Bullied by Harry Styles

By prettylouiss

220K 4.6K 1.4K

Will she get her Harry back? More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
Authors note..ugh
Authors note!! (SORRY)
I love you.
Last chapter
Sequel Information.
Chapter 1 (sequel)
Chapter 2 (sequel)
Chapter 3 (sequel)
Chapter 4 (sequel)
chapter 5 (sequel)
Thank you.


1.7K 46 16
By prettylouiss

Harry's p.o.v


"I see you're awake!" They announce.

That voice so familiar! Who is it! Then there face comes into view.

My eyes widened.



Ever have that feeling when you fall into shock? You can't move or think cause you just can't believe whatever you found out? Because I'm feeling that now.

I've been in this room for about four hours now. My ankles and hands are killing me I'm pretty sure they have red marks that will turn purple.

My mouth is so itching and I just want to rip the duck tape off!

Honestly I don't know what I did to this person to do this to me..well I can think of one thing.

Haylee's p.o.v

After I told the boys who it was they all started to scream.

Niall and I were the ones crying everyone else had to try and calm us down.

"We have to tell the police!" I scream tears running down my cheeks.

That's when my mom and Robin walk in.

"Haylee where's--oh gosh what's wrong!?" My mom asks concerned.

"Mom! They kidnapped Harry!" I run into her arms.

"Oh love" she soothes.

"Mom we have to call the cops!" I say separating from her.

"Yes sweaty we do but first we have to tell Harry's parents" Robin speaks up.

I rush to look for me phone. When I find it I unlocked it and searched for Anne's number. My hands were shaky I could barely hold my phone.

When I find it I click on it. I bring the phone up to my ear.

After four rings Anne picks up.

"Hey Haylee! How are you? Harry's with you right?" She asks happily through the phone.

"Anne please come to my house now it's an emergency" I sniff.

"I'm on my way" she immediately hangs up. She didn't ask questions which is good.

We all sit in the living room quiet all you hear are my muffled cries. I'm sure my mom knows about Cameron she went outside to talk to my sister.

We heard a doorbell and Robin shoots up.

"Is everything okay?" Anne says from the door clearly concerned.

Oh how I wish everything was okay.

They walk into the living room and Anne scans around looking for a specific someone.

"W-where's Harry?" She asks in a whisper.

I look up at her just to find her looking at me. "Anne i-I'm so sorry," hiccup. "For what your about to hear but.." Hiccup. "Harry has been kidnapped"

"No no no!" She breaks down into Harry's step dad as well.

"We have to tell the authorities!" She sniffles.

"Yeah we were going to do that but we decided on letting you know first" I stand up.

Zayn stands up as well and heads over to the phone.

He dials the number. That's until I hear screaming upstairs.

Louis. "I've got it" I mumble.

I run upstairs to the room Louis usually sleeps in. I quietly walk in.

"Lou?" I whisper but I hear another crash. I flinch a bit.

"Louis" I walk in. He was crying and there is a mess in his room.

He breaks down on his bed. I walk over to him and out an arm over his shoulder.

"Why him Haylee why!?" He sobs.

"I don't know Louis I really don't" I whisper.

"But we are going to find him" I run circles on his back.

"What if we don't?" He asks.

"We will Louis we will have hope okay? Now take a warm shower and I'll clean this up alright ?" I suggest. He nods and stands up. Before he leaves he gives me a hug.

"Thank you" he whispers. I don't say anything cause I'm afraid I'll start crying.

While I put everything where it goes tears fall freely down my face. I place Louis some clean clothes on the bed and head out. I softly close the door behind me.

As I walk downstairs I see cops. They are talking to the entire group.
One in particular is talking to Angel. She might have known where Harry went.

A cop comes up to me.

"Hello Haylee I'm officer Skyes Im just going to ask you some questions if that's okay?" he says shaking my hand.

"Of course" I mumble.

"So where were you when you last saw Harry?" He asks getting out his own and notepad.

"Well we were all talking here in the living room when he had to go somewhere" my voice cracks.

"Okay. Did he say where?" He looks up.

