When the silence comes to lig...

By maxine247

237K 4.3K 4.2K

Everyone has secrets that they keep from the others.Everyone has suffered in silence .Nobody wants their secr... More

Getting started
Getting started part 2
Secrets Revealed
Ready for more ?
New Day, New Entries
Welp .... More Secrets
Memories, Painful Memories
Memories, Painful Memories pt. 2
Sealand ?
Sealand ? pt.2
Hope pt. 2
I was tagged
He remembers ?!?! Well..... WOW
Old Flames
Jack aka North America
Jack, your not welcome here.
Fatherly Love
The States ?
The states ? pt. 2
The States ? pt. 3
We're all equal
Things are gonna get better..... I hope
It's Called Family, North Pt. 1
It's Called Family, North Pt. 2
It's Called Family, North Pt.3
Feelings and Emotions
Question A/N
Where are they !?!
Embarrassing the Ancients
Ready for this !?!
When they faded
When they faded pt. 2
Learning more about our Parents...... and China ? Pt. 1
Learning more about our Parents...... And China ? Pt.2
Learning more about our Parents .......... And China ? Pt.3
Making it Work Pt. 1
Making it Work Pt. 2
War Pt. 1
War Pt. 2
Never Pt. 1
Never Pt. 2
Twin Brotherly Love
Who you are
Soon. So, So, Soon
The Silence Has (Finally) Come To Light
Wish Me Luck
It's Up
Very, very, important

Family Is Forever

6.4K 96 184
By maxine247

The countries piled into the room after the lunch break. The grandchildren of Rome were sitting next to each other. The Italy brothers were sitting between their older brothers. England was on the right of France. Venezuela was sitting to Spain's left.

Austria picked up the book and opened it. "This is Prussia's"

            " Dear Diary

The Allies took down The Great Prussian Empire. It's gone. I can survive and deal with that. But the thing I can't deal with is the fact that they separated me from mein siblings."    

"Prussia mon ami, I'm so sorry"

"Yeah dude that wasn't cool of us"

The rest of the Allies just felt a wave of guilt  

The other Germanic nations remembered that era. It hit Germany the worst though. After all he was and still is the closest to Prussia. But it was hard for all of them.

Their brother was taken away from them.

During those years the remaining siblings lived together. They gotten closer during those times but the pain of 1 of them not there always stayed.

Prussia remembered the very day he had told his brothers and sister that he would be living with Russia.

That night the family cried together. 

It was the last time in about 50 years that all of them would be together again.

Germania remembered that time period. It was hard looking at what his kids were going through. He of course knew what happened in World Wars 1 and 2. But dissolving a nation was one thing.

And separating one from their family was a worst thing.

The only time he had saw he children this heartbroken was when the Holy Roman Empire dissolved. But HRE was renamed Germany everything seemed to be okay.


Prussia put his arm over Germany who was sitting to his left.

"I'm will always be here for you" He whispered into Germany's ear.

"Guys that was the past, like 70 years ago. I forgave you all already but separate me from my family again. And there will be hell to pay." Prussia darkly said to the not just the former Allies, but the other countries.

This of course got nods from every nation. Even the tough ones like Hungary and Russia.   

Austria then decided to move on to the next entry. "This one belongs to China

                                           Dear Diary,

I sort of wish I was closer with the Italy brothers, I want to tell them stories of their grandfather. I really don't know if it's a good idea or not, it might just bring up bad memories. If Romano's anything like his grandfather, there will be tears. For now I'll keep my stories of Rome to myself. It's probably for the best."

" Ve ~ China can you please tell as stories of Grandpa Rome, please ?"  Italy asked

He and Romano were very young when Rome faded away. Sometimes their older brothers would tell them stories of their Grandfather. But to have someone else, another source who  knew their Grandfather almost as much as them was a blessing.

"Sure aru, I'd be happy too" China smiled

"This next one belongs to Philippines"

Maria silently prayed that this was a positive entry.  

It wasn't.

                                                               "Dear Diary

It's World War 2 Japan just left after invading me for a few years. Kuya America came over and helped me out. He forced Japan to leave. Don't get me wrong and all, I am more than grateful for him helping my country and people out. But he probably thinks I'm so weak that he has to help me out with every war I'm involved in. I mean seriously he helped me out with the war for my independence. I just don't know anymore.

"Philippines I could never think your weak" 

Maria's eyes lighted up

"Really ?" She asked

"Yeah your a really strong nation, besides I wanted to help my little sister. I'm your big brother and I will always be there for you."

Maria rushed out of her seat and tackled America in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you !!"

Alfred just laughed and kissed his sister's check" It's really no problem at all little sis."

Once Maria sat down Austria read another entry 

"This one is note about Scotland, both Irelands and Wales"

Said brothers looked up at this they never really thought that they would actually have something in the book.

Britannia looked down at her 4 oldest boys, the four of them were feeling incredibility guilty over how they treated their younger brother during his childhood.

               "After seeing how distinct their younger brother is toward them. Scotland, Wales, and both Irelands started to feel guilty on how they raised England. They do love him though, they just wish they showed him differently."

"Really, you all don't hate me ?" England asked surprised 

"No of course not Arty, we never did " Ireland stated

This left the Brit surprised a.f

"Do you think we could hang out sometime ? Give us another chance ?" Wales asked.

"I guess that would be nice" England replied  

"This is my last one ... it's a note"

                     "Dear nations, you all have been reading these entries so far but for some of them we think you should see the actual memories. So from this point and on some of these entries will be memories that you all can see.   

                                                                                 Love, Gary, your parents, and grandparents 

Once again nobody knew what to say, their memories might be shown to the whole world as if reading them to the whole world wasn't enough.

Everyone was silent until Germany spoke up.

"It's 11:30 we should continue tomorrow."

As the nations piled out nobody noticed a certain micro-nation almost having a panic attack under the table.

Of course, he had snuck in.

When he was sure all the nations were gone Sealand got up from underneath the table.

He too was shocked at what he heard. And hoped that it didn't include him.

They can't know, they won't know He thought lifting up his sleeves and looking at his cuts.

Each one for being too useless  He thought again

Slowly he lifted his head up to the sky/celling "Mom please don't include me, anyone but me" he said tears falling down his face. As he talked to his mother wondering if she actually was hearing him. 

With that he left the room.

Britannia fell to her knees in violent sobs as she watched the condition of her youngest son. 

The other Ancients rushed over to her.

Native America pulled her into a hug. Her son too been through the same thing.

But the countries didn't know that yet.

Gary just watched from the ancients from afar.  

They'll know soon  he thought they'll know soon 


Stay tuned for more

And yes !!!!!!!!!!! there will be memories NOW !!!!!!!!

So if you have a request that you want as a memory  just comment it below 

But don't forget to say if it's an entry or memory.  

Also I should really clear something up , you guys might be a bit confused about when it said Philippines was America's sister and in chapter 3 or 4 it said America was Spain's son.

So if you read 'North American Brothers A-Z' you would know this but for all of you who don't : It's a headcannon of mine that when the North American Siblings were found they didn't want to be separated so England, France, and Spain visited each other with their other children during holidays or weekends or anytime. So now the 3 father countries think as each other's colonies as their kids, if even if they colonized them or not. So the former colonies think as each other as their brothers and sisters.            














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