Just the two of us (book 2)

By freakofnature22

213K 5.8K 985

ATTENTION! Read the first book before you read this one. (This story takes place in 2002) It has now been 8... More

Catching up from 1994 - 2002
Chapter 1 The booking
Chapter 2 Is this a bad idea?
Chapter 3 Confused
Chapter 4 Pushing each others buttons
Chapter 5 Cheating
Chapter 6 Cutting him off
Chapter 7 Reunited with Detroit
Chapter 8 Sleepover at Marshall's
Chapter 9 Next morning
Chapter 10 Visiting Rachel
Chapter 11 The truth
Chapter 12 Big time cheater
Chapter 13 Old friends
Chapter 14 Broken hearts
Chapter 15 Only "if"
Chapter 16 Game on
Chapter 17 Home
Chapter 18 Enough is enough
Chapter 19 The magazine
Chapter 20 Realization
Chapter 21 Please
Chapter 22 I'm leaving you
Chapter 23 Studio time
Chapter 24 Broke
Chapter 25 I don't want your help
Chapter 26 Last night together
Chapter 27 Miss you already
Chapter 28 Disagreements
Chapter 29 Charges dropped
Chapter 30 Christmas day
Chapter 31 In your arms again
Chapter 32 A lot of unexpected visits
Chapter 33 Tasha
Chapter 34 Heated argument
Chapter 35 Awkward
Chapter 36 Sorting it out
Chapter 37 How to handle a jalousie woman
Chapter 38 New job
Chapter 39 A problem with Dan's attitude
Chapter 40 Nice to see you
Chapter 41 Compromise
Chapter 42 What about the future?
Chapter 44 quitting
Chapter 45 Needing a friend
Chapter 46 Humiliation on air
Chapter 47 I want some space
Chapter 48 Come with me
Chapter 49 The flight
Chapter 50 8 mile
Chapter 51 Meeting the girls
Chapter 52 Fixing things
Chapter 53 Telling the girls
Chapter 54 Discovering new things
Chapter 55 The perfect morning
Chaper 56 Unexpected
Chapter 57 In deep shit
Chapter 58 Saved
Chapter 59 Testimony
Chapter 60 Visitation
Chapter 61 Not expected
Chapter 62 Move in with me
Chapter 63 He's not coming
Chapter 64 Anger
Chapter 65 I can't do this anymore
Chapter 66 Dirty hospital business
Chapter 67 Dinner at Proof's
Chapter 68 Marshall's arrival home
Chapter 69 Building up
Chapter 70 The court
Chapter 71 Kim
Chapter 72 Back to normal
Chapter 73 Home to New York
Chapter 74 John
Chapter 75 Drunken decision
Chapter 76 Packing
Chapter 77 Los Angeles - A day with Nicole
Chapter 78 Drugs
Chapter 79 Just five minutes
Chapter 80 New arrangement
Chapter 81 Panic attack
Chapter 82 Stuck up bitch
Chapter 83 Back to work
Chapter 84 Wild animal
Chapter 85 Called home
Chapter 86 You get what you deserve
Chapter 87 Marshall's arrival home
Chapter 88 A day with the girls
Chapter 89 Unexpected
Chapter 90 Confrontation
Chapter 91 Packing suitcases
Chapter 92 Time to think
Chapter 93 Sharonda
Chapter 94 On the phone with Marshall
Chapter 95 A trip down memory lane
Chapter 96 A stupid fool in love
Chapter 97 New car
Chapter 98 Anger
Chapter 99 What just happened?
Chapter 100 Lights on
Chapter 101 The truth hurts
Chapter 102 The last chapter
Just the two of us book 3

