Criminal Case: Grimsborough

De PurpleCatAngel

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Marie Holmes just graduated as a police officer and was assigned to the Grimsborough police department. She w... Mais

Chapter 1: The Death of Rosa Wolf
Chapter 2: Corpse in a Garden-Part 1
Chapter 2: Corpse in a Garden-Part 2
Chapter 3: The Grim Butcher-Part 1
Chapter 3: The Grim Butcher-Part 2
Chapter 3: The Grim Butcher-Part 3
Chapter 4: The Dockyard Killer-Part 1
Chapter 4: The Dockyard Killer-Part 2
Chapter 5: A Russian Case-Part 1
Chapter 5: A Russian Case-Part 2
Chapter 5: A Russian Case-Part 3
Chapter 6: Good Cop Dead Cop-Part 1
Chapter 6: Good Cop Dead Cop-Part 2
Chapter 6: Good Cop Dead Cop-Part 3
Chapter 7: Death by Crucifixion-Part 1
Chapter 7: Death by Crucifixion-Part 2
Chapter 7: Death by Crucifixion-Part 3
Chapter 8: Beautiful No More-Part 1
Chapter 8: Beautiful No More-Part 2
Chapter 8: Beautiful No More-Part 3
Chapter 9: Burned to the Bone-Part 1
Chapter 9: Burned to the Bone-Part 2
Chapter 9: Burned to the Bone-Part 3
Chapter 10: Under the Knife-Part 1
Chapter 10: Under the Knife-Part 2
Chapter 10: Under the Knife-Part 3
Chapter 11: Into the Vipers' Nest-Part 1
Chapter 11: Into the Vipers' Nest-Part 2
Chapter 11: Into the Vipers' Nest-Part 3
Chapter 12: Blood on the Trading Floor-Part 1
Chapter 12: Blood on the Trading Floor-Part 2
Chapter 12: Blood on the Trading Floor-Part 3
Chapter 13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough-Part 1
Chapter 13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough-Part 2
Chapter 13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough-Part 3
Chapter 14: Fashion Victim-Part 1
Chapter 14: Fashion Victim-Part 2
Chapter 14: Fashion Victim-Part 3
Chapter 15: Family Blood-Part 1
Chapter 15: Family Blood-Part 2
Chapter 15: Family Blood-Part 3
Chapter 16: The Kiss of Death-Part 1
Chapter 16: The Kiss of Death-Part 2
Chapter 16: The Kiss of Death-Part 3
Chapter 17: The Last Supper-Part 1
Chapter 17: The Last Supper-Part 2
Chapter 17: The Last Supper-Part 3
Chapter 18: In the Dead of Night-Part 1
Chapter 18: In the Dead of Night-Part 2
Chapter 18: In the Dead of Night-Part 3
Chapter 19: Innocence Lost-Part 1
Chapter 19: Innocence Lost-Part 2
Chapter 19: Innocence Lost-Part 3
Chapter 20: A Deadly Game-Part 1
Chapter 20: A Deadly Game-Part 2
Chapter 20: A Deadly Game-Part 3
Chapter 21: The Secret Experiments-Part 1
Chapter 21: The Secret Experiments-Part 2
Chapter 21: The Secret Experiments-Part 3
Chapter 22: To Die or Not to Die-Part 1
Chapter 22: To Die or Not to Die-Part 2
Chapter 22: To Die or Not to Die-Part 3
Chapter 23: The Final Journey-Part 1
Chapter 23: The Final Journey-Part 2
Chapter 23: The Final Journey-Part 3
Chapter 24: Anatomy of a Murder-Part 1
Chapter 24: Anatomy of a Murder-Part 2
Chapter 24: Anatomy of a Murder-Part 3
Chapter 25: The Ghost of Grimsborough-Part 1
Chapter 25: The Ghost of Grimsborough-Part 2
Chapter 25: The Ghost of Grimsborough-Part 3
Chapter 26: The Summoning-Part 1
Chapter 26: The Summoning-Part 2
Chapter 26: The Summoning-Part 3
Chapter 27: The Lake's Bride-Part 1
Chapter 27: The Lake's Bride-Part 2
Chapter 27: The Lake's Bride-Part 3
Chapter 28: The Haunting of Elm Manor-Part 1
Chapter 28: The Haunting of Elm Manor-Part 2
Chapter 28: The Haunting of Elm Manor-Part 3