"N-no he just said he had to go to the store" tears fall down my cheeks.

He nods and jots it down.

"One of your friends mentioned who sent those videos why do you think it was that person?" He asks.

"Well they had an encounter and didn't end well I think they just want revenge..cause they don't like me either"

He nods.

"Okay we are not for sure it was that person any other people Harry disliked or people that disliked him?"

What do you mean not sure!? I saw there face! I Know who it is!

Well Cameron was one of them ...but he's my brother...but what if by chance he did have Harry...okay Haylee you have to think about Harry right now.

"My brother Cameron Andrews" I sigh.

"Okay. And why did they dislike each other? if you don't mind me asking" he looks up at me.

"Well they go into an argument and so we kicked Cameron out of the house I don't know if Cameron wanted revenge or not..I'm not for sure it is him though Harry met lots of enemy's along the way at school" I finish off.

He nods jotting that down.

"What kinda car did he have?"

"Well I'm pretty sure a Range Rover...yeah" I nod.

"Okay thank you for your time" he shakes my hand. I just nod.

After a while the cops get ready to leave.

"We'll start searching right now and we'll come back tomorrow have a goodnight" officer Andrews said.

We all quietly muffled a goodnight.

Anne and Matt headed back and claimed they will come back tomorrow. I didn't say goodnight to anyone I just headed to my room.

I slipped on some grey sweatpants that Harry owned and one of his hoodies.

I brush my teeth and head to my bed.

I pull the duvet over me.

"Where could you be Harry? Why did they take you?" I whisper to myself silently crying.

I Stand up and head to where Harry usually sleeps. I walk quietly up the stairs and turn to the right.

I enter his room quietly. I lie down on his bed and curl up into a ball. I started crying and soon it turned into sobs.

Where could he be?

I didn't fall asleep till 3:55 in the morning thinking of all the places he could be.

But I woke up at five in the morning not being able to sleep. I just cried until everyone was up.

I heard talking downstairs. I stood up and headed to the living room.

Niall,Louis,Angel and Zayn were all eating breakfast.

"How are you love?" Louis asks.

"Terrible" I admit I'm not going to lie and say I'm fine when they know it's not true.

Louis sets his breakfast down and opens his arms for me. I walk over to him and when I hug him I start crying.

"Shh Hay" he soothes.

"I want him to be safe Louis!" I cry.

"We all do love we all do."

Everyone was now awake.

At around twelve in the even
The cops came back.

"We went through security cameras to the place he went to.. Apparently since he entered the store that person was watching him.. When he left the store he set his bag in the back seat and the person attacked and took him" officer Andrews says. I let out a whimper.

My phone rings. Another message.

"Guys it's another message!" I cry out.

"Hello Haylee you might be worried sick about your Harry. Well he's not doing to well." This time the voice is way different. They turn the camera around and Harry is sitting on the same chair. Just really limb and has bruises everywhere. I let out a cry.

"Maybe if you don't want him to get hurt you should deliver £790,000 ... Find out where you'll get the money for further instructions..for now check outside and open the box." Then the video ends. I run outside and there is a box sitting on the front step.

I look around too see someone but there's no one.

I run back inside. I set the box down.

everyone gathers around me.

I take off the lid.

I look inside. I let out a loud scream. And close my eyes. Everyone else looks away disgusted.

I see a note and read it out loud.

"Well now your beloved Harry is losing a finger..guess he only had nine now. Aww. If you don't want anymore fingers on your doorstep find that money fast" tears run down my face.

"I'll take this and find the DNA to see if it really belongs to Harry" a cop speaks up.

"It's to much money!" I cry.

"No we won't give the money to them. We will secretly follow you and we'll get them out. Just do whatever they say" officer Andrews says.

Harry's p.o.v

My whole body hurts. They've been torturing me! Yes 3 people!

They rarely give me water (which I have to beg for)

And there food is gross.

I just want to get out of here. But I know I will spend long long time here..

"Why don't we give your friends Haylee a surprise" one of them laughs. I swear if they hurt her they don't know what I'm capable of. I will kill them with my own hands.

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