One Direction Preferences 3

By CoCo9922

494K 6.9K 887

The title says what it is. I have two books of preferences before this, in case you don't know how to read. Y... More

Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams// Silent 1/5
Hits//Accident 2
Friends//Birthday 2
Child//Enemies 2
IMAGINE for Surae
IMAGINE for Surae
IMAGINE for Leslie
Brother//Making ::Justin Bieber
IMAGINE for Riya
IMAGINE for Jana
IMAGINE for Emily
Newlywed Series
Moving In
Buying Furniture
Lmao Dirty
He Tells You He Wants To Have A Family With You
You Try For A Baby
You Tell Him You're Pregnant
Proposal//IMAGINE for Emily
Passed//IMAGINE for Amber
Plus Size//IMAGINE for all
Tour//IMAGINE for Erica
Instagram//Hot Damn//IMAGINE for Emily
Silence//IMAGINE with son, Carson
Proposal//IMAGINE for Lauren
Proposal//IMAGINE for Courtney
Lazy//IMAGINE for Sky
Care//IMAGINE for Anureet
Marine//IMAGINE for Lauren
New Years//IMAGINE
Reveal//IMAGINE for Pip
Nightmare//IMAGINE for Amber
Louis's staying
BFF//IMAGINE for Merari
Song Pref//Wildest
Red Carpet//IMAGINE for Emily
Sugar//IMAGINE for Arzo
:) Here's What's Happening ):
Proposal//IMAGINE for Lauren
He//Jail 1
He//Jail 2
Starve//IMAGINE for Ali
Lose Baby// Louis only Part 2
Accident//Imagine for Chinmayee
Says//Hates IMAGINE for Preet

Gangster//Sweet (Read AN)

2.8K 41 2
By CoCo9922


He's a Gangster But Sweet To You~


You and Louis lived in a pretty rough area meaning almost every building had broken or boarded up windows. You were walking past the alley that everyone not from the area stayed far away from. You didn't want to go past it but you were late for getting your daughter, Hayley, from pre-school. You took the pepper spray that Louis got you out of your purse along with the switchblade he gave you. You walked quickly keeping your head down until you heard a loud whistle. You kept walking until you heard someone yell "Hey baby where are you going so quickly?" You tried to keep walking but you felt a tight grip on your shoulder and the person spun you around. You turned to come face to face with a pale man littered with tattoos. The man put held you close with one arm and used his other hand to touch you. "Ben!" You heard a very familiar voice. When you looked over "Ben's" shoulder you saw Louis standing there with his jaw dropped. "Hey get the fuck away from her! Now!" He yelled at Ben storming over. When Louis punched him in the face you sprayed him with the pepper spray Louis gave you using your one free hand. When he let go of you, you kicked him in the nuts (lol) then ran into Louis arms. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry." He apologized as he held you close to him. "What the hell are you doing Louis?" You asked slightly ticked. "I don't know (y/n), I thought doing this would help me take care of you and Hayley." You pushed him away and looked into his eyes,"Hayley and I love you with every bone in our bodies Lou. You do take care of us believe me. You doing this isn't going to help take care of us. Now I have to go get Hayley want to join me?" He nodded and you grabbed his hand walking to the pre-school. "What were you doing walking past that alley anyway?" He asked you. "I was late for getting Hayley so I was taking a shortcut," you said sheepishly, "What were you doing Louis? And don't give me any bullshit, I deserve to know." He took a deep breath, "I was in a gang. The alley is our ground. The gang guaranteed our safety in this town. Now that I'm not in the gang we have to go." You just nodded. "We can stay with your sister, I know she won't mind, she's not near this city, Hayley loves her, and then we can get back on our feet." He nodded and greeted Hayley as she ran from the school. The three of you took a taxi to your apartment grabbed what few things you had and took the taxi the rest of the way to Lottie's house completely forgetting the gang.


