Falling for a gang leader

بواسطة keesha1368

726K 16.6K 1.7K

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Chloe Williams is 18 a shy and happy girl shes going into senior year of high school sh... المزيد

Tomorrow is the first day of school?¿
A boat and a bitch
Break ups or make ups
The perfect douchebag
Your mine❤️
What ever!!
Why do you care
Jail time?
Brace yourself
The party mayhem
Party mahem pt2
Is this love?
So this is the big secret well thats accurate
Your a fail... Just like your moms birth control
Hell to the nooooo
The secret of my life... LETS GET SERIOUS
oh my god
Old Ex or new relationships?
This is life
Death and pain
Authers note
Memory loss
Foodnetwork and chill
Im not in denial!!!
Stop fighting!!!
Wait you want what?
Loud lesbian porn
Family fude
Fuck you forever
Your what?
Mr. and Ms. Winters
Have i told you latly that i hate you?
Crazy is as crazy does
To the window to the wall to the cheese sticks to the mall
las vegas
What happens in vegas stays in vegas
Authers note
The wedding
A new begining
Loving you
Authers note!!
authors note

Not that bad huh!!?

26.2K 552 53
بواسطة keesha1368

I woke up 1 hour before my alam went off and nothing to do I'm wide awake and it's still dark out. I look beside me and see Diablo he looked adorable peaceful I didn't want to wake him as I turned to look at him I noticed his big muscular arm around my waist. I tried to get up but he pulled me back into his muscular chest i was really comfortable and worm I didn't want to leave I was getting tired so I cuddled with the still asleep Diablo beside me and I let sleep take over.


My alam went off signaling that I have to get up for school. But I didn't wake up I just laid their lazily pretending that it's not going off and hiding my face in Diablo chest save the warmth that I felt because I know In a few seconds I'll have to wake up and get ready for school. Erg school. I heard a groan of annoyance i looked up and sow shadow smirking down at me. I quickly let go of shadow and got up and walked into the bathroom to see the monster that look like an uglier version of me in the mirror. Oh wait it is me haha. My face should be illegal in the morning if that makes any sense. I fixed my hair by putting it In a high pony tail and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom and saw shadow shirtless I quickly put my hand over my eyes.

"What are you doing???" I said dramatically.
"Getting dressed wanna watch?" I can tell he had that 1 million dollar smirk on his face.
"No I don't want to watch put a shirt on" I said turning around about to leave the bathroom.
"Look at me I worked hard to look like this admire it" he said with humor and curiosity in his voice wondering if Id look or not.
"I rather lick the inside of a public bus" I said with a smile on my face.
"Fine I'll take you to a bus and you can lick one" he sounded legit.
"Okay" I said grinning knowing he wouldn't actually make me do that
"Let's go don't you need to get ready for school?" He asked I looked looked at him again.
I uncovered my eyes and panicked for a few seconds before running down the hall before bumping really hard into someone. It was Reece we both fell to the ground before he was about to yell at me I started laughing.
"WHAT THE FUCK CHLOE" he yelled at me making me stop laughing.
"Shhhhh your going to wake everyone up" I said getting up,
"I don't care and when did you get so fat that you can knock me over?" He said annoyed.
"FUCK YOU!!" I said really really loud and punched him really hard in the face and got up and stormed off. I went to the fount door got my shoes on and when I was about to walk out the door I heard Diablo "wait what's wrong?" He asked walking closer to me I turned to face him and gave him a small smile "nothing" then I turned back around and walked out the door. Shadow came out a few seconds after me.
"Obviously there's something wrong" He said with curiosity in his voice but he blocked it with annoyance.
"Ask Reece" I said walking away towards the car when I felt shadows arm wrap around my waist before he turned me around to face him. "Wrong one" he said pointing to a motorcycle. "He'll Noh I'm not going on that thing" I said crossing my arms causing shadow to raise his eyebrow indicating that he's confused. "Why not?" He asked now crossing his arms imitating me. "I don't want to die" i said like that was obviously the only thing that could possibly happen if I set foot on it. "Your not going to die" he said walking beside the motorcycle. "Trust me" he said trying to convince me to get on.

After 10 minutes of arguing I finally caved. He got on and then I went on the back "hold on" he said starting it, I wrapped my arms around his torso really tight like my life depended On It and it kinda did. We arrived at my house and I just walked in. I walked up to my room and slammed the door still mad at Reece's remark revenge is coming soon.

