Odd one out- Lucius Game Story

By sanityinsanity7

23.9K 721 488

I'm a 6 year old girl He the 6 year old new kid He sends everything in a hurl He is not a normal boy from wha... More

New kid
Rumor has it
Lights Camera Death!
Mary Sue
My Lover
This is for you!
Red on Family
Author note! Characters!
In One Fell Swoop
Summer time blues
Character Talk: Mary Due
Shorts: Snip snip
Lucius, the 2nd stalker
Character Talk: Peter Dickson
Character Talk: Sanity Todd
The School of Secrets
Isaac Gilmore?
Character Talk: Frank Craze
A Pair Plus One
Uh oh
Character Talk: Wendy Letters
2 Devils + Odd Girl + project = Trouble
Character Talk: Sam/Sarah Queer
A/N 100 votes!!!
A/n Wait what?! 251 Votes?! (Special story included)
The stare and the shots
Halloween scenario #1
Halloween scenerio #2
Halloween special #3
Halloween Scernario #4
Drink me
The drama
Trouble in the back library
Short story: Adventure of the background characters!
The catch up.. Or ketchup?
Author note: Author talk
Valentine Special: Peter vs Lucius
Final Murder
Character Talk: Ty East
The last goodbyes?
The End (the extras)
Good news
Editing Report

Short story: Another day

289 11 7
By sanityinsanity7

Requested by hiccuP11

(A story about Frank)

A/n: No Lucius in this one sorry and this story will mostly revolve around Frank, but there will be some other character moments.

Warning: A bunch of randomness and screaming.. (Sorry if it a bad chapter because of it) and this may not be short

"Someday I wish upon a star. Wake up where the clouds are far behind.. me! Where trouble melt li-"

"Weeeeeeeee!!!" A voice scream out happily as it startle Sanity for her singing as she accidentally drop the book she was holding and unluckily hit her foot. She yelped as she jumped on one foot and held her hurt one. As if on cue, as soon as she said ouch, Peter suddenly appear next to her (A/n: Never expected him to appear once again), his worried levels up to 100%. "My love are you okay?! Do you need a bandage?" He asked frantically as he held her close to his chest love a protective lover. "No" she replied feeling the pain fade away already but Peter was still on a rant, each sentence getting more grim.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?"



"No Peter"

"Plan a funeral?"

"Peter, it's just a stub toe.."

"Do I need to kill someone again?"

"Peter I'm glad that you care bu- Wait again?! When did tha-"

"That is not related to what's happening my darling!" Peter yelled as he shook her a lot but their attention averted to something else when they heard the familiar laughter coming back at a fast pace. Right at the other end to the hallway was Frank running down the same hallway that he ran through earlier but skid to a stop when he saw Peter, his shoes squeaking against the smooth floor at the sudden friction. While Sanity face was once again squished toward Peter's chest, Peter and Frank stare at each other as if they were having a staring contest. 'Wait why am I scared of Pumpkin Eater again?' Frank until Frank burst out screaming after remembering which cause Sanity to squeak and jump out of shock which then cause both Peter and her to fall over on the floor with a 'thud' while Frank runs away screaming loudly, calling for his penguin with a bow tie, Waddles (his imaginary friend) to run away since the supernatural is there.

Sanity blinks for a few moment before she heard groaning as her head turned to face Peter who seems to be in pain. She grew worried as looks at him "You okay Peter?" She asked as Peter shook his head while he suddenly switch moods dractstaclly,from worried to sad. "No, I hurt my hand" he whined as he showed the palm of his hand. It had a gash that wasn't deep but it was enough of it to bleed slightly. Sanity sigh knowing that it wasn't serious but help anyway out of kindness. She took out a band aid from her mini first aid kit she had in her backpack she had and put it over the wound. "There, better?" She asked as Peter looks at it, his brow furrows as if he was dissatisfied. "No, I need you to do one more thing" he requested as a grin slowly forms. "Oh um.. What is it?" She asked starting to feel nervous. "Kiss my Wound please?" He asked as he held it up to her face. At first Sanity declined politely because she wasn't comfortable with that because she and Peter aren't that close but Peter persisted and once in a while rubbing the hand on her cheek. She soon gave in as she gave the wound a quick peck before pulling away and was about to leave but the squealing she heard peaked her interest as she turn to notice Peter eyes were sparkling with happiness. "I'm never throwing this way and putting this on my shrine!" He exclaim which left her confuse, what did meant by shrine? A shrine for her? That was a little creepy to her.

After that fantasy moment Peter turn back to where Sanity stood as dark thoughts enter his mind which was reflected off by his green eyes darkening with his hair casting a shadow over it and revert into his mad side. Now Sanity wished she had left when she had the chance. "Say my little magician..." Peter slowly said as he let out a dark chuckle  at the pet name and a crazy smile form. "I wonder how your blood taste like?" He said and he lifted up his head to show the madness in his eyes and his grin grew while he draws out his scissors from his breast pocket. He laughs, "I'm sorry if it hurt, but I can kiss it better!" He said 'innocently' as his twirl the scissors. "Oh sweet queen of bees.." She mutters with her brown eyes wide as her survival instincts kicked in as she ran away from Peter with her ponytail flying. Peter giggles insanely as his eyes  flashed red "Oh my dear Sanity.. You can't escape from your love..." He said as he follow after.

