" Jihyo and Tzuyu came to the kitchen. Both of them were seated at a table joining the others.

"I'm still sleepy" Jihyo said while let out a yawn

"What time did you sleep?" Tzuyu asked taking putting some cereal into her bowl.

"I don't remember. I was busy with my computer programming project" Jihyo said

"Just don't tell me you hack something" Momo blurted out and chuckled.

"Oh?" Jeongyeon turned to Momo, confused.

"This girl is good at hacking" Momo pointed at Jihyo and Jihyo just chuckled.

"Dae~bak" Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu gasped.

"Yeah but I didn't do that often okay... I was really doing my project last night" Jihyo replied.

"Hey girls. I'll be out. Make sure to lock the door if you girls are leaving okay?" Nayeon said before she went out.

"Arasseo unnie" all of them answered in unison.


Mina POV
I opened my eyes when the sunlight hit my eyes. I got up and decided to take a shower. I walked out after shower and get dressed up. I went to the kitchen after that.

"Joheun achim (good morning)" I greeted everyone

"Mina~~~" Chaeyoung called me as soon as she saw me. She told me to sit next to her.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked her

"You look tired so I don't want to wake you up" she replied

Chaeyoung then feed me something and also poured me a glass of milk. I smiled looking at Chaeyoung. I love the fact that Chaeyoung is so sweet to me.

Suddenly I could feel the weird stares.

"Umm why the air is so strange here?" Jihyo asked raising her eyebrows

"I'm feeling the same way too" Tzuyu responded

"These two are couple" Momo pointed at me and Chaeyoung

"So are they" Chaeyoung pointed back at Momo and Jeongyeon

"Dae~~~bak" Jihyo and Tzuyu gasped.

"Congrats girls" they said and we all grinned.

"Let's hang out today..all of us..what do you say?" Chaeyoung suggested

"Where?" everyone turned to her

"Shall we ride the air balloon and also go to waterpark?"

Call!" the rest said in unison

"Air balloon? I'm scared of height" I said to Chaeyoung

"You have me okay" she said holding my hand tightly.

"Can't we just ride other things?" Momo pouted. She fears of height too. Jeongyeon just laughed seeing how cute Momo's reaction is.

"Okay..let's go in an hour" Chaeyoung said

*after an hour*

(In the bus)

"Are you okay?" Tzuyu asked Jihyo and Jihyo turned to her

"I'm fine" she smiled to Tzuyu assuring that she's fine

"What is it? We're going to have fun but why are you keep looking out the window blankly?" Tzuyu asked Jihyo

"I'm just a little sleepy" Jihyo reasoned out

I sat next to Chaeyoung and of course Momo and Jeongyeon sat next to each other too.

"Sleepy?" I heard Jeongyeon asked Momo

"Yeah" Momo answered

"Just sleep" Jeongyeon offered her shoulder for Momo to lean her head

"No.. I want to talk to you" Momo pouted

Me, on the other hand, kept on staring at Chaeyoung. She then turned to me.

"What?" OMG this cub..

"Nothing" I said and leaned back to the seat. I closed my eyes planning to sleep while waiting for the bus to arrive at the place we're heading at. I felt someone's hand pulled me and I shot my eyes open. Chaeyoung pulled my head to her shoulder.

I felt comfortable and can't help but smiling widely. My heart was happy, my emotion was happy, my brain was happy and just my whole body turned so warm.

"Stop smiling like an idiot" I heard her said and I stopped smiling.

"I'm not smiling" I hissed and she laughed. I guess we just love to tease each other. I then slowly drifted to sleep.

"Mina~ Mina~" I slowly opened my eyes, I sat straight and turned to Chaeyoung.

"Let's go!" she said, we all got out from the bus and followed Chaeyoung. I stretched my body and looked around me. I saw an air balloon. It was really cool.

The staff were preparing the air balloon first before we got inside.

"This going to be a bomb" Tzuyu squealed.

"Yeah the view will be awesome" Jihyo said.

"I'll be taking a lot of pictures~~" Jeongyeon said smiling. Momo was quiet so she kept on hugging Jeongyeon's arm.

Actually I was afraid and nervous because I'm not that friendly with heights but then when I think about it when can I experience these things again..so I made up my mind to try riding it.

"Let's get in" Chaeyoung helped me to get in and then she stood beside me. Whoa she's so brave. The rest got in too.

"3..2...1.. let's go" there were 2 staff who went up with us. Slowly the air balloon went up and I held the side tightly. I looked at the ground and slowly we're getting further and further from it.

"Wahhh museopta! (scaryy!)" Momo said. She closed her eyes not daring to look anything.

"Let's take a selfie" I heard Jeongyeon was busy taking selfies when were already at the top.

"You scared?" Chaeyoung asked me and I was in panic mode until I couldn't answer her. My eyes were stucked to the ground and then I closed my eyes.

"Don't look" she turned my body facing her and my eyes stuck on her beautiful eyes.

