Hes Not Just Anyone (austin m...

By kayleiloveAM

474K 8.5K 618

When the new kid falls in love with the shyest girl in school he breaks down her shell... What else happens o... More

Hes Not Just Anyone (austin mahone fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Our Song
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 wooo!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Maid of Honor?
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Authors Note
Sequel timeeeee ^.^

Chapter 37

6.6K 142 11
By kayleiloveAM

Song Of The Chapter: Take you by Justin Bieber.


There was a knock at the door... MY BABYS HERE! I thought as I was skippping over to the door but when I opened it, it was just the towel guy. He put my towels into the bathroom and left.

A couple minutes later another knock I went to it... Nope, the manager telling me that Its a pleasure to have me there.

Then again someone knocks. Third times the charm right? I go up to the door... nope just room service!

And another time the maid I told her to come back later because I was about to go to sleep.

AGAIN?!? A fan this time I signed a thing fo her and took a picture... They need better security if she got to me.

Then another... "UM... Sorry come back later I'm a little busy right now" I said with a chinease accent.

"Oh sorry ma'am must of got the wrong room." A familiar voice said I hopped out of the bed and ran to the door opening it and grabbing Austin and hugging him.

"Sorry its just theres already been a few people here lately so I acted busy" I said laughing

"Its ok... Shall we?" Austin said grabbing my hips and walking me backwards towards the room. "I'm so sorry I swear I have no idea about that chick" He said

"I know I believe you" I smiled at him and kissed him hardly.

"I love you so much" He said

"I love you too baby" I said

"wanna go out on a date?" He askd

"Have you not seen the crowd of mahomies and Kayleinators out there? Theyre going crazy" I said

"Yes I have but there is also a thing called body guards and the back side of the hotel." He said

"But I don't feel good and I just wanted to cuddle with you... we haven't cuddled in a while and I miss it." I said pouting.

"Awww how could I say no to that... How about I be doctor for the night? You know swich jobs for once" He winked at me and I laughed and nodded he lifted me up and put me down on the bed.

"You're crazy..." I laughed

"CRAZY FOR FALLIN IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!" He sang then laughed. I smiled at him really big coming to the realization that.. I'll be marrying then guy of my dreams that saved me from my shyness... I'm so grateful for him thank you god for sending me him.. The love of my life. "Whatcha doin?" He asked bringing me out of my thoughts

"I was thinking about you... Thank you Austin for everything you saved my life by giving me light. You took my heart and you have been so careful with it. You have been so protective and has never left my side ever... Even when I would get so pissed off at you, you kept calm and didn't fight back you just made sure you didn't lose me and I didn't lose you you have changed the lives of many girls ecspecially mine. I am forever greatful. You are the best you made me soup when I was sick... well tried. You told me you love me when I needed to hear it the most and frankly I just wish we could go get married now..." I said balling

"Lets do it" He said

"w-what?" I asked

"Lets go find a dress tux and a church and lets get married now" He said

"But what about family and friends" I asked

"We can have a big ceremony with them later. Lets go to a courhouse get the papers then find a church... I love you Kaylei and I can't wait anymore" He said getting up.

"Alright lets go then." I smiled and got dressed really quick then I grabbed his hand and we walked to the lobby where there was a familiar face, Kevin! I haven't seen him in forever I hugged him and Austin told him what we wanted to do. He nodded yes and we went to a bridal shop I picked uot a simple dress that really didn't look like a brides dress and then went to a tux shop and got a tux. The courthouse then finally, the chuch I was sweating like crazy. I did my makeup and put on the dress took a deep breath and went out where Austin and the pastor was standing.

My heart was beating so fast looking at him smiling so wide. I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued towards them I got up there and Austin grabbed my hand and squezzed it I smiled at him and the pastor began.

"I remember being your guys' age being in this situation with my wife," He started "I wish for the best, do you two have your own vows or do you want me to do the classical one." He asked

"Classical we want to save our vows for the ceremony with our family and friends" Austin explained the pastor said the typical pastor stuff and then said "Kaylei do you take Austin be your husband, to have and to hold in sickness and health?" he asked

"I do" I said

"Austin do you take Kaylei to be your wife to have and to hold in sickness and in health?" He asked

"I do"

"I now pronouce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." The pastor said, Austin turned towards me and cupped my face then kissed me softly. "Have a great day you two" He said walking away.

"Lets go Mrs. Mahone" Austin said taking my hand and walking towards the doors. We walked out into the car. He kissed me softly again and then closed my door jogging over to the drivers side. Once he got in he grabbed my hand and started the car. Kevin said that his friend would be picking him up so we could be alone... but hey I'm not complaining.

"Can we go get something to eat?" I asked

"Yeah how about Carls Jr." He asked

"Yes oh my gosh its been forever since I've had that" I exclaimed.

We went through the drive thru and went back to the hotel there were no fans outside so we just went through the front. When we got to the hotel room we sat a table and ate laughing and holding hands.

"That was so good" I said plopping on the bed.

"I know," Austin said laying next to me "but now I think my pants my explode" He said unbuttoning his pants I laughed and turned on my side proping my head up with my elbow smiling down at him. "What?" He asked

"Oh nothing just staring at my sexy husband" I smirked

"Oh really I'm the sexy one?" He asked smirking as well. I nodded and kissed him. Turning into a heated make out session. I ubuttoned his shirt climbing on top of him he unzipped my dress. I pulled down him pants and he was in his boxers and I was in my bra and underwear. He rested his hands on my hips and travled up to my bra he pulled back looking for the ok. I nodded and he unclasped it and slid it off continuing to kiss me. We did that for about another 10 minutes and he flipped over so he was on top.

He pulled back and slid of his boxers and my panties leaving us naked. He layed back on top of me and kissed me again assuring me that he wasn't in a rush and neither was I. He kissed down my neck and... well you can figure out the rest can't you?

After that I took a shower and layed down next to Austin we cuddled and fell asleep....

He's not just Anyone


I woke up with a smile on my face though Austin wasn't there I looked over and there was a note with Austins hand writing on it.

"morning sweety I went to go get breakfast be back soon love you :*


I smiled and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and straightend my hair then put on a little bit of makeup. I went into the room and put on a sweater that I got custom-made that has an 'A' on it as well as a picture of him on it with red shorts with red supras, nerd glasses and Austins red young & reckless hats.

I went back out to the room and Austin was walking in. "Nice hat" He said

"Yup and look at this" I said turning around and moving my hair.

"I look good in that picture" He smiled

"Please you look good in every picture"

He laughed and kissed me "what did you get me" I asked

"A breakfast sandwich is that ok?" He asked

"Yep" I took it out of his hands and sat down to eat it.

"so when we have kids what do you want to name them?" He asked out of no where

"Um... well I want to have at least two boys Trenton Micheal and then Austin Maxwell" I said

"so Trenton Micheal Mahone and Austin Maxwell Mahone... I like that" He smiled at me. "But since you get to pick the boys' names can I pick the girls?" He asked I nodded "Vivian Veronica Mahone and Michele Marsing Mahone" He said

"I love it... I'm glad we both want 4 kids" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I love you" He said

"I love you too" I smiled at him and leaned over the table and kissed him then sat back down. He grabbed my hand and kissed it

He's not just anyone

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