Just the two of us (book 2)

By freakofnature22

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ATTENTION! Read the first book before you read this one. (This story takes place in 2002) It has now been 8... More

Catching up from 1994 - 2002
Chapter 1 The booking
Chapter 2 Is this a bad idea?
Chapter 3 Confused
Chapter 4 Pushing each others buttons
Chapter 5 Cheating
Chapter 6 Cutting him off
Chapter 7 Reunited with Detroit
Chapter 8 Sleepover at Marshall's
Chapter 9 Next morning
Chapter 10 Visiting Rachel
Chapter 11 The truth
Chapter 12 Big time cheater
Chapter 13 Old friends
Chapter 14 Broken hearts
Chapter 15 Only "if"
Chapter 16 Game on
Chapter 17 Home
Chapter 18 Enough is enough
Chapter 19 The magazine
Chapter 20 Realization
Chapter 21 Please
Chapter 22 I'm leaving you
Chapter 23 Studio time
Chapter 24 Broke
Chapter 25 I don't want your help
Chapter 26 Last night together
Chapter 27 Miss you already
Chapter 28 Disagreements
Chapter 29 Charges dropped
Chapter 30 Christmas day
Chapter 31 In your arms again
Chapter 32 A lot of unexpected visits
Chapter 33 Tasha
Chapter 34 Heated argument
Chapter 35 Awkward
Chapter 36 Sorting it out
Chapter 37 How to handle a jalousie woman
Chapter 38 New job
Chapter 39 A problem with Dan's attitude
Chapter 40 Nice to see you
Chapter 41 Compromise
Chapter 42 What about the future?
Chapter 43 A short visit at Club In
Chapter 44 quitting
Chapter 45 Needing a friend
Chapter 46 Humiliation on air
Chapter 47 I want some space
Chapter 48 Come with me
Chapter 49 The flight
Chapter 50 8 mile
Chapter 51 Meeting the girls
Chapter 52 Fixing things
Chapter 53 Telling the girls
Chapter 54 Discovering new things
Chapter 55 The perfect morning
Chaper 56 Unexpected
Chapter 57 In deep shit
Chapter 58 Saved
Chapter 60 Visitation
Chapter 61 Not expected
Chapter 62 Move in with me
Chapter 63 He's not coming
Chapter 64 Anger
Chapter 65 I can't do this anymore
Chapter 66 Dirty hospital business
Chapter 67 Dinner at Proof's
Chapter 68 Marshall's arrival home
Chapter 69 Building up
Chapter 70 The court
Chapter 71 Kim
Chapter 72 Back to normal
Chapter 73 Home to New York
Chapter 74 John
Chapter 75 Drunken decision
Chapter 76 Packing
Chapter 77 Los Angeles - A day with Nicole
Chapter 78 Drugs
Chapter 79 Just five minutes
Chapter 80 New arrangement
Chapter 81 Panic attack
Chapter 82 Stuck up bitch
Chapter 83 Back to work
Chapter 84 Wild animal
Chapter 85 Called home
Chapter 86 You get what you deserve
Chapter 87 Marshall's arrival home
Chapter 88 A day with the girls
Chapter 89 Unexpected
Chapter 90 Confrontation
Chapter 91 Packing suitcases
Chapter 92 Time to think
Chapter 93 Sharonda
Chapter 94 On the phone with Marshall
Chapter 95 A trip down memory lane
Chapter 96 A stupid fool in love
Chapter 97 New car
Chapter 98 Anger
Chapter 99 What just happened?
Chapter 100 Lights on
Chapter 101 The truth hurts
Chapter 102 The last chapter
Just the two of us book 3

