Chapter Fifteen: The Unwanted Lunch Date

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Chapter Fifteen: The Unwanted Lunch Date

“Afternoon Professor.” Malfoy said in his usual cocky drawl, though his face was paler and much thinner than Alison remembered. She hadn’t been up close to him since last term.

“Good afternoon Draco.” Snape replied with a curt nod. Malfoy stood back and allowed them to pass. Snape grabbed a hold of Alison’s arm and steered her forward. She was in too much of a shock to function properly.

“Control what you think.” Snape hissed into her ear as they walked down the lavish hallways. Malfoy was close behind them, not bothering to lead them through his own home. They took a number of twists and turns each hallway they entered was decorated just as lavishly as the last one.

“They’re in the dining room.” Malfoy said with a note of annoyance, almost as if he didn’t want Snape taking charge in his house.

“I’m aware.” Snape said in a cold voice. Alison suppressed a shiver and continued to walk beside Snape. When they finally came to a set of wide double doors Snape came to a stop.

“Remember what I told you.” He said in a low voice.

“Training the rebel to behave?” Malfoy asked in a bored voice before pushing through the double doors.

Alison held her breath as Snape pulled her into the room after Malfoy. However the head seat of the table was empty. She let out her breath and relaxed. She could deal with the Malfoys. They would be easy.

“Good afternoon.” Snape said nodding at Malfoy’s parents. Alison had seen them once or twice before when boarding the train. Lucius gave a nod and Narcissa gave a tight smile.

“Nice to see you.” Lucius said and gestured to the two seats across the table from him. “Sit, I will have the house elves bring out lunch.”

Snape led Alison to one of the chairs and pushed her into it then sat beside her. Lucius snapped his fingers and a rather small house elf appeared carrying a large tray of sandwiches and drinks. The elf lifted the tray onto the table and quickly exited the room. Alison could pick out terror on its face.

“Please, help yourself.” Narcissa said and gave another tight smile. Alison smiled politely back and took a sandwich setting it on the plate in front of her. She wasn’t very hungry anymore.

“It’s nice to see you’ve left those Gryffindors behind.” Lucius said to Alison picking up his own sandwich, “They’re no good really. Always thinking they are right. They’ll have no idea what is coming to them.”

“Oh no,” Snape said his voice its usual dead drawl, “they will have no idea at all.” He agreed with a small nod of the head.

Lucius let out a laugh, though it felt forced. Draco cast his gaze down to the table and his uneaten sandwich. He looked suddenly uncomfortable.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Narcissa asked Alison noticing her sandwich was untouched as well. “Do you not like it?”

Alison shook her head and picked up the sandwich taking a bite of it and smiling politely at her, “It’s delicious.” She said after swallowing.

Alison set her sandwich down again. Why was Snape having a lunch date with known Deatheaters? Especially a recently escaped Deatheater? Though it hadn’t been in the prophet there must have been a breakout considering Lucius had been in Azkaban not too long ago. What exactly was Snape playing at?

The large doors opened again and Alison looked up at them. A wild eyed woman was standing in the doorframe a gleeful smile on her face. Her kinky dark curls were all over the place and she looked as though she should be in the nut house.

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