Inviolable Bindings | Aemond...

By dragonnwriter

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As the granddaughter of the exiled Saera Targaryen, Viserra has always craved connection to those who also sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 38

482 17 0
By dragonnwriter

Stepping into the Dragonpit, Viserra looked around admiring the century old stonework. The air was hot and thick and smelled of smoke. Wasting no time, Aemond approached one of the dragonkeepers who promptly descended down the steps leading into the dragon dens.

In only a few moments, the sounds of the large dragon shifting and climbing up to them echoed through the space. As Vhagar came into view, Viserra could not help but think she looked rather irritated at being disturbed. She scowled at the long spears that poked at her sides to guide her forward. Viserra scowled, noting that this was another reason she did not care to house her own dragon there.

Vhagar let out a low growl as soon as Aemond walked up to greet her, bowing her large head to make contact with him. "Rytsas ñuha riña. Tubī ao sōvegon lēda lanta," he spoke quietly, waiting to see if the dragon protested Viserra's presence. Hello my girl. Today you will fly with two.

Viserra moved closer, undeterred and curious. Her hand reached out slowly to touch the dragon's snout. Despite her intimidating size and gruffness, she showed the beast respect and no sign of fear. Watching her with excitement, a smile tugged on Aemond's lips. He had been unsure if a dragon would be friendly to another so close, but so far she showed no signs of rejection.

"Her size is even more impressive when standing right beneath her," Viserra remarked in awe. "Look at her scales, she is scarred and so rough from up close." As she ran her hand along the rough scales, she could only imagine the stories that the dragon would tell, if only she could speak.

"I do believe she likes you," Aemond's voice broke through her thoughts. "I was unsure if this would go over well, if a dragon would accept another rider in its presence."

Viserra nodded in agreement as the memories of meeting Sunfyre within these very walls flooded her mind. Her heart sank for a brief moment, thinking of the injured dragon that was still somewhere out there and separated from his equally injured rider. The bonds that each of them carried with their mount ran deep through their blood and she realized there had to be so much more to these magnificent beasts than they really knew.

Satisfied with how things had begun, Viserra realized it was now time for the real test. Aemond walked over to the ropes dangling from Vhagar's back, summoning her to join him. He ascended the ropes first and had situated himself in the saddle before Viserra even began her climb. Taking her time to not alarm the dragon, she carefully made her way up to Aemond and swung her leg over the saddle to settle in front of him.

"You could have at least had me dress for this," she whined, fussing over the placement of her skirts as she sat. Aemond did not reply but let out a small chuckle. She felt the leather straps cross her thighs and Aemond's long fingers securing her to the seat.

The massive muscles on Vhagar's back twitched and shifted as she adjusted to feeling the two riders in the saddle. And as Aemond took hold of the reins, she readied herself to take off. Each step that the dragon took sent vibrations through her body due to her sheer mass and as she picked up her pace in anticipation of taking off, Viserra couldn't help but feel the adrenaline rush through her veins.

This experience was different from riding Rhyn in every aspect. She almost forgot that Aemond remained steady behind her, his arms passing under hers and pressed to her sides. The wind rushed past them as they climbed into the clouds and Viserra closed her eyes as her hair whipped around her face.

Once in the sky, Vhagar's size did not seem to matter. The beating of her wings and ability to coast through the air were in stark contrast to how it felt when they were moving on the ground.

"What do you think?" Aemond asked, his voice carrying over the wind.

Viserra could not help but laugh, the adrenaline still rushing through her. "This is absolutely amazing," she replied. "I cannot believe you claimed this dragon as a mere child."

Aemond transferred the reins from two hands to one, wrapping his now free arm around her waist and closing in by her ear. "You do not know what it is like to be the only Targaryen without a dragon," he spoke quietly. "The pain and isolation almost brought me to madness, but once I laid my eyes on this beast I knew she was meant to be mine."

She closed her eyes and leaned back into him, unsure of what to say but wanting him to know she felt sadness for the little boy who Aemond once was. He was right, she did not know that pain and was ever grateful to have no memories without her own dragon.

As they soared higher into the quiet sky above the clouds, Viserra felt the familiar freedom that came with the privilege to access such a space. With the sun warming her face and the wind still carrying a biting chill, she raised her hands up and out, relishing in the weightlessness that flying gave them.

She felt Aemond shift a bit and watched as he tied off the reins to the saddle horn. Instinctually, she lowered her hands, but he stopped her, his touch firm as he guided her arms back out.

"Let go," he murmured, his hands tracing the length of her arms as he encouraged her.