Chapter 59 Testimony

1.6K 49 4
By freakofnature22

BANG! The front door behind me bursts open and I see four police officers.
"Police! Drop the gun!" One of the officers yells and Marshall lays the gun down carefully not to make any sudden movement. This is not good for Marshall, it doesn't look good that he has a gun pointed at James when the police walks in. One of the other police officers grabs me and pulls me out while I can hear Marshall trying to explain that he was just protecting me, but I already know that the police is gonna arrest him.
"He did it to protect me." I cry and I fight against the police officer's grip as he pulls me outside. I don't want Marshall to be arrested because he was trying to protect me, the only one who should be arrested here is James.
"You need to calm down miss or else you give me no other choice but to arrest you." The officer says and I immediately stop fighting him. We walk outside and I see people coming out from their houses, they're so damn curious because there's parking two police cars outside. I feel anger rise inside me because where the fuck were they when I screamed from the top of my lungs? "Amelia, do you remember me?" The officer now asks me and I look at him confused. I don't recognize him at all, where should I know him from? I just shake my head as I'm still crying. "We went to high school together." He now says.
"Sorry, I don't remember you." I just say as I look around again to see more people coming out of their houses, I look back at the officer again and I really don't recognize him. "What's your name?" I then ask him.
"Jake Collins." He says. It takes me a moment before I realize that it was the boy who had a huge crush on me in high school. I remember that we did that project together and he found out I was dating Marshall, somehow his love for me turned into anger after that.
"Jake.. I remember you." I just say as I don't dare to look him in the eyes now. Jake still looks as good as he did in high school, he even looks better now but I never saw it coming that he wanted to become a police officer.
"Amelia, did James do this to you?" He asks and I look at him.
"Yes and Marshall was just trying to protect him, please you can't arrest him, please." I now beg Jake.
"Amelia I'm sorry but Marshall was pointing a probably loaded gun to an unarmed man's head, how matter how much he tried to protect you then it's still illegal." Jake explains to me and I can't even speak now, I just burst out crying and Jake pulls me into his chest trying to comfort me. "It's just out of my hands, I'm sorry." I know that there's nothing Jake can do, I already knew that things looked bad when the police stormed through the door. "We need to get you to the hospital and then you can give your testimony there, is that okay?" I look up at I now meet his eyes. I'm so scared that they're gonna let James walk because he does have a lot of friends down at the station.
"Promise me that you're not gonna let James walk. He has a lot of friends down at the station so you have to promise me that you'll truly fight for my case Jake." I beg him.
"Amelia, we all knew that something wasn't right at your home when we went to high school, we all had our suspicions about James. Trust me, this man is never gonna see the daylight again." Jake promises me.
"Thank you so much." I cry into his chest. Jake orders me an ambulance and I get transported to the hospital. It kills me that I don't know what's gonna happen to Marshall and Deshaun, all I know is that James, Marshall and Deshaun are all arrested and I'm now laying in the hospital all fucking alone. I fucking need Marshall and it kills me that he's not here to hold me and tell me that everything is gonna be okay. They've already looked at me and I have 4 broken ribs and my foot is just sprained from James twisting it, my face is pretty beat up but I only have a concussion. Luckily they've given me some pain medication so I don't feel the pain, I was in so much pain when I arrived because my adrenalin was coming down. Right now I'm waiting for the police to arrive so I can give them my testimony. It's awful to be all alone when I've just been through what I've been through, I just want someone here and I can't call anybody because I don't even know where my god damn phone is.
"Would you like to call someone?" The nurse who has treated me so far asks me. Would I like to call someone? Yes, Marshall! But that's not really an option. I should probably call Rachel but I really just want someone here with me right now. Lucas? Maybe Lucas is an option.
"Yes please." I say and she gives me a phone. I dial Lucas number and it rings a couple of times before he finally picks up.

"Hello." Lucas says.
"Lucas, it's Amelia." I say in a shaken voice.
"Amelia, where are you? I've heard they arrested my dad, Marshall and Deshaun but no one could tell me what the fuck happened to you." Lucas says worried.
"I'm in Detroit Medical Center, will you please come?" I cry.
"I'll be there as fast as I can."
"Thank you."
"No probs sis." Lucas says and hangs up.

It's nice that I can have some visit and then he's probably gonna know much more about what's gonna happen with Marshall, Deshaun and James, since Tasha is such good friends with Deshaun's wife.
"Thank you." I say as I hand the phone back to the nurse.
"You're welcome." She says smiling. "Are you expecting someone?"
"Yes, my brother Lucas." I inform her.
"Okay but he can't visit you before you've talked to the police." She says. Really?!
"When are they gonna be here?" I sigh deeply.
"It won't be long." She says. "Just push the button if you need anything else."
"I will." I say and the nurse leaves the room.

