Breaking Point (Sequel)

By Sincerely_McKenna

96.4K 2.5K 1K

Life for One Direction will change with two new additions to the family. After the Styles' twins are born, ta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
-Authors Note-
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 2

4.7K 111 42
By Sincerely_McKenna

(A/N For this chapter, there is a bit of things you might not know what they are. I even had to research some stuff for this chapter so I don't get anything wrong. If you don't understand anything than you can always look it up. I tried to write this chapter as simple as i could. Well I'll let you get to reading! Xx)

Sara's POV

"Harry, I don't know how much I can take of this! It hurts so much. I just want to go home, please take me home!" I cried. He looked at me sympathetically and took my hand in his.

"I wish I could, I really do. I wish I could take all this pain away from you but I can't. Just think, after all of this is over, we'll be able to meet our son and daughter. I promise all of this will be worth it." He soothed. As I felt another contraction build in my lower stomach, I squeezed his hand tightly. I took slow deep breaths. 

I can hear footsteps outside of the door getting louder and louder. Suddenly the door opened and Samantha rushed into the room. Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn coming in quickly after. She ran over to me and I slowly turned from my side to my back. 

"I got here as fast as I could! I had no idea you were going into labour!" She exclaimed, out of breath.  

"It's okay, you didn't miss very much. The midwife just checked me about twenty minutes ago and I'm only four centimeters." I told her. As of right now, there are ten people in the room. There's the boys, Emma, Anne, Gemma, and Samantha all in here. Eleanor and Perrie are unfortunately busy right now but they are trying to get here as fast as they can. Robin is here too but he's back at the house.

"That's good, hows the pain so far?"

"Its manageable right now. The midwife said the further I am, the more pain I will be in. Right now-" I stopped mid sentence and gripped Harry's hand as another contraction hit me. He rubbed his finger over my thumb and rubbed my arm. It feels like my contractions are getting closer an closer together. As if on cue, the door opened and the midwife walked in. She stopped as she saw the amount of people in the room. 

"Oh my, there is a lot of people in this room." She paused. "I'm sorry but we can't have this many people in here at the same time. Only four people are allowed in here at one time." I looked at Harry and then the boys. 

"Don't worry about deciding anything, we'll leave." Liam said, indicating the boys. 

"Yeah I'll leave so Samantha can stay." Emma said. Samantha gave her a thankful smile in return. 

"Robin is back at the house so you guys can go see him." Harry told them. They nodded their heads and grabbed their jackets. It's already February 12th but its still pretty cold here. But then again, its usually always cold here. The boys and Emma left the room and it went quiet. The midwife cleared her throat and we all looked at her. 

"Okay Sara, I'm just going to check you again and see how far along you are." I nodded my head. It was a little uncomfortable still but I was starting to get used to it. She had a surprised look on her face as she finished the process. 

"You seem to be progressing really quickly. Your already seven centimetres." She announced. A wave of excitement went through me but suddenly fear rushed through me. I can feel my face go pale. I came to the realization that the farther I am, the closer I will be to start pushing. I don't even want to think about the amount of pain I'm going to be in. I'm already in a lot of pain as it is with my frequent contractions. 

"Your contractions are going to start getting closer together and unfortunately you will start to be in more pain. Your back will start to hurt from the sudden movements of the babies so it would be a good idea to get your epidural. If you are planning to have an epidural then you have to get it now because we cant give it to you after eight centimeters; its not safe for the babies." 

I looked at Harry, wanting him to give me the answer of what I should do because I have no idea. 

"What do you think I should do?" I asked him. He cupped my one hand with both of his and looked into my eyes.

"Do you think you will be able to take the pain if you don't get it? The pain will only get worse from here." He replied. I sighed and rested my head back, not knowing what to do. 

"But we planned to do it natural and we wont have that if I get the epidural." I complained. He looked down but then back up at Anne.

"What do you think we should do mum?" He asked her. She thought about it and then turned to me.

