Moon Goddess (2) Werewolf Rom...

By Jinx-01

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This is a sequel to Moonspell, be aware! After Erik and Kiril defeated Lucius and killed the Moon Goddess in... More

00. Moon Goddess - Erik + Kiril
01. When in Rome - Erik
02. White roses - Dasha
03. Alpha - Angel
04. Mateless - Kiril
05. Sun of the Sahara - Samira
06. In joy and sorrow - Michael
07. Dreams - Kiril
08. How to mend a broken heart - Samira
09. Kings of the arena - Erik
11. A friend with weed is better - Dasha
12. Born from clay - Angel
13. When you don't know - Michael
14. Slaves - Kiril+Erik
15. It - Dasha
16. Anyone - Samira
17. Go fetch - Angel
18. These unexpected feelings - Kiril
19. Days of future-past - Michael
20. A different breed - Samira
21. Survivor - Dasha
22. What used to be - Kiril
23. A merry bunch - Angel
24. Master - Kiril
25. The allure of ice - Samira
26. Someone has to - Michael
27. Baby Alpha - Angel
28. Other girls - Samira
29. Godspeed - Milena
30. Buttons - Angel
31. Cold hands - Samira
32. Waters of Lethe - Michael
33. Parasite - Kiril
34. Abomination - Milena
35. Goodbye, my lover - Angel
36. The greater good - Angel
37. If it were my choice - Kiril
38. After effects - Samira
39. Tender is the night - Milena
40. Ra-Ra-Rasputin - Angel
41. Shards - Kiril
42. You are the one I need - Samira
43. Viole(n)t moon - Milena
44. Moon rainbow - Milena
45. Only once - Angel
46. La vie en rose - Kiril
47. I need a doctor - Dasha
48. Not today - Milena
49. So happy - Milena
51. This mate thing - Dasha
52. It will always be you - Kiril
53. God killer- Kiril
54. The soul of a different world- Kiril

50. Show me - Angel

21 1 27
By Jinx-01

Angel's hand trembled before ringing the bell of David's apartment.

David said they should go to the cinema. That was a date, a date for normal people. He... Had never been on a date. Should he have brought flowers? But they were to guys. Or something else? He had no idea about the date etiquette. Samira had also no idea whatsoever, since she had been married for the last forty years. Hmm but Dasha knew about there things. Why didn't it occur him earlier to ask her?

"Hey!" David's voice had a light tremor to it too. He was wearing a blue dress shirt and jeans. It made him seem a bit older. God, he was so awfully young. Angel was seventy three human years old. That would qualify him as his grampa.

"You, you look nice," said Angel.

Nice? Is this the best you can do? God, I am so pathetic.

"Thank you. You look very handsome." David brushed a stray curl of hair behind his ear and Angel felt he was going to combust. "Your hair is so beautiful. And..." David's eyes swiped down over his body. "I have no idea how many hours you spend daily at the gym but your body is frankly intimidating and your clothes are not even tight. Oh my God, I am so sorry. That was so awkward. I am an idiot."

David turned away covering his face.

"I am sorry. I have not been on a date in a while."

"Me... Me neither. It's ok. You didn't say anything wrong. It was rather flattering."

Angel thought that he was indeed ripped if compared to a regular human. If compared to other wolves, if compared to Michael who was a giant with the body of a Greek god... He wasn't anything special.

"Let's go."

Angel nodded and walked David to the car.

"Wow, nice ride." David's eyes swiped over the white Porsche Cayenne that Angel had borrowed from Samira for the evening.

"It belongs to a friend." Though as the Alpha of South America and the ruling Beta of the Lycan King he could easily afford it. Times had changed. He wasn't a guest in Erik's Pack anymore with nothing to his name. He wasn't the tolerated boyfriend of Erik's Beta; he was himself a name.

"It's nice. I am still paying off studen debt so I drive an old Toyota. Not quite fitting for a doctor. What do you actually do for a living?"

Fuck. That was the most obvious question that would come and Angel hadn't prepared for it.

"I uh... My parents owned some farms in Mexico. Now my sister is now the administrator. And I... Kiril, is the guy you saw that day, he has a huge... company and I am now like the COO."

