Out of the Blue... // A John...

By Just__Me3

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"Me? I guess I was just a little out of the blue." -- \\Out of the Blue// John "Swazz" Swift This is a book f... More

Authors Note
53 - Last Chapter!


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By Just__Me3

Nate's POV

When Adilynn said Ryan hadn't come down yet, I knew exactly where she was. For the past few weeks she's been leaving the house after John went to bed. I don't know why she's sneaking around but whatever it is, Johns not gonna like it. I shrugged it off and went back to my breakfast.

About an hour after I finished and we had all moved into the living room, we were just hanging out talking on the couches when the front door opened. We all watched silently as Ry "snuck in" before Her brother spoke up "where the hell were you?" He practically yelled, causing her to jump.

"I was out with some friends that moved out here a while back" she shrugged

"Friends who? Do I know them?" John dug deeper

"Yeah actually you do! Remember Matthew and his friends from Omaha?" Ouch I thought mentally, John hated them and his little sister was sneaking around with them...

The guys and I slowly slipped out of the room unnoticed with Adilynn following behind me. We kept walking into the kitchen to give them some space but Ad stayed close to the exit, still listening in.

Adilynn's POV

I listened as they kept yelling back and forth,

"Out of all people you have to hang out with them?! You know I hate them and you know why, but yet you choose to be around them? Out of all the people in California you choose them?!" John lectured

"You done?" I heard Ryan ask before talking more "yeah out of all people I choose them! You know why? Because they know me. They are familiar people. I'm used to being around them and it's nice to have that when you're somewhere new!" She yelled back

"Ry I hear what you're saying. You know them and that's fine, but you have all of us to. You've know Nate and I you're whole life! Why do you need them?" He questioned

"Yeah John, I do know you, and I do know Nate, but you don't know me!"

"Bullshit we don't know you!"

"I call bullshit on your bullshit! You don't know me! You left John! You and Nate both left before I was even in middle school. The only time I heard from you was Christmas, if that even! You have to accept the fact the you don't know me anymore! I'm all grown up now, I can make my own decisions." She shouted.

I hadn't known her long but I know she had been holding all that in for a long time.

"You know Ry? I did leave, and I'm not going to sit here and tell you I wish I didn't or that I regret it because I know I couldn't stay there, but you know what I do regret? Leaving you. I missed out on so much and I really wish I hadn't!" John said letting out a long sigh before going out the front door.

I saw Nate get up to follow him but before he could go out I stopped him "do you mind if I go?" I asked not wanting to overstep

"Yeah go for it, you sure?" He asked me

"Positive" I smiled before walking out. I saw John just sitting on the railing out front. "Mind if I join?" I asked as he told me to go ahead.

We sat in silence for a minute before he started talking "So that was pretty intense" he said letting out a sigh

"It was," I agreed, "how are you holding up?" I asked him

"I mean I guess I just don't know what I expected. I thought she would come out here and be the same little girl she was when I left. And then when she wasn't, I wanted to make up for lost time. I wanted to protect her from all the things I couldn't before. And I can't can I?" He asked

"No. In all honesty you can't. She's never going to be that same person again. You can't protect her from what's already happened. But you wanna know what you can do?" I quizzed


"You can protect her from what's still to come. You don't want to suffocate her though, you have to let her be who she is going to be, not who she was." I spoke softly

"I know. It just sucks. My baby sister is all grown up and making her own life choices, and I missed some really important things. Did I do the wrong thing?" He asked

"Not at all. You did the right thing for you, and now you have to do the right thing for her. You have to accept the fact that she's growing up."

"It's so hard though" he whispered

"I agree, it's one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do, is realize that someone you love has grown up so quickly and everything is different. But it's also something you have to do."

"You seem to know a lot about this? What's your experience?" He turned to me

"Um well I have this cousin, he's the youngest of our family and he's the sweetest kid ever. I have always been the closest with him, before he was even born, I would always stay with my aunt and take naps so I could lay there and feel the baby kick in her stomach. Once he was born we were attached at the hip. But they moved to Iowa after a few years. At first I would always call and talk to them, but now I only see them every few years. The last time I saw him, he was 13. He looked totally different and he wasn't into the same stuff. I was still attached to his hip, but he wasn't attached to mine. It sucked realizing that because we had lived apart so long, we would never have the same relationship as we did when he was younger. It hurts to realize that, but it's true, people change whether you're there to see it or not." I smiled offering him a smile.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"It's okay though, because it happens and I've accepted it."

"I feel kind of bad for yelling at her now." He whispered.

"Then go talk to her about it, she'll understand I promise. And I promise you that acknowledging she isn't a little girl anymore will help you guys's relationship a lot" I smiled getting off the railing. John did the same and gave me a quick hug before returning inside.

I followed a few steps behind him. The hug threw me off balance, it freaked me out because it made me think of him. Johns different, they're all different I kept reminding myself. They're not him, not every guy is going to be like him.

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