Odd one out- Lucius Game Story

By sanityinsanity7

23.9K 721 488

I'm a 6 year old girl He the 6 year old new kid He sends everything in a hurl He is not a normal boy from wha... More

New kid
Rumor has it
Lights Camera Death!
Mary Sue
My Lover
This is for you!
Red on Family
Author note! Characters!
In One Fell Swoop
Summer time blues
Character Talk: Mary Due
Shorts: Snip snip
Lucius, the 2nd stalker
Character Talk: Peter Dickson
Character Talk: Sanity Todd
The School of Secrets
Isaac Gilmore?
Character Talk: Frank Craze
A Pair Plus One
Character Talk: Wendy Letters
2 Devils + Odd Girl + project = Trouble
Short story: Another day
Character Talk: Sam/Sarah Queer
A/N 100 votes!!!
A/n Wait what?! 251 Votes?! (Special story included)
The stare and the shots
Halloween scenario #1
Halloween scenerio #2
Halloween special #3
Halloween Scernario #4
Drink me
The drama
Trouble in the back library
Short story: Adventure of the background characters!
The catch up.. Or ketchup?
Author note: Author talk
Valentine Special: Peter vs Lucius
Final Murder
Character Talk: Ty East
The last goodbyes?
The End (the extras)
Good news
Editing Report

Uh oh

329 15 8
By sanityinsanity7

3rd Pov

"Dad I don't think that-"

"Honey I'm sure he'll be reasonable"

" But there a chance-"

"He's a grown up so he can take it"

Sanity let out a sigh in defeat as she gave up reasoning with her father. Her father had told her that he decided that Isaac can't come to their home because he and Caroline were going to be busy at that day because they both have duties on that day.

Her father was going to investigate about a case that involve with the killing that Ty did (his motive since they didn't believe he did it out of insanity) and her mom had to design a dress to a customer who had order a very tricky design so her hand were going to be full on that day. Plus despite Isaac being a much more responsible kid according to his records, they can't just let a kid like him be with the two kids. He could do anything like calling ver his friend and mess up the house or worse.. Hurt the kids. Sanity was just worried about the fact that Isaac wasn't going to be happy about this due to his always unsettling aura around him and was scared about the fact he might get.. Over regular upset about it but her father insisted that it was going to be okay due to him believing that Isaac might be understanding of this.

Sanity sigh as she head back to her room because it was getting dark. She was going to tell Isaac about the news. She happy about the part that he's not coming but she still need to deal with Lucius who is stalking her (At least he gives her bathroom privacy). The girl sigh as she changed into her nightgown and she went to bed and laid there. Unaware at the fact that a certain boy watching her and hearing the whole conversation.

Lucius listen about the whole talk about inviting that Isaac guy over to this so called 'home'. He didn't like the guy one bit since just because he's a goody two shoe principal son which make him popular. Plus he's starting to convince Sanity to let him visit just to help them on this project! They could do this on their own but since Sanity is a really nice person, it's a struggle for her to say no. He grunt as he held his notebook with an updated file about Isaac. He still need to add more sacrifices to his father so he's remaking a list of victims he was going to kill next. His eyes follow Sanity heading toward her room as he went to his own room.

The room wasn't like his bedroom but it was good enough. The wallpaper was red and had some teddy bear stickers pasted on the walls (why to people think he like Teddy bears?) . The floor was wooden and there were some toys he had got during a shopping trio once all stuffed in a toy box. Across the opposite side of the door was a window with light blue curtain with Teddy bear prints on them and on his bed with the blue sheets (which he never used anyway) had a small teddy bear with a red bow tie. Lastly his desk was at the corner of the room and a wardrobe was at the other side of it which had his clothes with an addition with a red and white stripe ball. Yes it was Bengt, he manage to get the ball out while walking out of the burning manor he had created. He wasn't going to leave his partner in crime behind, they were kind of what you call 'buddies'. Bengt had some scuff marks on them since he had been rolling the ball around along with a faint smell of ashes due to being in a fire.

He sigh as he changes to his nightclothes and waited till the room went quiet. He slowly snuck out and went to Sanity room (which luckily to him, wasn't locked because there was no need to). He carefully pushed the door aware that any sudden noise would awaken the sleeping girl. He then did his sleuthing job because he didn't believe that all of her secrets weren't just in her head. He checked her drawer. Nothing but just pencils and all the supplies to write. Then the closet but it was all clothing and book about how to make a sandwich. Soon he checked the toy box she had but only stuffed animals and toy blocks. Later he checked under the bed yet it was only dust bunnies which he might note need to be dusted there. Finally he checked the the family photo of her , Caroline and Fredrick in front of the house, it was standing on the nightstand. He checked for clues to see if there were any signs of any paranormal stuff in that photo. He sigh when he had found none and was about to give up his search when he notice a small piece of paper was sticking out at the back of the frame and carefully pulled it out. When he turned on the flashlight his eyes widen when he read what was on the paper.

It was a record of her in the orphanage.

Ludhigh Orphanage resident
Resident No. 820
Sanity Ace
Gender: Female
Blood type: O
Chise Ace (Not Found) Gunther Ace (Not found)

Jess Gimps (Deceased) Cause: unknown reasons.
Rick Gimp (Deceased) Cause: unknown reasons
Fredrick Todd (Current)
Caroline Todd (Current)

-Require therapy if the following: dilated pupil, excessive sweating, shivering, curls up due to possible trauma

After he read the paper he was surprised that Sanity was adopted because she look nearly similar to the couple. He then wonder what had happened to the last set of parents and how they died and what had caused her to be mentally scarred. He knew it wasn't from the death that he had caused because this was before any of those happened. He heard a groan as he quickly stuffed the paper back what it came from and crept out the room just in time for a sleepy Sanity coming out of bed to get a cup of water.


A figure stealthily open the window and snuck in the room. Silent and graceful as a cat the figure approach a women who was up late night reviewing notes while her husband was sleeping on bed after a long day. In one swift move the figure covered the women mouth before she can reacted and was turned over to face the figure. In a split second her eyes flashed black as she went limp as if in a trance. The figure whisper something ini the women's ear as she nods before the figure set her back down on the desk and soon left the room and women's fell unconscious on her desk.

(Time skip by Wendy writing the juicy secret in her book hoping it will become a best seller)

In the next morning Sanity walk to the table where they were eating breakfast. It was the weekend so none of the kids had to go to school. During breakfast Sanity heard a doorbell ring as Caroline clapped her hand. "Oh that must be him!" She said as Fredrick raise a brow "him?" He said. "Yeah I heard you talk with our daughter last night and I decided since we weren't going to be here, I called him to babysit the kids!" She said but she sounded like she read it from a script. Fredrick sigh knowing who it was as he open the door and the Sanity jaw drop and Lucius dropped his  fork. "Hello Mr. Gilmore, I'm very glad that you are using your time to help take care of the kids" he said as the boy smiled "It's all fine, but call me Isaac" he said as he wore that fake smile and them smirked at the sight of Lucius. Lucius glared at him clearly disliking his presence at the house while Sanity who was in the middle of it, glance at both to the boys. She gulps as she thinks. Two possibly demonic boys at the same house in the same room at the same time for the whole day...


Author Note
There I made a late night chapter. I mean I made this at 1:00 am. So I hope this chapter isn't too bad an just expositions. By the way the next Character talks is going to be about.... Wendy! So feel free to ask her any questions!

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