• The Magcon reunion • A Magc...

Von Caraa1999

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When she was 13 Phoebe's life was changed forever when she was scouted by a major modelling company. Now she... Mehr

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Von Caraa1999

Phoebe's POV •

"Where does everyone want to go?" I say to everyone. "I'm not bothered really", said Geo. "Me neither, anywhere you want to go?" Says Mario. "Umm well, I want to check out Yves Saint Laurent and Chanel. Maybe Tom ford", I say. "Well let's go then", Julian said. We were walking down to the shopping centre. It was quite a long walk but it wasn't too bad. We were just adding things to our snapchat stories. We quickly stopped off at a cafe and I took a picture of it and added it to my snapchat story. That was a big mistake. I we sat I there for a while and all had a drink when some cars pulled up outside the cafe and got out with cameras. "Shit", I say. "Is that the paparazzi?" Said Jacob. "Yeah, how will we get out of here now?" I say. "By walking out?" Said Julian. "How far is the shopping centre from here?" I say. "About 2 minutes why?" Said Ariel. "That should be okay", I say. "Okay we we go out do not say anything to them okay?" I say to them. "Sure", said Hunter. "I'm gonna have to get my security to come down before we leave, is that okay?" I say. "That's fine", said Blake. I call my Security and we are only 10 minutes for the hotel. We wait for 10 minutes when another black car pulls up and 2 of my securtiy step out and enter the Cafe. "They are here", I say to everyone. "Let's go", said Mario. "Your security are scary", said Zach. "Nah they are cool", I say. " I'm gonna have to agree with Zach here, they are hella scary. No one is gonna mess with you", says Mark. "Well that is kinda the point, but they are still cool",  I say slightly giggling. My security step out followed by me and everyone else. They began taking pictures and shouting out multiple questions. I didn't respond and just put my head down and continued walking as my security kept them a quite distance away from me.

We finally got into the shopping centre and into the Saint Laurent shop and the paparazzi waited outside. "They are so annoying", I say. "Jesus do they not understand personal space?" Said Ariel. "No they really don't", I say. Then a woman comes up to me. "Welcome to the store Miss Cannell. Do you need any assistance?" She says to me. "We are all good Thankyou just browsing", I say smiling. "I'll be over there if you do", she says as she walks off. "What you gonna get?" Says Julian. "Well I saw they had a new sac de jour out in light dusty rose and it looks really pretty so hoping to pick up one of those". I say. I walk around for a bit and see the one i was looking for. "Omg that is so pretty", said Loren. "I know aren't they lovely", I say. "I really want one", she says. "How much are they, maybe I could treat you to one", says Joey while putting his arm around her. "Well it's a baby one so I think it is $2300ish", I say. "For a bag?" Says Geo. "Yes a very gorgeous bag that is", I say. "Someone's rich", says Mark. "I do get quite a big discount because I work for them", I say. "Oh I remember what I was gonna tell you, I was thinking and I have some brand new bags back at home that Loren, Ari and Ariel can have ", I say to them. "Omg are you being serious?" Says Ariel. "I am indeed", I say as they hug me and say Thankyou. "When you come over to the UK I can give them to you", I say.

I buy my bag and we head over to Chanel which wasn't too far away but the paparazzi still followed us. When we get into Chanel  I get a call from Madison. I answer it "Hii", I say. "You still shopping?" She says. "Yes, why?" I say. "Can you pick me up a bottle of Chanel chance?" She says. "Yeah sure", I say. "I'll pick it up from your hotel later when I pick up Maggie, is that okay?" She says. "That should be fine, what time?", I say. "I don't know yet, I will let you know when", she says. "Okay bye love you", I say. "Bye love you too", she says as I end the call. I then check my messages and I have one from Kylie.

Kylie❤️: remember the glosses video is coming out at 7;30 tonight don't forget to tweet it out❤️❤️

I nearly forgot about the video we filmed to promoteKylie's glosses I am so glad she reminded me.

