The Archer (A Tale Of Heroes...

By TheSorceress96

4.9K 181 2

When the land is in peril only one group stands in the way of the demon that would raze their home to the gro... More

Author's Note (Please Read) - Updated May 11th, 2018
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Part 3
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 33

30 1 0
By TheSorceress96

Weaving Tales

Declan made his way across the road to the lodge. He leaned against the doorway for a few moments, listening to the noises drifting out. He pushed open the door and entered the dimly lit room.

Long wooden tables covered the expanse of the large hall. Smoke hung heavily in the air. On the other side of the room, past the tables, sat a bar. Declan made his way past drunken men slumped unceremoniously in chairs and a couple arguing. When he reached the bar he sat on a stool and called to one of the bartenders and ordered a drink. He didn't want to appear out of place. He waited until his drink was ready to begin asking questions.

"So, how long have you worked here?" He posed his question to the woman who prepared his drink.

"Long enough. Why do you ask?" She rubbed her wrinkles out of her apron. She appeared to be in her mid-forties, with a tattered dress under her apron. The look in her eyes suggested to late nights working and a stressful home life.

"Just trying to make conversation."

The creases lifted from her face and she visibly relaxed. "About thirty years now. It's been a long life."

"Wow. They must really appreciate you around here."

Her face hardened. "As much as they appreciate the manure in the stable."

Declan leaned back a little. Time to switch his approach. "So I guess it isn't so great here then?"

"What made you guess?" She laughed and began wiping down the bar beside him.

"This is a delicate issue for you, I take it?"

"Just leave it alone, okay? It ain't matter how left out I feel about the comings and goings of people. It ain't none of my business." Her shoulders sagged. "Or so I've been told."

"People being secretive? What are they doing?" He sat up a little taller. Now he was getting somewhere.

"Like I said before, I don't know. Nor do I care." She slid his drink across the table. "Drink up now."

Smiling, he grabbed the drink and lifted it up to his lips. He was careful not to take a sip. He did not wish to become intoxicated. It would cloud his judgement and he needed to remain alert to find the information he required. When he lowered his glass he wiped his lips.

"So where you from? You don't look like the regular folk around here." She cocked an eyebrow.

"Not from anywhere, really. I'm a traveller. I just roam around."

"Everybody's from somewhere. Where did you live before you started traveling?"

"I can't remember. I have been travelling for a very long time."

"Don't you have any family that's missing you?"

"No, they all passed away when I was young." It was hard for him to admit. He may not be telling her the whole truth but a little bit was easier than a lie.

"Poor soul. So you've been wandering ever since? What brings you here of all places?" She smiled sadly.

"Just wandering, really. I never know where I'm going until I get there."

"Sounds like a lot more fun than working here. But really," she leaned forward, "everyone has a reason for wandering. What's yours?"

He shook his head. "I really do not have a reason except I do not like staying in one place too long. I want to explore while I have the chance."

The bartender leaned back. "Okay, I can accept that." She glanced across the room. "But tell me, why did you leave that young lady out on the step? She looks awfully lonely out there." She pointed out the window at the end of the bar. Through the cloudy window she pointed out where Katherine stood across the road.

"She didn't feel safe coming in here." A partial truth. Maybe.

"Because of these fools?" She gestured to some of the men lying at the tables in the back. "They wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone a woman. And why should she be worried if she has a strong man like you to protect her?"

He shrugged. "She can hold her own."

"So why didn't she come in?"

Declan leaned in closer to the bartender and lowered her voice. "She doesn't approve." He lifted his drink and smiled.

"I see now. Shame. There ain't nothing wrong with a good strong drink once in a while."

"That's my view, too."

"So where y'all sleeping tonight?"

"We don't know yet. We're still looking."

The woman smiled down. "We have the perfect room for ya. Just give me a bit to get it set up. I expect the lady will be joining you?"

"Of course."

"Then come back after two thirds of the candle and your room should be ready for you." She nodded and backed from him. "I need to go, customers and all. Enjoy the drink." She smiled briefly at him before leaving.

Well that was not what I needed. He turned to survey the room. Nobody appeared panicked, which meant that Demonica had not struck any nearby villages. I wonder why?

"Hey, psst, hey you!" a voice whispered off to Declan's right.

Declan swung around to identify the voice. Crouched in the shadows was a little boy, no more than ten years old. He skin was covered in dirt and his clothes were ripping at the seams. He gestured at Declan to come over.

Reluctantly Declan left his stool to talk to the boy. He leaned down to whisper back. "What do you want?"

"Don't be so obvious!" The boy pushed at his legs. "Sit on a stool or something. Don't act like your talking to anybody. They can't know I'm here."

Silently laughing Declan sat down on the stool nearest the boy. Deciding not to look at him, Declan raised the still full glass to his lips. "So what do you want?"

"I heard you talking to the bartender. I know why you're really here."

Declan analyzed the boy from the corner of his eye. "And what reason would that be?"

"You're after that witch lady, aren't you? I heard about a wanderer that has been trailing her, trying to save the girls."

"I think you've mistaken me for somebody else." Declan made sure to keep his face expressionless.

"No, the wanderer was just at the village not far from here before he disappeared again. Rumour had it that he was travelling towards here." The boy's voice was beginning to increase in volume. Clearly this was a subject he was passionate about.

"And where do you get this information?"

"There's a whole network of us. We're big fans of yours and try to track your every move." He was nodding excitedly. "That's why I know you're after the witch. This is also why I know you've been heading in the wrong direction."

"And why do you figure this wanderer, whoever he may be, is heading in the wrong direction? You're only what? Seven?" Declan turned towards the boy now. He was not completely sure about this information but it was more than he had gotten so far.

"Seven!" The boy stood up angrily. "For your information I'm ten! And yes I know this is the wrong direction because my little sister is still here. If that witch had come by she would have taken my sister. Besides, it wouldn't match the pattern."

Declan leaned forward, interested. "What pattern?"

The boy scrunched his eyebrows together. "I thought you knew about the pattern. Everyone in the network does. The way the witch travels forms a pattern. If she came here it would change the pattern. I don't think she would do that, even if you got in her way."

"And what is so special about this pattern?"

The boy shook his head, pressing a finger to his lips. He bid Declan follow him before turning and disappearing into a nearby doorway. Intrigued, Declan followed him. The boy led him through the servants' quarters and down into the cellar.

Squeezing past a wine barrel, Declan squinted to see in the dim light. A solitary lantern hung on the wall, illuminating the tight space. "Are you still there?" he whispered. He could no longer see the boy. He was becoming nervous but decided to continue forward into the darkness.

He reached the wall of the cellar, finding no other passages along the way. He shoulders sagged at the disappointment. The boys' information was promising, much more than he had received from the bartender. He turned and leaned against the wall.

Declan sucked in his breath as the wall gave way under his weight. He tumbled back, falling onto the cold ground. Light streamed out around him and he quickly picked himself up and looked around. He had to squeeze his eyes shut in the bright light engulfing him.

"It's about time." The boy stood, outlined in the doorway.

"What's going on?" Declan shielded his eyes from the light.

"Welcome to the Underground."

be on the s!M

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