When the silence comes to lig...

By maxine247

231K 4.2K 4.2K

Everyone has secrets that they keep from the others.Everyone has suffered in silence .Nobody wants their secr... More

Getting started
Getting started part 2
Secrets Revealed
Ready for more ?
Welp .... More Secrets
Family Is Forever
Memories, Painful Memories
Memories, Painful Memories pt. 2
Sealand ?
Sealand ? pt.2
Hope pt. 2
I was tagged
He remembers ?!?! Well..... WOW
Old Flames
Jack aka North America
Jack, your not welcome here.
Fatherly Love
The States ?
The states ? pt. 2
The States ? pt. 3
We're all equal
Things are gonna get better..... I hope
It's Called Family, North Pt. 1
It's Called Family, North Pt. 2
It's Called Family, North Pt.3
Feelings and Emotions
Question A/N
Where are they !?!
Embarrassing the Ancients
Ready for this !?!
When they faded
When they faded pt. 2
Learning more about our Parents...... and China ? Pt. 1
Learning more about our Parents...... And China ? Pt.2
Learning more about our Parents .......... And China ? Pt.3
Making it Work Pt. 1
Making it Work Pt. 2
War Pt. 1
War Pt. 2
Never Pt. 1
Never Pt. 2
Twin Brotherly Love
Who you are
Soon. So, So, Soon
The Silence Has (Finally) Come To Light
Wish Me Luck
It's Up
Very, very, important

New Day, New Entries

6.8K 105 129
By maxine247

England woke up and saw France laying next to him.

A smile formed on his face as he remembered the events of last night.

But honestly he really hoped that their relationship would last.

France began to stirr and opened his eyes.

When he saw England,he gave him a  kiss on the cheek.

"Bonjuor mon amour are you ok you look at bit worried ?"

"France, ...... be honest with me do you really think we'll make it this time ? what if they break us up again? "

"Mon amour I already told you, I promise I won't them. Besides times have changed. That was over 300 years ago times have. If they try I won't let them. I promise you if they or even if our countries went to war again. I will never leave you. Je t'aime tellement" He said pulling England into another passionate French kiss.

"I love you too" England replied when they broke away.


Finally it was time to read more entries. Everyone had already ate, since France, China and Belgium made breakfast.

Spain picked up the book."I'll be reading now if it's okay with you mis amigos ?"

The other countries nodded.

"This one belongs to Argentina

         Dear Diary,
I remember the days when me and my parents use to have fun down at the river. I love Spain and all, I mean he is my dad. But I remember when my tribe was kill. My parents did everything thing they could to protect me...... Even if it got them killed. I miss them.

Spain looked down in shame, he remembered when he killed that tribe. He remembered when he found Argentina. He looked so scared and was covered head to toe in his parents blood who were covering him with their own bodies.

It took awhile but eventually Argentina started to trust him and started to call him Papa.

Those were back when all he didn't care about was conquering new land. Taking oit anyone who stood in his way.

Spain slowly lifted up his head looked straight at Argentina. "Lo siento"

Argentina looked up a his father, got up, walked over to him and gave him hug.

"I forgive Papa, your my father but they'll always be in my heart."

Spain smiled at his son and wiped Argentina's tears. "Si, I understand"

After another hug Argentina soon sat down back at in his seat.

"This next one is a note about China

                      When China was a child no nations were around to take care of him. That's why he holds onto his family like he does, because he doesn't want them to be lonely like he was."

The other Asian siblings looked at their older brother in shock. Did he really care for them like this, all they did was push him away.

" Domo arigato" China heard Japan say

He looked at his younger brother in shock.

Did he really ?

No he couldn't have

But- no he did

He just thanked him.

"You di- do so much for us and we weren't always the best to you." Taiwan added in with nods from his other siblings. Even North Korea.

"Yeah that's really sweet China" Belgium said

Soon after followed by other countries who also gave China compliments and praise.

China honestly felt like he was going to cry from all the compliments.

Spain soon continued.

"This one belongs to mi tomato !!!! "

"Hey don't call me that you stupid bastard !!!!!!!!" A certain Italian yelled.

            "It says

                        Dear Diary,

Everyone likes Feliciano more than me , I can see why though. Everyone's always saying how sweet and creative and how nice he is. But when they look at me what do they see ? They see someone who's rude, and lazy. It's probablly all true."

Everyone was quiet.

The countries who had called Romano those many names looked down in shame.

"Frattelo, don't listen to them those aren't true." Another Itatian voice spoke out.

"Your really good with weapons and can sing really good, you can even better than me !"

"Si, Roma don't listen to those others and your really good with alot of things you know I can always take care of those who hurt you" Spain said with his axe appering out of nowhere.

Causing those countries to pale.

"Oui, I'm with you on that Spain" France said with roses that had extremely pointy thorns at the end of them.

"Yeah, yeah thanks ..... bastards"

"This is my last ones amigos, it belongs to America"

Alfred paled at this after all the hero's journal is not really a happy place. He looked at his silbings who were giving him soft smiles and took a deep breath.

Native America looked at her down son from limbo. It broke her heart to know what her babies were going through.

She knew that something had to be done.

                                       "Dear Diary,

The Civil War finally ended a week ago. I really wish Iggy didn't have to help out the Confedercy I knew he hated me but I really wished that we were close again. Just like before the Revolutionary. He told he himself that I wasn't his son anymore during 1812. I asked so many other nations for help but they couldn't at least Russia did. I really wished that I didn't have to kill Confedercy he stood for evil but he was still my brother, he still was family. I remeber him holding the gun to my head but somehow I was able to shoot him. I tried telling him that it didn't have to be this way. I him to meet our other silblings. But he couldn't he's gone now."

"Alfie it's not your fault it's not like you wanted too " Maria aka South Mexico said to her brother.

"Alfred " England started " I'm so sorry, I let my anger and emotions get the best of me, I was so mad over your indepence I started to support the other side even with what they stood for." He then pulled his son into a tight embrace tears were falling down both their faces."I so sorry you are my son and always will be I'm so sorry for every hurtful word I said to you, I could never hate you."

The other countries soon followed with words of comfort and those who didn't help him during the war apologized.

"Thanks guys" Alfred said smiling   

Native America looked down at her son with tears of happiness. There was still was alot to be revealed but she was glad that it was helping her children with their pain.

"Hey mom" She turned her head to see her son Confederacy.

After the war she met him in limbo. He was changed and felt gulity for everything he stood for and had done. Sooner the two got closer along with her other children, the Native American leaders/empires.

They were a family

"He's doing alright isn't he" Confederacy asked looking down at his brother and other siblings.

"Yes, my son he is." She said looking at him

"I wish I could say sorry for what I did to him and the country"

"You will soon, very soon."


Wow there is alot of hugging in this story just wow.

Anyway requests if you have them !!!

I'll be updating again this week

P.S. : Multi-China-APH sorry that only 1 of your requests are here of the others will be in the next chapters   

OMG i just remeber I forgot Italy again!!!! I honsestly need to do him

Can someone please request him so I can remeber and write him.

Also the America's secret was decidated to Mapleshade2 and Romano's to FiveNightsAtFangirl (my twin) and China's was to Multi-China-APH

For those of you who read my Hetalia Gauken story I'll try to update soon

Ok bye !!!!!!!!!!





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