Chief Operational Officer. Taking care of the operations in the pack. Was sort of true...

"So you are well off and smart. You are very humble, Angel." David put his hand over Angel's on the gear changer and Angel felt like fainting.

His smell was so intoxicating and filling the whole car. It felt like it was getting more intense by the minute.

He could hear his hearth when it was accelerating and his eyes were green mingled with turquoise. And he could probably tear off all the buttons of his shirt in one move without even needing his claws. This boy made him terribly horny. So much it wasn't quite like him.

"It's here to the left." David's voice interrupted his thoughts.

The movie David chose was A streetcar named desire. Angel had seen it with his parents at the premiere in Ciudad de Mexico in 1951. He was still a child back then and his father was Alpha.

"How come you like this kind of movies?"

"I don't know, I was always told I am an old soul."

Angel recalled vaguely the plot of the movie. When he had seen it, he was about twelve. It disturbed him that Blanche had told her husband that him being gay disgusted her. It was only a small detail in the plot but it was the one that stuck with him. Seeing it now again, the plot was rather dark and depressing. Why had David chosen this movie?

There was sadness and there was David's scent that seemed to be getting stronger. What the hell was happening, he would likely get a boner by only sniffing his hand.

"Uh. I know it's full of poetical sadness but now I am sorry I chose it," said David when the final credits were rolling.

"It's a good movie," said Angel. He didn't want David to be mortified.

"Yes but it's sad and there is also this part about the gay husband. I have no idea how coming out was for you. Maybe it was sad and it brought back nasty memories. I... It was a bad idea."

Angel took his hand when they were walking towards the car.

"It's okay. I enjoyed spending time with you." He sounded so wise and not like himself. "Would you like to have something to eat? What do you like? My treat."

"Hmm, sure. I am vegetarian so it's not always easy to find something good but I could cook something for us," he offered. "Any allergies? Something you don't like?"

"No, everything is fine for me. I am..." A predator. Big meat eater. Bad for you.

David was living in a modest but cosy two room apartment in a rather nice suburb or Edinburgh. Angel was once again touched by the normalcy of his life.

"I can make vegetable casserole or mousaca. Would you like that?"

"Sure." Angel smiled reassuringly. He was so sweet and his hair was the color of new copper. His skin was so interesting with all the different shaded of freckles. And he blushes so easily... Did the blush extend all over his body? What an ungodly thought.

"How was it for you?" asked David while he was chopping the vegetables.

"What?" Angel looked up from his hands to his face.

"Coming out."

"I ... Uh..." Awful.

"It was bad, right? I knew it and I brought you to that stupid movie. I have to recall that not everyone is as lucky as I am. My ma' said just ok and that nothing changes."

"That's sweet or her," said Angel.

"How are your parents?"


"Oh my God. I keep messing this up. I am so sorry." David left the chopping board and took Angel's hands.

"No. It's okay. They were old. They had me late in life."

"How late? You cannot be older than twenty seven or twenty eight so... Yeah, how old are you?"

"That was right." In human years probably around twenty five but wolf year math is relative.

"Cool. Then you are only one year older than me."

David's hand moved up on Angel's arm and goosebumps were raising in it's wake.

"You are so sensitive," said David and leaned forward. "I would like to kiss you, Angel. Is that okay?"

He was so courteous and sweet. Michael had never asked him if he may. But he rather liked that part of Michael and he always wanted to be kissed. 

Angel nodded and moved his face to receive  the kiss.

"I am not usually the one to ask but I have the feeling this is new to you even if you were the one asking me out. Is it your first time with a guy?"

"No. I had a very long relationship."

"Oh and what happened? Why did you break up?" David's voice was very smokey and inadequate for the question.

"It doesn't matter." Angel opened his mouth and pressed his lips into the kiss. He didn't want to think about it or answer. And David, God he tasted so good, like nothing before, better than the first time they had kissed.

Angel lost himself a bit and moved his hand though David's hair and down his back to cup his ass. David's hands weren't idle either and explored eagerly Angel's torso moving under his leather jacket along his rather tight t-shirt.

"Jesus, you are hard all over."

He was. Only the kiss and the touching gave him a rather obvious boner.

"I think you are very handsome, Angel." David moved his hand to the hem of his t-shirt and slid it over his head.