Chapter 29: No Smoke Without Fire-Part 1
Chapter 29: No Smoke Without Fire-Part 2
Chapter 29: No Smoke Without Fire-Part 3
Chapter 30: The Wollcrafts' Creature-Part 1
Chapter 30: The Wollcrafts' Creature-Part 2
Chapter 30: The Wollcrafts' Creature-Part 3
Chapter 31: Dog Eat Dog-Part 1
Chapter 31: Dog Eat Dog-Part 2
Chapter 31: Dog Eat Dog-Part 3
Chapter 32: Murder on Campus-Part 1
Chapter 32: Murder on Campus-Part 2
Chapter 32: Murder on Campus-Part 3
Chapter 33: Killing Me Softly-Part 1
Chapter 33: Killing Me Softly-Part 2
Chapter 33: Killing Me Softly-Part 3
Chapter 34: Dead Man Running-Part 1
Chapter 34: Dead Man Running-Part 2
Chapter 34: Dead Man Running-Part 3
Chapter 35: At the End of the Rope-Part 1
Chapter 35: At the End of the Rope-Part 2
Chapter 35: At the End of the Rope-Part 3
Chapter 36: The Devil's Playground-Part 1
Chapter 36: The Devil's Playground-Part 2
Chapter 36: The Devil's Playground-Part 3
Chapter 37: The Reaper and the Geek-Part 1
Chapter 37: The Reaper and the Geek-Part 2
Chapter 37: The Reaper and the Geek-Part 3
Chapter 38: Spring Break Massacre-Part 1
Chapter 38: Spring Break Massacre-Part 2
Chapter 38: Spring Break Massacre-Part 3
Chapter 39: Marked for Death-Part 1
Chapter 39: Marked for Death-Part 2
Chapter 39: Marked for Death-Part 3
Chapter 40: An Elementary Murder-Part 1
Chapter 40: An Elementary Murder-Part 2
Chapter 40: An Elementary Murder-Part 3
Chaper 41: The Rorschach Reaper-Part 1
Chapter 41: The Rorschach Reaper-Part 2
Chapter 41: The Rorschach Reaper-Part 3
Chapter 42: Blood and Glory-Part 1
Chapter 42: Blood and Glory-Part 2
Chapter 42: Blood and Glory-Part 3
Chapter 43: Troubled Waters-Part 1
Chapter 43: Troubled Waters-Part 2
Chapter 43: Troubled Waters-Part 3
Chapter 44: The Scent of Death-Part 1
Chapter 44: The Scent of Death-Part 2
Chapter 44: The Scent of Death-Part 3
Chapter 45: A Shot of Beauty-Part 1
Chapter 45: A Shot of Beauty-Part 2
Chapter 45: A Shot of Beauty-Part 3
Chapter 46: Drive, Swing, Die-Part 1
Chapter 46: Drive, Swing, Die-Part 2
Chapter 46: Drive, Swing, Die-Part 3
Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 1
Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 2
Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 3
Chapter 48: Good Girls Don't Die-Part 1
Chapter 48: Good Girls Don't Die-Part 2
Chapter 48: Good Girls Don't Die-Part 3
Chapter 49: All The King's Horses-Part 1
Chapter 49: All The King's Horses-Part 2
Chapter 49: All The King's Horses-Part 3
Chapter 50: Snakes on the Stage-Part 1
Chapter 50: Snakes on the Stage-Part 2
Chapter 50: Snakes on the Stage-Part 3
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 1
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 2
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 3
Chapter 51: It All Ends Here-Part 4
Chapter 52: A Brave New World-Part 1
Chapter 52: A Brave New World-Part 2
Chapter 52: A Brave New World-Part 3
Chapter 53: Burying the Hatchet-Part 1
Chapter 53: Burying the Hatchet-Part 2
Chapter 53: Burying the Hatchet-Part 3
Chapter 54: The Poisoned Truth-Part 1
Chapter 54: The Poisoned Truth-Part 2
Chapter 54: The Poisoned Truth-Part 3
Chapter 55: Ashes to Ashes-Part 1
Chapter 55: Ashes to Ashes-Part 2
Chapter 55: Ashes to Ashes-Part 3
Chapter 56: There Will Be Blood-Part 1
Chapter 56: There Will Be Blood-Part 2
Chapter 56: There Will Be Blood-Part 3

