The Vampire

By HiiPower_333

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Jessy Volkov is the girl next door, the nice girl that everybody likes but one day everything changes. Everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Author's Note

Chapter 25

390 5 0
By HiiPower_333

Dominic's POV

It's been a week since I told Jessy the moment I never told anyone. Lincoln told me to get her to trust me, to get her closer to me. I didn't plan on taking showing her to that mountain I just acted because when I saw that look in her eyes it bothered me. I didn't want her to stand alone over the mountain the way I did. I didn't want to imagine it. 

I didn't want to earn her trust because Lincoln ordered me to. I want her to completely trust me for me because that's what I want not what Lincoln wants. I care about what she thinks of me and I want her to understand me. 

When I told her my story she didn't say much but I knew she understood. She looked at me like she saw me for the first time. 

I wanted her to not hate me so bad but I knew once she found out about everything I have been doing behind her back she will never forgive me. 

I thought Lincoln's orders was going to be tough I knew that. I know she will be stubborn and angry. I knew she would be endlessly fascinating but one thing I didn't figure out is in time I did care about her because in time I see myself in her. Then all I want to do is save her. 

Lincoln gave me a call a day after he found out about his precious little Kevin. He was pissed and usually he keeps calm and cool but without Kevin everything is recorded in camera which means if he catches attention from FBI, CIA and other unwanted agents he will be a bit busy for a few days. People who are after him can trace him. 

He command me to see him today so here I am sitting in a cafe waiting for him. 

"Hi you're not from here are you?" A girl with strawberry blonde hair walked up to me with a slight blush forming on her white cheeks filled with tiny freckles. 

"No I move around" I try to look poliet but at times it's hard when you don't want to talk to anyone. 

"Well I came up to you because my friend over there thinks you're cute and-

"Dominic always attracting young ladies around you" Lincoln appeared behind her causing her to give out a yelp. 

"I got it from you father" I rolled my eyes. 

His pale eyes glimmer in the light coldly he face the girl who looked like a tomato red faced. 

"Excuse us will you sweetheart" He smiled warmly at her. 

"S-sure it's nice to meet you" She gave me a slight wave before clumsily walking away. 

Lincoln wore his casual clothes today but he still end up looking like an asshole without his suit anyway. He sat down with an expression he always held when he gives me words of distaste towards me. 

"Are you making progress with Jessy?" He look over at the waitress coming to us. "I'll just have a coffee thank you" 

"And you sir?" She looked at me.


I watch as she pour black coffee in a white mug steaming infront of Lincoln. 

"There's no progress" I answered his question with a lie.

I didn't even hesitate to cover up for her because I want more time. I want to find many things that have fascinated me but also I don't want her to hate me.  

"I thought so and your slow progress is causing me my vampires Dominic" He took a sip of his black coffee. "If you can't do the job of keeping her close to you you need to put her down" 

"What?" My eyes widen. "I thought you needed her" 

He took out a small red clear liquid in a small bottle and but it on the middle of the table. 

"I do this will not kill her but she is making such a mess lately she needs to be punished. So this bottle will cause her to fall asleep you make her drink it and then you bring her body to me." His blue eyes shine. 

I clenched my fist on my side not letting him see the anger rising in me. He smirk as if he saw right through me. He finished his coffee and stood up standing tall beside the table as he look down at me. 

"Oh I almost forgot" He chuckled. "You better get to Jessy before she do something stupid" He stared walking out. 

My eyes snapped towards him in surprised at his warning making my whole body alert. 

"Why?" I clenched my jaw, my whole body tense keeping myself from launching towards him to wrap my bare hands around his throat. 

"She needed to be punished" He gave me a chill bone smile that held so much sinister in it that no one can pull off. 

Immediately I got up and got on my motor bike and head to the house. My mind race to any conclusion to what he meant by that. Is she okay? Is she hurt? What the hell has he done now. 

I press on the gas to the maximum and dodge the slow cars up ahead. I arrived in no time I parked roughly and climb the steps and pushing pass the gates and security. I stepped inside the house to find all of them sitting in the living room with shock written in their faces. My chest clenched tightly waiting for them to speak. Michael stood up stress was obviously gotten to him. 

"Jessy's parents their house was burned down and I think they've been killed in there and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the fire that killed them" Michael run his hand through his black hair. "You should've seen her Dominic if doesn't break her I will be impressed" 


All heads turn behind me and I didn't have to look to know she's there but for a minute I didn't have the nerve to look at her in the eyes to see all that pain. It was my father that did this and I felt guilty, more guilty then I ever felt in my life. 