And Viserra did just that. She closed her eyes and let her body relax, feeling the wind biting at her skin and pushing through the fabric of her dress. Warm hands worked their way over her thighs and she savored the moment until she felt the leather straps lose their tension on her legs.

Eyes shooting open, she almost brought her arms back down, but again, Aemond caught them and guided them up with gentle insistence. His hands then moved to her hips, gripping them firmly while attempting to lift her from the seat. She turned her head, brow furrowed just for him to respond with a smirk.

"Do you not trust me?" He asked, his voice steady.

Viserra hesitated before pushing herself to embrace the moment. Looking straight ahead again and taking in a deep breath against the wind, she nodded. "I do."

Without resistance this time, she let him help her to stand. The wind whipped around as she balanced on top of the massive creature. Aemond's arms wrapped around her legs to keep her skirts in place and to steady her on her feet.

Although she had often stood in her own dragon's saddle, standing on top of a beast that she was not bonded to, trusting entirely in the man behind her, was exhilarating beyond words. She was not sure if it was the wind or the thrill, but it felt difficult to catch her breath there. Despite everything happening below them in their lives on the ground, up in the skies she felt more alive than ever.

Vhagar suddenly shifted in the air and Viserra instinctively reached down, grasping at Aemond for support. With a steady hand, he helped her back into the saddle, his firm grasp letting her know he would not let her fall.

As she settled back down, Aemond kept one arm securely around her waist while taking the reins into his hand. She could not have been more grateful for the timing as Vhagar abruptly pulled to the side and she felt herself slide on the leather seat.

A familiar black shadow shot up through the clouds with a loud screech that pierced the air. Viserra immediately recognized her own mount as he spun closely around the larger beast. How had she not sensed him approaching sooner?

"Rhyn!" She exclaimed watching as he continued his erratic movements around Vhagar. He seemed puzzled by the sight of his rider perched atop another dragon.

Viserra could feel her heart begin to beat in her chest again as she watched the dragons' interaction unfold. The tightening of Aemond's arm around her waist told her he most likely felt the tension too. She worried that the Vhagar would misinterpret Rhyn's behavior as aggression and things could quickly escalate into a dangerous confrontation.

"Lykirī, Vhagar!" Aemond yelled to his dragon. "Emā zȳhon kipagīros ziry daor ōdrikagon." Be calm, Vhagar! You have his rider, he means no harm.

"Sȳz riña, gīda." Viserra chimed in, patting the scales on the dragon's back. Good girl, steady.

Aemond was tense, she could feel it in the way he had her by the waist. Part of her wondered if the events in Storm's End had begun in a manner such as this but she would not be so foolish to ask him in that moment.

"Perhaps we should land," Viserra suggested, watching closely as the dragons kept steady flight without further bickering.

"Yes," he agreed, letting her go and taking the reins in both of his hands.

Almost immediately, he began to guide Vhagar downwards while Rhyn followed closely behind. Once they had passed down through the clouds, Viserra realized they could no longer see the city behind them. They touched down on a grass covered cliff, Vhagar making contact with the ground with a thud that almost threw her from the saddle.

Rhyn touched down next to the older dragon, now chirping and still flapping his wings with uncertainty. While Vhagar did not seem to want to move the entirety of her body, she swung her head in his direction and let out a deep growl.

Without hesitation, she pushed herself away from Aemond to climb down the dragon's back. Only using the ropes halfway, she let go and slid down the rest of the way. As she approached her dragon, he settled almost immediately. Vhagar also seemed much less interested in what was going on, now settling herself in the grass and letting her rider down from the saddle.

"Skoros iksin bona nūmāzma?" Viserra asked of her dragon, taking his snout into her arms. What was that about?

Rhyn forcefully exhaled from his snout, seemingly protesting her interacting with Vhagar. He pulled himself from her and raised his head up and over her own. As Viserra turned, she realized that Aemond was approaching them both. Rhyn let out another snort and she reached up to swat at him for it.

This was the first time she had seen a dragon exhibit something akin to jealousy. Aemond stopped a few feet from them both, giving him the respect and space he needed at the moment. Rhyn let out a soft rumble in response before pulling back from Viserra and moving the opposite direction.

"I have not ever seen him act like that," Viserra remarked, gesturing towards her mount.

Aemond let out a short laugh as he joined at her side. They both watched as he settled down a safe distance from Vhagar. "He is protective of you."

Viserra looked up to Aemond. "I think he is jealous," she smiled as he looked between them, eyebrows raised.

The quiet isolation there on the cliffside brought both of them a small moment of peace from the happenings around them. But as the conversation died down and the sun continued its way across the sky, Aemond suggested their return to the Keep.

