Bullied by Harry Styles

By prettylouiss

220K 4.6K 1.4K

Will she get her Harry back? More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
Authors note..ugh
Authors note!! (SORRY)
I love you.
Last chapter
Sequel Information.
Chapter 1 (sequel)
Chapter 2 (sequel)
Chapter 3 (sequel)
chapter 5 (sequel)
Thank you.

Chapter 4 (sequel)

773 29 2
By prettylouiss

I woke up with an annoying beeping noise. And an annoying headache. I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the bright light. I finally succeeded to open my eyes and i sat up.

Their in the room was liam and ashley.

Then i started to get flashbacks.

"Well well well. If it isn't harry styles. The one who almost killed my sister" he laughs. Sickening me.

"Shut up!" i yell at him.

"Hey hey watch it" he presses the gun harder against my head.

"Let her go." harry says sternly. That's when i realize the gun in his hand.

"Take one more step and i will shoot her." cameron warns.

Everything that happens next happens in slow motion. And soon someone pulls the trigger. And everything goes black.

"Where is he?!? Is he okay?" i freak out immediately.

"Hey hey love. Calm down" Liam immediately gets up and rushes to my side followed by Ashley.

"Hey he's okay please calm down" Ashley begs.

I relaxed a bit and lied back down.

"How you feeling?" liam questioned as his eyes were filled with worried.

"Fine my head is just killing me" I sigh.

"understandable . He put the gun against to your head pretty roughly and it left a bruise. Anything else hurt?" he asked.

"Nah that's about it-" soon there was a knock on the door.

A doctor with a white long coat walked in.

"Hello karla my name is Mr. Peterson. How are you feeling?" he comes up to me immediately taking my face in his hands and turning it a bit gently. Doctor's hands are always so smooth.

"I'm feeling well just my head. Can i please just leave?" i asked. I haven't asked about sarah. But right when i'm out of here i'm going to find her.

"Patience. I'll i have to do is hand you painkillers. And your friend here liam already signed you out." he smiles. "Now you're boyfriend and your daughter are in the room right next to yours to the left. And right next to his is your friend," he informs as he writes something down on paper.

"Here are some painkillers take two a day. One when you wake up and one in the middle of the day for about a week and you'll be fine." he concludes, "Okay you're free to go"

And with that i got up saying a quick thanks and heading to harry's and Sarah's room.

I walk in to see sarah watching tv and harry peacefully asleep. The tears immediately start to fall.

"Baby" i whimper as i rushed to her.

"Mum!" she cheers. I sit down next to her as she hops on me.

"Careful baby" i whisper. She has bruises up and down her arms. And one around her eye.

"That son of a-" i take a deep sigh.

"I missed you" she hugged me tight.

"Oh baby so did i."

"I don't want to go back to that mean guy" she whimpers, "he hurt me very badly. And he hurt angel too and she tried to protect me but she couldn't and he threw something at her and she slept for a long time. And he hit me very bad momma

i don't want to go back" she cried.

"Sweetie you will never see him again" I cried.

"Have you spoken to dad?" i asked her.

"No he's been asleep the whole time" she shakes her head as i set her down.

I walk over to Harry's hospital bed.

As i sit down the bed sinks and Harry moves around.

He groans as he opens his eyes immediately smiling.

"How are you feeling?" i asked him my voice sounding obviously concerned.

"I'm good. Where is she?" he whispers. Sarah not noticing as she is watching the television.

"Right over their. She has bruises everywhere Harry"

"I know i saw her already when we first got here. Baby how are you feeling though?"

He asked sitting up not hurt apparently.

"I'm fine just massive headache. Harry what exactly happened?" I whispered.

" He was gonna shoot you. It was either you or him.. I pulled the trigger. And i shot him. I'm sorry. I didn't wanna lose you. I chose you" he explains worried.

I sigh.

"I'm not mad at you if that's what you think. Is- is he dead?" i mumble.

Harry looks at me and looks down. I take that signal as a yes.

"Oh harry" i immediately hug him. "I'm not mad at you okay? I mean he was my brother yes but. Think about everything he did to us. You did the right thing. I guess. I just can't believe he did all of this" i sigh.

"I know love i know" he agrees.

"Daddy!" sarah cheers as she noticed Harry.

"Hey hey no stay there don't you dare move" i shot up.

She frowns as harry laughs at my mom mood.

"Hi baby how you feeling?" Harry asked her moving his head towards the direction she is in.

"M'good i missed you so much" she smiles.

"Sweetie i missed you so much more trust me" harry smiles.

I look at both of them. So thankful they're back.

"Guys now i want you guys to rest i'm gonna go see angel okay?"

They nod as i kiss sarahs forehead and peck Harry's lips.

As i was heading towards the door i hear my name

"haylee!" harry grabs my attention.

I turn around to face him.

"I love you" he grins.

I smile back at him.

"I love you"


I head to the other room. Knocking on it softly and walking in.

I see louis and i run towards him trapping him in a hug.

"Hi Lou"

"Hello love. How are you feeling? You okay?"

"Yes i'm okay just pain in the head" I nod.

I rush over to niall and wrap my arms around him.

"I'm glad you're back love"

"So am i nialler so am i."

I gave a hug to nicky and another hug to Liam and Ashley.

"Angel" i sigh.

Bruises up and down her body. Her left eye barely opened.

"Oh my gosh babe!" i rush towards her.

She smiles. Barely even noticeable.

"He did this all to you. I'm so sorry you don't deserve it" i sigh a single tear escaping.

"Hey it's okay i needed to protect her" she speaks up.

"I love you so much okay? We are all gonna get through this together"

She smiles.

"Okay rest for a bit"

She nods exhausted as she closes her eyes.

I walk over to louis.

"I'm so sorry this happened to her"

"Hey it's not your fault. Okay?"

I look down.



"He..he uh he raped her" he mumbles sounding so broken.

"You're kidding oh my god louis" I hug him sobbing on his shoulder.

"He touched her. That prick touched her. I swear if he was right here i would-"

"Louis louis he is gone now okay? Everything will be okay. They will take therapy okay?"

He nods as he sighs hugging me tighter.

We will be okay.

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