"Oh my, this is huge and likely the most beautiful tattoo I have ever seen." David moved his fingers over the markings and Angel suppressed a moan. "May, I?" He tugged at the button of his jeans looking up playfully.

As a response Angel grabbed the back of his neck and pushed him down to his knees. That was so unlike him but it just happened. And then he tightened his right hand into David's red curls.

His heightened sense made him concentrate on the zipper moving open and David taking a shallow breath.

"It's... "

"What? I..." Angel was suddenly aware and self aware.

"Nothing it's... Kind of huge." Then he took it in his mouth with undisguised fascination.

Michael always liked to receive blow jobs, hence why Angel became particularly good at them, but he wasn't the biggest fan of giving them. This boy however took him deeply with very obvious enthusiasm and his wolf was howling inside of him. He wouldn't last long. It was just too good.

Physically it was likely the best thing he had felt in a while. Mentally his wolf was mad with desire and howling but then there were suddenly images of Michael in his mind. Of how he gave him a blow job in that cabin in the woods and then he took him to bed and he enjoyed it. David's kisses felt different, David was entirely different... David was human and he had to make a vivid effort for his claws and fangs to stay in place when he came.

"Is it good? Because I am having a lot of fun here," said David and cupped his balls which made Angel gasp for air.

"It's divine. You are amazing..."

"No, just good with my tongue. You are so tense. Relax. You are beautiful and your dick is a work of art. I can't wait to feel it inside me."

Angel gasped for air for a few different reasons. David sucked at his tip and pressed his balls which made him cum without notice and he said he wanted to feel his dick inside him. God. It was so obvious but Angel never thought about the technicalities of them having sex. He just assumed and he assumed wrongly. He didn't know how that worked. At all.

David swallowed and got up from his knees.

"You taste good. You didn't have sex in a while, isn't it?"


Actually the kind of sex David wanted to have, he didn't't have ever. And he didn't know how and he would embarrass himself and lots of awful images invaded his mind at once.

Amaru was dancing before his eyes saying that he was a disgrace. Michael drawing his least breath at his arms, his eyes saying the exact same thing that he betrayed him and he isn't worth of his love or of anybody's.

"I am sorry. I can't stay, " said Angel and pushed David away to walk hastily out the door.

When he was far enough to not be seen he turned, not caring if he tore his clothes and ran. He arrived at Samira's house shortly after midnight.

"Angel is back," said Ju matter of factly when he walked in naked and obviously mortified. "Angel upset?"

He didn't bother to answer and entered the first bathroom he found. The guy that was staring back at him from inside the mirror had bloodshot eyes and a ravenous sadness inside his chest.

You have beautiful hair... The hair that was obstructing his vision right now. He didn't want to be liked, admired or loved. He was Michael's murderer and everything meddled in his mind and he wasn't even sure what he was upset about.

Summoning his claws he scratched his markings and howled his pain into the night. Then he grabbed the razor and started shoring his hair. He didn't want to be what David found beautiful.

"Angel, what the fuck are you doing? You woke up Sara. Do you have any fucking idea how much time it took me to bring her to sleep."

Samira was standing in the doorway holding the child who seemed very much awake.

"Angel?!" Angel stormed past her and outside into the night.

He ran again for long hours and then drove for other few in a stolen car and by the morrow he collapsed out of exhaustion in a small wood.

"The fuck did you do to your hair?"

An all to familiar voice woke him up together with an all to familiar scent.

"What do you care?"

"I don't but it looks ugly."

"Fuck you."

"You wish..." Kiril sat down at his side. "Ok, you are never this cocky, which means that you are probably having a death whish."

Angel didn't bother to answer or even open his eyes but Kiril was his Alpha so even if he wanted to his sense weren't passive to him. Why did he even come here...?

"It was a mistake to come here," muttered Angel.

"Then why did you?" asked Kiril in his usual rather blunt way.

"I don't know. Samira said I woke up the child and she was angry and I didn't know where to go. Why are you here and not with Mila?"

"She is angry with me. She told me to go away so I did."

"What did you do?"

"I am not sure. Angel, again, why are you here?"

Angel sat up and looked at Kiril. He was an insensitive jerk, he wouldn't understand.