Viserra did not need to think twice about riding her own mount back to the Dragonpit. She did not want to stir up any further conflict between the dragons. Strapping herself to the saddle, she looked over at Aemond who was doing the same. They met each other's gaze for a brief moment before commanding both beasts into the sky.

The journey back to the Dragonpit did not take long, both flying with purpose rather than enjoying the flight itself. The wind and steady rhythm of Rhyn's wings was comforting to Viserra, realizing just how different it had been to ride on Vhagar's back.

As they made their way to the front of the large structure, the dragons did not seem bothered by the fact that they needed to land close to one another. Viserra dismounted Rhyn, offering him a solid pat to his scales before he took back off into the skies again. She watched as Aemond climbed down the saddle ropes and the Dragonkeepers that wasted no time in herding Vhagar back into the pit.

The time it took to arrive back through the castle gates seemed longer than their initial departure. The last few hours suddenly seemed like a blur once they entered the castle yard that was bustling with people. Viserra willingly took Aemond's hand while descending the wheelhouse steps, raising her eyes only to realize they were in the ever irritating presence of Criston Cole.

She knew before the man had even opened his mouth that he would want to speak with Aemond alone. The annoyance that flickered in her from being sidelined twice in the last week was only tempered by a look that Aemond shot her once he sensed her agitation. She hoped that she would be privy to the information sometime this afternoon, but for now, she would clean herself up for whatever else was in store that day.

Aemond's mind had been on a similar track, calling for a bath to be drawn for her and sending for food and wine. Looking down to her dirtied dress, she realized she should have more appreciation for whoever had made her own riding leathers. The delicate fabric of a gown was no match for flying atop a dragon.

Viserra did not hurry to her chambers, instead taking her time walking through the Keep. Once she reached her rooms, she was pleased to see that her chambermaids were busily pouring the hot water into the metal tub. The steam that filled the tiny room and the scent of the oils that had been poured into the water brought the promise of relaxation.

She sat on the edge of her bed, not speaking a word to the girls as they worked quickly. Once readied, Elia had stayed and offered a hand at disrobing her from the mess she was in. Though she did not need it, Viserra accepted the girl's help, letting her peel off the layers of the soiled gown and smallclothes underneath. Dismissing Elia with a nod and smile, she thought that today's bath would be best taken in solitude.

Slipping into the hot water, Viserra closed her eyes and let the heat seep into her muscles. She took her time washing her body and untangling her hair with the soap, realizing that the bath had been much needed. The tension that had built up from the last few days seemed to ease as she slowly submerged herself entirely. Beneath the surface of the water was a sacred place, the only things heard there were the quiet echoes of the water as the movements of her body sloshed the liquid around.

Breaking back through the surface with a gasp for air and wiping the water from her face, Viserra opened her eyes to a familiar tall figure. The way he leaned his shoulder on the archway and the smirk that pulled on his lips told her that he had been there for more than a brief moment.

"The amount of time you spend with your head under water always seems to surprise me," Aemond confessed, coming away from the archway and walking to the tub. He crouched down next to her as she met him with her arms resting on the edge.

"It is something I have done since I was a child," she explained, looking up to meet his eye. They both seemed to be studying each other's expressions in anticipation of something. Aemond rose from his crouched position, turning for a moment and beginning to work at the buckles on his doublet. Without taking her eyes off of him, Viserra watched as he carefully undressed, folding his clothes neatly to be set aside. She let her gaze study each and every detail of his pale body as he brought himself back over to her.

"You did not ask if I was willing to share my bath with you," she quipped, calling him out on the audacity of his actions.

Aemond froze in place, his eyebrow slowly raising with her words. "Do you not wish for me to join you?" He asked, though the level of sincerity in his tone could have been debated.

Viserra did not answer his question but as she let her eyes trail down his body again, he did not hesitate in continuing to the tub. Stepping into the water behind her, he slowly brought himself down into the heat. She moved to accommodate him as his legs rested on each side of her. With a hum, she settled her back against his chest, placing her arms on top of his and closing her eyes.

Aemond's heart could be felt beating in his chest, something that brought a smile to Viserra's face. This softer part of him was a side that few, if anyone, ever saw. His arms reached around her waist, pulling her body even more flush with his as if he knew what she was thinking.

It did not take long for his hand to find its way down between her legs, fingers gently playing where he knew she would enjoy it most. Viserra did not open her eyes but instead let herself relax into his touch. The combination of the hot water around them and being held against his body made the sensations heightened.

