Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM...

By UnicornFuentes

4K 603 843

Pierce The Veil Sleeping With Sirens PVRIS Of Mice & Men Asking Alexandria All Time Low ***** Besides PV... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 3 (cont.)
Day 4
Day 4 (cont.)
Day 5
Day 6
Day 6 (cont.)
Day 6 (continued)
Day 6 (Continued)
Day 7
Day 8/9
Day 16
Day 17/18
Day 19/20
Day 20
Day 20 continued
Day 20-22
Day 23
Day 23 Continued
Day 24
Day 24 Continued
Day 24 continued
Day 24 cont.
Day 24/25
Day 25
Day 25/26
Day 26/27
Day 27
Day 28
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34/35
Day 36/37
Day 37/38
Day 39
Day 40
Day 40 continued
Day 54
Day 60: Part 1
Day 60: Part 3
Day 60: Part 4
Day 60: Part 5
Day 60: Part 6
-Part 48-
-Part 49-
-Part 50-

Day 60: Part 2

44 9 4
By UnicornFuentes

"I guess now that it's been 60 days. . ." Mike trailed off.

". . .People are starting to see how much they like her." I finished.

"Imagine that." Vic chuckled darkly.

"Let's just go. . . Get things over with." Jaime sighed, walking to the front of the bus. We all let out a much needed huff and left the bus.

As we approached the grass lot that Kevin told us to go to, we see all the members of the five other bands. They all had a guilty, tired or sad expression plastered on their face.

"Alright now. Let's just get this over with. What's going to happen?" Vic asked quietly, hanging his head down low like a little kid who just got in trouble.

"Kevin should be here any minute. When he comes, then somebody needs to call Jackie. We'll all hide except for Tino and Justin. When she picks then we'll all come out and tell her." Ben says. Vic sighs but nods.

A few dreadful moments later, people start complaining.

"It's cold out here!"

"What do you expect?! It's Canada."

"We're only here for like two dates anyways. We're going back in two days."

"Yeah, quit complaining, Barakat."

"You need to shut up, Gunn. I'll fuck you up."

"Alright, you guys stop arguing. Everyone is tense right now and arguing is just going to make it worse."

"Damn Kellin, back at it again with the philosophy talk!"

"Quit complaining. It'll all be over soon."

"I hope so."

"Where's Kevin?"

"He said he was coming."

"Yeah, like 20 minutes ago."

"He might have to sign some papers or he might have an interview or some shit. He'll be here."

"Hey!" Vic suddenly yelled, "I. . . I need a phone."

"What?" everyone questioned.

"I need a phone." He repeated slower. Reluctantly, everyone got their phones out, and Vic took the first one, which so happened to be mine. His fingers flew on the dial pad as his breathing quickened.

Vic put the phone on speaker as he pressed call, and a tired and bored Kevin answered, not even two rings later, "Hello?"

"Kevin, listen. It's Vic. Are you coming to the grass lot?"

"Uh, no? I figured that you can just tell me what's going on after today."

"So wait. . . You're not coming? Did you ever get a text or call from us?"

"No. . .?"

"So you're not the one who texted us saying to come here?"

"No. . .?"

"Uh, thanks, Mr. Lyman." Vic sighs, hanging up the call. As he handed back the phone to me, you could see the faces of everyone changing to realization of who actually invited us all here. You can see the pain in almost everyone faces, knowing that she knows.

I bet she's watching is right now.

"So, which one of you fuckers pranked us?" Jack Barakat spoke.

"Jack, now is not the time." Zack requested quietly.

"What do you mean? Somebody here prank texted us or some shit. It's fucking cold here. Who would do such a thing? Who here did this?"

"Jack, this isn't funny." Nick sighed.

"There's an awful lot of sighing going on here." Jack scoffed, "And there's also a lot of bullshit. Alex, did you set this up? Is th-"

"Jack, co-

"No! Who texted us?"

"Can you please use your fucking surroundings?!" Vic suddenly screamed at him.

"Geesh. . . Sorry." Jack murmured after a second or two. He looked around and after a few moments, he started again.

"I got nothing. Can you guys just tell me?"

No answer.

"Guys this isn't funny. Just answer me."

"Jack." Alex whined.

"No! Tell me who did it! Who did it?"

No answer.

"Who did it?"

No answer.

"Who did it?"

No answer.

"Who did it?!"

No answer.

After a few more dreadful moments of silence, Jack started once more.

"I'm asking you this one more time. If I don't get an answer, I'm leaving. Now who did it?"


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