
By EmbracingYou

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| C O M P L E T E D | Subject Six is a genetically advanced human. Created in the new world of science, ther... More

Mutations: ~ The Prologue ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter One ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Two ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Three ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Four ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Five~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Six ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Eight ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Nine ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Ten ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Eleven ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twelve ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirteen ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Fourteen ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Fifteen ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Sixteen ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Seventeen ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Eighteen ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Nineteen ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty One~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Two ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Three ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Four ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Five ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Six ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Seven ~
Mutations: ~Chapter Twenty Eight ~
Mutations: Chapter Twenty-Nine
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty One ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Two ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Three ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Four ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Five ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Six ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Seven ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Eight ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Thirty Nine ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty One ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty Two ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty Three ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty Four ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty Five ~
Mutations: ~ Chapter Forty Six ~
Mutations: ~ The Epilogue ~

Mutations: ~Chapter Seven ~

8.4K 519 61
By EmbracingYou


~ Chapter Seven ~

When the haze of the sedative burned away, I lost little time. I healed quicker than humans, quicker than what was natural, but it always fell in my favor.

I soon found myself charging through the maze of majestic bushes, with my bare feet slamming against the soft grass coated ground. Enhanced feeling was one of my favorite capabilities, over time it started to even quicken.

My senses came alive with the anticipation of the hunt. Breathing life into my bloodstream, and the tingle of excitement was tickling across my skin, infecting my heart with adrenaline.

My first thought summoned the mental image of Three as I streaked through the endless pathways, desperate to find a secure lead on at least one of the scents that whispered through the wind.

One of my more useful abilities was that I could keep a psychological journal of every scent I ever picked up, and the owner of it.

And I could smell Three.

So, much that this time, I could smell him before I saw him. And when I did catch sight of him, I managed to duck under his swinging fist that could have taken my head off, if he could hit hard enough.

"You again!" Three panted, almost in exasperation, as we circled each other in the narrow space between the towering bushes boxing us in, "I thought that I would have been done with you by now!"

Now that he was up close again, it took all that I had not drown in his sweat laced scent, "Please don't tell me that you actually want to fight again?" I groaned out, before I could stop myself.

A cruel smirk curled across his pink lips, forcing me to notice how soft they looked, and drawing my attention to his strong square jaw. I guess it was only now that I noticed just how damn attractive Three was.

He was physically flawless. Tall, with broad shoulders that held up his muscular physique, clad in a pair of sweat pants that were the same colour scheme as last time, with a matching athletic muscle top that highlighted his strong arms.

"We didn't finish the first round." He reminded me as he dropped into a careful stance, "Which is long overdue."

That was all the warning I got before he lunged at me with all his weight put behind him, effectively knocking me onto the ground. The premature excitement that once bubbled through me at the thought of having another like myself in the world, soon deflated.

The novelty had worn off. And now, I had someone who was just as physically enhanced, and mentally prepared as me, to fight against.

Maybe even more so that I was.

We crashed to the ground in a fumbling fury of perfectly thrown balled fists, and swiftly kicking legs. Hands grappling at each other's throats as our anger began to poison our own minds.

Blinding me to the fact that we were two of the same. The thought was slated from my mind, and all I wanted to do was tear his head from his shoulders, and praise it on a spike.

Jamming my knee snugly into Three's tight abdomen, I threw him backwards by his shoulders. I straddled him, and delivered a punch to his perfectly strong jaw, so hard that his head was thrown back from the force of it.

It felt amazing! Not so much for him, but I was loving it!

The thrill of violence wasn't something I got to endure often, so this was the perfect treat for me.

Three was the perfect subject for me to unleash all my binded rage on, and I wasn't strong enough to hold back this time. Even as he threw me to the ground, and grabbed the front of my top so hard that the fabric was torn through, all he did was draw the confidence for me to hurt him out of its shell.

Blood oozed from my split lip, and dripped down my chin with a sting, that felt like a tickle compared to the feeling of my ribs cracking against his bloodied fist.

I wasn't the only one leaking though. Thick, irony blood pooled from the gash hidden in Three's evenly shaped brow, and a scrape against his left cheek bone left a crimson trail down his peachy skin.

"Stop!" He suddenly growled, throwing me to the ground, like I was a rag doll, "Don't move!"

If I'm being totally honest, I couldn't have moved even if I wanted to, but I wasn't going to give him the sweet satisfaction of knowing that. So, instead I was more than happy to let my achy body go limp underneath him.

Whilst the big oaf loomed over me, his eyes seemed to travel across my features but then focus just above my head, instead of on my face.

His hands kept my hands pinned above my head as he leaned down towards my head, and inhaled deeply before moving towards the crook of my neck, and he sat back with an inquisitive twinkle in his odd eyes.

His strong fingers that were wrapped around my wrist loosened. One hand snaked around to the back of my neck, and his thumb brushed over the soft skin of my identification code.

"You have the same one." I commented, remembering seeing the flash of black stained numbers against sun kissed skin, "Why are we fighting each other when we're the same...breed?"

His brow wrinkled at my choice of words, "Animal instinct." He muttered, suddenly shoving himself off me, and back into his feet, "What do they call you here?" He demanded icily.

"What are you blind?" I muttered, dryly. I sprang back onto my feet, taking a couple of steps back to expand the distance between us.

Unexpectedly, his body tensed and a low rumbling growl escaped him. Three stormed towards me with anger bruising his handsome features, but since he didn't mean it in a violent manner, I stayed still.

I was shocked at his sudden outburst as he loomed over me with his strange eyes settled on something on my face. As soon as I peered into them, I realized the reason behind his being so touchy to my comment.

Guilt crashed into me, and I mentally slapped myself repeatedly for not realizing it sooner.

