The Forgotten Girl

By KatietheCaterpillar

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Alison Parkington had lived in the orphanage her entire life. Everything was perfect besides the fact that sh... More

Chapter one: When It All Changes
Chapter Two: Intensive Cleaning
Chapter three: Returning Home
Chapter four: There's always a first
Chapter Five: The Devil Wears Pink
Chapter Six: It only gets better
Chapter seven: Fighting Back
Chapter Eight: Dreams
Chapter nine: Disarming, Qudditch, and a Brawl?
Chapter Ten: A Secret Weapon
Chapter Eleven: Secrets to Keep
Chapter Twelve: Such a Merry Christmas
Chapter Thirteen: Chocolates, Stars, and Dreams
Chapter Fourteen: And The Truth Is Spilled
Chapter Fifteen: The Toad Takes Over
Chapter Sixteen: Easter Heart to Hearts
Chapter Seventeen: Unforgivable Happenings
Chapter Eighteen: And the war begins
Part Two-Chapter one: Life at the Burrow
Chapter Two: Midnight Conversation
Chapter Three: Quidditch, Birthday Cake, Letters, and Love
Chapter Four: Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes
Chapter Five: Back to Hogwarts We Go
Chapter Six: Some Gifts Aren't So Pleasant
Chapter Seven: A Fatherly Message.....Kind of?
Chapter Eight: Officially a Slugclub Member
Chapter Nine: Slugclub and Quidditch
Chapter Ten: Romance Is Thick In The Air
Chapter Eleven: Christmas With the Weasleys
Chapter Twelve: Dad, Homework, and Poison
Chapter Thirteen: The Quidditch Troll
Chapter Fourteen: Secrets Revealed
Chapter Fifteen: The Unwanted Lunch Date
Chapter Seventeen: The Championship
Chapter Eighteen: In The Common Room
Chapter Nineteen: Deatheaters and Werewolves
Chapter Twenty: The Beginning of the End

Chapter Sixteen: Break Ups Are In The Air Tonight

156 6 1
By KatietheCaterpillar

Chapter Sixteen: Break Ups Are In The Air Tonight

Upon their return from the Easter holidays the Professors piled, if possible, more homework on them. It was becoming increasingly harder to do anything but study. Now at the beginning of every class O.W.L.s were mentioned, repeatedly, and they were reminded how much studying they needed to do.

The week after holidays Alison, Ginny, and Colin returned to the common room to find the tables covered in pamphlets.

“What are these for?” Ginny asked picking up one labeled Magical Healing.

“Career planning.” Colin supplied looking at the notice board, “We’ve all got an appointment with Professor McGonagall to plan our classes for next year, and our career.” He said reading off of the notice that was in front of them, “A week from today.” He said and sat down at the table with a few other fifth years and picked up a pamphlet.

“Great,” Ginny said rolling her eyes, “Now I have to decide what I’m doing with the rest of my life.”

Alison chuckled, “Just tell her you’re going to be a Quidditch player. Simple.” Alison picked up a pamphlet for the Ministry of Magic and began to flip through it.

“I don’t think she’ll accept that.” Ginny said flipping through a pamphlet for Aurors.

Alison had been avoiding Snape since they had returned. She stopped going for lunch on Sundays, and sped out of Defense so fast that Ginny couldn’t even catch up with her. Alison didn’t want to talk to a man who had betrayed her to the enemy. She didn’t want to talk to a man who was the enemy. So she avoided him and pushed her hurt feelings away throwing herself into Quidditch and studying with a new effort she didn’t know she was capable of.

The next week Alison went to meet McGonagall after her Monday classes had ended. She knocked on her office door and waited nervously for her to answer.

“Come in.” McGonagall called. Alison pushed the door open and walked in.

“Have a seat.” McGonagall said as she shuffled through a pile of papers. Alison sat down in the chair just as McGonagall pulled out a folder with Alison’s name on it.

“Now, this should be simple and quick.” McGonagall said looking up at Alison with a smile, “You’ve got good marks across the board, so I wouldn’t worry about anything holding you back.” Alison smiled proudly.

“Now, tell me what you’re planning on doing after Hogwarts.” McGonagall smiled again and folded her hands looking at Alison across her desk.

“Well,” Alison began, “I want to work in the ministry, with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.”

McGonagall smiled, “That’s a great idea!” she said and began writing on a piece of parchment, “Do you know what kind of work you want to do?”

Alison smiled wide, “I think field work.” She said happily, “For population and researching.”

McGonagall began writing again, “So for next year you’re going to need Care of Magical Creatures, no? And I think that Potions would be a good option, as well as Charms, Herbology and Transfiguration. Now Professor Dumbledore has requested you continue with Divination, for obvious reasons or course.”

Alison nodded her head in agreement.

“So you’ll need to score at least an exceeding expectations in everything, and if you wish to continue defense against the dark arts, which might be a good idea, a recommendation to everyone that I’m giving, you’ll need an outstanding.”