Chapter 4: The Dockyard Killer-Part 3

1.5K 25 27
De PurpleCatAngel

Back at the station, Jones was sitting at his desk shirtless, while Marie was applying antiseptic to the bullet wound on his arm. Earlier when they got back, Marie extracted the bullet from his arm and volunteered to put first aid on his wound. Jones clenched his teeth in pain when he felt the stinging of the antiseptic and Marie looked at him worried and told him sorry and to keep still.

Suddenly, Nathan cam into the room and saw the scene unfolding before him. He went over to the two officers and asked, "Damn it Jones, what happened?"

As Marie finished cleaning the wound and started to bandage it, Jones explained, "Well, some idiot shot at me and then they kidnapped Marie. Good news is I got her back."

Marie then finished tying the bandage into place and started putting the healing supplies away. Nathan looked at her and over to Jones and said him, "Seems like this case is giving you more drama than ever."

Jones then began to put his shirt and tie back on and said to Nathan, "Aside from the car chase and the incident a few minutes ago, we had to deal with a crybaby ex-girlfriend, a drug dealer who is the biggest asshole ever and then there's Bart."

Marie just finished putting the first aid kit away and looked over to Jones and said to him, "Now, I know you don't like Bart Jones, but we need to focus on trying to bring justice to Dan Broke." And Jones sighed out in exasperation, knowing Marie is right.

Nathan then looked down at the bullet in the plastic bag on Marie's desk and asked if he can look it over and she agreed to let him. Marie hoped that with Nathan's help, they'll find out where the bullet came from and who it was registered to. Soon, they got back on topic with their case as the chief called them to his office. Once they were there and in front of King's desk, King explained to them that they won't get much information out either Bulldog or Sally.

Shocked, Jones protested that they were so close and he told him that they can try to get them to spill the beans. King sighed and said, "You can try in about a week, but you two don't have a week. What you two need to do is find Dan's murder weapon." And he assigned them to the alley to try and find the murder weapon that killed their victim.

Once they got to the alley, Marie and Jones looked around until Marie found a pocket knife with what seemed to be traces of blood on it. Jones looked at it and had the same thought Marie gas and they hightailed it back to the station. Once they got back to the station, Marie collected a sample from the blade and sent it to Grace to be analyzed. All they had to do was wait and see if the blood on the knife was Dan's.

After a few hours, Grace called them to the lab to show them the results. She told Jones and Marie that not only does the blood match Dan Brown's but Nathan also compared it to the stab wound on his body. As if they were celebrating in their heads, Jones and Marie were happy to know that the pocket knife they found was their murder weapon.

Grace then took a magnifying glass, placed it over the knife and said to them, "There's also this weird mark on the knife, but I can't quite make it out." And the two officers looked through and their eyes went wide when they saw the mark looked like a B wearing a dog collar.

Marie then began to go through the clues in her head on what the killer's attributes were. They wear a skull badge, they're left-handed and they have red hair. She ruled out the four people she and Jones met today cause James is right-handed and so is Gloria and neither have red hair. She ruled out Sally cause she has red hair, is left-handed, but she wasn't wearing a skull badge when they met. Marie also ruled out Bart cause he was wearing a skull badge when they met and Jones told her he was left-handed, he doesn't have red hair.

There was only one suspect that had all those attributes and this particular mark on him. Soon, Jones and Marie left the station to go and arrest Bulldog. Once they confronted him, Jones crossed his arms and said, "The game is up Bulldog. You're under arrest for the murder of Dan Broke."

"You don't understand! I warned that junkie to pay me my money, but he had it coming," Bulldog sneered, but Jones wouldn't take that excuse and cuffed the man.

The following day in the courthouse, Judge Hall looked over the case file and then over to Bulldog and said, "Do you have anything to say about this verdict Mr. Bulldog?"

"What my lawyer said could be true. That junkie came to me with his fists up," Bulldog said trying to play innocent.

