Unplanned. ✔️

By just_me_milly

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(Completed & sequel is posted, it's called Unfolding The Unplanned.) Nobody's life is mapped out for them, no... More

Chapter 01: Uneasy (Edited).
Chapter 02: Crying (Edited).
Chapter 03: Telling Toby
Chapter 04: School Lunches and A Starbucks Date.
Chapter 05: Double Trouble?
Chapter 06: So Can I Go?
Chapter 07: Will You?
Chapter 08: Ice-cream and Pizza.
Chapter 09: I Don't Know How To Change A Nappy.
Chapter 11: What Would They Think Of Me?
Chapter 12: Mr and Mrs Smith.
Chapter 13: Bingo! We Have A Winner.
Chapter 14: Sweetie, Why Would You Get Yourself Knocked Up?
Chapter 15: Ready Set, Don't Go.
Chapter 16: Be There For Our Little Family.
Chapter 17: When It All Comes Crashing Down.
Chapter 18: The Heir Of The Scott's Household.
Chapter 19: He's Back And He Has A Confession.
Chapter 20: Pizza Faces.
Chapter 21: Happy Tears and Promise Rings.
Chapter 22: Chocolate Orange Cookies.
Chapter 23: Driving Home For Christmas.
Chapter 24 - Getting Lost In This Moment Forever.
Chapter 25: Aren't You The Cutest Couple?
Chapter 26: Shall I?
Chapter 27: Falling Behind.
Chapter 28: Exams.
Chapter 29: How Many Onesie's Do I Actually Need?
Chapter 30: The Meal.
Chapter 31: I'm Scared.
Chapter 32: A Long Process To A Magical Moment.
Chapter 33: Darlings.
Chapter 34: The Name Of The Game.
Chapter 35: Focus On The Future.
Chapter 36: Streesful Day.
Chapter 37: We Are Together, At Last (Epilogue.)
A Little Extra: Lacey's Little Space.

Chapter 10: Should Have Seen The Signs.

7K 201 38
By just_me_milly


Chapter 10: Should Have Seen The Signs.

(Two Months, Two Weeks Pregnant - October 5th 2015.)

Days turned into weeks and so I said goodbye to September for another year. The school load has gotten heavier with exam pressure and deadlines for assignments being piled on us like there is no tomorrow.

It's October now and I have already passed the second month; which is scarring the crap out of me because in a matter six months I will be a Mother. In a matter of half a year!

I went to the doctors appointment yesterday in my frees so my parents aren't suspicious of where I am going to after school. They are bothered where I go (especially late at night) and who I am talking too but they aren't strict in the sense of they need to know my every doing.

But anyway I went in my frees, by myself as Toby had to go to university. He said he would miss his class and come with me but I told him not to bother as he is in a lecture and he would fall behind if he went with me.

I was lucky that Olivia had a free too as she went with me. I didn't realise until I got to the appointment that Toby was there. He said that his class got cancelled due to the professor being ill and he wanted to surprise me.

#_# Flashback to the appointment #_#

"Is this the babies?" I ask in disbelief, pointing to the screen with my index finger with my left hand.

"Yes it is." The doctor says, rubbing the probe around my stomach to get a better picture of the babies.

Toby and Olivia are standing next to the screen, indulged with the babies.

"Oh my." I reply back, putting my hand in front of my mouth. The corner of my eye starting to water at the beautiful sight on the screen.

I still can't get over the fact that I am pregnant with twins.

My stomach has grown over the space of a short period of time. I really need to get new clothes; clothes that will fit me at least. Most of my jeans, wait scratch that, none of my jeans now fit me around the stomach area. I can't do the button up so I have to not have the button done up.

Most of my morning sickness has gone now which is a good thing.

"Do you want to hear your babies heartbeats." She asks me, I nod eagerly in response.

With her free hand, she fiddles with the buttons on the machine until she finds the right one. Turned up the volume; I can hear two steady heartbeats coming out from it.

My smile is as wide as my face as the first happy tear escapes my eyes. Once the first one comes, the next quickly follow.

"Why you crying?" Toby asks me, squeezing my hand.

"It's happy tears." I reply, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

They seem so real now, now that I can hear their heartbeats. It's all getting so realistic.

I should probably stop calling them it or babies as they are real as they have a heartbeat. They were real before but now after I have listened to the heartbeats; its seem so real.


"Okay at the moment, you are still in our first trimester. However, at this point your babies heart is giving out a heartbeat. Also the babies brain had formed." The doctor tells us once we are back on the seats by her desk.

She types something on her computer and then turns back to us. "I would like to see you once a month, for the monthly check-ups. To see how you and your babies are doing." She informs me.

"Okay." I simply reply. I don't know how I am going to keep this from my parents for much longer as I am going to miss a lot of school for theses check-ups and my stomach is going to grow massively.

She continues, "At this point people will be able to notice your growing stomach if you don't wear loose clothing. At this point you may still be able to get into your clothes but not many. As the months go on though, your stomach will continue to grow bigger. Even bigger as you are having twins. It is small ish now and you can't really tell as you have a loose top on and a hoodie on. But definitely by month three or at the latest month four; people will notice it."

I let out a sigh, knowing that I haven't got that long to tell my parents the truth before they find out themselves. I should probably tell them as it will be worse if they find out themselves or if I am about five months pregnant and then tell them the truth.