People would had notice this happening...

If it weren't for Frank cause a scene at the other side of the school...

(Meanwhile during that event)

Back to Frank now while he was still running away from Peter and screaming out random things. He stopped suddenly as he saw a quarter on the ground. He stared at it before smiling before picking it up "Oh my gosh a quarter!" He cheered as he jumped with excitement. "Hi mr. Quarter! I'm Frank!" He said to the quarter as if it was a person. In his mind he heard the quarter talk back. 'Nice to meet you Frank, thanks for picking me up, the floor was rather dusty there' the quarter said as Franks laughs "No problem Mr. Quarter! Say how the floor like?" He asked while smiling more and begin to have a conversation with the quarter as he walked down the halls.

People who walked pass him looked at him weirdly but people who knew Frank just shrugged him off, they were always used to seeing Frank act out. Frank walked pass the Queer twins as they whispered their plans about the next prank and victim, this time the target was Frank.

The plan was to make Frank fall over by tripping him That doesn't seem too creative but hey we are talking about kids here so it can't be complex. Plus their goal was also to manage to steal the quarter he had. They would be 25 cent more richer and can buy that candy bar they saw in the vending machine outside the school. They sneakily went in their position as they set their plan into action. Sam stuck his leg out while whistling like he wasn't paying attention as Sarah stood from the sidelines, waiting like a vulture circling for it's next meal. Frank was about the hit the leg while he was talking to the quarter and the plan would had gone perfectly.

If it wasn't for the fact that Janice was showing a magic trick for some student a few feet away, standing out for Frank to see.

Frank felt sudden rush of memories of that 'incident' (see his Character talk) as he felt something inside of him snap and begin screaming loudly which caused the student to wince due to the volume. Frank then being dangerously swinging his arms around as one hit Sam in the face and Sam yelled in pain while he kept saying his nose was broken because the nose was bleeding. Frank soon begin running up to a frighten Janice (who was already scared enough from the Peter incident, see the last short story) and shook her violently like he thought she was a toy. People begin screaming telling him to stop and put her down but Frank doesn't. He doesn't realize what he is doing. In his eyes all he could see was black figure, smiling and laughing at him and Frank didn't want it to be there and tried to make it go away as he screams in pure terror.

The nurses finally came as they subdue him and earned only a few bruises while they placed him in a strait jacket. They took Frank, Janice, and Sam to the nurse office and while inside Frank was laughing like crazy as he muttered incomprehensible things to himself and giggles at the end of each statement.

In the office Janice notice that someone was missing. Sanity. If she remember clearly, she notice Sanity getting chased by Peter holding something shiny from outside but still on the school grounds earlier. She knew the shiny thing was a weapon and if Sanity got hit, she would be here then. Janice could had report it but... 'If you dare try to go between me and Sanity again, I will not hesitate to make your life miserable'. Those threatening words echo in her head at the last encounter with Peter. She really didn't want to die like that. She shook those thoughts away and only gulped on think of the poor girl fate going to be with that pyscho.

During that time Fred came to check on Frank as he sigh and push is glasses up. "You really done it this time.." He said as Frank giggles "I'm not done with time.. Time.. Time doesn't end.. Heheh.. No end at all!" Frank rambled as Fred shook his head, never going to understand why he was related to him. Fred restated his wording "I meant the injuries you caused and traumatized a student" he said as Frank shook his head. "I didn't know that was a student! All I saw was the scary things!" He explained while nearly falling out of his chair. "I don't even know why you're here! You hurt a lot of people you know!" Fred retorted as Frank gave him a glare that he rarely uses. Fred and Frank soon began arguing about the incident as Janice and Sam exit the room after being checked and Sam was treated for his nose.

Meanwhile a nurse was having a conversation on the phone. "But he's completely unstable! This is the third time this week! You need to get him out of here!" they said as the voice spoke back "You dare try to question me again? This is your final warning.. Don't report this incident or else I might release that video of you smoking within the school grounds.. How will you children and lover will react when you can no longer support your family?" The voice said with malice in their tone that it sound like they were smirking. The nurse was shock of  how the person knew of this but agreed anyway then ended the call. The nurse, like every staff member knew of this voice but can only follow since the risk of something private getting out is too great, plus if the school is closed who will help students learn? Many of these kid were suppose to go to a school with poor learning and had quite a distance but luckily was brought to here by the person controlling them.. It was a good and bad situation indeed.