I look to her she stood there with an expression that no one can read. No one can simply understand what she's feeling but all I want to do at this moment is understand every bit of her pain. She clenched her jaw tightly as she stare at everyone of us. 

I swallowed the lump forming in my lungs when her eyes flickered on mine. Her blue eyes is red and glassy and tired. Tears ran down her face but yet her face was expressionless that's the face of someone who is ready to crumble to the ground and break down and we wait for it.  

"Jessy" Cammy stepped forward her face filled with worry. "I...I-

"I'm just getting my car" Her voice was emotionless it was like a robot was speaking and controlling her movements and I don't like it. 

"Maybe you should-

She was about to walk away but she spin around and face Oscar who spoke up. Her face filled with rage that I haven't seen before. 

"Do what?! Sit around while all of you watch my every move? Should I rest and remember all my mistakes that this should never had happened?! Should I try move on because that is the best way to try to forget?! Should I forgive and not let this ruin me?! What should I do Oscar?" Her lips turn into a frown whilst tears began to fill her eyes. "Tell me what to do!" She yelled her cold expression broke and I see the sadness. 

Oscar seemed taken back at her anger but he understood her in ways I haven't and it pissed me off. He have known her since forever, they share something I don't have with her. He took a step closer to her and reached for her even though she backed away. Even though he knew she would take her anger out on him. Even though she might not want to be touched he walked closer. She blinked her tears away her breathing became uneven. She cried in his arms, she clutched onto him desperately like he is going to be gone too. 

"Tell me what to do" She plead brokenly. "Because I don't know what I'm doing anymore" 

It's the side of her no one has seen. A defeated side. 

He pulled her into a hug pinning her close to him even when she's trying to fight him. His gesture is saying that even if she doesn't want him to take care of her now he will anyway. It's like he's saying with not saying a word that he will be there for her no matter what even if she doesn't want him too. 

I clenched my jaw feeling my throat tighten at the sight. What if I wanted to that? What if I told her that I was worried about her? What if I told her that she's all I think about? What if I told her that seeing her like this gives me this feeling that I never felt before? What if I told her she scares me in more ways any vampire has?

Because I lost so many times that my mind began to wonder to her everytime.   

She made me care for her and she doesn't even know it. 

Her eyes snapped open looking to me over his shoulder. I felt trapped under her blue eyes she held something there that wanted me to pull her close to me instead and ask what's in her mind. 

My hands clenched the small bottle that is in my pocket tightly. It's like Lincoln is reminding me that I have a job to do and she is nothing but a blood that my dad needs to bring my mom back alive. 

The sudden reality came down on me because I keep forgetting about my mom. She's asking what she should do I should be asking that to myself. Who the hell do I pick Jessy or my mom? 

The choices suddenly angered me because if you asked me a few weeks ago I would no doubt pick my mom but now I'm not so sure. I curse mentally hating myself that I could think twice to bring the women that cared for me when no one else did back to life. I curse myself that I develop some sort of feelings for Jessy. I curse Lincoln because he will always be a bastard who only think of himself. 

I storm out my mind filled with decisions I don't want to make. 


Four days later

I watch from the distance as she sat down on the open field looking up at the moonless night. I can't help but move closer to watch her movement. 

"Are you going to bring me back to the mountain again?" She spoke up with slight humor in her tone. 

There's no point in pretending I wasn't watching her like a stalker. I walk towards her and look upon her face that is no less perfect then ever. Her eyes is more sad but her face tells no story, no emotion. Slowly I sat down next to her wanting wrap my arms around her but I held still. 

"Only if you want to" I shrugged. 

She sighed deeply her eyes snapping up at the sky. 

"What are you thinking?" I look leaned back and lay on the grass and stare at the single star in the dark sky. 

She join me on the soft feeling of the grass and once again we are side by side staring out at the sky. 

"I'm thinking of mind is blank for the past few days" She sighed. 

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I watch as crease form between her eyebrows. 

"I don't know anymore" She turn her face to the side staring right at me. 

"When my mom died I didn't really understand any of it. Lincoln never cared enough to explain it he just told me she's gone and never coming back. The woman that only cared and loved me is never going to be there to do that anymore and it hurt me a lot. I remember crying every morning because she usual sings around my room drawing until I wake up. Hearing nothing in the morning is the hardest sound I could ever hear. I cried for so many weeks until I got use to it. I got use to her not being there." I sighed feeling my throat tighten remembering all the days I missed her and needed her. 

