My Husband Is Gay

By Amanda_Odiakose

6.9K 338 26

"When is the interview beginning?" she asked after accessing him from top to bottom. "There would be no inte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26
Ch 28
Ch 29
Ch 30
Chapter 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
Ch 36
Ch 38
Ch 39
Ch 40
Ch 41
Ch 42
Ch 43
Ch 44
Ch 45
Ch 46
Ch 47
Ch 48
Ch 49
Ch 50
Ch 51
Ch 52
Ch 53
Ch 54
Ch 55
Ch 56
Ch 57
Ch 58
Ch 59
Ch 60
Ch 61
Ch 62
Ch 64
Ch 65
Ch 66
Ch 67: Lets start over Amelia
Semi finals

Ch 37

90 6 1
By Amanda_Odiakose

Xavier shoved her towards the wall, trapping her with his hand. She gasped as her eyes widened, looking at him directly in his eyes. One thing was certain, his eyes held lust. It was quite apparent.

He glanced at her for a while as if unsure of what to do, but when he finally got it, his eyes left her eyes and landed on her lip. Amelia gulped. The thought of what he was about to do evolved Butterflies in her and she couldn't seem to stop it. Something in her yearned for his lips against hers.

He slowly began to descend to her level and without warning, placed his lips on hers. For a second, everything stopped. Amelia still tried to process what was happening. She couldn't think of much, but she was sure that his soft lips against hers was something she genuinely craved for.

With time, the shock was over and she returned the kiss with her lips gliding against his. He inserted his tongue into her mouth, wiggling it inside and Amelia could already feel the heat course through her body.

He had no idea what he was doing to her, but one thing was inevitable, she loved and prayed it wouldn't stop.

When the kiss was already getting heated up, he unexpectedly stopped and retreated backward as though he was brought back to reality. He rummaged his hand through his hair and breathed out sharply. His face was all tensed up and Amelia wondered if it was as a result of the kiss they both shared.

"Xavier are you okay?" she asked, trying to go close to him, but he retreated and that hurt Amelia a bit.

"Amelia go upstairs" he demanded and she couldn't help but feel rejected.


"Just do as I say Amelia" he voiced out with a fierce look appearing on his face.

"Fuck you Xavier!" she screamed in his face and he looked at her slightly too stunned to speak.

"You were the one who fucking initiated the kiss. if at all anyone should leave then it has to be you, you bloody, bossy freak" she yelled, making sure, she sounded as angry as she wanted to be.

She continued "Always have to find a way to make me feel like crap. Kissed me then act like I'm a plague. Punched peter because I announced we both shared a kiss. The fuck is wrong with you?" she screamed in his face, but no word was said as he just stood, still too stunned to speak.

"Well, I'm sleepy and would like some sleep. I don't have to worry about you. Good night pervert!" she cursed once more and stormed out. She went up the stairs not bothering to turn to look at Xavier. She knew, one look in his eyes and she would soften.

That was the last thing she wanted to do. Her heart should remain like this and her emotions should portray anger, not hurt

A loud crash was heard downstairs. It was the last thing Amelia heard before drifting off to sleep.


Amelia tilted to the other side and that woke her up from her nap. She flicked her eyes open and immediately squinted it as her face was quite close to the window, making the sunlight that peeked from the window, affect her instantly.

Groaning in frustration, she got up, at the same time, rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm as she tried to get the dizziness away. She yawned tiredly and just immediately her phone began to ring. She groaned in frustration, stretched her hand across the bed, and grabbed the phone.

It was an unknown number, but she answered it. She was too sleepy to even think of her safety at that point.

"Who is this" she shot. The irritation in her voice could be heard. Of course, she wanted to let the caller know it was unfit to call so early. It wasn't precisely early, but Amelia chose to think like that. According to her, anytime she woke up was regarded early and she didn't care what time she woke up.

"Easy Amelia," the voice said and she immediately recognized it.


"Milady," he said and Amelia chuckled.

"I'm sorry I didn't call, it skipped my mind". *and I was too busy thinking about Xavier and an effective way to tame his bossy nature.* She added Inwardly with a sigh escaping from her lips.

"Yeah, it's fine. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and you indeed got back home "

"My bad, I should have informed you" she stated

"are you still in California"

"Yes, but will be leaving soon enough" he stated

"Oh really," she said and one could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"But I'll be back, you don't have to worry about a thing. I have a resort to complete remember? Turns out it would take quite a long time to complete. Let's just hope I'm still alive by that time " he said, sounding too plain for the gravity of the situation.

Something stirred inside of Amelia as she tried to process the whole thing, one this was certain, she hated life and his condition was the reason.

They talked for a while and when they were finally done, Amelia decided to make her way downstairs. She stood up from her bed and proceeded toward her room door.

On getting to the sitting room, Xavier wasn't there and that disappointed her. She wanted to see how he was doing after their rivalry yesterday. The memory of the kiss came flooding back and my heart raced. Butterflies developed in her stomach just by the thoughts alone.

