• The Magcon reunion • A Magc...

By Caraa1999

4.3K 136 6

When she was 13 Phoebe's life was changed forever when she was scouted by a major modelling company. Now she... More

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144 3 0
By Caraa1999

TW: sexual assault.

Phoebe's POV •

I froze. I was about to scream when he covered my mouth with tape and pinned me again the wall. The button, I still have it. The panic button is a button that I always kept on me since my stalker; it alerts the security that I am in serve risk and shows them my exact location. He began kissing my neck as tears ran down my cheeks. I managed to press the button. It wouldn't take them long they were only down the corridor, 1 minute tops- but more then you think can happen in 1 minute. He ran his hands towards my denim shorts.

Matt POV •

It was werid that Phoebe left like that she seemed not herself. I continued taking pictures when I see Phoebe's securtiy guards look at each other then fast walk down the corridor. What was going on?

Aaron POV •

I have no idea where Phoebe's securtiy guards are going, I'm starting to feel a bit concerned.

Cameron POV •

I have no idea what is going on. Why did Phoebe's securtiy look at each other like that, so concerned, worried. They walked so fast down the corridor. Know I feel like I am sweating I hope nothing has happened to Phoebe. I like looked at Nash and he mouthed to me "what's going on?" I replied with "I have no idea"...

Phoebe's POV •

He was touching me through my shorts will still kissing my neck. The tears were running faster and faster down my cheeks while my 50year old stalker whisper in my ear "I can't wait to fuck you sweetie", the door opened. "Put your hands up!" My security say while pointing guns towards him as he gets off me and puts his hands up. They handcuff him and one guard takes him to another room while the police secretly take him away to avoid too much drama. "Are you alright miss?" The remaining security guard asked as I stood there expression less with tears slowly dripping as I ripped the tap off my mouth and dropped it to the floor. "Miss?". I still said nothing. Then I heard the boys walking down the corridor laughing. They must be on their break.

Jack J POV •

We all walk up to the dressing room door when we see one of Phoebe's securtiy guards standing outside. "Can we go in?" I say confused on what's going on. We are no longer joking around as we know something has happened to Phoebe.

Phoebe's POV •

The boys walk in. I am sat on a chair motionless staring at the wall with a blank expression on my face and tears slowing falling from my eyes. I had black lines all down my face from where my mascara and eyeliner has smudged. "Phoebe?" Cam says. I don't reply. "pheebs are you okay ?" Says Nash. "Did a fan say something mean to you?" Carter says "yeah don't worry about them", Shawn said "yeah they are just jealous ", added Hayes. I ran up to Cam and gave him the biggest hug ever.

Cameron's POV •

I need to know what was the matter and what happened. I was hugging Phoebe when I heard "PHOEBE I'M COMING BACK YOU CAN'T GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY YOU LITTLE FUCKING SLUT, WE WILL FINISH THIS!" Shit. This is more serious than I thought but, what did he want to finish?

Phoebe's POV •

"I don't feel safe", I said making all the boys look concerned. "What happened Phoebs?" Cam said. "I don't want to talk about it", I said turning away from them fixing my makeup. "Phoebe tell us." Said Nash in a stern voice. "Breaks over guys, return back to the meet and great hall", said the manager. I began to walk out of the room. "You don't have to go back, we can go watch films and eat pizza back at the hotel", said Jack G. The guys all nodded agreeing. I just continued walking and walked to the meet and greet hall with my security. I walked into the hall as fans began to scream and I was shortly followed by the boys. We all continued to take photos and I acted my normal happy self when inside I wasn't happy at all.

The event ended but, we left most stuff there so it would be already there for the second part tomorrow. We all all got in the car to go back to the hotel. "Phoebe just tell us what happened please." Shawn asked politely. " I don't want to talk about it, you can find out when everyone else does". They all looked at each other. "And that will be when?" Aaron asked. "Once I have been to court, my lawyer is flying from London and I am going to court on Wednesday as we managed to get a slot really quickly." I spoke as my voice began to shake. I wanted to tell them but, the only people I want to tell privately are: my family, best friends from home and Cara, Gigi, Kylie and Kendall.

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