Falling [completed]

By sheismoky

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Life has itself set in stone for Remmy, or at least the stone she has carved her life into. But when she meet... More

Chapter 1 of many
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5


400 31 0
By sheismoky

    Remmy woke in bed alone. She sat up holding the comforter to her chest searching the room for her love. She listened and heard noises in the kitchen. She went through his drawers and pulled out a clean t-shirt and a pair of briefs. She held them to her nose inhaled the sandalwood scent that belonged to Aldric and got a hint of bacon. Smiling, she walked into the kitchen to see Aldric at the oven, shirtless.

    She padded over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Good morning handsome." She let her pinky slide into his waistband and toyed with him.

    "You're going to make me burn breakfast." Remmy pulled back from him and took a seat at the bar. "Any plans today?"

     Remmy sighed. She needed to figure out if there was a way out of this, a way to stay with Aldric. Surely one of the other allelomorphs would want this more than her.

    "I think I need to do some research. I have a book at home I need to take a look at."

    Aldric began making plates for them and pouring orange juice. "Anything I can help with?" He set her plate down and took a seat next to her.

    "I don't know. I need to see who the previous Rulers were, see how many were my allelomorphs and how many weren't." Remmy moved her food around her plate, slow to take a bite.

    "Well, my allelomorphs rarely reach high enough to be Ruler. We tend to favor the guard, and can be very successful on the council with our abilities. The term never lasts long for us as rulers. With no one to override decisions, we let our abilities be our deaths."

    Remmy thought back to her class, studying the other allelomorphs and how their abilities worked. Instinctual allelomorphs could see others desires through the eyes. They had to be trained just as she did to use the ability properly, to read others correctly. In return, they tend to be more connected with their own desires, without control or with a strong enough desire it could spell disaster. She looked at Aldric and wondered if that would ever happen to him. He had very good control of himself and figured it would have to be a very strong desire.

    "That just leaves the ceptual allelomorphs. Do you know anything about them?" Remmy wished she would have paid more attention in her history and ethics class in the past week. There was too much time to go through to use her power to break down her memories. She would have to do some research. Maybe even ask Aurora.

    "No baby, I'm sorry." Aldric reached over to rub her back. Remmy immediately looked at Aldric.


    Aldric looked like he might be about to blush and tried to cover his tracks. "You don't like it? What about honey or sugar?"

    Remmy chuckled. "It's cute, just sounds strange being called that." Remmy quickly turned back to her thoughts and it bled out through her face.

    "We will figure this out, after you eat."

    Remmy looked over to see his plate empty and hers looked like she hadn't started. She sighed and took a bite.

    Remmy made Aldric take her the long way, not wanting to go through the exchange. She was eager to take a shower and put on clean clothes. Aldric walked her to her door and left. He had spent too much time away from the diner leaving Lilly to handle more than she should.

    "I'll come see you after I close the diner."

    "You don't have to, it's ok."

    "I wasn't asking. Someone has to cook you dinner."

    "Maybe I might make dinner for you tonight." She raised her eyebrow and poked him in the stomach.

    "I look forward to it."

    Before Remmy could take it back, Aldric kissed her on her forehead and turned to leave. Remmy would have to turn to the book for more than just her research today.     

She unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen, still in a haze of Aldric. She had no more than set her keys down when Mack's large frame blocked her way.

    "Girl, you an' I need ta talk."

    Remmy wasn't sure what was going on and followed him to the living room and sat down. She waited in silence ready to see what had Mack so upset.

    "I know I'm not yer father, but-cha still live in my house. Ya broke one of thuh rules 'bout goin' inta my personal space an' I let it slide. Then ya come home drunk with that boy an' last night ya didn't come home at all. What's going on witcha?" Mack hadn't raised his voice, but she could hear anger then fear.

    "I'm sorry Mack. I didn't have a dress to wear on the date and borrowed your shirt to make one. I didn't mean to get drunk and I'm pretty sure with how I acted, Aldric will never let me drink again." Remmy stopped, hoping Mack wouldn't ask about last night, but she didn't get that lucky.

    "Why didn't cha call me last night or leave uh note? I wouldn't of cared, but ya have ta give me uh heads up girl. Where were ya?"

    "I was upset and spent the night at Aldric's, in the human world."

    Mack leaned back in bertha and raised an eyebrow. "He's uh good kid but I think he's bringing out thuh worst in ya. I want cha home every night until thuh tournament. That Aldric boy can come here if he wants ta see ya."

"How did you go from fairy godmother to evil step mother in a day?"

    "Girl, would ya quit with that?"

    Remmy giggled and left to her room.

She undressed and headed for the shower, ready for the steam to wash away some of the aches in her muscles.  She came out of the shower cleaner, but the worry had her tense.  She sat on her bed in her towel and thumbed through the book, letting it fall open where it wanted.  The ink began to form and she waited for the words to make sense.

The page read about how to kill a ceptual, and how to reverse any spell they had in effect.  It was all very interesting, but not what she needed.  She closed the book and sighed.  The last place she could get information from was Aurora.  Remmy got dressed and started walking.

Remmy strolled into the library and waited for Aurora to appear.  She sat at her familiar table and looked around.  The library had an eerie silence to it.  Remmy waited for a few minutes, picking at her nails.  It never took this long for Aurora to come.  Remmy sighed.  She had been doing a lot of that lately.  Growing tired of getting nowhere, she called out, "Aurora, I need your help." 

Remmy didn't raise her voice.  She had never had to even whisper to have Aurora come to her before.  She sat silently and waited a few minutes before Aurora appeared.

"What is it you acquire dear?" 

Remmy was too concerned about getting information than to question her delay.  "Do you know anything about the past rulers?  Or anything about the ceptual allelomorphs?"

Aurora sat down.  " You want to know about your competitors.  May I ask why you want to know about the ceptual allelomorphs in particular?"

"Aldric is an instinctual."

Aurora smiled, "Ah.  As you know the ceptual allelomorphs can influence the senses of those around them, from something as small as seeing a shadow to as strong has seeing an alternate reality.  It is how they got their name, from the ability to change one's perception.  It takes a solid mind to overcome their ability once effected.  The more masterful the deception, the higher attuned they are with their own senses.  Their allelomorph tend to manipulate and do well in powerful positions."

This was all Remmy needed to hear.  She felt some of the unease leave out with every breath.  "Thank you Aurora."  Now all she had to do was figure out what to cook for Aldric and Mack tonight.  "Do you know how to cook?"

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