The Entrance To Detective Con...

By Nuwwie

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Story is unfinished and not be continued. My story sucks xd Thank you for reading. Do enjoy if want to read... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 16

486 22 15
By Nuwwie

Me and Conan parted ways with Kaname as he waved goodbye with a small smile tugging his lips. I waved back awkwardly and never felt so disgusted ever. I have no need for affectionate interactions with other people until I grow older like when I am in University. Right now, my love here is Anime and Detective Conan. Yep that's probably why I am here.

"Why are you smiling so widely, Ani?" Asked Conan, walking beside looking up at me in bewilderment. I glance down at him and smiled in amusement.

"Nothing really, I just was thinking why am I happy. For a reason." I responded in a lively tone.

"Oh yeah, what is it like living in that 'world'?" He questioned curiously.

"Hmm, let's see. I guess I could say life there was just staying at home most of the time, hanging out was a bothersome. Siblings are like the worst you know, although you never have one, do you? You're the only child and I will consider that as very lucky."

"Whatever you say will always be your words. Although I would like to have a sibling, but that's up to my parents."

"No. Don't get a sibling. Unless your sibling is very loving and caring, unlike my siblings." I told him. He just nodded slowly and look the other way. I sigh internally.

I followed Conan to where Mouri thing was and I was just afraid. Well, what am I afraid about? I don't know, but maybe how I will introduce myself... Yeah okay this might not go well. As Conan walk up the stairs, I halted at the middle and quivered a bit. Conan was in front of the door and turn around to look at me, perplexed.

"What is it Ani?" He asked. I stop shaking and look up to him.

"Yeah, umm...It's nothing." I replied, going up the stairs to him. Conan open the door saying, "I am back!"

Yeah, you know with what tone.

"Welcome back Conan-kun!" Ran welcomed Conan back with a smile on her face. Conan went in as I went in with him."Oh? You brought someone with you?"

"Yeah! It's my cousin! She just came back from America. Her name is Kouketsuna Ahiru. Can she live with us since she won't be here for long?" He pleaded in a kiddish tone. I sigh deeply inside.

The uncle began to yell, lowering his newspaper and look over to us. "No way! There won't be any free loaders in our house anymore."

Ran spin around to the uncle, giving him a glare while both of her hands on her waist. "Otou-san! Remember Conan's parents about giving you something? You should consider it." She huffed.

"O-oh right," he remembered, trying not to break the deal off which I think it is a deal, not quite remember what Conan's mum said. I seriously need to watch it again,"well...she could be part of our...household..." he nervously mumble and laugh. Ai doesn't seem to like me much there. I bet I will be too much trouble some.

Okay, Ani. Act, act-

Oh please be honest with yourself. You don't need to act-

Shut up, it's my decision.

"Yay!" I cried in joy, carrying Conan and spinning him around in one spot, smiling widely to Conan as he also had his child expression still planted on his face. "That's awesome Conan-kun! I can't wait to see more of Japan." I said, slowing down the spinning and placing him down. His head is spinning. My head is spinning but I can deal with the spinning after few seconds so it's fine haha.

"" Conam said very slowly. I spin him around too much. Way too much. Oops.

"So, I should get ready for Dinner. Ahiru-chan?" Ran ask,"you came back from school? Where is your clothes?"

"Ah! I have some in my backpack which I left it in Hakase's house. I can go and get it and be back till dinner."

"No, no! It's fine, you can use my clothes. You're almost the same size as me, and taller than me!" She gasp at me. Oh right, I am 164 cm and she is 160 cm. But I am Asian...I am suppose to be small. Whatever, taller the better.

"Thanks, Ran-oneesan. It's fine I could just get my own clothes. I don't think I could fit in your-"

"It's fine! I told you, it's alright. You can wear my clothes for tonight." She told me and smile. I smile awkwardly and nodded.

"Okay Ran-oneesan. Thank you." I said. She smile again and went out of the room to upstairs to cook food.

"I'm going up also." The uncle said, getting up from his office chair and placing the newspaper down on his desk. He yawn and left the room. It was just me and Conan. Yay?

Conan stop dawdling around with confusion. He glance up towards my face and glare at me. A drop of sweat roll down the side of my face. "Thanks Ani. Thanks for spinning me around."

"You spin me right round baby, right round when you go down, when you go down, down." I sang jokingly and made weird dance movements and pointed at Conan with both of my hands. The room became silent as Conan seem disappointed.

"You can't cheer the Cone up Ani. It's impossibru." The phone suddenly spoke up and startled me. He I mever wanted it to talk through the speakers but oh well.

"Your phone Ani?" Conan look at the side of my pocket. I took my phone out and stare at it.

"Mhm, I made it talk now. It's annoying when it talks. However I am not bothered to turn it off so my phone will be like that." I said slightly disappointed.

"Hey! Rude, you could say I helped you through things easily." He scoffed.

"Yeah, only for a moment and then became useless. I almost got killed by his fist."

"Guess where he could put his fist in? Ani-chan~" He giggled like a little kid and I wonder why. I started to ponder for a moment. Trying to figure it out. I turn and look at Conan. His face his bright red.

