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3rd Pov

"Come on kids!" Caroline yelled out as Sanity soon push her head out of the neck hole from the sweater she was wearing. She took one last glance at the mirror before grabbing her backpack by her bed and swung it over her shoulder and started going out of her room. Her mom waiting by the door holding the keys. "Dad has gone to work early so I have to drive you there" she stated as Sanity nodded. She hoped this time her mom won't be fangirling over her dad during the ride like she always do. Lucius then came out of his room wearing his usual attire (Sanity never really figured out why he always wears the same clothes) as he held his backpack and notebook. He quit led an eyebrow as he pointed at Caroline and tilts his head. Sanity somehow manage to understand that, she guessed it was because they hang around a lot and explained to Lucius that her mom was driving. He seem hesitant at first before nodding, Sanity wondered why he did that, was it because he never been into a car with a woman driving? Or it's because he's going to be in a awkward situation again?

During the car ride, Sanity looked out the window to watches the world pass by while she heard something rubbing against paper. She looked to the side as she notice Lucius seem to be writing things down on his notebook again. She wondered what he was writing about this time, she then looked away and watched outside again as she tapped her feet to the tunes. After five minutes of listening to the song and her mom talking how how she and her dad met, they finally made it to the school entrance. They both got off the car as they begin walking to the inside of the school. They reached a split way as they both separated because they had different classes in the morning. Sanity sigh as she headed for math class, as she took a turn she try to avoid the gazes of the occult students and some student above her until...


She suddenly  stopped when she heard the faint click sound near her. She looked around trying to find who had done that but all she saw was the crowd of students talking to each other. Suddenly the bell rang tell the student to get to class because passing period is nearly over. Sanity squeaks as she quickly sped up her pace and headed to her class. She ran but couldn't help but hear the click noise again. When she manage to get to the door, she entered a slightly noisy classroom because class haven't started yet. She sat the second row seat so she could get a good view of the notes. She put out her stuff on the desk as she waited for the teacher to check her homework. Because she doesn't have friends here, all she could do is just do her work and read a random book in the end. She left out a sigh as the bell ring for class to begin as the teacher goes up to the board and writes down some warm up for the younger students like her. Another math lesson.. Tiring.

(Time skip brought do you by Caroline doing the laundry, then has a breakthrough of designing)

It was lunch time as she walked to the outside lunch area where the so called club rush was being held. She looked at he many banners that hung on the table as she read each one.

Math club

Debate club

Band club

Occult club

Cooking club

Her eyes stopped at the book club. Maybe that will do because she did enjoy some books and maybe she can have friend there. When she came up to sign up then girl at the table had a stern look. "Sorry but this club is now full, find another one" she said as Sanity nodded. She integrally sigh but kept her hopes up in search of a club. She passed by Wendt so was endless ing talking how she is capable of joining the magazine club to prove her point. Jake (in first chapter) couldn't join any club because if some of his fan girls were arguing why he should join their club.  Diane (Rumor has it) and Kayla (New kind chapter) were busy glaring at each other, their rivalries against winning over Jake was intense, they still need to figure how to get through the horde of Jake supporters though. Frank was running around like he always does but seem to be staying away from the occult club for some strange reason Sanity could not comprehend. Sam and Sarah were busy sabotaging the  scouts club by secretly writing disgusting names to the boxes of the cookies before stealing some when someone asked if they want to try some. Mary was busy ordering people around and trying to persuade them at she should be school president but they told her that she was still too young, which cause her to get upset and yelled at them more as the teachers have to forcibly drag her out the scene to prevent a fight.

Sanity smiled slightly as she remembered all those old memories she had in her old school. Sure it was corrupted and all but the fact she made so many memories with these 'strange' people that it was special to her. To always see those kid doing something that changes the school completely (thanks to Mary) made her slightly excited for a brand new day. She was so deep in though of remember all of those events that happened that she didn't know she ended up at the astronomy club stall until someone coughs. She snapped out of her thoughts at she looked at a girl with glasses looking at her quirking a brow. "So you are going to join? Or what?" She asked. Sanity thought for a moment before nodding and writing her name down. It was always interesting to learn about space sometimes. She then left the stall as someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around to meet a pair of brown eyes. "Oh hey Lucius" she said as he waved back, he then lifted up his notepad to see what he was saying.

'You going to the same bench as before?'

Sanity blinks before nodding "Yup, same place as always Lucius" she said as he nodded as he followed her to the bench. The bench near the corner of the lunchroom was always their favorite meeting spot. For Sanity it allowed peace and quiet and no awkward tension because she know Lucius. For Lucius... It helped him as a
vantage point to observed every victim he was planning to kill for later. He knew it was going to be hard to kill now because of the in population of students but he will soon get that all covered. Plus he is still trying to figure out who Sanity is. They both sat on the oboists end of the bench as they took out their own version of the lunch. Just when they were about to eat a boy around their age came and sat on Sanity side of the bench but across from her seat. Thy looked at the person with curiosity as the boy waves his hand and smiled. "Hey! Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked and them trying not to be rude and all, said it was okay and he can sit there. The boy smiled and nodded as he took out his lunch.

Upon closer inspection the boy had dark brown hair, it was hard to tell if it was black or just a dark shade of brown but it's actually dark brown. The eyes were a shade of light green slowly going to dark green at the bottom. The boy wore a white t-shirt with a chest pocket under his black vest with sleeves. He had a pair blue jeans on and brown shoes.

Sanity and Lucius took all that information by glancing at the boy before looking away to continue eating. While they were eating the boy suddenly spoke up to introduce himself. "By the way, I'm Deron Sceptiks" he said while a smiling with a mouthful of sandwhich. The two looked at each other before Sanity replied back knowing that Lucius wasn't going to answer any time soon. "Well I'm Sanity Todd and the boy over there is Lucius Wagner" she said while pointing at Lucius and herself just to make things clear. Deron smiled and nodded before leaning toward Sanity which made her uncomfortable. "You know you have really beautiful eyes" he said an Sanity eyes widen and blink unable to respond. She still a kid and all and flirting wasn't part in her mind yet so she had no idea what to do. She was about to say thank you but a eraser was flung on Deron head. The two looked at Lucius who had a frown on his face and his eyes were glowing red faintly so it was hard to see. Deron just smiled it it was slightly unnerving "I'm just saying what's true" he said before backing away. He then finish his lunch and left the two (to Lucius relief) as Sanity was left confused.

After school Sanity and Lucius walked out the school while Lucius looked around, making sure that Deron guy is around. For Sanity she as trying to find out what just happened but she felt happy that she didn't hear any clicking so Fa-


'Aw come on!' Sanity yelled in her mind

Author note
Thank you for reading this part, sorry for any delays! Any guess for who is the person who's making the click sound and what up with the Deron guy? Find out in the next chapter! (Oh my gosh I sound like some sit a narrator in a tv show)

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