Odd one out- Lucius Game Story

By sanityinsanity7

23.9K 721 488

I'm a 6 year old girl He the 6 year old new kid He sends everything in a hurl He is not a normal boy from wha... More

New kid
Rumor has it
Lights Camera Death!
Mary Sue
My Lover
This is for you!
Red on Family
Author note! Characters!
In One Fell Swoop
Summer time blues
Character Talk: Mary Due
Shorts: Snip snip
Lucius, the 2nd stalker
Character Talk: Peter Dickson
Character Talk: Sanity Todd
The School of Secrets
Isaac Gilmore?
Character Talk: Frank Craze
A Pair Plus One
Uh oh
Character Talk: Wendy Letters
2 Devils + Odd Girl + project = Trouble
Short story: Another day
Character Talk: Sam/Sarah Queer
A/N 100 votes!!!
A/n Wait what?! 251 Votes?! (Special story included)
The stare and the shots
Halloween scenario #1
Halloween scenerio #2
Halloween special #3
Halloween Scernario #4
Drink me
The drama
Trouble in the back library
Short story: Adventure of the background characters!
Author note: Author talk
Valentine Special: Peter vs Lucius
Final Murder
Character Talk: Ty East
The last goodbyes?
The End (the extras)
Good news
Editing Report

The catch up.. Or ketchup?

195 7 34
By sanityinsanity7

Sanity Pov

The next day I was out the hospital with my parents helping me find the way out of building. It turns out it was 4 days because I was passed out for 3 days and was checked on the 4th day to see if everything was okay. They said why I was unconscious for so long was because of the fire and the smoke making my body to work slowly. That sounds like a weird explanation but I can't argue with them, they are authority. I thought it was because my body had to recover from the loss of magical energy I let out but I couldn't tell them that, they wouldn't believe me anyway.

Once I was checked out, we cross the parking lot and into the car with Lucius in there. Why did they leave a child unprotected is beyond what I can think of. As I put on my seatbelt, a stack of index cards was pushed in front of me as I look up to see Lucius holding it. I read what was on the top card and it said 'What you missed'. At least he's nice enough to recap the past few days... But he still doesn't want to talk yet! During the car ride, I read the cards while Lucius was busy looking out the window.

Let me summarize it real quick.

Luckily for the school, only the library portion was burnt up but was closed off to the students due to the state it was leaving a bunch of unhappy bookworms. They decided to start a fundraiser to repair the library and gain books that was run by the book club. They were going to sell snacks to help, which is pretty smart since a lot of students like food. Deron had disappeared after the incident and no one has a clue of where he went... What's with all the yanderes being gone anyway? Probably something that people won't make a deal out of it... (A/n: -hears readers screaming about it- Oh no..) I mean sure I'm pretty worried about it but not much. I'm actually a little more relieved that he's gone. Because there are not going to be any stalkers for me!

Oh wait... Lucius is one... And he lives with me... Shoot... Don't shoot me literally...

The rest of the information was just the lessons and assignments that was given during that time. But the last card made me curious. It was the only thing that looked burnt. I took a closer look as I read the leftover words.

"I... K.. Ll... Y.. Ne..."

I felt the burnt card taken away as he told me well more like write to me that it was something personal as he shoves it back into his teddy bear notebook. Which probably has death plans in it. Nodding to him, I then look out the window to watch the world pass by before my stomach growls.

"Looks like somebody is hungry, let's go to that corner store over there" my dad said as the car parks in front of the store and we all got off the vehicle. I have to hold my mother hand due to being too young to cross the parking lot as we enter the store with a chime. "Hello welcome to Snack Mart, how can I help you?" A lady with blue eyes and red shoulder length hair ask. She had a freckles on her face and red lipstick on along with a brown shirt, blue jeans, and a yellow vest with the market symbol on there. Despite not knowing who she is, she strangely looks familiar.

"Would you like a newspaper?"

I yelp in surprise as I snapped out of my train of thought when a newspaper was shoved in front of me. What with things being put to my face today? "Wait a minute.. Sanity? What are you doing here?" An all too familiar voice had said as I peek to the side. My brown eyes met green as I discover that it was Wendy. I awkwardly cough as I put my hand behind my back for safety as I look at her. "Well getting something to eat... You..?" I ask. I wasn't really good at talking to her because most of the time, she would try to get gossip from me. Wendy sigh "Trying to sell stuff in my family store..." Wait family?! As if reading my mind she continue. "Yes, my family, we all spend our time working here since our parents are out getting a course on business management.. My sibling are running it.. It isn't a best place for a messenger to work in-"

"Oi! Wendy! Stop chatting with your friends and help finish stocking the ketchup and mustard!" Her older sister I guessed called (which I know why she looked familiar now) out the Wendy, interrupting our encounter. I look at Wendy as she whisper "This isn't forced labor, it's a chore and just follow me so we can talk more" before turning the next asile. I blink before nodding as I just followed her. Despite her being a gossiper, she seems pretty nice.