The judge went cross and asked him sternly that if has any feelings on taking a human life, but Bulldog angrily claimed that Dan was a parasite and he had it coming to him. Sally, who was in the back row, stood up and shouted angrily, "How could you?! He was going to pay you back! But you didn't give him enough time! I'll get you for this Bulldog!"

Judge Hall banged her gavel and told Sally to quiet down, but Bulldog angrily said, "I did this fucking city a favor by getting rid of that parasite!"

The judge banged her gavel again and issued there'd be silence in the court. Soon, the judge stated that Bulldog be imprisoned twenty years to life for Dan's murder and soon court was adjourned. After the trial, Jones and Marie left the courthouse talking about the case, how Bulldog got what he deserved and how glad he is Marie solved the case. Soon, they decided to stop by the coffee shop for a quick snack and Jones will pay for the donuts.

After their snack, they stopped by Chief King's office and he congratulated them on solving the case. He then assigned them to check in James, Sally and Bart and see if they need any help at all. Jones and Marie agreed and they set off to help the three people they were assigned to. The first person they met with in their office was James.

Marie asked him, "Is there anything we can do for you James?"

"There is actually. You guys shut down the docks where the body was found, but you haven't opened it back up yet. The worst case is I lost my document form somewhere within it and I'm worried about keeping my job unless I find it," James explained.

Jones got to then said, "That does sound like a problem. Listen James, Marie will go you to find it and I'll be right there as soon as I'm done filling out this paperwork from King." And Marie agreed to go there and soon both she and James left the station and headed towards the docks.

Once they got to the docks, James pointed in the direction that he thought he lost the document and Marie told him she'll head over there. Soon, after she found the document James was looking for and as she found it, Jones arrived. When Marie gave James the form, he was about to thank her when he started to panic when he saw that the address was watered out.

Jones told him the calm down and they'll take it back to the station so Marie can decipher the address on the form. Back at the station, Marie placed the form under the scanner until it showed up on her computer. After a while, she deciphered the address on the form and both Marie and Jones went back to their desks to give it to James. Once they showed him the address, James breathed a sigh of relief, thanked them and left the station to go back to his job.

Once James was done, Marie and Jones headed towards the alley to meet with Bart and see what he wanted, much to Jones' dismay. Once Bart saw them approach, Bart went said to them, "I'm so glad you two are here. I've lost my wallet and you got to help me find it."

Jones crossed his arms and asked Bart sternly, "And why should we help you?"

Bart began to sweat in a panic and explained to them that The Vipers are swarming all over and how they were tolerable with Bulldog, but not with him. Jones then smirked and thought, this guy is lucky we just solved a case and I'm in a good mood. Jones then agreed to help Bart look for his "wallet." After searching around the alley, Marie found the wallet Bart lost and showed it to Jones.

Jones then put on an innocent face and asked Marie, "Hey, I was thinking, since we found the wallet can we look through it to see if he's hiding anything?"

"Seriously Jones?!" Marie asked in confusion, but she knew she couldn't argue with her partner once he gets like this and she decided to look through Bart's wallet.

After rummaging through the wallet, they found a torn photo inside and they decided to put it back together to see who is in it. Once the photo was taped back together, Jones and Marie saw that the person in the photo was a Latino man bearing The Vipers tattoo. Soon, they decided to talk to Bart on why he has the man's picture in his wallet.

Once they confronted Bart, he looked at Marie and Jones and asked, "So, did you find my wallet?"

"We sure did and we'll give it back to you if you tell us who the man in the photo is," Jones said in a smug tone which shocked Bart.

Bart looked over at Marie and thought, from the look other face I can see she didn't purposely look through it, but fell to peer pressure from her partner. Bart sighed in frustration and said to Jones, "What's the point in paying taxes for you guys if you're just going to snoop through other's things?"

Jones them put another smug grin on his face and thought, like this guy has any taxes to pay. After pressuring Bart with a 'come on talk' look, the man told them that the man in the photo is the new leader of The Vipers and his name is Salvador Cordero. Shocked, Jones thanked Bart and they decided to give the update to Chief King once they were done with their final job.

After Bart was taken care of, they headed back to Sally's apartment. Once Sally opening the door, she crossed her eyes and said to them, "What do you two want now?! Are you here to tell me someone else I loved died?!"