Me: I will, thanks for reminding me, I am so excited for everyone to see it❤️❤️

Kylie❤️: Me too❤️❤️

I put my phone away. I really was excited for everyone to see it aslong as no one watched it while they were with me as I would find that really embrassing.I start looking around. I turn around and look a t everyone. "Omg I have a fabulous idea", I say as they all look at me. "Ooh what?" Said Daniel. "Let's have a massive sleepover tonight be fore you all leave", I say. "Yess lets do it", said Loren. "What all of us?" Said Jovani. "Um yes why not?" I say. "But where?" Said Jacob. "My hotel room of course, I mean it may be a bit cramped but it is a big room and there are always sleeping bags", I say. "I mean why not", says Brandon. "I won't have to share a bed with Cam this time will I?" Said Hunter. "As long as you don't break any more of my watches", I say laughing at him. "Oh yeah how is your watch?" He says. "Still sitting on the side broken", I say as me, Hunter and Blake begin laughing. "Hunter your face was priceless", said Blake. Everyone else was really confused at this point. "What happened?" Said Zach. "Basically Hunter broke my $200,000 customised Chanel Prive Camélia watch when him and Blake stayed over and it was so funny because he thought I was gonna sue him", I say as everyone else begins laughing. "Seriously I can imagine Hunter's face", said Mark. "Me too", said Loren. "Guys just be careful when you go to Phoebe's hotel room there is expensive and easy to break stuff everywhere", said Hunter. "Well Blake mangaged not to break anything and the boys haven't broken anything yet", I say. I pick up a bottle of Chanel chance for Madison and a facial toner and mosturizer for me. There was an even bigger crowd outside the shop now. Not just paparazzi but fans also. It's like a 15 minute walk to get to my hotel from here. "We can't walk 15 minutes with this crowd", I say. "But how else will we get back to your hotel?" Says Julian. "I know, we have a mini bus back at the hotel that we sometimes use to travel to events, we can use that", I say. My security go back to the hotel and then bring the mini bus to  the shopping centre so we can get back to the hotel  while we wait in the Chanel shop. When the mini bus gets here the assistants at the store let us leave out the back and we all get in the mini bus. We all get in a seated. "Oh can we stop of at our hotel so we can get some stuff for the night?" Said Julian. We stop off at the hotel they are staying at first and they all gather a few bits to stay the night at my hotel. We then all get back into the mini bus and get back to my hotel.

We go on our way up to my hotel room that I share with a few I the boys and we start messing on the way in the corridors. Me and hunter start to play leap frog at it was really fun. We make it to my room at last. I search through my bag for a room key. "I'm scared to meet the boys", said Ari. "Same", said Ariel. "Don't worry they are really nice and they aren't even scary", I say. I open the door and we all enter. The boys weren't there, then I see a note on the side that said:

We have gone out and should be back soon🙂

"The boys have gone out. I should probably phone them and let them know you are all staying the night", I say. I start to FaceTime Cam and he answers. "Sup Phoebe", he says. "Just wanted to let you know we have like 13 extra people staying with us tonight", I say. "But where are they gonna sleep?" He says. "Well I was thinking we could all sleep in You, me, Nash and Taylor's room. Anyway I have to go now bye", I say hanging up before he could get another word in.  "I've checked with the boys and you guys can all stay!" I say. "How many of us are staying in this room?" Said Mario. "Well, there is me, you, Hunter, Blake, Brandon, Geo, Julian, Jovani, Loren, Joey, Ariel, Zach, Ari, Daniel, Jacob, Mark, Hayes, Nashly, Cam, Taylor, Carter, Aaron, Shawn, Jack, Jack and Matt. So that's 26", I say. "That's a lot of people for one room", said Mark. "This room is pretty big though and it will be fun", said Hunter."yeah it will be great, last time Hunter and I had great time last time", said Blake. "Even if I had to share a bed with Cameron", said Hunter. "Well I had to share a bed with Phoebe and it was pretty cool, we watched mean girls", said Blake. "It was pretty fun", I say. "I feel like Phoebe and Blake would be a really cute couple", said Loren. "OMG I TOTALLY SHIP IT", said Ariel. "ME TOO", said Daniel. Blake and I look at eachother and start laughing. "What it would be cute", said Jacob. "We are good thanks", I said. "Agreed", said Blake. "I think that the one we should be finding a boyfriend for is Ari because she is the only single girl here", I say. Suddenly everyone looks at me. "So your have a boyfriend?" Said Joey. "Yes", I say looking at the ground. "Tell us who it is now", said Loren. "Why should I tell you guys?" I say. "Because we are your friends", said Brandon. "I'm not sure if I should", I say teasing them. "At least give us a clue", said Ari. "They are in Magcon", I say. "Are they older than you?" Said Geo. "Everyone in Magcon is older than me well apart from Hayes but, it's not him", I say. "Are they really?" Said Mark. "Yes they are all older than me apart from Hayes", i say. "How much older?" Said Geo. "wow this feels like an interrogation"? I say. "It is, now answer the question Phoebe", said Hunter. "He is 4 years older than me", I say. "So he is 20?" Said Jacob. "Yes. No more questions I am sure you can figure it out for yourselves now", I say.