#_# End Of Flashback #_#

I know I should tell them but I am scared to tell them. Crazy thoughts run through my head when I think about the different outcomes that could happen.

For example, they could disown me - chuck my out of the house so I would be homeless and pregnant.

The second thought is that the accept me but never talk to me anymore, only when they have to. Which isn't really different to the first one; except now I can still live in the house.

The last outcome is that they accept me and the babies and get over the fact that I fell pregnant at seventeen.

It's not like I fell pregnant at fourteen or thirteen.

I know life will change dramatically from now on as once I have twins, I won't be able to do much as I will be looking after them twenty four seven.

I don't even know what I will do with university as I would hopefully be finishing school around the time when the babies are meant to arrive.

Shriek, shriek.

The bell shrieks, telling us that it's the end of lesson and the start of break.

"Okay class, I will see you next lesson." My History teaches tells us, giving us a warm smile, typing something on her laptop.

I put my laptop back into my bag and get up from the chair. I fiddle with my top, making it loose again as it has stuck to me while I have been in History.

I really need to get new clothes and try and find my Mothers maturity clothes.

Evie walks towards me with her bag on one of her shoulders as I finish packing my bag. Once I have done this, I place it onto my back. The doctor also told me that backpacks would be easier on my back as my back will start to hurt me soon due to the weight on my front area. She gives me a quick smile before she loops her arm through mine.

I try and make sure her arm doesn't touch my stomach as she will find out I am pregnant and I don't want to happen yet. I don't know if I am ready to tell them about me being pregnant just yet. Even though I should have told them ages ago, when I told Adam and Olivia.

"So you okay? You ran out of the class quick quickly earlier to go to the loo." She comments as we walk through the open door, towards the food section.

I fiddle with the ends of my hair, wrapping it around my finger and turning it. "Yeah I am okay." I lie. In actual fact, I went out because I felt sick so I had to be sick in the toilet.

That's one good thing about being in six form as I can go to toilet when ever I want to as the teachers don't mind when I go. If I was in year eleven, they may not let me go to toilet because they are stupid. Well I don't actually know the reason why but they sometimes said I couldn't go when I was younger - basically last year.

"Are you sure?" She asks, raising her brow at me.

"Yeah." I say.

A sudden wave of dizziness comes on and I grip onto anything I can which happens to be Evie's arm.

I grip onto her arm, trying to steady myself as all I want to do is faint and that isn't a good idea to do. Not on concrete floor and not in school with everyone around.

I don't really know why I feel faint, it may be because I am hungry. I haven't ate since breakfast and now I am eating for three people; I need to eat more food.

But I don't want my parents to be suspicious of anything so I just eat what I normally eat for breakfast which is either - yogurt and fruit, smoothie or ready brek and fruit (or any other form of porridge but not too much milk.)

"You are clearly not okay!" She yelps.

As I have steadily got my breathing under control, I feel much better and not feel that faint anymore. I think I just need to eat food as I am hungry and my blood sugars are low. Taking my deadly grip away from her poor innocent arm. I take a seat on the chair, placing my head on the cool table and resting my arms above my head.

"You ain't well." She argues; taking a seat next to me. She brings my head up with the help of her arms.

I am okay!

"Whatever." I mumble.

"Tell me?" She demands.

I shake my head at her and place my head back down onto the table. "I have nothing to tell you." I reply back.

"Tell me or I will find it out myself." She snaps, getting irritated at me.

I know she is only doing this for me, she wants to see if I am okay. But I don't want her to find out, I don't know why I don't want her to find out but I just said.

"Fine! I just feel sick." I semi-lie. I do still feel sick to my stomach but I still don't want to tell her, can't she leave my alone?

No, she cares about you. That's why she is concerned about you and that's why she keeps asking you if you are okay. My inner voice argues.

Oh shut up.

"Oh my god. I should have seen the signs." She states.

What signs?

Oh god, she doesn't mean the pregnancy signs, does she?

"What's signs?" I ask in disbelief, bringing my head up and placing it in between my hands.

"The sickness. The way you don't show your stomach. Not being here for frees! Oh my god, your pregnant like Olivia!" She exclaims.

"Who's pregnant?" Dave asks, pulling up a chair.

And that folks, is how I ended up telling my friends that I am pregnant; well only telling two of them as one of them found out by herself.

End of chapter 10.

So I think I know where I want this story to go but I need wifi and energy to be able to do it as I have none.

I am on an airplane with 20% charge on my phone and haven't slept at all. Been on here for about eight or nine hours (I think nine) and only ate breakfast and lunch and if you count two small pieces of chicken for dinner then dinner too yesterday. It is 12:14 I think for Mexico and the UK is 6 hours ahead so I've missed a whole night sleep.

So I am tired, hungry and bored. I want to sleep but couldn't and my family think I should stay up the whole day until night time so I get back into the swing of things and get back into the UK times.

Well that's for listening to my little rant (well you didn't have much choice) but thanks.


1.    Did you think Lacey should have told her friends earlier?

2.    How would you react if your friends told you that they were pregnant?

Anyway I'm going to go now; hope you have had a good night / day.

Can't be bothered to read this now so I won't until I have had sleep and food.

Until next time.

Vote, comment and fan.

<A very grumpy and tired Milly>

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