"Calm down Miss Stone, we're just here to see if you're doing okay," Marie said to her in a soothing voice.

Sally then began to cry and explained to them that everything was not alright. She couldn't find the antidepressants that her doctor gave her. Jones then told to calm down and told Sally to get a little fresh air while he and Marie find her medicine. Sally sniffles and told them thanks before she stepped out. Once she stepped out, Marie and Jones searched through the apartment until Marie saw a grocery bag and she thought maybe the pills are there.

She then spilled out the bag's contents and began to rummage through the groceries that were in it. After rummaging through the groceries, Marie found an orange bottle with pills inside. Jones looked over to Marie once she found the pill bottle and he soon got a skeptical look on his face. Jones then said to Marie, "You know Marie, I've been thinking. Considering Dan's past with drugs, what if those aren't antidepressants, but something else entirely?"

Marie looked over to Jones and told him, "You make a good point there. Let's head back to the station and give these to Grace so she can check if they're safe." And soon, the two of them left Sally's apartment and headed back to the station.

Once the pills were given to Grace and she began to analyze them, Jones turned to Marie and said to her, "Listen partner, the analyzation might take awhile. Why don't you head back home and I'll return the pills to Sally once they're done." And Marie thought it was a good idea and she looked around for Ramirez to drive her home.

After a few minutes of looking, Marie found Ramirez in the break room and she told him that her shift is done. Once she said that, Ramirez finished drinking his coffee and pulled out his car keys from his pocket. Marie followed him and once they entered the car, they set off to Marie's apartment building. After Marie left, Grace called Jones to the lab and told him the pills she analyzed are antidepressants. Jones breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Grace and headed out to Sally's apartment to give her the medicine.

Meanwhile, Ramirez finished dropping Marie off and she thanked him for it. Once Marie was in the building and Ramirez turned the corner and was out of sight, a figure stepped out of a silver convertible parked next to Marie's building and stepped towards the doors to see Marie enter the elevator and they watched it go up to her floor. The figure licked his lips and entered the building themselves to get what they wanted.

Meanwhile, Jones came back to Sally's apartment and she asked him, "Where were you? Did you find my pills?"

Jones smiled at her, took the orange bottle out of his pocket and gave it to her. He then said to her, "You be careful with the dosage okay." And Sally nodded thanking Jones and asked him to thank Marie next time he sees her.

Soon, Jones contacted the chief about finishing up the jobs for the day and King said to him, "Good job, but I'd like you to fill out some paperwork back at the station before you head home." And Jones told him he'll be right there and he set off towards the station.

Once Marie set foot in her apartment and locked the door, Lucy hobbled over to her and rubbed against her telling her welcome back. She then headed towards the kitchen, opened a can of food and plopped it in Lucy's bowl. Marie was just about to make herself a little dinner when she heard knocking at her door, which also caught the interest of Lucy. The two of them slowly went towards the door while Marie was thinking, who could be visiting me at this hour.

She slowly leaned towards the peephole and she gasped when she saw Tony Marconi on the other side. Marie slowly began to back away when she heard Marconi begin to kick the door from the other side. Lucy began to arch her back and yowl when Marconi started kicking and Marie put her hands to her mouth in fear when he began shouting, "Come on baby! I know you're there! I went through the trouble to see you!" And Marie put her hands on her ears to block out the noise while thinking, make this all stop.

On the other side, Marconi kept on kicking the door and he shouted, "You better open up baby! You don't want your neighbors to call your friends in the police department do you?! I hate to be arrested for causing a scene! So you better let me in!"

Finally, it was those words which made Marie give up and she unlock the door and turned the knob when Marconi burst in with one last kick as the door opened loosely. Marconi the closed the door behind him and he looked down at Marie with a smirk and said, "Now that wasn't so bad was it?"

Marie looked up at the gangster in fear and asked him, "What are you doing here? What do you want?"

Marconi then let himself in and Lucy scooted out of his way next to Marie while her gray fur was still arched. He then looked around Marie's apartment and thought it looked a little plain; not like his penthouse. He then turned to Marie with a smirk while Lucy ran into the kitchen to hide and he said to her, "You do know the answer to those questions already, my dear." And Marie remembered the message from a month ago and she thought, why did he have to come here today?