"Sara, sweetie, i think you should go ahead and get the epidural. Once the babies start coming and you have to push. there's no going back and the pain will be almost unbearable. When I had Gemma and Harry, I was in so much pain that when I got the epidural, it felt so much easier to push and the pain was not nearly as bad as it would have been. But you have to think, you are having twins and you will have to push longer. Its your decision but my advice is to get the epidural."

I took what Anne said into deep consideration. Everything she said was true. I didn't think things would get this painful. I really underestimated everything. I know I should listen to Anne because she has gone through this before and she knows how I'm feeling right now. I looked at the midwife but hesitated before giving my answer.  

"I think its in my best interest to get the epidural so that's what I'm going to do." 

"Okay I'll go get the doctor and tell him your ready." She told me before leaving the room. I looked back at harry and he gave me a reassuring smile. 

"Do you think I made the right choice in in getting the epidural? I asked him. He nodded his head.

" Yeah I think you did. I hate seeing you in pain so I  like anything that takes your pain away." I smiled at his amazing words. He leaned down for a small quick kiss but before he pulled away, I heard a clicking sound. I turned my head to see Gemma holding her camera. 

"Why did you bring your camera?" Harry asked her. 

"So I can remember the day my niece and nephew are born." She replied as if it was obvious. I rested my head on the pillow behind me for only a few seconds before I jolted forward with another contraction. This time Harry rubbed his hand over my lower stomach with a little bit of pressure, releasing most of the pain. I sighed once it was over. I'm starting to think it was a really good idea to get the epidural. 


The doctor is in the room and is preparing the things I will need to have my epidural. Gemma, Samantha, and Anne all had to leave the room because only Harry is allowed while I get the epidural. I had no idea there were so many rules with having my babies.

As of right now, I am sitting up on the bed with my back facing the the door. My feet are dangling off the side and I have a pillow hugging my stomach because it will be easier for the doctor to put the needle in when my back is arched forward. My hands are holding onto Harry's with slight pressure. I'm looking into his eyes while out removing my gaze. Its easier to focus on Harry then to think about the needle. 

As I look into his eyes, I start to get flashbacks of the day when we just met each other. I remember the day in the kitchen when he was whispering nice words in my ear. I remember looking into his eyes and seeing the look on his face when he asked me to be his girlfriend. But most of all, I remember waking up after that night and looking at his body laying there in the bed beside me so peaceful. Little did i know that the night we both shared would change our lives forever. 

"Okay Mrs. Hopkins, were ready now." The doctor said, releasing me from my thoughts. "I'm going to need you to arch your back a little more and you can wrap your arms around harry and rest your head on his shoulder if you'd like. I need you to take slow deep breaths for me." The doctor said. Harry started to breath with me. "Now just a small pinch and the pain will start to fade away." I can feel the needle go into my back and i gasped at the pain. They always say one little pinch buts its almost always so much more than that. the needle was put into my back and I can feel numbness going down my spine. Harry helped me lay down again and put the pillow behind my head. Almost instantly I can feel the pain being relieved from my lower stomach. 

The doctor left the room and Samantha, Gemma, and Anne walked in. About a minute later, I expected to feel another contraction but instead I felt a little bit of pressure. I smiled knowing the epidural took the pain of my contractions away.


Half an hour has passed and the midwife came back. She's going to check me again but I have a bad feeling its going to be for the last time.

"It looks like your almost there. Your nine centimeters." She said. For some reason, I almost feel disappointed. I kind of wanted her to tell me I was ten centimeters. I want to meet my babies so bad. I want to look at them both and know exactly what to name them. I want to hold them in my arms and rock them back and forth. I want to listen to Harry sing them to sleep at night. I just want them.

"Is there anything I can do to speed up the process?" I asked, almost desperately. 

"Unfortunately there isn't. After we give you the epidural you cant do anything because your lower lower half is mostly numb. But the good news is your already nine centimeters so you should be ready to push soon. You'll know when its time to push." I nodded my head. We sat in silence until Gemma's stomach growled, causing all of us to laugh.  