Alison nodded her head again, “I don’t think that will be a problem.” She said happily. McGonagall smiled at her again, “Then we’re done here.” She said. Alison stood up, “Thank you Professor.” She said and left her office.

That evening Alison and Colin had taken over one of the larger tables in the common room. They had spread out all of their books and had been quizzing one another back and forth. It had been Colin’s idea to begin doing this once a week to prepare themselves for their O.W.L.s. Ginny had opted not to join them. Instead she had gone on a walk with Dean.

“Hey Ali!” Harry called across the common room as he, Hermione, and Ron went up to the boys dormitories.

Alison waved back at him in response and focused on the question Colin had asked her, “Mandrakes are use to restore those who have been perfied.”

“Correct!” Colin said proudly. Alison was terrible at Herbology but she needed it.

“What is wolfsbane and how does it work?” Alison asked Colin in a bored voice. They had been studying for hours on end and she was reaching her breaking point. 

Colin went into his novel length answer that Alison already knew was going to be correct. She didn’t think there was anything he didn’t know.

“What were you doing up there with her?!” Lavender Brown shrieked. Alison looked up from her notes to see Ron and Hermione coming down the dormitory steps alone.

“Where’d Harry go?” Colin asked stopping mid answer and turning around to watch the scene unfold before them.

“Well?!” Lavender shrieked. The crowded common room had fallen dead silent and everyone was watching Lavender.

“I….well…” Ron stuttered and scratched the back of his neck, his ears turning red.

“I knew it!” Lavender continued on screaming, “You’re always with her! Every single time! I get it, you don’t want to be with me anymore!”

“That’s not it.” Ron said weakly, though Lavender ignored him.

“I can’t believe you! You’re ridiculous! A poor excuse for the human race! I can’t believe I even dated you!”

Lavender was now crying, yet she was still able to scream at Ron, “WE’RE OVER!” and then she took off out the portrait hole. Ron stammered a few more times before Hermione grabbed his wrist and hurried him over into an empty corner. The common room broke out into chatter once more.

“Okay, your question.” Colin said getting right back to studying, “How do you properly prune a Mimbulus Mimbletonia?”

Alison groaned, “Must you ask me Herbology questions?” she asked him racking her brains for the answer.

“Yes, it’s where you need the most help.” He said and looked up at her waiting for her answer.

“Dean, leave me alone!” Ginny said, appearing at the end of their table. Colin rolled his eyes and Alison bit back a laugh.

“Ginny, stop being ridiculous,” Dean said anger in his voice.

“I wouldn’t need to be ridiculous if you’d stop treating me like a child!”Ginny said crossing her arms and huffing.

“I’m not treating you like a child!” Dean said angrily.

“Yes you are! I can get through the portrait hole perfectly fine on my own without your help!”

Alison grimaced across the table at Colin. Colin smiled at her.

“Ginny, I honestly don’t know why you think I tried to help you!” Dean yelled back.

“You know what Dean, I’m done. We’re over.” Ginny said her voice a scary calm.

Dean stood stunned for a moment before simply walking away. Ginny threw herself into the chair beside Colin, “Ugh, boys.” She said and rolled her eyes.

Alison gave a small internal cheer and smiled wide at Colin. They had both been hoping Ginny would end it for quite some time.

“Hey Col,” Alison asked.

“Yeah?” He replied with a smile on his face.

“That plan I told you about last night? It’s so going to happen.” Alison said with a grin. Ginny looked between her two best friends, shrugged and then stalked off to bed muttering that she didn’t want to be bothered by anyone.  

Alison and Colin sat up for several more hours studying. Alison was waiting for Harry to return to tell him to go for it before someone else did. However he didn’t come back. Around midnight Alison and Colin called it quits and retired to bed for the night.

The next morning Alison was awoken by Ginny jumping on top of her, “Good morning!” her best friend sang out happily. Alison let out a groan and opened her eyes; “You can’t just use an alarm?” she asked tiredly and shoved Ginny off the bed so she could sit up. Ginny hit the floor with a thud and let out a laugh.

“That wouldn’t be fun.” She said with a small pout. Alison rolled her eyes and smiled, Ginny hadn’t been like this in a long time. It was nice to finally be rid of Dean.

“Get dressed!” Ginny said happily, “Or we’ll be late.” Alison threw back her covers, “I’m going, I’m going.” She said and got dressed. She slipped on her last shoe and barley grabbed her wand before Ginny was pulling her out of the dorm.

“What are you in such a rush for?” Alison asked and Ginny rushed pulling Alison along and grabbing onto Colin as well.

“I want breakfast.” She said simply and pulled them through the castle at top speed.

“Gin,” Colin said trying to keep up without falling, “Breakfast will still be there if we walk.”

Ginny huffed but slowed her pace down.

“See, not so bad.” Alison said with a smile. Ginny rolled her eyes and linked arms with Alison and Colin.