Liam had a lot of money and you both lived lavishly in your New York penthouse. You knew Liam made a lot of money you just didn't know how he made all of the money. He never told you every time you asked he would derail the conversation. You were sitting in your living room when you heard pounding on the door and heard the hinges broke. You got up to hide but it was too late three men you didn't know were stands in the living room holding a tied up Liam. "Li...." You trailed off. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" One of the men yelled at you. You stood still silently as they walked around your house picking things up and throwing them totally destroying the house. You saw Liam fighting the men and they finally threw him down. He landed with a thud face-first. You ran over to him and turned him over. "What's this Liam?" You asked him. He just shook his head. "What? Pretty boy didn't tell you he was in a gang? That tear drop by his eye wasn't to pretend he was crying dumb bitch!" The other guy said laughing. "You're in a gang?" You asked Liam. He nodded and avoided eye contact with you. "Pretty boy never paid up so now his toy will pay the price they said pulling you off the ground and throwing you onto the couch. They proceeded to rape you as you just cried silently in your bedroom. You didn't know what happened to Liam but you hadn't heard any sound yet. As tears continued falling you heard a loud bang and saw the bedroom door had knocked over. You saw Liam standing there with a red face and one of his guns. He held up at the guys and told them to get out now. As they exited the bedroom you heard "Police! Put your hands up!" Then you heard the two men protesting. Liam rushed over to you and untied the ropes that were on your wrists and legs making you unable to escape. He sat you up and cradled you to him as you cried struggling to breath. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry. This wasn't supposed to ever happen," he said as tears of his own fell. You went to ask him a question but felt the words get caught in your throat. You could only sit there and gasp for air as he started screaming for an EMT. He took his shirt off and put it over you head along with the pair of shorts you previously had on to cover your body. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry." You were clutching your chest as Liam picked you up and ran for the door to get you help. You were set on a stretcher and had a mask set on you face to help you breath. The EMT was talking to you and asking too many questions. "What happened? What's your name? Do you know where we are? Can you hear me?" You nodded and tried to sit up only to be held down by the straps they put on you. You slowly shut your eyes and let yourself fall asleep. When you woke up you were laying in a hospital bed next to Liam. When he saw your eyes open his own lit up. "(Y/n)! You're awake! Let me call the doctor!" The doctor came in and asked you a few questions and told you what had happened. Then the police came in to hear your testimonial against the two men from your house. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry that happened to you. I should've told you I was in a gang. I should've to,d you everything from the beginning instead of keeping secrets. This is all my fault. I fucked up big time," he said sighing. You just blinked slowly. "Keeping this secret got you hurt I'm the dumbass that got you raped. It's my fault they did that, I'm so fucking dumb. I know this apology will never fix what happened today but I want to let you know that you mean so much more to me than money. I should've been honest with you and told you form the beginning. I'm so sorry baby." He hugged you and lightly connected your lips. You knew he never meant to hurt you and you forgave him for keeping that secret. But you also told him that he had to leave the gang if he wanted to keep you. He then explained that's what he was doing which is why the guys beat him up and came after his girl. "I love, you more than anything else in this world baby. You are my world," he said, "you mean more to me than money baby." You smiled and nodded hugging him again.


"(Y/n) where are you?" He asked quietly over the phone. "I'm in position Har. If you keep calling me they'll find me," you whispered back. "Okay bye I love you babe," he said and hung up. You put your phone away and cocked the gun in your hand. You then knocked on the door three times. Nick, a customer, answered the door. When he saw he tried slamming the door but you put your boot clad foot there to block him from slamming the door. "Oh, sweet Nicky, not a nice way to greet the boss," you tsk-ed and entered his home. "What the hell do you want (y-n)? I paid last week." You ignored his question and ran your hand along his mantle touching every picture frame sitting on it."Get the hell out!" He yelled having enough of your presence. "That's not how it works Nick. I needed that payment two weeks earlier. If I let everybody have their pay,nets just keep rolling over I'd be broke. Now wouldn't I?" You asked with a devious smile. He shrugged but nonetheless opened the door to usher you out. You had one foot out the door until you turned around and threw the door open into the wall. You then lifted the gun and pointed it at Nick. "I don't like waiting Nick. I don't like handing out my supply for free." "I paid in full, bitch, what else do you want from me?" He asked irritated. "I want next this weeks money now!" You demanded. "I don't have it yet. I get paid on Friday." You shrugged, "Too bad you don't have it." You walked back over to the mantle and picked up a picture of his wife. "She's a lovely woman Nick. Very bright and beautiful. I'm sure you wouldn't to see anything happen to her," you said. "Leave her out of this (y/n). She doesn't even know." He told you. "What about—Adam, was his name?" Nick nodded and swallowed thickly, "Leave my son alone. He has nothing to do with this." "You're right. It's a shame his dad is a liar. Where were you on his fifth birthday? Was it a, at the party or b, getting high on my goddamn supply on 34th?" You yelled. You turned around to look at Nick again and saw him holding a shiny, new gun at you. "Get the hell out, bitch!" He seethed face going red. "Not until I get my money asshole!" You yelled back. Then you heard a bang and felt your skin become warm. You looked at your left forearm and saw red dripping down. You heard another bang and felt the warming sensation in your stomach this time. You quickly pulled the trigger as your staggered to the ground. You then heard a round go off in the small space of Nick's living room. You tilted your head upwards to see Harry standing in the living room holding his gun with a bright face full of tears. "I hope you rot in hell shit head," he said to Nick's lifeless body. Harry then heard you groan as you laid back down. "(Y/n) are you okay babe?" He asked sitting down next you. "I never got paid," you said chuckling at the same time you gasped for air. "I called an ambulance babe. They're on their way, you'll be okay. I won't let anything up to you. We can tell them it was self defense. He did hold up the gun first and take the first shot," he said as he wrapped pieces of cloth tightly around your upper arm to slow the flow of blood. "I love you Harry," you sputtered out. "I love you too (y/n)." He said kissing your forehead lightly.