"You are an invisible jerk. Out of all people I don't think you would understand."

"Well then go away or take a chance."

"Fine..." Angel sighed. "So I went on a date with David, the doctor."

"What, was his dick too small? Well, work around it."

"No! Fuck off!"


"His dick size is rather irrelevant."

"Ok, I was being insensitive, or that's what Mila would say. It was probably something feelings related but you barely know each other so guessing is difficult. Again, either tell me or go away."

"No, you were on the right track. He wanted us to have sex."

"So where's the problem? You like him and he wanted to fuck. Awesome."

"Well he wanted me to fuck him and I... Have never... It was always Michael and I don't know how and then it triggered something. I recalled all the times Amaru told me I was a loser and then Michael how disdainfully he looked at me when he died."

Angel felt the tears bubbling up. He didn't want to cry in front of Kiril. Kiril wouldn't understand this, he didn't understand any kind of weakness. But the tears came and his pride shattered once again.

"Angel, Amaru was a prick and his opinion shouldn't matter in the slightest. And Michael might have been your chosen mate but your relationship evolved in something unhealthy." Kiril sighed and shrugged. "And well if you don't like to top then David is not the one for you... Now stand up, dust yourself up and let's go have a drink. "There, there, or whatever people say in such situations. I understand it sucks but the best way it to choose to do something instead of feeling sorry for yourself." And then Kiril wrapped an arm around him in a half hug.

That kind of shook him awake.

"You gave me a hug. And a pep talk. You like me, admit it. I knew coming here was the right thing to do." Strangely his words made him feel a bit better.

"Great. I probably reached level one of empathy. I will pet myself on the back."

"No, you are actually nice, in your weird slightly sociopathic way. Where are we supposed to have that drink. I am naked and all..."

Kiril points to a small cabin not far away. Once there he filled two glasses with extremely expensive whiskey in contrast with the modest cabin.

"And you hang here out and sulk till Mila wants to see you again?"

"Angel?" Kiril raised an eyebrow and let the menace seep into his tone.

The whiskey was really good and Angel was hungry and tired. And the clothes that Kiril gave him were so big and smelling manly and he was still a bit horny.

"It was really weird, I tell you. I liked they boy from the beginning and found it cute but this time, it seemed like his scent got more intense by the minute and it got me super horny and I felt tingles all over when he touched me. Seriously, I was like possessed."

"What?" Kiril was looking out the window letting him rant but then he suddenly started paying more attention.

"Well what I told you. I guess that's love or obsession or God knows. Michael was really hot, I was really into him and horny like a teen wolf but it wasn't like this."

"Yeah because Michael was not your mate. He couldn't have been because you are both guys and a mate bond is meant to assure the strongest possible offspring. But what you describe there is how a mate bond feels."

"You think that's possible?"

"No, it shouldn't be. So maybe you imagined it but... If you were so into it why didn't you? And what's with the stupid hair cut?"

"He told me I have pretty hair... And it made me feel unworthy when I looked myself in the mirror."

"Well, congratulations, now it looks stupid."

"Now what can I do? I stormed out of there after he gave me a blow job and now  my hair looks stupid. He will not want to see me ever again."

"Yeah sounds rather bad, but let's do something about the hair at least. About the guy it might be a lost cause..." Kiril stood up and stretched out a hand. Angel had doned five glasses and was rather drunk so he didn't protest when Kiril started to style what he had done into an undercut. And then with grace and meticulousness you would not expect from someone like him, he started braiding the edges to the cut.

"This looks... Badass. I thought it was a lost cause."

"Same," replied Kiril in his usual dry way.

"Kiril, can't you show me?"


"What? Well fucking. Show me how it's properly done so that he likes it."

"Very funny."

"Come on!! I don't want it to suck. I couldn't handle it."

"Well, you were on the receiving end, do what you would have liked, I suppose..."

"Come on, you know it's not only that."

"Angel, stop it or I will remove your possibilities to even try it."

"Please." Angel looked up into Kiril's eyes.

"Shit. Mila!" His eyes shot up and then down again. "Sweet dreams, Angel."

And Angel dreamed...


He should have showed him, shouldn't he? 😂.

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