"Look at me and don't panic" she said and I nodded silently. She then gave me a hug.

"Damn the view" I heard Jihyo said and I can't help but turned my eyes to the view and damn it was slowly went up but the view was damn beautiful. I couldn't agree more.

I tried to walk to the side but my legs were shaking. Chaeyoung slowly held my hand. I looked at her and her eyes were already landed on the view. I slowly walked to the side even though my body was shaking in fear.

"It's okay, you won't fall" Chaeyoung said in a volume that only I can hear that

"You won't fall from this air balloon but you might fall in love with me more.." she added, smiling.

"OMG Son Chaeyoung, that's so cheesy" I hit her arm lightly but still my body was shaking in fear. She just chuckled.


No One POV
After they rode the air balloon, they went to their next destination, the waterpark. Mina was the happiest among them all since she always enjoys swimming.

The six of them changed into their swimming suits and started playing around.

After two hours, they went to get their early dinner before going home.

(At the restaurant)

"Today was fun!!" Jeongyeon squealed

"You better thank me!" Chaeyoung grinned

"Gomawo Chaeyoung-ah" the rest said in unison.

Suddenly, Chaeyoung's phone ringing. She looked at her phone.

"Who?" Mina asked raising her eyebrows

"Ahh it's my unnie" Chaeyoung replied. She picked up the call and put it on speaker mode.

"Oh Dahyun unnie wae?"

"Where are you now?"

"Umm I'm out with my friends.."

"Don't you miss us? come to our house tonight arasseo?"


"Yeah tonight. Omma appa wants to see you so much"

"Arasseo. I'll go home tonight"

"Send my regards to your friends. I'm hanging up"

Then Chaeyoung hung up the phone call. It was a call from her unnie, Dahyun.

"That's my unnie, Dahyun. I guess I've to go back home tonight" Chaeyoung pouted

"Can't you go tomorrow?" Mina pouted too

"Nah, I promised my sister something...gotta keep my promise before she explodes"

"Arasseo. Call me when you got back home okay??" Mina caressed Chaeyoung's cheek

"Yahh I want to puke" the rest commented. They were cringing seeing them like that.

They continued to eat until they finished it all.

"I'm going to the toilet first" Tzuyu excused herself

*Few minutes later*

They paid the bill and went outside the restaurant. Chaeyoung left first because she had to catch a train before it's too late.

"Yah where's Tzuyu?" Mina asked

"Why is she taking so long?" Jeongyeon whined

"I'll go check on her" Jihyo hurriedly went inside the restaurant again to check if Tzuyu was still in the washroom.

"Yahh she's not in the toilet" Jihyo ran to the rest.

"Shit! did she just left without us?" Momo said

"Aniya. I've a bad feeling about this" Jihyo said in a panic mode. Jihyo grabbed her phone to track Tzuyu's location which then they heard a scream not too far from the restaurant.

"Yah isn't that Tzuyu's voice?" Mina said

"Help me!! Please help me!!" their eyes widened as they heard the voice's shaking

As soon as they heard the scream, they ran quickly to the voice. They saw 3 guys in a small alley.

"It's them again.." Jihyo said. The same guys that bullied Tzuyu the other day.

Jihyo was boiling in anger when she saw Tzuyu was tied and her head was covered.

Mina called the police right away while the rest hurriedly walked to get Tzuyu, she was sitting in the corner with her hands tied and her head covered.

Jihyo walked to them and punched them one by one.

"You fucker. How dare you kidnap her!!" Jihyo punched them so hard cause she was really damn angry.

"What did I tell you? don't mess with her right?" Jihyo was really mad to the point she kicked them all in their jewels.

"Ouch that hurts" the rest gasped

Finally, all the guys were collapsed on the floor, with bloods covering their face.

"Mess with us, you'll have to face me again" Jihyo said and she hurriedly tied the three of them so they won't get to escape.

"Wow Jihyo-ya I didn't know that you're good in this" Jeongyeon envied Jihyo's punching skill.

"She've learned martial arts since she was a kid" Momo replied.

"Really?" Jeongyeon gasped. It felt like she was seeing the new Jihyo.

"Tzuyu-ya" Jihyo called and Tzuyu turned to her. Her eyes widened and she got up. Tzuyu then slide her arms to Jihyo's waist and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay. You'll be alright" Jihyo hugged her back and caressed her hair calming her down.

"Gomawo for helping me" Tzuyu said.

Right after that, the police came. The rest explained to the police what was happening and finally the police handcuffed the three guys.

"Now let's go home.." Mina and Momo said in unison.

"Yah you should've been careful" Jeongyeon nagged Tzuyu. Momo smacked Jeongyeon's arm so hard making her groaning in pain.

"I guess we should make you train and let's just change your style" Jihyo said jokingly pointing at Tzuyu's nerd appearance to comfort Tzuyu and Tzuyu chuckled.

"You're okay right?" the rest asked and Tzuyu nodded

---- To be continued ----

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