One Direction Preferences 3

By CoCo9922

494K 6.9K 887

The title says what it is. I have two books of preferences before this, in case you don't know how to read. Y... More

Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams//Silent 1/5
Dreams// Silent 1/5
Hits//Accident 2
Friends//Birthday 2
Child//Enemies 2
IMAGINE for Surae
IMAGINE for Surae
IMAGINE for Leslie
Brother//Making ::Justin Bieber
IMAGINE for Riya
IMAGINE for Jana
IMAGINE for Emily
Newlywed Series
Moving In
Buying Furniture
Lmao Dirty
He Tells You He Wants To Have A Family With You
You Try For A Baby
You Tell Him You're Pregnant
Proposal//IMAGINE for Emily
Passed//IMAGINE for Amber
Plus Size//IMAGINE for all
Tour//IMAGINE for Erica
Instagram//Hot Damn//IMAGINE for Emily
Silence//IMAGINE with son, Carson
Proposal//IMAGINE for Lauren
Proposal//IMAGINE for Courtney
Lazy//IMAGINE for Sky
Care//IMAGINE for Anureet
Marine//IMAGINE for Lauren
New Years//IMAGINE
Reveal//IMAGINE for Pip
Nightmare//IMAGINE for Amber
Louis's staying
BFF//IMAGINE for Merari
Song Pref//Wildest
Red Carpet//IMAGINE for Emily
Sugar//IMAGINE for Arzo
:) Here's What's Happening ):
Proposal//IMAGINE for Lauren
He//Jail 1
He//Jail 2
Starve//IMAGINE for Ali
Lose Baby// Louis only Part 2
Gangster//Sweet (Read AN)
Accident//Imagine for Chinmayee
Says//Hates IMAGINE for Preet


6.2K 83 5
By CoCo9922

Stomach aches~


She moaned in pain again, doubling herself over, burying her face in one of the pillows. Dressed in a loose hoodie and dark sweats, her hair pulled into a messy bun. Her eyes were dark, probably from getting so little sleep last night. Her arms wrapped around herself, squeezing her stomach tightly, trying to get the pain that was surging through her body to stop. "Li." She moans breathing out deeply. "Yeah babe?" I ask, looking up from my phone, to her. "Liam, my stomach hurts so bad." She says rolling over onto her back, legs sticking up stiff. "I know babe, what can I do?" I ask for the tenth time since we woke up this morning. She said it was like a thousand daggers being shoved into we body then twisted and twisted creating a searing hole of pain in her stomach "I don't know." She sniffles, frustrated at the irritating pain. "Alright, come here baby." I say pulling her into my lap, keeping her compressed a bit, that seeming to help. Gently my hands ran over applying different pressures to we stomach, as I hummed softly to ease the pain away. Her arms wrapped around my neck, as she bit her lip, as I could see her wince every now and then. Her moans and groans of discomfort slowed steadily until she was asleep in my arms, stomach I was sure feeling better, already.


"Daddy?" I heard my daughter ask, as Y/N shifted a bit in my arms to look down at her. She had just turned five, finally out of the stage of wanting to sleep with us every single night. "Yeah sweet?" I ask yawning, pulling Y/N closer in my embrace. "My stomach hurts." She says, eyes a bit watery, wide as she clung to her teddy bear. "Alright, let's get you down thing for that." I say as Y/N starts to get up. "I've got it love, go back to sleep." I smile as she looks at me thankfully a tired smile in her lips. I got up and carried my daughter to the bathroom, sitting her on the sink. She winced whether it was from her stomach or the cold of the counter I wasn't sure. "Let's see, Tylonal, Motrin, Pamprin, Advil, Pepto Bismol?" I say not sure of which one I should give her. I didn't want to wake Y/N but I needed to know which one. "It's the pink one. Mommy gives me the pink one." She says, pointing to the bottle seeing the confused look on my face. "I see." I say opening the bottle of pink liquid. Anytime I had a stomach ache, I just took some aspirin or drank some water but this must be more foolproof. Pouring a full dose into the cap, I coax it down her throat and then place the bottle back in the cabinet. I grabbed her, holding her in my arms and walked back towards her bedroom as she pouted. "I don't feel good, can I sleep with you?" She asks, big brown eyes looking pleadingly at me. "Sure love bug." I say, walking back to my own bed, laying her down I between Y/N and I. She cuddled close and as I brushed her hair back, as fell back to sleep, the pain subsiding from her tiny body, letting her and I get back to some needed sleep.