Marconi then plopped himself on the couch, crossed his legs and said to the female officer, "You thought I was just bluffing do you. Well, bad news babe, I don't bluff. I mean what I say and I get what I want."

Shocked, Marie asked him, "You're the one who hired the driver that chased Jones and me during the Dan Broke case?!"

Marconi then explained to her that he followed them at first, but then he got one of his henchmen to do the rest of the dirty work. It may have costed him an expensive car, but it was worth the sacrifice. Afterwards, he told Marie to come in front of him which she did and he said to her, "Alright sweetheart listen up. Before we go, I need you to remove everything on you. We'll take your uniform with cause you still need to do your job. Otherwise once you're done, I'll pack anything sexy you have and we'll be off."

Marie then shook her head furiously and said to the gangster, "No way! I'm not going with you! And I'm certainly not doing that again!"

Suddenly, Marie saw him pull a gun out of his coat and he pointed it at her. Marconi then went cross eyed and he said to her in a low voice, "I don't think you heard me the first time, babe. I always get what want. Whether it's power, women, money, the works, I always get it. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Cause if you don't strip right now, I can easily kill anyone close to you. It can be your family, your close friend or that fur ball I saw run away to your kitchen. So what's it going to be, me killing your loved ones or you taking off your clothes for me." And Marie decided to do the latter in order to keep her friends and her only family safe.

Marconi then smirked while thinking, smart girl. Marie started to unbutton her pants and unzipped the zipper and pulled them down her legs and she took her socks off once her pants were off. She then unbuttoned her police shirt and slid it down her arms until it dropped on the floor, leaving her in just her bra and underwear. Marconi the pointed his gun forward, showing he wasn't satisfied just yet and Marie sighed sadly thinking about what this will do to her reputation and her dignity.

She then reached behind her back, unclasped her bra and let it slide down her shoulders till her breasts were showing. She then grabbed the sides of her underwear and pulled them down her legs till the little dark triangle of her crotch was showing until she was standing there naked in front of the gangster. Satisfied with what he was seeing, Marconi put his gun away and thought, this is more like it. He then got off the couch and headed towards Marie's bedroom and Marie followed him using her left arm to cover her breasts and her right hand to cover her crotch.

Marconi then began shifting through Marie's closet to see if she had any sexy clothes, but he got frustrated when he saw that all she had was a bunch of plain, boring clothes. He looked towards her and asked, "This is all you have?!" And Marie just looked away not wanting to answer him.

He then looked in the bathroom and saw her robe hanging on the hook and went to get it. Marconi then came back, went behind Marie and started putting her robe on while explaining that her clothes don't matter; he has a bunch of sexy clothes at his place. Once he tied the robe closed tightly, but loose enough for him to undo it later, Marconi grabbed Marie's wrist and her police uniform and started to drag her out while Marie dug her bare feet into the floor not wanting to walk with him, but she began to move anyway.

Lucy came out of the kitchen and blocked Marconi's path the door by arching her back and hissing at him. Marconi then tsked and kicked the cat out of the way, which left Marie shocked and scared that Lucy might be hurt. Marconi then dragged Marie out of the apartment, after he locked the door and he dragged her towards the door that lead to the back steps. The two walked down the stairs while Marconi was still holding her wrist tightly until they went out the building's side door.

Marconi dragged Marie towards his silver convertible, opened the passenger's side, forced her in and slammed it shut. He then went to the driver's side and started it up and soon he drove it onto the road while Marie watched her apartment building disappear in the side view mirror. Meanwhile, in the alley where Marconi killed one of his henchmen, a bunch of police cars were surrounding it with a few officers checking the crime scene for clues.

Chief King stepped out of one of the cars, approached one of the officers taking photos and asked, "What do we have O'Conner?"

The officer answered him, "Caucasian male; early to mid-forties. Died from a gunshot wound to the head. We extracted the bullet and Nathan is checking it out now."

King then rubbed his hand under his chin until he heard another officer call his name. Once the officer approached him, he gave King a piece of paper and explained to him, "Grace just finished analyzing the paint we collected on the car the victim was laying next to. It's the same color paint from Officer Jones' car."