"A-Ani...maybe you should forget what he just said." He muttered as I squint, looking completely puzzled from what Pandoru's saying.

"Conan? What is this? I am curious. Tell me!" I pleaded with my childish act. I am so immature but also I wanted to know.

"N-nothing-" Conan been cut off by Pandoru.

"Ani-chan, where you poop." Poop? Huh-

Oh. Ohhhh. I get it. Yep definitely.

"I am not talking to you anymore I am going to seriously turn you off and never open you again." I deeply said as I was ready to turn it off.

"No Ani-chan! It's just a joke, I promise! Please give me a chance!"

"Chances are not available at this moment. Please try again after never."


I switched the phone off and slide it in my pocket, sighing deeply. Conan weirdly look upon me and my smile became wry.

"I am sorry about that Conan. Forgive me."

"It's okay, it's nothing bad." He smile falsely. I smile back, falsely. "So about that brown hair guy,"

"Brown hair guy? Ah, you mean Kaname-kun. Yeah, yeah, what about him?" I began to cross my arms.

"You encountered him, what's up with him attacking you out of nowhere and then suddenly flirting with you?"

"Meh, how should I know? I'm not interested in some random dude that came out of no where, attacking me then tried pecking a kiss on my cheek. That was horrible."

"He kissed you on the cheek?" He said it again. I shook my head.

"No, I slapped the duck out of him. But for a moment I thought he was gay. Weird huh?"

"Yep you're definitely weird Ani. No doubt about that."

"Thanks, little detective. Glad you can agree with my statement."

"You're welcome." He said jokingly.

We sat on the couch and start to talk about random things like why does he wear glasses when it isn't going to hide his identity enough. Oh that's a wonder, how Ran can't even detect the resemblance of Conan and Shinichi's faces. That pretty cool man. It's so obvious. But in conclusion to all of that, Anime logic.

When all become silent, Conan decided to leave me alone in such a room because I wasn't bothered to stand up or anything. It was annoying, and I am lazy. I started to lay back on the couch and let the thoughts corrupt my mind. Well, yeah some thoughts are bad.

So if I could just remember, or questions I would like to ask. Simply, there isn't a reason for me to be in this world although I am thankful that. For what reason though? What if, what if I suddenly finish the thing? Thing...yeah! The main goal of the purpose of me being here. It's not just me living in this part just to meet my characters isn't it? No, of course not. There's always a reason, and for that the reason for this particular world isn't that easy to explain.

I need explanation, is the only thing I need to get. Pandoru never really seem to explain, well he does but it is not the right information I needed. The only thing I could do is trust Pandoru's words, I can't back off.

Being really a regretful, I turn on my phone and my eye start to twitch. A big text message has sent to me.


"Heh? What do you mean?" I tilted my head in confusion and thought for a moment but talking out loud. "If the text says I am going to meet someone, is it someone I could trust? Or is that I have will have to kill someone." I talk to myself in a dark manner. There's no way I could-

The door creaked open as I turn my head to look around. Someone I don't recongize was infront of the door. He was wearing a black suite and a black fedora which shadows his eyes. He wore a bandanna over his mouth. A gun was pointing at me.

"Got the message?" He ask. He pulled down his bandanna and slowly revealing his devilish smirk, ear to ear.

Automatically, my heart began to beat faster, just quickening up by seconds. I was afraid. His terrifying smile and the gun pointing at me scared me the most. I wanted to scream, cry, but trying to hold tears up without trying to panic at all. To alert, I have to scream.

I open my mouth to start to scream until he rushes over me and covered my mouth. "Ani, you can't escape from me." He darkly cooed into my ears a tear slowly roll down from my eye as I felt a knife pierce me through stomach. I cried. Crying. No, not again. Not the pain I have to suffer once more. Please! Oh God, please let it end.

He pulled the knife out as he let go of my mouth. I can't scream. I can't anymore. I just. I look down to my stomach. Blood drenched my uniform as I see it pour out. He pointed the gun at my forehead. I just barely had the muscle to speak out.


"To live? I will grant you that, but first, your eye."

"My..." He started to reach out to my left eye, and started to push it in through my eye socket. I screamed. Louder, and louder, in agony, painful. It was horrible. I hate it. I don't like pain at all! I act I can endure it, but that's not the point.

This is torture. The experience I could imagine is unbearable and have now occurred and right now, I will die.

"Ani!" I could barely hear the small detective crying out for me. I couldn't even bear it any longer. It hurts. It hurts to much. Until to the point I passed out.


1k reads so beautiful. And yet...this book is on a 16th chapter. C'mon how honestly you people like my story when it is only featuring ME having fun with these characters, or annoying people. INCLUDING ME SWEARING. [I put a warning on the description of the book since I forgot lol]

Oh yeah, for those who still didn't get it.
Kaname is...a Player. (I cant think of anything so here)

And sorry in advance, I am going to take a while to update now. School is literally ripping my head apart, considering that this is why I took so long to update. *sigh* I keep mixing my tenses up...and grammar


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