Odd one out- Lucius Game Story

By sanityinsanity7

23.9K 721 488

I'm a 6 year old girl He the 6 year old new kid He sends everything in a hurl He is not a normal boy from wha... More

New kid
Rumor has it
Lights Camera Death!
Mary Sue
My Lover
This is for you!
Red on Family
Author note! Characters!
In One Fell Swoop
Summer time blues
Character Talk: Mary Due
Shorts: Snip snip
Lucius, the 2nd stalker
Character Talk: Peter Dickson
Character Talk: Sanity Todd
The School of Secrets
Isaac Gilmore?
Character Talk: Frank Craze
A Pair Plus One
Uh oh
2 Devils + Odd Girl + project = Trouble
Short story: Another day
Character Talk: Sam/Sarah Queer
A/N 100 votes!!!
A/n Wait what?! 251 Votes?! (Special story included)
The stare and the shots
Halloween scenario #1
Halloween scenerio #2
Halloween special #3
Halloween Scernario #4
Drink me
The drama
Trouble in the back library
Short story: Adventure of the background characters!
The catch up.. Or ketchup?
Author note: Author talk
Valentine Special: Peter vs Lucius
Final Murder
Character Talk: Ty East
The last goodbyes?
The End (the extras)
Good news
Editing Report

Character Talk: Wendy Letters

285 8 5
By sanityinsanity7

Name: Wendy Letters

Nickname: Gossip/ The bird/ Little Lady (Because she the youngest and short) /News Girl

Gender: Female

Position: Head of Newpaper club (Former), Student of Qwerty Elementary (Former), Student of Gilless High (Currently), Informant/Gossiper (Currently)

Age: 6

Species: Human

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Clothing: She wears a blue coat and a white button up shirt with a red tie. She wears a green plaid mini skirt which ended up just above her knees. She wear a pair of Mary Jane shoes with white sock with frill on the ends.

Personality: She a very nosy girl and gather as much information by hearing passing conversation along with being a loud mouth when it comes to trying to keep things a secret. She doesn't usually stayed quiet and will try to make any kind of noise because she hates the silence. But she is a very fearful person and would panic at the first sign of danger or what appears to be dangerous. This make her afraid of the insane people such as Peter and Frank. She a nice person who will help out some people and sometime respect someone privacy but she will revealed it if pressured or blackmailed to say it (see the chapter Rumor has it). She break down easily when pressure and when she get hurt, she is very expressive as she vows to never do that again. Beneath all the reputation of a person who can't be trusted, she just a scared girl who is merely say all about secret just for defence.

Bio: She was the shortest and youngest in her family and group of siblings. She was always so jealous when her sibling outdo her just because they were older. She wanted to impress her parents too but never could do it due to her getting blamed all the time which made her think that the world is just a dog eat dog world and the only way to live is to fight back. This caused her to have the ability to be very secretive when gaining information that seem juicy so she can used it to threaten someone to not mess with her or else. By the time she went to the school, she was usually teased about her height and how she was a crybaby because she was sensitive and she was the youngest in the grade by the day and mouth she was born in. She once again did her info finding and manage to defeat her rival one by one. When she finish off the last one, people begin to notice that Wendy is more than a weak girl and began thinking that she was the information source guide and many people came to her just to hear any kind of information they wanted. She was the head of the Newspaper club because her reports were always first class and she continue even after the school fell.

Quote: It's a dog eat dog world out there.. But you can stop that dog by making that dog into a mouse just by a secret.. Funny how people are easily put down just by telling something they don't want to hear.

Weapon: She doesn't carry any kind of physical weapon but a mental one. Her ability to nearly ruin someone life because she has collected information about them but she only do that when someone bullies her, he not all that cruel in reality. Also her ability to sneakily go to place to place without her presence being detected can be a weapon since she can take some info or item or take a picture as proof before going back out. 

Relationship: Students- There are two side of this part. For example, one side consider as a useful person who can help them know something when needed. They sometime look up to her because they wished to have that kind of skill to be able to do things like that. However, other student think it is wrong to do that because it invade someone personal things and can hurt someone.

Teachers- Like any kind of adult, corrupted or not, they consider this act shameful and should not be allowed. This make Wendy fear them as enemies that could possibly affect her life and can get her into trouble, which is something she doesn't want.

Peter and Frank- These are the people she fear the most. Not because they might ruin her but because she scared they might hurt her because of their out of control personality. You see what Peter had done to Wendy in the 'Touched' chapter. Who know what Frank might had done, probably something less than that but it's frightening to Wendy to think about that. So she ends up staying away from them.

Like: Secrets, attention, music, noises, action, drama, apples

Dislike: Trouble, Peter, danger, Frank, silence, pain, teachers

Q and A
Wendy: Okay what's the big scoop this time!?

From hiccuP11
Why do you always have bad luck?
Hmm.. Well I think the case is that because I always seem to invade someone personal secrets so I guess it's just karma coming to bite me back from what I have done. So that's why I have all this unluckiness, but believe me, I did not caused any of those deaths or the fact the school had burned down. So don't blame my bad luck that I had caused all of that.

What's your favorite food?
I like to eat anything with apples in them. Like apple juice, pie, crumble, and fritters. So many things and be made with apples and you can eat the while thing. However my parent say I should eat a rainbow and an apple that had been food colored into a rainbow doesn't count. Why does the world doesn't leave me in peace with the apples?

Favorite activity?
Well other than spying- er I mean studying people for information, (Hey it's not like I'm Peter or Lucius spying, well more like stalking Sanity every move to study her, and yes I notice they do that but I never talk about it because it's just too creepy to report about that.. Plus it included... *shivers* Ugh.. Peter.. *mutters* Unstable kid..) I like to go play checkers to improve my strategy and write articles on my newspaper, my favorite part to writing the conspiracy of the mystery meat in hot dogs.

Best Advice?
I have a bunch of advice and I have a weird one let me say it.

When a person is trying to kill you, do something weird or crazy (like suddenly laughing like a maniac) and that will distract the person to stop attacking you!

Heh.. Heh.. Best advice right?

*ding* And that's the end of the session?

Wendy: Really?! I wanted to ask more but then again.. That last question started to creep me out

Me: Don't worry I'm going to write more parts

Wendy: Yay!

Me: And to you readers (yes the person who is reading this at this moment) You can request more character talk but if you don't have any... You can request a short story about a scenario with characters (like the Snip Snip one).. I know it just sound like fillers but I just want to see if anyone want to know how each charter interact with each other!
I hope you enjoy!

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