After one hour and tears that happened from burning myself with a straightener I was finally ready. I was really excited and scared and too anxious for life I swear I was going to have an anxiety attack. I walked down stairs shadow was on his phone leaning agents the stair well. I ran down the stairs and past him to the front door trying to avoid my parents. Because they.... Are going to embarrass me....For real tho... "Not so fast". Hear a deep voice that was coming from behind me just when I was about to escape through the front door. "What?" I said in an innocent voice turning to face my dad's tall figure near the entrance to the kitchen. His voice echoing throughout the whole house like it was nothing but hollow. "Where do you think your going?" He asked curiosity in his tone. "Uhhhh school?" I asked confused like it was obvious and where else would I be going?... "I need to speak with you for a moment" he said in a serious and bold tone that killed me because I Thought I was in trouble or something horrible happened. "But-" I got cut off by my dad "no buts let's go and you to shadow" I look at shadow like he had all the answers anyone could ever ask. But when he looked at me the same way I realized he was just as clueless as I was. Me and shadow walked slowly into the kitchen side by side his arm was brushing mine but I just ignored it even though I felt tingles throughout my body. "Take a seat" he said seriously again. I wanted to run because this is either going to be...

1. Serious and sad and something tragic happened to someone I care about.

Or the more accurate one

2. Seriously embarrassing I mean like face melted off scientists discovered a new shade of red and it's on my face.

Or the really truly never the case but should always be included to make things seem more dramatic.

3. Zombies

It's probably not number 3 and the only reason I added it was because I watch way to much the walking dead, and z nation. But still.

I'm routing for number 2...

"So I know that your a teenager now-" he tried to say but I just had to correct him because I felt it would lighten the mood. "Actually I was a teenager when I was 13" Diablo and my dad just both stared at me saying shut up with their eyes. "Continue" I say trying to get their gazes off me. Success. "Anyway and I know your going to start dating guys like shadow and I just-" I interrupt with the most dramatic ness of life. "OH HELL NOH" I yell really loud the echo was horrible I think Japan heard me. "We are not ever ever ever having this talk nope nope nope nope" I say standing up and walking out the door still saying no trying to forget the fact that my dad was trying to give me 'the talk' I never ever ever want to have 'the talk' with anyone ever nope. I hide my face in my hands trying to forget what just happened. I open the door an feel the cool air hit me like a bus. It wasn't because it was really cold- it kinda was a little- but it was because my face was so hot I thought I was sick with a really bad cold. After a few seconds of being outside I hear someone come out of the door behind me. He started laughing I assumed it was shadow I didn't bother to turn around to cold. But when he started laughing I turned around and punched his arm. "What it was funny" he said his deep voice sending warmth and pleasure to my ears. "Shut up that was so embarrassing" I say feeling my cheeks burn up so I quickly turned around. My skin is tanned I'm mixed but when I blush you can tell, believe me, which kinda sucks. I was freezing I was wearing black track pants and a white light long sleeved crop top that covered most of my stomach but I was still freezing. My arms crossed over my chest savouring any wormth I can bring to my cold body. I hear shadow calm down and stop laughing it was the first time I heard him laugh it was adorable I didn't want it to stop. But then again I don't like the idea of the most adorable laugh to be caused by my embarrassment. After a few seconds I felt a warm leather jacket placed on my shoulders. I turned to face him and smiled "thanks" he just smirks and walks past me and hops on his motorcycle and puts on a helmet he passes me one and just as I was about to get in I remembered I still needed my backpack that I left inside. "Oh I still need my back pack be right back" I say before running back into the house and grabbing my backpack before I could see my dad. I ran back outside put the helmet on and went on the back still holding really tight and closing my eyes.

10 minutes latter I felt us stop moving. Obviously were at school. Or dead. Probably at school though. I opened my eyes and let go of Diablo before judging off the motorcycle before he could say a word. I took off the helmet and passed it to him he caught it I walking away really slowly. I was nervous inside I felt my insides melting I could barely take another step. The only real reason I hate the idea of high school  is because I'm scared of university student they seem so mature then there's me. Maybe I'm scared because I did a little to much digging about the 'university life' in high school. Either way I was dying inside each hesitant step I took I felt myself getting worse and worse in the pit of my stomach. All I could think was how did I not faint or have a panic attack yet. Maybe I'll survive the day without meeting the school nurse.. Maybe.

After a long pause in my steps I sow  Diablo pass me walking at normal human person speed. He opened the doors like it was any other day but put on a 'bad boy' face and attitude. "Wanna be," I whispered under my breath and said it more to myself then him but just as he was about to walk into the school he stopped and turned to me.