(Time skip by Grandma Jane watering the garden)

It has been a half an hour since Fred left and Frank was finally released from his jacket as he walked out the room. Once he was out, he went outdoor because it was lunch break. He looked around the area he notice when right when the people saw him, they begin avoiding him like a plauge. Frank didn't notice though, he was too immersed in the world he created once again. He took out and begin eating his chocolate cottage cheese with octopus, people looked at him, disgusted by his choice of food but he didn't mind. Suddenly in his mind he saw a walking gingerbread man, which was actually a student who had enough wit for asking him to play tag with them. He saw more candy people and nod excitedly as he agreed to be it. The game started as people scatter while Frank yelled out "I'm coming of you candy people!" Which wasn't the weirdest thing he said so far as he wave his arm around like crazy when he ran. But some people didn't react when they saw that.. Beside...

This is another day with Frank...

Extra scene:

Mary laughs as she replay the scene where Frank hit Sam in the nose that was caught on one of the any hidden camera she had. "Haha! Oh Sam, that face of yours is priceless!" She teased at the boy that was behind her. They were in a secret room that was hidden amongst the walls of the school, it was so private that even her own father doesn't know this place. She calm down as she let pleased sigh before taking a sip of her minty hot chocolate. Sam let out a grunt as his crossed his arm, his nose had bandages on it because of the injury "I swear that Frank guy causes more trouble than we do, why don't you kick him out.. He's so annoying" he explained as Mary giggled. "I told many times before and I will say it again, with him including that lover boy named Peter make this school more.. Fun and interesting! With all that exciting twist and turns! It was really boring before that.. Alway repeating the same day over and over nothing happen and our group only pick on people but that act was dull.. Always picking and laughing, picking and laughing! PICKING AND LAUGHING!" She rambled as her voice grew louder as her eye twitch in annoyance of that part. "Okay! Okay! I get it.. Geez... No need to get all freaky here" he said as Mary breathe deeply before leading her throat. "Erm.. Yes.. That is very... Out of character of me...  Well I'll be heading to father to get out of school early.." She excused herself while Sam nod "Yeah.. By the way.. How do you do it? How do you always can change your father mind?" He asked since the question was always on his mind as Mary smirked and laugh.

"You know... I have my ways"

Extra Extra scene! (For all of you who wondered what happened to Sanity and Peter)

"My dear~ Come down from there~" Peter sang as he gave out his 'innocent' closed eyes smile. The girl, who was on a high tree branch and clinging onto the trunk for support, just shook her head. "No? But honey you're going to get hurt if you fall~ Or worse starve or die from lack of water!" He cooed as held the pair of scissor in his hand still. "For the last time Peter! I am not your lover! Plus I'm not climbing down a tree to be with a crazy person that said they were going to stab me!" Sanity yelled from the tree. Peter first felt his heart melted when he heard her say his name but then became filled with anger as she said they weren't together and that he was crazy. His rapid mood swing happened as he went from cheery to murderous. His head peer down which caused a shadow over his face as a scowl carved into his feature while he gripped the scissors tightly  and a dark aura surround him, enough to make Sanity to slightly choke on it due to it's tenacity. "But Sanity sweetie.." He spoke in a slightly angered voice like he was trying to hold  back his fury building up within him. "We ARE lovers... We DO love each other.. And I am NOT crazy!" He said through gritted teeth. "And if you're not coming down from there... Then I'll just have to FORCE you then" he said and then flung his scissors at her. Sanity yelped in surprised as the scissor nearly hit her in the head but the effect caused her to lose balance as she fell. Peter instantly snap out of his insanity when he heard her scream and when he was about to catch her. He thought it was like that moment when the hero save his damsel in distress (Well this one is a insane patient save a odd girl not in distress) and thing were perfect until...

Sanity manage to catch a lower hanging branch as he swung her feet around wildly in panic then, WHAM! Her foot accidentally hit Peter on the head as he fell over while saying 'ow' many times. Sanity gasp as she drop down and went to him "I'm so sorry Peter, what can I do to help?!" She said in a panicked voice. Peter rub his head as he smiled slightly "Well a kiss on the head would help" he replied. Suddenly a wave of déjà vu hit her as she remember last time Peter asked her to kiss his wound (it was a few hours ago actually). She felt her cheek went pink at the thought to doing such act like that as she turns around and ran off while saying 'nope' a lot of time not wanting it to happen all over again.

At Peter side he tried calling her to come back but she seen to ignore him. He let out a sigh as he get up and went to grab his scissor. The blade glinted in the light as he smiled at that while thoughts swirled in his mind of failing to earn her love again. He thought stop at the memory of Sanity kissing his wound as he look at his hurt hand and blushed then he giggled. "Ah... If only she had kiss me on the lips" he said as he walked away from the tree while he hummed while looking at the picture of Sanity from his breast pocket.

Author note

I'm sorry if this is quite long and might fully have Frank life but I just had so many ideas an I just got carried away! Once again I ended up making this not a short story and made it long. Well I'm going to write more and please if you like to, please ask some question for our next character talk.

Character (s):

The Queer twins

I hope you enjoy!

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