Her eyes wondered around my face her expression still hard and empty never giving off the slightest emotion. 

"And I think that's the worst pain of it all you know." I look up at the sky hoping she's up there some where. "Getting use to the fact she will never be there so do you know what I do" I half smiled and sat up. 

I grab hold of her hand and pulled her up with me. She gave me questionable look watching me curiously. 

"I pretend we did have a funeral for her. I sent her away on the ocean her favorite place on earth is where she will be. I set her on fire so that the wind will take her away up at the sky and I would imagine her soul bursting out of her in a ball of white flame. She would fly up high in the sky and she would explode into millions of stars where she will stay forever. I would look up any time I need her and when I see the stars I pretend it's her the light in the dark and she never really left." 

I look up at the stars glittering at us like diamonds that reflect light. 

"That's beautiful" I can hear the sadness in her voice. 

I turn to her finding her eyes filled with tears making me frown at the sight. 

"The most sad thing is that they died hating me." Her lips trembled. "They couldn't love me anymore and even though everything that happened I will always love them and that's what hurts the most." Her tears trail down her cheeks. 

I want to comfort her with words that it's not true. Her parents loved her but I couldn't. I couldn't explain and defend what they did to her and how broken they left her. I couldn't defend the love they had for her because it's hard to imagine that a father would torture and break her in ways he could only do. Her mother standing back and letting it all happen. They did love her but that love wasn't enough to accept her for who she is now. 

"I can't be like you and imagine them in the sky to always look down on me because they don't want to. They don't care anymore to watch over me." She sobbed biting her lips to keep it in. "My memories of them is nothing but pain and I will never get those memories I love back. I will never get the parents I love back." Her cries seem to be like a stabbing pain on my chest and all I want to do is make it go away. 

"For the past few days I've been obsessing over what had happened. Do you know what your father did?" The mention of him sends a stabbing feeling of guilt piercing through me. "He made my dad watch as he tortured my mom. He broke all her bones and hanged her right infront of him in the living room." Her voice shook and even her body sho ok.

"The room where we opened our Christmas gifts. The room where they told me that no boy in the world is good enough for me. The room where we watched movies every Saturday night. It was the room where we were always happy and he ruined that too. He grab my dad and tortured him with the equipment's he does with the vampires. All my dad could do is cry for my mom. Lincoln poured gasoline over his head as he kneel down infront my hanging mother. He burned him alive." Her voice cracked. 

Her body shook and I don't know if it's from all the crying or her rage that is burning behind her eyes. I didn't like the look in her eyes. I didn't want her imaging it, I don't want her to see it ever but it's too late. I couldn't protect her from Lincoln. 

"And do you know how I know all these details?" She said through clenched teeth. "He sent me a tape a day after. I had to be punished he said" She glare at me. 

My throat went dry and I tensed up completely shock at what he's trying to do to her. He's trying to break her. He's trying to make her switch off because he knows how vulnerable she will be when she does.  

"And then I started thinking what if I killed the people he love? His family. I could kill them and make him watch but then I remember he will never care enough to hurt even if I kill you or Luke even Chester." She shook her head. "What does he love so much that he can't live without? That is the question that is running through my head every day."

"Power," She answered staring at me coldly. "Power is the only thing that matters to him. I will strip him off his power and I will make him feel worthless. I will make power his worst nightmare that in time he would hate and I will hurt him in more ways he could ever imagine" She spoke so clearly filled with vengeance and hate. 

The look in her eyes had me take a few inches back. It was something I never seen before, something that I don't want to see. She felt like a stranger to me. This side is more hateful, more angry and more dangerous. 

I didn't know what to say or say to make her feel better. I just know that what she's feeling isn't something anyone can remove not even Oscar can. The only way she stops feeling like this is to make Lincoln pay. 

For a moment I want to tell her everything. Why she's so important to Lincoln. What his plan is and that I've been with his plan all along but I couldn't do it. 

I don't want to lose her. 

The realization hit me hard on the face making me dizzy. 

"I'm...I'm sorry" That was all I could say. It shocked her because she knew I never once apologize for anything.

She looked at me confused and for a little while I saw her face soften. I saw the person I have known to like, the person I learned to care about. 