You were currently at 'the underground'. The hang out spot for Niall and his friends. You knew Niall was in a gang and you just preferred to stay out of it. You always made it very clear to him that you didn't care what he did as long as he always made sure you were safe. He was true to his word and always made sure to keep you safe whenever possible. After hanging with 'his boys' he would walk through the the door and put all of his guns, knives, and other weapons in the safe they belonged in. The only remnant of 'work' he could bring home was a bag of weed. You would then both sit on the couch and smoke and drink while watching some stupid tv show that was only replays. You leaned onto Niall and put your head on his shoulder smiling at him. You then poked his cheek gingerly. "You're very cute Mr Horan," you said with a giggle. "Thanks babe," he said with a smile. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. "I love you (y/n). Thank you for always being so understanding," he said smiling. You gave him a thumbs up and wrapped your arms around him. "I don't want you to be in the gang and be naughty. You are very naughty using guns. That's not good," you said slightly dazed. "I know babe, I know," he said sighing. "Is this new?" You asked pointing to the small tear drop on his cheek. He shook his head. Every time you got drunk you'd do this making his heart clench knowing how much he hated having the dumb tattoo and the meaning behind getting it. He never tells you that you bring it up because it would only hurt you even more. "No babe," he said with a sigh. "Is that because that was the first time you cried?" You asked giggling as you sat up from leaning on Niall, "When did you get it?" "Four months ago," Niall said cringing. "That's when Kayla was kidnapped," you said frowning not putting together the pieces. He just nodded, "yeah princess, it is." You just nodded and went back to your drunk giggling. "Kayla looked just like you,"he said frowning as a tear fell. "Don't cry silly, she'll come back to us," you said with a smile. "I don't think so princess," he said lightly touching the tear drop inked on his cheek. You just smiled and looked up at the sky in a daze. Niall leaned down and kissed your forehead with a small smile. "I love you princess." "I love you too Ni."


I don't know if everyone knows but the tear drop tattoo within gangs means that you either killed someone or know someone who was killed. Killed as in murdered.
Regarding Niall's: Kayla was his and your daughter that the news stations said was kidnapped, but one of Niall's gang mates killed her. (In case you didn't know:/)
Author's Note
Hey guys! I'm pretty open about shit happening in my life on here so I figured I should tell you all that updates are going to be very slow. Like verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy slow. My 94 year old great-grandfather fell a week ago and just got put in rehab so I'll probably be spending a while visiting him. Doctors think he has sundowning which usually happens at night. He overthinks things and just keeps thinking. He won't go to sleep because he's afraid then he'll stop thinking and that he'll die. He's also at the same rehab facility his wife was at year's ago when she had Alzheimer's so my grandma is afraid he can see her and he'll eventually 'go to see her' meaning he'll pass away. So my whole family is trying to spend a lot of time with him, and family comes first especially him. I'm sorry if the updates I do put out in this time are terrible. Thank you for bearing with me for all this time. It's greatly appreciated especially during this time :)

No Zayn because I made these all really long and am way too lazy to write another one.

See you soon,


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