They then all gather round Loren as she goes on her phone. They start whispering to each other until they stop a few minutes later and Loren pits her phone away. "We have came to the conclusion you are going out with Carter, Jack Johnson or Taylor. We don't know how to figure it out from those 3", said Loren. "Come on you can easily get rid of one", I say as they all look at me confused. "Carter?" I say. "Bit harsh", said Jovani. "Not really he did go out with one of my best friends", I say. "Who?" Said Mario. "Maggie Lindemann", I say. "Oh yeah", said Joey. "I think you are going out with Taylor", said Blake. "Maybe", I say as I wink at them. "You are out with Taylor then", said Julian. "Oui, but don't put it on social media yet because we haven't told the public", I say. "We won't", said Brandon. I then get a phone call from Madison asking if she could come pick up the perfume now and I accept. As I end the call I hear crashes and shouting coming from the corridor, it was obvious the boys are back. They come bursting into the room "PHOEBE WE HAVE MISSED YOUU!" Shouted Nash. I got up and gave them all hugs. "I have missed you all too", I say to all of them. Then I see Taylor and i walk over and give him a massive hug and he picks up as I wrap my legs around his waist. "Awhh look how cute", said Hunter. "Goals af", said Ariel. He puts me down "You look so gorgeous", said Taylor. "Thankyou", I say.

"So you guys know Hunter, Blake, Brandon, Jacob and Daniel but, this is Loren, Joey, Ariel, Zach, Julian, Jovani, Geo, Mario and Mark". I say to all the boys. They all say hello to eachother. "See they aren't scary", I say looking at Loren, Ari and Ariel."you thought we were scary?" Said Matt. They nodded their heads. "We are not scary, are we?" Said Shawn looking at me. "I don't think so but I guess some people do", I say.

"Oh this is a bit random", I say as everyone looks at me. "I was thinking I want to change my car from matte black to like a greyish bluish colour and like not matte this time what do you think?" I say. "That would look so nice", said Mark. "Do it", said Jacob. I then get another phone call from my best friend from home called Maisie. "Sorry guys I keep getting calls today but, I have to take this", I say. "Hi  bitch what's up?" I say. "Nothing really I am just sat in my bed watching Netflix but, I called you because you know Chloe who we use to be bestfriends with", she says. "Yeah", I say back. "She tweeted a picture of you and her and said how she misses you", she says. "She is just after attention tbh, she really annoys me", I say. "Anyway I have to go now bye hoe love you", she said. "Love you too boo", I say hanging up. "What's happened?" Said Cam. "Just  this girl called Chloe, she was one of my bestfriends until I was 13. She tweeted about how she missed being friends with me apparently which is utter bullshit", I say. "Why aren't you friends with her anymore if you don't mind me asking?" Said Jack G. "She just got involved with the wrong people and became really popular. She would go to parties and get like totally wasted, get too involved with guys, send nudes, smoke, and her boyfriend was a complete mess I mean he smoked weed and he did cocaine once too. Like we were only 13 and drugs are a massive no no at any age also, she was a massive bitch to me", I say. "She did all this at 13", said Carter. "She did, that's like the same age as Jacob or Brandon", I say. "That's crazy", said Aaron. "I'm gonna have a look at this tweet", I say. I grab my phone and look at her Twitter.

Chloe.joness: Missing how I use to be close to you....

Then there was a picture of us hugging. I locked my phone and then I got a text from Madison saying she was here so I grab the bottle of Chanel perfume I brought for her eailer. "I'll be back. Wait, someone come with me I don't want to go by myself", I say. "Me, Loren and Ari", will come says Ariel. "Thanks children", I say. "I want to come", said Blake. "I also want to come", said Hunter. "Come on then let's go", I say as the 6 of us exit the room.  "Someone give me a piggy back", said Hunter. "I shall give you one", said Blake. "No I am giving him one Blake", I say. "No I am", said Blake. "i am giving Hunter a piggy back", I say. He gets on my back. "Surprised you could actually pick me up", said Hunter. "Mate I am hench af", I say. we get tin to the elevator "what are we actually doing?" Said Ari. "I just have to give someone something", I say. We get to the lobby and I put Hunter down and walk over to Madison and Maggie and give them both a massive hug. I hand Madison the perfume and she begins to get some money out of her bag. "No I don't want any of your money", I say. "No take it Phoebe", she says. "No seriously i don't want your money", I say to her. "Thankyou so much Phoebe", she says  hugging me again. "These here are my friends Ari, Ariel, Loren, Hunter and Blake", I say to Madison and Maggie. "And these are my friends Madison and Maggie", I say. They all greet eachother. I then take a selfie with all of them and put it on my story. "Anyway we must be off now", said Maggie. "Okay bye love you", I say. "We love you too", they say as they exit the lobby.