"Is that what you're here for Dominic? To make me tell you what's going on in my head, to make me feel all better about this? You tell me what had happened to your mom to make me feel less guilty, less pain but you know what it doesn't make me feel anything" Her eyes burn with tears. "Your mother died loving you. It isn't the same thing nobody will know how it feels to watch your parents die because of you." She cried her eyes filled with rage but her voice is filled with sadness. 

I grab hold of her hand making her look at me because I couldn't take it anymore. I can't sit back and watch as the pain ruin her. I can't sit back and watch my father win.

"Let me in Jessy show me how much it hurts, make me understand" I grab hold of her.

"Are you going to take the pain away?" Something in her eyes flash too quickly for me to understand.

"If you let me" I whispered.

My hands reaching towards the nape of her neck and my other to her cheeks cupping her face. I lean my forehead with hers searching for her trust. Slowly I can see her guard shifting down and her face relax. I lean towards her until our lips met, I felt her stiffen under my lips but in a few seconds her lips relaxed the way her body is.

The only way for me to take it away is for her to be vulnerable with me, completely and utterly vulnerable. She tells me things, she cries but yet I see the wall still there. 

I let my ability come out to the surface and let it take over. I close my eyes loving the taste of her lips and the smooth texture. I deepened the kiss pulling her closer to me all my senses consumed by her taste and touch. This kiss is different then the others. It's more intense like my veins is filled with gasoline and her lips is the fire.

Then I felt it I felt what she has been feeling coursing through my whole body. I gasp against her mouth tightening my hold on her. The pain, the hurt, the sadness, the loneliness and anger came all at once when I felt it all I want to do is pull back but I have to do this. For her. I'm trying to make the pain become a dull feeling, I can't erase her pain but I can make it feel a little less painful.

I want her to stop hurting and more importantly I want her to feel that people do love her. I want her to see it, I want her to feel it.

The pain was too much I felt like it's taring my insides, twisting it until it's all gone, until I have nothing left anymore to give. I can feel tears seeping through my eyes as I felt everything she's feeling. It took everything in my power to pull back and take it all from her. Take her pain, take some of the bad things to help her feel something more then this. 

 The pain in my body stopped as I pull away opening my eyes seeing her eyes still closed. I lean my forehead against her feeling a sort of connection with her. I understood more and the more I understand her the more I want to know everything. I want to know exactly what she's thinking whenever her eyebrows come together and her eyes sadden a little bit. I want to know what she's feeling and I want to know how I can make it okay.  

Her eyes slowly snapped open revealing her glowing blue eyes with a hint of green in them. 

"Why did you do that?" She frowned confused. 

"You said to take away the pain so I did." I explained creasing her cheeks. 

"You felt what I felt?" 

"Some bits I did" I nodded. "I can't image how you wake up every morning to that feeling" 

She gave me a sad smile and look ahead she moved her shoulders into a shrug. 

"I don't know either" She look back at me in curiosity. "So you took my pain away?" 

"Yes, how do you feel?" I can't help but raise my hand to touch her face. 

I touch her rosy cheeks softly and tuck her brown hair behind her ears. She watch my movements and I can see all the questions and curiosity in her eyes to why I did and why I'm acting like this. 

"I feel more this feeling in my stomach is gone and it doesn't hurt when I think about them anymore" Her eyebrows came together. "It doesn't hurt anymore" She mumbled almost to herself. 

 We looked at each other for a long time like she's trying to understand what I did but she couldn't. We both end up laying back down staring at each other closely. I moved the strand of hair away from her face. 

"Tell me what you're thinking" I whispered searching her face for any sign of pain. 

I can still see the sadness but it's not that sadness that drives her insane. Her eyebrows came together and her lips twitch to a frown making her look adorable. 

"I'm thinking how can someone like you be the son of someone like him" Her hand reached up to my face taking me by surprise but I tried not to show it. 

Her cold fingers trail over my face and all I want to do is pull her hand closer and bury my face on her palm. I stayed close watching her trace her finger over my skin making me feel a weird tingly feeling rushing down my body slowly. 

"And I'm thinking how can someone like Lincoln break someone as strong as you" I said back. 

Her eyes snapped back to mine and mine snap down to her lips that curve into a small smile that I love. 

"I think he broke both of us." Her hand rest underneath my chin. 

I can't help it anymore I took her hand and press it to my cheek warming up her cold hand. Her face slightly soften watching me hold her closer. I don't have control of myself anymore, I can't help but hold her closer and not let her go and that feeling scares me more then anything in the world. 

Looking at her now all I want to do is protect her even from herself. 

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