“Hey Col,” Ginny began happily.

“Yeah?” He answered wearily.

“Can I join in your study groups?” she asked sheepishly.

Colin laughed, “Of course.” He said as they walked into the Great Hall.

Alison caught sight of Draco sitting alone at the Slytherin table. He was pushing his food around on his plate and looked sicker than he had the last time Alison had seen him.

“Ali, come on.” Colin said and pulled on her arm. Alison hadn’t realized she had stopped walking. Shaking her head she continued forward and sat down at the table. She didn’t take anything to eat and Colin shot her an annoyed look.

“We’ve been through this.” He said simply putting eggs on her plate for her, “You have to eat.” Alison gave a half smile and took a bite.

“Why haven’t you been eating?” Ginny asked Alison narrowing her eyes at her.

“I haven’t been hungry.” Alison said simply and shrugged.

“You’re not eating?” Harry said coming up behind her. Alison rolled her eyes and shot Ginny an annoyed look. Harry’ll go over protective brother on her now.

“I’m eating right now.” She said and took another bite, “See?”

Harry stood for a moment watching her before walking away with a nod, “I’m keeping an eye on you.”

“Alison,” Ginny began.

“I’m just stressed about the O.W.L.s, alright? I don’t eat when I’m stressed.”

Colin looked at Alison carefully but seemed to accept this explanation and nodded his head, “Fine, but you’re going to eat as long as I’m around.” He said and pointed his fork at her.

Alison rolled her eyes and finished her eggs so they’d leave her alone.

Later that afternoon the three of them made their way down to Hagrid’s hut. He was waiting outside for them with a wide grin on his face.

“Hello Hagrid!” Alison greeted as the rest of their class made their way to them.

“Afternoon!” Hagrid greeted, “Have I go’ a treat fer yeh today!” he said excitedly.

Alison beamed, the rest of the class gave a general sound of content. Alison liked having class with the Hufflepuffs. They were nice to Hagrid.

“Follow me!” Hagrid said and started around his hut. He led them into the edge of the forest behind his hut and stopped a short distance in.

“Now, yeh won’ all be able to see ‘em. But some of yeh will.” Hagrid said producing a cut of meat from one of his many packets. 

He threw it onto the forest floor a few feet from where he was standing. They all stood for a moment in anticipation. There was a rustle of leaves and then a large skeletal creature stepped out of the shadows. Alison gasped in excitement; she had seen these the first time she had ridden in one of the carriages. Though she had quickly learned nobody else could see them.

“Who can see ‘em?” Hagrid asked the class. Alison rose her hand in the air, as did two Hufflepuffs.

“More than I expected.” Hagrid said pleased. Alison looked over at the creature again. He was beautiful in an odd sort of way. His skin was black, and stretched over his bony structure. He picked at the cut of meat opening his wings up slightly as he did.

“Who ca’ tell meh wha’ they are?” Hagrid asked looking around the group of students. Alison’s hand shot into the air.

“Alison?” Hagrid said with a smile.

“They’re threstals.” Alison said proudly, “They pull the Hogwarts carriages, and you can only see them if you’ve seen death.” This last bit of information puzzled Alison. She didn’t really remember watching anyone die, and when she tried to she could only see a red headed woman and a flash of green light.

“Very goo’!” Hagrid said and then went on to explain more about the creatures as two more came out of the trees.


Alison climbed through the portrait hole, Ginny and Colin following after her. They had a break before dinner and Colin wanted to use it to study. Alison registered the group of seventh years in the middle of the room and passed by them for their usual table. However she stopped dead and did a double take when she saw who was standing in the middle of the crowd.

“KATIE!” Alison yelled dropping her book and pushing her way through the crowd to hug Katie tightly. Katie laughed and hugged Alison back. Ginny threw herself onto Katie as well and the three of them laughed.

“How are you?” Ginny asked as they pulled away.

“I’m great! I got out on Monday, had a few days at home, and now I’m back.” Katie beamed, “How’s the team?” she asked.

Alison and Ginny grimaced.

“We’re not doing so hot.” Ginny admitted.

“Last match, Ron couldn’t play. We had McLaggen, and let me just tell you. Worst idea ever.” Alison said. Katie cracked a grin, “Well I’m back, and Ron’s fit right?”

Ginny nodded her head, her face was beyond excited and Alison thought it might have something to do with Dean no longer being on the team.

“Then we’re going to scrape a win!” Katie said confidently, “If I die trying.”

“Let’s not go to extremes.” Ginny said with a laugh.  


Author’s note: I know. I’ve been MIA. But it’s not entirely my fault. I got a new job, so that took some adjusting, and then I had to go away to college, which I’m still not completely adjusted too. And then I had some personal stuff going on, but I’m back now, and I hope some of you are still reading at least! I’m gonna try to upload again by Friday, my classes are kinda all over right now so no promises just yet, but I will get back on schedule soon! Vote? Comment? Fan? xoxo

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