30 minutes later the cops finally arrives, I've now been at the hospital for 4 hours so I'm getting impatient and I just want some news about Marshall. Jake and some other cop is taking a seat on the chairs next to my bed and I sure hope that they have some good news for me.
"How are you feeling?" Jake asks me.
"They've given me some pain medication so I guess I'm better." I say.
"I'm glad to hear that." He says and he now points at the other officer. "This is Marvin and he's just going to write down everything we talk about, okay?" It's weird to see Jake in this officer role, he's being very professional and it's very unlike the Jake I knew, the Jake I knew was a pain in the ass and I remember he talked a lot of shit about Marshall.
"Okay." I say.
"Okay. First I would like to hear how you ended up In James Rowland's house." Jake says.
"I honestly don't know. I was on my way over to Lucas Rowland and just as I walked up the stairs in his apartment building I saw James, I tried to escape but James caught me and smashed my head into the wall, next thing I knew; I woke up in his bed." I explain.
"Lucas is James' son, right?" Jake asks.
"Are the two of you still close?" Jake asks.
"Yes he's still like a brother to me." I say and Jake looks at Marvin's paper probably to make sure that he caught all I just told them.
"What happened when you woke up in James' bed?" Jake asks me.
"James began to blame me for ruining his life." I start.
"Why does he think that you ruined his life?" Jake asks me before I can say more.
"Because I told my aunt what he did to me when I was younger which made her divorce him a few months back." I explain.
"Just to be clear, your mother died when you were 16 and therefore Rachel got custody over you, right?" He asks. Either Jake knows really much about my life or else he really did his homework with this case.
"Yes." I answer.
"What did he do to you back then?" Jake asks me.
"He abused me almost from the moment I moved in." I say and I can see that it surprises Jake that it went on for that long.
"How did he abuse you?" Jake asks.
"It was all from slapping me around to make me drop my clothes in front of him so he could spank we with whatever object that pleased him." I say and my voice is shaking like hell right now. I hate to talk about it!
"I know it's uncomfortable but you're doing good." Jake says as he squeezes my hand. "Did James ever sexually abuse you?"
"No." I say.
"Okay." He says and once again he looks at Marvin to make sure that he's getting it all. "And never did Rachel know about what James did to you?"
"No James is not that stupid, he waited until he had me all alone and no matter how much I tried to avoid it, then he was always smarter than me." I explain.
"Why didn't you report it back then?" Jake asks me.
"James has a lot of friends in the police and I knew that if I said one word, that they wouldn't believe me and that I would just receive a punishment." I explain.
"Okay. So what happened when you James came into the bedroom?" Jake asks.
"He began to kick me in the ribs while I laid on the bed because I told him that he couldn't blame me for Rachel leaving him. Then he began to ask me where Rachel lived now and when I wouldn't answer him, that's where hell broke loose and he began to hit me and kick me. He then forced me down on the bed, ripped my pants off and he was so very close to rape me when Marshall and Deshaun finally arrived." I tell him.
"Marshall Mathers is your boyfriend, right?" Jake now asks.
"Yes he is." I answer.
"What happened when Marshall Mathers and Deshaun Holton came into the house?" Jake asks me. I know that I have to be very careful with what I say because I can easily get Marshall into trouble.
"Marshall came into the bedroom and helped me get dressed as Deshaun waited in the living room with James. After that we both went into the living room and Marshall asked Deshaun to call the police." I say.
"Marshall was pointing a 38 gun to James' head when we arrived, would you like to explain to me why Marshall did that? Back at the house you told me that he did it to protect you." Jake asks. That Marshall was caught pointing a gun to an unarmed man is bad enough, but if I tell him that James hadn't even tried to attempt to escape and that he only provoked him, then it'll just make the whole situation a lot worse for Marshall.
"I was in shock so I can barely remember anything from the moment when I saw that Marshall was caring a gun." I say and both Marvin and Jake looks at me, it's like they can tell that I'm lying but I really don't care, all I want is to protect Marshall right now.
"You don't remember?" Jake now asks me.
"No, guns freak me out." I say.
"You know you can get into deep trouble for lying, right? It can mislead our investigation." Jake asks me.
"I know but I really don't remember what happened." I try to convince him.
"As it looks right now then Marshall can go to prison for probably 10 years since it isn't the first time we've caught him wearing a gun." Jake says. 10 years?! I don't say anything because if I as much as say what went down inside, then Marshall isn't just gonna go away for 10 years. "Misleading an investigation can get you send to prison for 5 years."
"How about focusing on the real crime here? James fucking broke four of my ribs and have you even looked at my face?! And all you fucking care about is that Marshall was pointing a gun to that scumbags head?! You have no idea what James is capable of and if I had a gun then I'd probably had done the same thing!" I now burst out in anger.
"You need to calm down Amelia." Jake says.
"Are you sure that this isn't a personal thing for you? I remember how you fucking hated Marshall when we were younger, so are you sure that this isn't your way of finally get him down somehow?" I ask him now.
"Marvin, will you please give us a minute?" Jake asks Marvin now and Marvin nod his head and leaves the room. "This is a personal thing for me Amelia, I really wanna help you get James behind bars, but I can't ignore the fact that Marshall was pointing a god damn gun to James' head."
"Marshall would never kill anyone." I say.
"The judges don't care about that, they care about the fact that Marshall once again was caught with a gun and this time pointed at an unarmed man's head." Jake explains.
"But I don't remember anything." I lie again and I can't hold my tears back now.
"You don't remember if Marshall threatened to kill James?" Jake asks.
"No I don't remember." I cry.
"Then I don't have anymore questions for you." Jake says and stands up. "Take care Amelia and if you need to talk, then call me." Jake gives me his card and leaves the room.

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