She was about to go back upstairs when she caught sight of Rebecca who was just exiting the kitchen.

"Uh, Mrs. Rebecca?" She called out and Rebecca's abruptly turned around at the mention of her name.

"Have you seen Xavier?"

"Sir Xavier stepped out this morning. I have no idea where he went, but he did say I make sure you eat breakfast" she said and Amelia flushed A bit as she nodded. Even after what she did, he still had to make sure she ate breakfast.

Amelia munched on her food silently as she strived her best not to stare across the table over to him. He had earlier passed an instruction about her having breakfast, but she was a bit carried away by social media and forgot about breakfast.

He came back later that day and when he realized she hadn't had dinner, came upstairs and called her down for her to have breakfast.
Amelia observed his mood for a while and she realized he wasn't the same.

He wasn't necessarily angry, but rather he looked worried and Amelia noted that there was something most definitely wrong with him. He didn't say anything to her all through and her talkative nature was being tempted to break the silence.

"Are you alright?" she asked and Xavier immediately looked up, stunned. He was astonished at the question and she discerned the reason.

Amelia hadn't inevitably asked him that before and for her to ask him such, she most definitely could read him.

"I'm fine, eat up" he commanded and Amelia sighed. It was certain he didn't want to have any form of discussion with her.

She began to eat again, but this time, her appetite was lost. The food suddenly lost its taste and for some reason, she felt down. She didn't know how Xavier did it, but he sure affected her. It was almost as though she felt connected to him and she couldn't lighten up no matter how hard she tried.

"Are you okay?" Xavier asked and she nodded, still not looking at him.

Silence persisted for a while, but she decided to break it by bringing up a conversation that was quite sensitive to be brought to the dining table.

"Why did you kiss me?" she blurted out and watched as Xavier froze when she said those words. He coughed slightly and she handed him some water. He gulped it and when he was finally stable, Amelia looked at him in anticipation to hear what he had to say.

"I don't know why," he let out and Amelia was dumbstruck. He just kissed her out of impulse and now he couldn't give a reason why he did do that.

"Are you serious?" She asked in disbelief. "Okay then, why did you all of a sudden develop cold feet and end the whole thing." She asked, and immediately realized how desperate she sounded. "Of course, I didn't wasn't you to carry on, but I couldn't help but feel slightly dejected" She added, making what she said, less weird.

"Why did you kiss peter," he asked

"He kissed me" in as much as he didn't give her a response to her question, she didn't withhold an answer and when she gave him that response, she noticed how he stiffened a bit as he gritted his teeth.

"Why do you have a problem with that, if I may ask?"

"No, you may not"

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because I have no answer for it," he said with nonchalance, but it was indeed true. He didn't have an answer for that

"Why did you punch Peter," she asked one more time and his nonchalance was already getting to her nerve.

"Amelia can we not talk about this" he clamored and with the look on his face, she knew well enough that she was testing his patience, but she didn't care and that wasn't going to stop her. She had a lot of questions to ask and the fact that he didn't want to give a response to them wore her off

"Too bad, because I want to talk about it now," she said, dropping her fork and staring intently at her.

"Can you be less difficult?"

"No Xavier, you are the one acting all difficult and bossy as you should not"

"What do you want"


"To what?" he shot at her.

"ok just answer the main question, why did you kiss me," she asked, breathing rapidly.

"I already did"

"Are you being serious"


"Have it your way then" she scoffed, at the same stabbing the potato and biting it off the fork. She wanted to make sure, Xavier saw how disgruntled she was even though she wasn't genuinely angry.

Confusion was the only thing she felt and she couldn't help but be anticipated. Even though she knew full well that he wasn't going to give her an explanation.

They both ate in silence and although Amelia had a lot to say, she had to keep her chatty nature in check if at all she was going to prove to Xavier how angry she was.

She stole glances from him and realized how earnest he was to finish his dish. That slightly hurt. She was hurt at the fact that Xavier wasn't paying adequate attention to her as she wanted.

After much sighing and scoffing, Xavier finally looked at her with exhaustion written on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and Amelia applauded herself for gaining his attention once more.

"Yes I am," she said, resuming her meal.

"Amelia" he called out softly and all the anger she thought she nursed or better still, faked, flew out the window as a little satisfaction crept into her once more.

"It's fine, you can carry on with your breakfast" at least now she knew, she could gain his attention when she tried and that part made her enthusiastic.

"Oh," his eyes widened slightly as though he remembered something. "Prepare yourself, we will be having a red carpet event to attend and I need you to look your best," he said and her heart missed some beat. Was he being serious? Her inner self screamed in terror

She had no idea of anything about a red carpet event and her fashion sense was not so mature for her to give off an outstanding look on a red carpet.

"Look my best? I don't even know anything a red carpet event"

"Then Stephenie will help. Relax your self though. The event isn't until tomorrow"

"Tomorrow!" she flung her eyes open. "Do you have a thing from passing infos too late!"

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