She felt her breathing pick up as the tight ball in her abdomen began to build. By the way he worked his fingers, it was clear he was just as familiar with her in the most intimate way. She felt herself feeling thankful for his attention to detail, knowing there were no such luxuries in the casual encounters she had experienced in the past.

As Viserra let herself roll into an orgasm, she felt Aemond's arm pull her in even more. The only sounds in the room were of the water sloshing in the tub and her quiet, but quickened breathing. After a moment, she sat upright, turning around to see his face.

"You are a fool if you think you can distract me from asking what information your Hand had that was so urgent."

Aemond looked at her while the edges of his lips teased into a smirk. "I was not attempting to distract you," he countered. "It was a debt repaid from the earlier ride to the Dragonpit."

"Hm," she hummed, bringing her wet fingers up to trace his sharp jawline. "What did Cole have to say?"

"My uncle has set out to find bastards born of Targaryen blood in an attempt to man the unclaimed dragons on the island," he explained, his tone now much more serious. "The word is that anyone who can successfully claim a dragon will be rewarded with wealth, land and even knighthood."

Viserra furrowed her brows. She truthfully had not thought about the accessibility the Blacks had to the dragons there on Dragonstone. There had to be at least four, mayhaps five unclaimed beasts that were rumored to live in the Dragonmont.

"We will be grossly outnumbered if they find riders for them all," she spoke, relaying her concern. "That cannot happen."

"I have considered summoning my youngest brother to return to King's Landing with his dragon," he explained. "I had not realized how grown the boy was, but within the last moon he became the sole reason Lord Ormund and his army were not overtaken by my half-sister's forces."

"Daeron?" Viserra asked.

"Yes," he replied. "He was even knighted when they returned to Old Town."

Viserra had not thought much about the youngest Targaryen brother, only knowing that he was squiring for the Hightower Lord from some of their discussions in the Small Council chambers. Being bonded with a dragon was simply not enough but learning that they had another rider who was growing his experience in battle brought her a little more relief.

Aemond's fingers played with the wet strands of hair trailing down her back and she looked to him with concern in her eyes. The realization that the Blacks were actively trying to recruit more dragonriders was something they could not ignore.

"We must eliminate my uncle." Aemond's determined voice left no room for discussion. The words that left his mouth were dripping with disdain and he looked to Viserra as if he were seeking her agreement.

"You are skilled with the sword and equipped with the largest living dragon," she encouraged. "I do not think he will be able to face the both of us if we can confront him together. No doubt the longer he sits in Harrenhal that more and more of the Riverlands will kneel to Rhaenyra."

"I do not want to leave King's Landing unprotected," he spoke sternly.

"You cannot possibly be thinking about flying to Harrenhal yourself." Viserra's eyes were wide and she felt her heart drop into her stomach. "That is madness, Aemond."

Aemond broke their gaze and looked off to the side.

"You promised me you would not make any rash decisions," she protested, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look back at her.

"It is not a rash decision." The words came through his gritted teeth.

"It is a rash decision," she argued. "I agree that we should not leave the Keep without a dragonrider to defend it. Bring Daeron here or let him join you to seek Daemon out. The goal is to kill your uncle and his dragon but also to return to the Keep alive and well."

Aemond's brows furrowed and she could tell that he was holding back whatever was going through his mind.

"Think on it," she insisted. "But I will not let you go to Harrenhal alone."

Viserra let his jaw go in frustration. Standing from the water, she briefly looked down at him before stepping out of the tub. Before the chill could settle in she wrapped a blanket around her body and left the small room. It had been only a few hours since she had made him promise he would not keep her in the dark and her suspicion of his ability to not make rash decisions already felt warranted.

Aemond did not immediately follow her but she did not care in that moment. Tending to her wet hair and warming herself by the fire, she hoped that he would come to his senses in realizing that flying to the Riverlands alone was not a good idea.

Viserra was standing in front of the flames when she heard Aemond's footsteps approaching from behind. She looked over her shoulder to see him drying his wet hair with a cloth and could not help but enjoy the view of his unlaced breeches hanging loosely off of his hips.

Turning back to the fire, Viserra stood her ground and attempted to remain frustrated. The arms wrapped around her waist made it quite difficult and a soft kiss placed on her head made her almost fold and surrender to the tenderness.

"I will not go alone," he promised, giving her another squeeze. "You have my word."

Breathing out a long exhale, she finally let herself relax in his arms. His words were sufficient enough for the time being, but she would not put full trust in them until it actually happened. If they lost another dragon or a dragonrider, there would be no doubt that the war would be lost. And each of them had lost too much so far for their efforts to be made in vain.

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