Chapter 43 A short visit at Club In

1.8K 48 11
By freakofnature22

Monday, me and Marshall spend the whole day just chatting and relaxing with Rachel, I actually think it's nice for Marshall to just take a break with me and Rachel sometimes.
But now it's work day again and I'm caught up in all these papers once again, the worse shit is over now so now it's all about planing and salary checks.
"Do you have everything other control?" Dan suddenly asks me in doorway scaring the shit out of me. "It wasn't my intention to scare you." He chuckles.
"I know. I was just really focused." I say smiling. "What's up?" I ask him because I wonder why he's here.
"I just wanted to check on you." He says and sits down on a chair now.
"Well now that you're here then I need to talk to you." I say. I need to tell him about the fact that Marshall and 50 are planing on renting the club next Saturday.
"Do you know who 50 cent is?" I ask him.
"Yeah I've heard his name around the streets. Eminem just signed him to his label, right?" He asks.
"Yes." I say. "Curtis asked me if he could rent the club next Saturday?"
"Sure, then you can serve him and his friends." He says the words I was hoping he would say.
"Yeah, sure." I say smiling. There's a moment of silence where it comes to the point where it gets pretty awkward. I hate when things are awkward but right now I don't know what to say.
"Something has bothered me lately." Dan finally speaks and I just look at him waiting for him to speak again. Dan doesn't pick up on my hint at first but then he finally speaks. "Don't you find me attractive at all? I mean.. I know I promised you to back off and it's not about that, I'm just curious if you really meant it?" He asks. I don't get why this is bothering him and I can't help but beginning to laugh of how desperate he sounds right now, like why is my opinion so important?
"Did I hurt your pride Dan?" I ask him as I still can't hold back my laughter.
"You know what?" He says as he gets up from the chair. "Forget it Amelia."
"Are you seriously gonna act like a bitch now?" I ask him forgetting to watch my mouth, sometimes I just forget that I'm not talking with Marshall, the guys or Melissa.
"I'm so fucking done being a nice guy now." Dan says with anger written all over his face.
"Have you ever been a nice guy to me? If so then you have a pretty strange way of showing it." I say.
"Didn't I give you this fucking job? Haven't I watched out for your needs? You're a fucking ungrateful bitch!" He now raises his voice.
"No I just don't like when people is sticking their nose into my private life like you've done." I say.
"You're gonna regret this Amelia." He says in a warning tone and leaves. I really need to find some other job really soon because I have a feeling that this shit is gonna blow up.
I decide to text Melissa because I really need some girl time with her, mostly because I need to talk to her about this situation but also because I haven't seen her a lot lately.

To Melissa (3:14pm)
Can I come over today?

It sucks that we don't work at the same place anymore, we saw each other a lot when we did and now I just feel that we're missing out on each other's lives.

Melissa (3:17pm)
Always hon!

Reply to Melissa (3:20pm)
I'll drive from work in about 30 min

I finish my papers, afterwards I pack my things and head out of the office when I meet Dan standing there with a stack of paper.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asks me and places the stack of paper in my arms before I can answer him. "I need those papers done today." He says.
"What? No. I have plans Dan." I inform him. I know he does this because he's pissed at me.
"Cancel them." He says coldly and turn around to walk.
"I refuse to do them today!" I shout after him.
"If you don't then you're fired." He just says and keeps walking. I want to say that he should go fuck himself, but I can't afford to lose this job before I have other options. I know that he's only doing this because of our argument and this is how he's planing  on to take it out on me.

To Melissa (4:01pm)
I have to cancel. Dan just gave me a stack of papers that I need to get done today. Fucking asshole!

I look at the papers and it's accounts and numbers from the last 6 years that I have to systemize and do status on. This is fucking unnecessary because it's just double work, I know that he's done it or else he wouldn't have control over shit and since he's nightclub is pretty successful, I can only assume that he's already done this but he just wanna give me a hard time.

I sit there locked in my office during the whole day, Dan doesn't even bother to check on me which I didn't expect, but I hoped that he would realize how stupid he's being.
At about 2am I lay the papers on Dan's desk and leave. I drive towards my home, I could really use a drink after this day. I turn the car around and drive towards Club In instead, I know that Melissa is at work so it'll give me some time to talk to her too, I just don't hope that Kevin is at work. I know that things went pretty well between us last time we saw each other, but it's just awkward that I choose to grab a drink at his club.

When I arrive to the club and I wanna go through the door, one of the bouncers stops me.
"You can't go in." Simon says.
"Why not?" I ask him confused.
"After the episode where you threw glasses at Kevin, you're not allowed access." Simon says.
"Kevin and I have talked about that episode Simon." I inform him.
"I'm sorry Amelia but I'm just following my orders." Simon apologies. I know it's not his fault but they all know that I wouldn't make any trouble again.
"Is Kevin at work?" I ask him.
"Call him then." I order him. Simon picks his phone up and call him and I quickly grab the phone out of Simon's hand, Simon doesn't even fight it.