"As a matter of fact, I am." He grounded out between gritted teeth, "Now what is your name, girl."

Wringing my fingers tightly together, I briefly thought about lying and giving him a false name but I didn't want to take advantage of his...disability, "Six." I stated boldly, feeling more at ease as he reeled away from me, but not by much.

"You're the youngest." He declared in an instant, and his stance changed a little as he digested this information.

My face twisted into a glower at this and I gave him a hard shove that he seemed unaffected by, "I'm the newest!" I snapped haughtily, letting it sink in for him. I was three versions better than he was.

"I'm Three." He claimed as he began to move once again, "How the hell did you find me anyway?"

Taking his talking to me as an invitation for me to follow him, I began to walk at a safe distance from him, "Are you kidding? I smelled you from miles back there." I exclaimed giving him a confused look, "How else would you have known that I was approaching? You sensed me quicker than time."

"Are you trying to say that you smelled me from more than a mile away?" Three suddenly twirled on his heels so that his face loomed above mine, dangerously close, so much that I stumbled back.

At first, I was flabbergasted at his sudden movement. Three still made me wary, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to help him understand, since he clearly didn't. Which meant that he wasn't entirely the same as I was.

Knowing that I had a personal advantage against him made me feel more at ease, but even though he was without his sight, I still knew that he was clearly a big threat to me.

"Scents are carried in the breeze." Was all I said walking around him, now trying to pick up a new scent, "Do you know why we're in here, or do you think that they wanted us to just kill each other?"

I could feel his eyes on me, and it creeped me out that his gaze could burn into me the way it did, when I knew that he couldn't even see me. It also made me wonder how his sight wasn't fixed.

The technology was here to do it. They could give him new advanced eyes, I doubted that a transplant would have hurt the bank. They had many resources. But he didn't have them, instead they kept him blind.

That wasn't fair.

"I'm going to assume that you woke up here, after you were sedated." Three muttered as he strode forward, his shoulders hunched like a wild cat that just caught sight of a dog, "I know nothing either."

Frustration burned through me as a new sequence of possibilities filtered through me whilst we walked. I wasn't even sure if my presence was welcome with him, but I got the feeling that if it wasn't then he would shamelessly let me know it.

So, when he didn't tell me to get lost, I took decided to tag along with him.

"Do you think that's the trick?" I suddenly asked, and Three cast me a look over his shoulder, "That we have to kill each other for us to get out?"

"If that's the case, then we're going to be here for a while. Our fights take too long." He smirked back at me, and I could have sworn that was amused sarcasm in his tone.

"I sense of at least two others here." I blurted without thinking.

He paused as his brow furrowed, and he nodded, "I know that there are two others here. How did you?" He demanded taking a sharp turn, and I knew where he was going.

"Scents." I mumbled, feeling the need to explain myself become increasingly powerful. Except, him not knowing my ability could be the only thing keeping me alive.

A low scoff escaped him that sounded kind of sarcastic, and I glowered at the muscles of his back, "So your special little quirk is enhanced tracking abilities, I assume?" He drawled with little interest, but I could sense that he was curious. After all, we were curious creatures by nature.


"It is."

My mouth opened to happily deliver a snide comment, when my nose suddenly twitched, and I whirled round with my head thrown back in the air. New scents. There were two of them, and they weren't too far from here. Maybe I could ditch Three, and find them quick enough to catch them before they moved on.

"Do you feel that?" Three asked me as his hands gripped at the empty air, his cold expression morphed into a curious one, and then he chuckled blindly, "You probably smell it, don't you? Let's go."

I wanted to ask what he meant by 'feeling' something in the air but the look on his face made it clear that he wasn't about to pause to explain his words to me. Instead, I tried to keep up with his shockingly long, quick strides that he took before breaking into a quick jog.

I struggled to keep up with him. With my head being tilted back in the air, sniffing out the trail that would lead me, or us, to the source of the scents, it was hard to focus on direction.

As the scent grew stronger I found myself running past Three, who managed to easily keep up with me, and didn't so much as utter a complaint as he fell in step behind me. He obviously caught the scent too as he breathed in deeply.

Suddenly, Three's strong fingers wrapped tightly around my upper arm, and he yanked me back so hard that I would have landed on my ass, had he let me go.

Waiting until I was steadily back on my feet he dropped his hand from my arm and stepped in front of me, pressing a finger to his lips as he moved silently forward. Three's body was tense in a fight like stance as he dropped his head forward, and stayed statue still, making me wonder what the hell it was that he thought he was doing.

They were so close that my insides burned with the need to find them.

"What's wrong?" I finally demanded, when Three's face twisted into a confused expression, and his eyes widened like a cartoon characters at the sudden noise of my voice.

His eyes burned with annoyance but before his could deliver the words edging off his sharp tongue, my whole world was turned upside down.


A scream of surprise left me as my body was suddenly flipped in the air, like a pancake, unleashing my hair from the tie I wore. Making it fan out all over my face, and effectively blocked my vision.

Pain seared through my body as I hit the ground, with such an impact that it felt as if my bones were rattling underneath my skin. A low groan escaped me as my head lolled to the side, just in time to see a blur of movement throw Three into the bush.

The oaf recovered quickly as he ducked back out, and stuck his muscular arm out into the air in front of him like he knew what to do.

I was shocked to see someone run right into it.



I know it's been a while since I've updated, but I have been really busy just now. Anyway, another piece of the puzzle revealed, and if you keep reading, by the next chapter you may, or may not, meet two other Splice's. You never know but there is one way to find out!

I don't know about you but I like Three. Also, the attachment at the top is a picture of Colton Haynes, who I think closely resembles my perception of Three.

Thank you all for reading, once again!

- EmbracingYou

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