I laid with her, quietly running my fingers up and down her arm. Sniffles shook through her every few minutes as the pain took over her stomach and heart. I never knew that two words could make me cry so much, but the two words "It's gone." Did. I had let a few tears fall when they told us then when she excused herself to the restroom is when I came undone, crying harder than I ever hand before. I had managed to pull myself together, but Y/N had been sobbing hysterically most of the ride home, but after some tea, I had finally gotten her to sleep. She had been so excited about the baby, and had even started to make the nursery up. She woke up maybe an hour later, complaining that her stomach hurt and that the cramps were starting in other sensitive places as well. She was still crying softly as I cuddles with her, trying not to hurt her anymore than she already was. "In sorry." She sniffles takings hand tightly in hers, squeezing it tightly. "Hey, no more crying, okay? It makes me sad that we lost it, but it makes me even sadder that you're hurting so bad. We can try again and while it doesn't seem like it now, we'll be alright." I console as she sniffles a bit more. "It hurts." She whimpers. "Physically and mentally, like an empty hole in my heart." My heart sank as my grip tightened. "I know and I am going to do anything I can to make the hole whole again, I promise. Maybe even another baby, soon. It'll be you, me and the baby. Just like it was supposed to be. Okay?" I ask rubbing her stomach gently, she nods, tracing a small 'I love you' into my palm. "I love you too babe, I love you too."


The knot in my stomach was getting bigger as the crowd started to get louder and louder. I squeezed Y/N's hand tightly as Lou did my hair. This was by far our biggest show ever, a total sell out, guaranteed not to leave a seat empty. My stomach gurgled and hurt, I was nervous. I usually wasn't this nervous, but there were so many things that could go wrong. I could mess up my lyrics, play the wrong chord during a song, or even just say something wrong that would upset the audience. "It's alright to be nervous babe. I'm sure you've got butterflies." She says, her thumb rubbing over each of my knuckles carefully. "This is the biggest crowd yet, I just want to be perfect." I say running a hand through my Galway styled hair making Lou protest. "Christ, I'm sorry." I say as she continues to fix it. "Babe, babe look at me." Y/N says, tuning my head "You always do so well, and the fans will love you no matter what happens. Just try to enjoy yourself Niall, this is what you've earned. You deserve this Niall, more than anybody else in the world." She smiles, rubbing my cheek with her thumb. The knots and ache in my stomach had gone away as I was given a microphone. "Thanks babe, I owe you one." I smile kissing her. "I owe you a big one."


I walked up the stairs, tired and wiped from work, I was planning to take a nap when I heard sniffling coming from my daughters room. Peeking in, I saw Y/N hovering beside her, running her back, adjusting a heating pad over her stomach. Must be that time of the month, I think knocking softly on the door. "Hey everything alright?" I ask as Y/N nods "Yeah just a few cramps from he-" "Mom! I don't think dad needs to know about that." She says giving her a look. Chuckling, I walk in, a sit beside her as Y/ N goes to get medicine. "Come here, I know all about it." I say, holding my arms out. She reluctantly slides over, and lays her head on my chest. My fingers ran through her hair and as I hummed quietly, I felt her breathing start to calm. "You don't have to do this dad." She says, making me stop humming. "What are you too cool for some one on one time with you dad?" I ask as she frowns. I let my hands fall from her hair to under the heating pad, making small circles with my fingers. Another sniffle came from her as I sigh softly "It's alright." "It hurts." "I know, but daddy will make it better." I say as she lays down, hiding her face under her pillow. Continuing, I close my eyes, waiting for her snores that never come. After a while, I stop, "Better?" I ask as she bites her lip. "Y- you can keep going. I wouldn't mind." I chuckled, she hand wanted to spend so much time with me since before she was a teenager. "Alright baby girl, daddy's here." I say, laying my head back down, continuing for her.


Throw a trash can at your cousin/uncle,


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What's it say? That's what it is, imbecile! (jk, you're fab). Read if you want! or Comment! or VOTE!! -Courtney.xx