We go back up to my hotel room. We all walk in. "Guys what shall we do?" I say. "I have no idea", says Nash. I check my phone. "Why is my Twitter going like mental?" I say. I unlock my phone and went on Twitter. There was a hashtag trending about me #Phoebecannellmakeavidwithricegum. What kind of hashtag even is that? "Ummm interesting", I say. "What is it?" Says Jack J. "Looks like I have to make a YouTube video with someone", I say. "Whoo?" Said Daniel. "Ricegum, I mean ngl he must be quite desperate. He managed to get a hashtag trending just to make a video with me", I say. "Imma dm him".

Me: Hi, saw you wanted to make a video with me. When and where were you thinking?☺️

He replied almost instantly.

Ricegum: Hi didn't think you would actually want to make a video with me, how about the day after tommorrow at my hotel room as I am in LA atm😉

Me: That should be fine, just send me over your hotel. Any change in plans I shall let you know.😌

He sends his hotel over. "So anyways what should we do?" I say. "Let's go to 6 flags", says Matt. "Omg yass please can we?" Says Mario. "I mean we might as well", I say. I change my shoes top black high top converse and We all agree to go to 6 flags.

When we get there I thought we would have to line up but, we managed to skip to massive line and were escorted in bu staff. As we walked past people I could here them whispering "omg is that Phoebe Cannell". "OMG THATS PHOEBE CANNELL AND THE MAGCON BOYS! WAIT IS THAT THOSE MUSICALLY KIDS?" A girl shouted, then everyone else looked over. We get in to 6 flags and multiple fans begin coming. They had to keep shutting off the areas we wanted to go to so we didn't get swarmed by fans. While walking to the rides Taylor would hold my hand and the fans were going crazy, asking whether we were going out.

We finally got back to the hotel at 6:50pm and we have had such a great time. "That was so fun", I say as I sit on my bed. "Oh I need to broadcast is that okay?" Said Hunter. "That's fine by us", said Nash. He began to broadcast and everyone was so happy that we were all hanging out and broadcasting together. Then I get a call from Lillie. "I shall be back I have to take this", I say going into the bathroom and locking the door. "Hi, how are you?" I say as I answer the phone. "Phoebe I'm really scared I don't know what to do help me please", she said. She sounded so panicked and worried. "What's the matter sweetie?" I say concerned. "I had court today and he didn't get sentenced, he is being released tonight. I'm so scared, he said if I ever told anyone he would be back for me again", she said sounding like she was crying. "Shh shhh Lillie don't cry you will be safe, come to my hotel and you can stay with us as long as you want okay? I will talk to my lawyer about re examining the case ", I say. "Thankyou so  much Phoebe", she says as she ends the call. I walk back into the room. "Yo is it alright if Lillie stays here for a bit?" I say. "Sure, why does she need to stay here?" Said Cam looking kinda concerned. "It doesn't really matter, we don't need to talk about it. Oh and don't ask Lillie it's a really touchy subject okay?" I say. "Of course we won't", says Carter. Then i look at the time. Oh shit it is 7:29 I almost forgot I have to tweet out about the glosses video. I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket

PhoebeCannell: Like, literally, so cute - Glosses 4/1

I tweet with the link to the video below. Then I put my phone away. Hunter is still broadcasting with all of us. Around 5 minutes after I have tweeted what I did I with the link to the video I see people in the comments of Hunters broadcast saying 'omg that video for Kylie's glosses is so cool Phoebe!'. As everyone else begins to notice the comments. "You guys what are you talking about what video?" Said Hunter. 'The video that Phoebe tweeted' people kept commenting. Everyone looked at me "please don't watch it", I say. "Let's watch it", says Blake. "No please don't", I say as they ignore me. Cameron gets his MacBook and everyone gathers around him. He goes on my twitter and clicks on the link. "Oh I'm excited", said Loren. "I'm really not, don't watch it pleasee", I beg. They still ignored me. I heard the music begin from the video. "Imma hide from all of y'all", I say climbing inter my duvet. 3 minutes later I hear a laptop shut. I get out from under my duvet. They all stare at me "That video was really cool, you looked so pretty and sassy", said Loren. "You look so hot in that video", says Taylor. "Thankyou children", I say.  "We still on broadcast?" I say. "Yeah" says Hunter. I go and sit next to Taylor. He wraps his arm around my neck as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Your cute", he says looking at me. Questions about me dating Taylor began flooding the comments in Hunter's broadcast. He turns around and looks at us. "Yes I am going out with Phoebe", says Taylor as he kisses my cheek. Now the comments were just about Taylor and I. Some good some bad. We continue broadcasting when Hunter notices Weston is in the Guest list. "Omg Weston baby I'm gonna guest you", Hunter says as he guests him. They talk for a bit "Weston boo, why aren't you here?" I say. "I had to go home early soz babez", he says back. Then I get a text.

Lillie💘: I'm in the lobby xxxxx

Me: I'm my way down xxxx

3975 words, wow this is a long chapter🙎🏼😅


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