"Hey is it true that you and Lucius kissed?"


I gave her a strange look as if looking I didn't know what she meant. "Well I got a unknown tip from a person who said they saw you did" she said before sighing. "But that expression on your wearing... Tells me that you don't know about that.. Bummer.. It would have been a juicy information... But then again.. If Peter had heard of this, he would have my head" she said as she shivered at the fact. She was also one of the people who thought Peter was a creepy person.

"But aside from that I would totally ship you two"

Wait what?!

"Yeah I mean sure I don't know much about him but he's a pretty quiet and nice kid.. Just like you"

Yeah like QUIETLY thinking about murdering someone and KIND of a murderer

"And you two seem to fit together because you both are consider.. Odd"

I flinch at the word 'odd' I can't really handle being called that really. A sudden thought passed through my head. Where is Lucius anywa-

He suddenly appeared in front of us as both of us yelped in surprise by his sudden appearance.

Speak of the devil and he shall come!


I just realized how much relation he and phrase has...

Let me rephrase that -clear throat-

Speak of the Lucius and he shall come!

That's better...

He looks at us, wondering what we were talking about. "Woah Lucius! Acting like a ninja there... We were.. Just.. Um... Talking about girl stuff.. Yup! Girl stuff..." Wendy said. Lucius seems unconvinced. "Okay! Okay! We.. Er.. I was talking about shipping you and Sanity" she admitted, scared by his cold gaze. He seem to get a reaction from that as he look at the side and awkwardly coughed. Wow that was the one sound coming from his mouth today... From a shipping confession? He looked away for a moment as Wendy shuffled awkwardly while I spotted  his cheeks turn slightly red? Was.. He blushing? From what? Embarssment? Sickness? Or maybe from... I shook my head. No no no.. He's the son of the devil.. A cold hearted killer who is devoid of emotions except amusement from the suffering of others.. And a bit of anger and annoyance to those who aggravate him.

After that little.. Phase he went back to normal as he nods and turns away as he begin to walk away. Suddenly the pump that held the ketchup shook before bursting out in a stream and splashed on Wendy and a bit on me.. But mostly on Wendy. She scream and held that horrify expression as she looked at herself covering in ketchup. Her sister an my parent came to us as they notice her current state. My parents were worried for her while her sister took her to the back to clean herself up before cleaning the floor. Lucius had a strange expression on his face though.

Even though his eyes held pity...

He mouth was smirking...

Then I put two and two together as I frown 'Wow... Lucius... Just... Wow...' I thought to myself as he looked at me and gave me an 'innocent' expression. Which he isn't. I shook my head as we went out of the store with some snacks as we seatbelt ourselves before driving off.

I guess that's Lucius then...

Lucius Pov

I hate you Wendy... I hate you very much for doing that... There's a reason you don't mess with the devil you know... You nearly made her think I had feeling for her! Well yeah a bit but- Lucius stop that! You don't like her or anything like that! You just.. Just... Have an interest in her.. Not in a romantic way but a curious way... Yeah.. Curious..

That girl should had knew what was coming to her.. You don't mess with Lucius.. Or Bengt.. Especially Bengt. I smirk at the scene with her messed up but then frown a I clench my fist. I'm losing my touch in killing though... I feel like.. Like... I'm not interested in it.. I'm losing the urge to.. Shaking my head, knowing that I can't change the fact I was. 'But... But... I should make my last final kill before I lose it..' I thought to myself as I looked at my burnt card. I've been holding a grudge for so long and I can't wait to get my hand on them.. Besides

Revenge is dish best served cold..

Author note

Dun dun duun!
Plot twist!

By the way...

Did you spot the reference?
Hint: It's was something Wendy said.

Anyway here are the questions today:

What did the burnt card say?

Who is Lucius going to kill next?

Will the end be coming soon?

Do you agree with Wendy shipping choices?

Why did Deron disappeared?

When will Lucius admit he likes Sanity!?
Lucius: -glares-

Also... Yay Wendy's is back! Oh boy Wendy finally has a scene! Heh... Heh... You guys probably forgot about her didn't you? Yes, she has been rarely mention but she is a key player such as.. Gossiping... And shipping! And... And... I don't really know really but still!

By the way, my Author talk is coming soon so please ask me any questions you have and so far I only have.. 1 but you can still ask!

If you want, vote, comment, or request any Character talk, Short stories or ideas for the story (even though it might end soon *spoiler spoiler*) But I am thankful for you supporting me during this journey of randomness!

I hope you enjoy!

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