"Yeah." Kevin says when he picks up the phone.
"We have an emergency outside." I tell him.
"Why have you denied me access to the club?"
"Because you went psycho on my ass."
"But I thought we cleared that situation?"
"Yeah we did."
"Can you please tell Simon to let me in then?"
"Fine." He says and I give Simon his phone back. I know that Kevin doesn't really want me here but I also know that he has a weak spot for me. I know I've could have chosen another club but I like it here, Melissa is here, people I know is here.
Simon finally lets me in and I walk up to the bar to find Melissa, unfortunately Kevin stands in the bar with her but that's what it is.
"Hi hon!" She says and leans over the bar to hug me.
"Hi." I say. I look at Kevin shortly and I catch him looking at me.
"What's up? What went down with you and Dan today?" She asks me and I begin to tell her about our argument. "You should really quit that job." She says when I'm done speaking.
"I can't before I find another job." I say.
Suddenly my favorite drink; piña colada gets placed in front of me and I look up to see that it's Kevin.
"My treat." Kevin says. I definitely didn't expect that!
"Thank you." I say smiling.
"I know you don't wanna hear it but he misses you." Melissa says in my ear. I know he misses me, I could feel that last time I saw him and to be honest; I miss him too but I don't regret my choice at all, because Marshall is the one I wanna be with and the one I love, but the tough thing is that I'm still in love with Kevin and I still love him, I can feel that when I look at him.
I talk for a bit with Melissa before she has to take a costumer's order. I look over at Kevin and I catch him looking at me again, I can see that he ain't having any costumers so I move over in front of him.
"Thank you for letting me in even though you don't like me being here." I say to him.
"I never said that." He says.
"No but I know." I say.
"What are you doing here? It ain't like you to go out drinking on a work night." He says.
"My new boss is a bitch." I say honestly.
"I thought you were working for Dan Richard?" He asks curious because he thinks I'm referring to a woman.
"I do, but he's still a bitch." I say.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks and I shake my head as I look down. I don't wanna bother Kevin with my problems, not after everything I've put him through. "Let's go to my office." I look up and meet his eyes.
"No I don't wanna bother you with my problems." I say.
"That's not your decision. Come on." He says and begins to walk. I follow right behind him and on the way he asks Celina to cover for him.
We walk into Kevin's office and I sit myself on top of the desk.
"So what's going on?" He asks me as he takes a few steps towards me, but he still makes sure that he keeps his distance.
"Dan has come on to me a few times and when I letted him down, he turned into a bitch. Today he made me go through some fucking papers from the last 6 years, I've been sitting there since 4pm till 2am." I tell him.
"Why don't you just quit?" Kevin asks.
"I can't find another job with the same salary." I say.
"We both know that you can't work under those conditions, you're gonna kill the man someday." He says.
"What am I suppose to do Kevin? If I quit, I can't pay my bills."
"Come back here then." Kevin says some surprising words. My eyes widens and I can't believe that he just said those words, he wants me to come back here even after all I did to him? Do I wanna go back after he screwed me over like that last time? Is it a good idea to work side by side when you still have feelings for each other? Not to talk about what Marshall would say if I went back here, oh boy, he wouldn't like it.
"I can't Kevin." I say and look down. I hear Kevin takes a couple a steps towards me till he stands right in front of me.
"Why not?" He asks. "Because Marshall wouldn't allow it?" He asks before I can even answer him and I look up and meet his eyes.
"No I just think it's a bad idea me working here." I say.
"You suggested it last time you were here." He says.
"No I suggested me working at one of the other clubs." I say.
"Are you planing on moving to Detroit?" He asks.
"Then you can't really work there, can you?" He asks. "Are you planing on moving to LA?" He asks before I can answer the first question.
"Okay! I get your point Kevin." I say annoyed.
"I'm trying to help you."
"Why?" I ask. Why would he help me after all we've been through?
"Because I care about you." He says. I didn't thought I would hear him say those words ever again. I look down because I don't know what to say. Suddenly I feel Kevin's arms around me and I feel him hugging me into his chest. "I fucking miss you." He says with a shaken voice. I can feel his heart beaten fast as he says the words.
"I miss you too." I whisper. I didn't mean the words to leave my mouth but they did. If Marshall knew I was this close with Kevin right now, if he knew about this conversation, he would go nuts. Kevin lays his hands on my cheeks and force me too look at him, damn he's close.
"Does he makes you happy?" He asks me.
"Yes." He says.
"Then what are we doing?" He asks.
"I don't know." I whisper. I wanna kiss him so badly, I wanna kiss him, that's bad! "I better go." I say and push him aside to get to the door.
"Amelia.." He tries to say something but I just walk out the door. How could I be this stupid? I know nothing happened but it feels like I'm cheating on Marshall. I didn't know I still had so strong feelings about him that I was that close to kiss him, why the fuck am I always putting myself in those situations?Should I tell Marshall about this?

My story has reached 3000! Thank you so much guys! Please comment and vote :)

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