"Sorry, I haven't eaten all day." She paused. "Actually I'm going to go make a quick cafeteria run. Does anyone else want anything?" Anne and Samantha told her what they wanted but Harry denied that he was hungry. I stopped her before she left. 

"Harry wont admit it but he's hungry. Can you pick something up for him please?" I asked her. She nodded her head and left the room. I turned to Harry because I can tell he is giving me a look. 

"I'm not hungr-" He started but I cut him off. 

"Harry, I know your hungry. You haven't eaten all day."

"I know. I didn't want to leave in case something happened." I smiled. 

"I know. Thank you." He smiled and leaned over to kiss my forehead.

Gemma's POV

I left the room and started to walk down the hallway. Honestly, the only reason I left to go get food was because I needed to get out of the room. My stomach growling fortunately helped my excuse. I really just need to clear my head. Today has been such a busy day. I can't believe were at the hospital where Sara is getting ready to have the twins. Nine months went by so fast. It feels so surreal that today Harry will become a dad and Sara will become a mum. I really hope their ready because things are about to change tremendously.

I walked into the cafeteria and looked at the short line up. I groaned to myself, wanting there to be no one in line so I didn't have to wait. Maybe I can ask these people if I can go in front of them. I'm sure they will understand. I walked up to the line and approached an elderly looking woman. 

"Excuse me miss." She turned around. "I was wondering if maybe there was any chance I could go in front of you. My sister in law is just about to have her babies." I guess Sara's not my sister in law but you never know what could happen in the future. He did give her the promise ring and everything.

"Of course dear." I thanked her and proceed to the next person. It was a middle aged women and her daughter. I asked her the same thing and she let me pass. Good, now there's only one more person. I walked up to them and tapped their shoulder. 

"Excuse me. I-" The guy turned around and I completely forgot what I was going to ask him. He has gorgeous green eyes that reminds me of Harry's and blonde hair that's gently to the side. The thing that really caught my eyes was the glasses that fits his face perfectly. 

"Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked politely, removing me from my gaze. 

"I, um, I-I was wondering if maybe I could, um, go in front of you. My sister in law is just about to have her baby. But if you don't want, I completely understand." I stuttered. 

"No that's fine, I don't mind." He said with a smile. He moved a little so I could pass him. "You know. My sisters having her baby right now too. I'm on my way up there after here." He paused. "I'm glad I decided to come here first." He said with a cheeky grin and a wink. I tried extremely hard not to blush. I was next in line to order my food so I did and paid for it. 

"Tell your sister I said good luck." I said to the guy before turning around to leave.

"Wait," He said, stopping me. "I never got your name"

"My name is Gemma." I told him. 

"I'm Taylor."

"We'll it was nice to meet you, Taylor. Maybe I'll see you around." I knew my last statement wasn't true because I don't even live here but I secretly hoped we would. I turned back around and walked back up to the room with a big smile on my face. 


Sara's POV

The pressure building in my stomach got stronger and stronger. Harry started to rub my stomach and even though I couldn't feel it very much, it still seemed to help.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this." I complained to Harry. He took his free hand and put it on top of mine. 

"Your almost there, just a little bit longer." He encouraged. 

Just then, Gemma walked into the room with everyone's food. I'm obviously not allowed to eat anything right now so I'm just going to stick to my ice chips. She sat down and handed out the food. I couldn't help but notice the big smile on her face.

"What are you all happy about?" Harry asked before I could. 

"I met this really cute guy in the cafeteria when I got your guys' food" She gushed.

"That's so cute! What does he look like?" Samantha asked, clearly interested.

"He has blonde hair, green eyes, and an adorable smile."

"Besides the green eyes, It sounds like you just described Niall." Samantha giggled. We all laughed knowing it was true. 

"No it wasn't Niall. This guy has glasses so it couldn't be him."

"Did you get his name?" I asked. 

"Yeah his name is Taylor." I froze at that name. I gasped while a million thoughts went through my head. How? Why? When? I didn't even have any more time to think because there was a tremendous amount of pressure in my lower stomach followed by a big amount of pain. I gripped my stomach and looked at Harry.

"The babies are coming." 

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