"What did you just say?" He said In a threatening manner dating me to speak I Could see his light green eyes with a tint of blue in it go dark really dark dark green he looked like I just killed his mom 2 steps away from him.
"Calm your self, and I think you heard what I just said" I said with attitude flipping my hair at him with that he just turned around and stormed into the school I could tell he wanted to punch me out. Yep he's a piece of work.. So am I but like I'm cute so what ever...

Today's going to be great... (Note the sarcasm.)

After Diablo left leaving me I went in trying to case after him but forgot where I was. He was walking down the hall everyone refusing to make contact with him or move they looked like they all froze. What the heck why is everyone staring at him and bunched up on both sides of the hall way making a walk way for him is he a king.... Wrong the correct answer is no. He's not well I mean I assume. But then again I am often wrong. I walked fast in the hallway I could see shadow he was walking in like he owned the play but still looked pissed. As I was approaching him I could hear people gasp and whispering I tried to ignore it but you could tell I didn't know what I did wrong. I quickly ignored it. And pulled Diablo's arm causing him to stop moving. All of a sudden the hall went completely silent. "WHAT?" He yelled as if someone punched him he turned around to face me his face went a little softer when he sow it was me then I got confused again.
"Umm? I... Uh I don't know where to go" my voice echoing through the silent and shocked hall, I was expecting him to yell at me or ignore me and keep walking but he didn't he just smirked.
"Follow me" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. I could hear everyone whispering and looking shocked. He pulled me into a empty classroom.

"What's going on?" He ignored me
"Why are those people so weird?" He still ignored me.
"Okay then... Are you like the Regina George of the school?" I asked in a too serious of a voice.
"Who?" he said confused he's cute when he's clueless.
"You know the popular mean girl in mean girls" I said with a smile plastered on my face.
"You mean that gay movie chick flick girls like?" He said still confused but humour in his voice.
"Now I know why you don't have a girlfriend" I said turning around and walking to the window. It looked cloudy like it was going to rain and I love the rain the way it sounds hitting the glass on Windows.
"Hey you are my girlfriend" he said I snapped my head back so fast I swear it cracked. A smirk on his face like always those words circling in my mind like a tornado.
"No I'm not" I said emotionless, but right after a rush of guilt hit, I'm being so rude plus it's not like I'd not want to be his girlfriend....

Am I catching feelings for shadow winters?

The answer is never.

"I mean it's not like I wouldn't want to be. I mean. Not that your that bad I mean your nice , but I don't know you ... And I haven't dated anyone for a long time and it's not like your not attractive but-" and then I was cut off by -still smirking- Diablo.
"You think I'm hot don't you?" He said his eyes were sparking for a second it was an emotion I couldn't decipher but I knew I wanted to make that sparkle come back just to see what it was.
"What would you do If I said yes?" I asked this time the one smirking before he could answer the door swung open it was Reece.
"We have to go it's important" he said emotionless but then sow me and gave me a small smile I returned the small smile and with that they were gone. I walked out back to the hall way the moment I stepped out everyone's eyes were on me I figured shadows the 'bad boy gang leader' so that's why but it still made me blush which made everyone talk and when everyone talks well you fill in the gaps.

I look at my sheet that had all my information on classes and my locker on it. Locker 347 remember it. I think to myself.




Hey do I know that guy, wait no never mind wait ummmmm locker????475 no that can't be right, oh yah 347.

After giving up on remembering my locker number I wrote it on my wrist. After 5 minutes of searching I found it. I open it out all my stuff in and as I was about to walk away I bumped into Someone dropping my books. "Sorry" we both say at the same time. I looked in front of me a boy with light brown eyes (my fav eye colour) tanned skin and light brown hair. He was smiling at me and had dimples but I realized I was staring and looked away.
"I don't mind if a beautiful girl like you stares at me" he said his voice was deep but not so deep that he could cause a natural disaster with it, it was hot. He had an accent it sounded Spanish but I wasn't positive. The words rolling out of his perfect lips with his perfect hair that looked fluffy all I wanted to do was play with it. Oh and did I mention he's PERFECT.

I looked into his eyes and smiled my blush still thar but fading slowly. "Luke" he said smiling at me. "Chloe" I said giving him a smile back.
"What year are you?"
"First how about you?" I asked assuming second year
"Me to" he said smiling, I smiled back we stood up and he passed me some books he picked up for me
"No problem, what are you studying
To be?" He asked curious.
"A doctor you?"
"Not sure really" he said honestly I smiled politely.
"I'm sure you'll figure out what you want to be" he smiled back at me.
After a few minutes we figured out we had a few of classes together. We walked to the first class together and that's when all hell broke loose.

"Yep I take it back this is really bad."

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