King read the paperwork he was given and then looked down at the victim and thought, so this was the guy who was chasing my officers during this case. But I don't think he did it alone; someone must've hired him. The question is, who.

Suddenly, King's cell phone rang and when he answered it, Nathan was on the other end. Nathan began explaining to the chief that the bullet they extracted from the victim is from the same model gun that shot at Jones. King the told him good work and hung up and he then began to think about what Jones explained to him on that day. Whoever was chasing Jones and Marie, just wanted Marie and they wanted Jones out of the way. It was then King got a thought in his head and decided to head back to the station to think of a plan.

Meanwhile, Marconi opened the door to his penthouse while dragging Marie inside. He then stopped her next to a white couch, which he flung her uniform onto and told her to wait there. Marie watched him walk away when she saw the lights begin to dim down and the sound of jazz music that sounded like it belonged in an x-rated movie begin to play. Marie began to shake when she felt Marconi's arms wrap around her and he began to untie the sash to her robe.

He began to pull it down and Marie began to feel cold as the robe's warmth was gone and the cold air hit her naked skin. Marie began to feel Marconi's hands run up and down her skin as if he was petting a dog. She then felt his hand go down to her crotch and she gasped in surprise when his fingers brushed against her. She felt his breath against her ear and he whispered, "You better get used to this. This penthouse as well because this will be your new home from now on. And don't worry about your little fur ball, you can have monkey boy feed her for you."

Marie felt him grab her breasts and he began to squeeze and knead them like they were bread dough. He then big her ear and whispered they should go to the bedroom and he dragged her down the hall until they reached a room with a king size bed and covered in silk satin sheets. Marconi then flung Marie onto the bed and she bounced down on it feeling the silk on her skin.

Marie felt her body being turned over and she saw Marconi hover over her. He lifted her arms above her head and lowered his face to her neck and began to kiss, nip and lick at it making Marie groan out. As she was getting harassed on her neck and Marconi began to lick some more all over her body, Marie thought that it's just like the time her mother was being raped. While Marie was thinking that, Marconi took off his jacket and shirt and lowered again to suck on Marie's breasts.

In her mind, Marie wished someone would come and stop this man. But she knows it wasn't like last time when her father came and stopped them. This time, it was just her and no one even knows where she is now not even her partner David Jones. Marie then heard the sound of a zipper being lowered and saw Marconi take out his length.

He then took her hips and he said to her, "I hope you're enjoying this. Cause I've been waiting to touch, taste and feel your body. I'm also excited to be the first one to take you. If any guy asks you if your still a virgin, they can forget it."

Marie got scared when she heard Marconi say those words and she thought, he's right. I won't be a virgin anymore if he does. While she was thinking that, Marconi lined himself up at her entrance and began to enter her roughly. Marie screamed out in pain when she felt the roughness of Marconi's length and tears began to pour from her eyes. Marie thought about how her mother must've felt and thought, I'm sorry mom. I guess I'm following in your legacy now.

Marconi continued to enter her and after a few more thrusts, he burst inside her and he slid out leaving her insides dripping with cum and blood. He smirked down and said to her, "I hope my little friends don't get you pregnant, babe. That would ruin everything."

He then sidled up to her and spooned her from behind. Marie then felt the sheet cover her body and she felt Marconi squeeze her like she was a teddy bear. She then heard soft breathing come out of him and she realized that he fell asleep. Marie sighed and thought, if she leaves now, he'll notice and he'll come after her again. Marie decided to play along with Marconi until she thought of a way to get away from him. Marie then began to feel drowsy and started to fall asleep until she said to herself, "Help me, David." And soon, she fell asleep in the arms of a criminal.


Marie POV:

A couple weeks after the Dan Broke case, Jones and I get called to a restaurant owned by the Russian mafia. On,y to find the owner and leader of the restaurant dead with strange markings on his head. What's even more mysterious is the missing murder weapon used to kill him. And take make matters worse, Marconi becomes involved in another one of our cases. What's the murder weapon that killed the victim and what secrets will we find this time?

Next Time: A Russian Case

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Cindy Powell uses detective work that she learned from her father as a young girl in her job as a real estate mogul Benson Easton's assistant. Benson...