Inviolable Bindings | Aemond...

By dragonnwriter

70.2K 1.9K 173

As the granddaughter of the exiled Saera Targaryen, Viserra has always craved connection to those who also sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 37

550 22 2
By dragonnwriter

Aemond had been surprisingly agreeable to the idea of speaking with Helaena. Though Viserra felt this had more to do with her persistence on its importance. Two days in a row he joined her in the Queen's chambers with the hopes they would be able to once again break through the girl's outer shell.

It was, however, more difficult to convince Alicent to let them spend time with her daughter. Viserra recognized just how fiercely the woman protected her children and she was thankful for Aemond who managed to ease her fears and eventually allowed them to go.

Their efforts, however, proved futile as the Queen continued to remain withdrawn and in her own world. While she initially smiled at them and seemed pleased to be in their presence, she would not speak. Viserra wondered how long she could continue to drearily gaze out of that window before she would be forever lost within herself.

While Viserra remained undeterred, Aemond was quick to move on to more pressing things happening around the castle. On the second morning they had visited, he was eager to leave after an hour of unsuccessful engagement. Viserra, however, decided the day would be best spent providing Helaena company. Occupying herself with a book, she reclined on the nearby sofa, hoping that at some point, she might catch a short window of clarity.

The Queen's chambermaid brought a midday meal and Viserra had found herself reading the same two pages over and over with tired eyes. Closing her book, she left it on the table, approaching Helaena and crouching down beside her.

"I will come tomorrow," she promised, "and break the night's fast with you."

Helaena looked away from the window, meeting her eyes and flashing a soft smile. Feeling hopeful, Viserra held still for a moment, giving her the chance to speak if she had wanted. But just as quickly as she turned to her, she seemed pulled right back into herself.

Viserra let a sigh escape her mouth, briefly placing a soft hand on the Queen's shoulder before taking her leave. Carefully closing the doors behind her, she turned to find Alicent seated in an armchair. Her face was soft and filled with curiosity.

"Did she speak to you?" She asked.

Viserra shook her head. "No, but I do think she enjoyed my company this morning. I will return tomorrow."

"It pleases me that you care for her," she smiled, pausing for a moment. "Aemond has taken the children to the gardens for lunch, if you wish to join them."

This surprised her. She had not known Aemond to watch over the prince and princess on his own accord. "I will head that way then."

Viserra couldn't help but wonder if Alicent had strong-armed him into spending time with the children. Though he sometimes seemed to enjoy their presence, he was not really the one that emitted a softness that little ones might find comfort in.

Making her way through the corridors, she realized that the darkness and heaviness of the last week was finally starting to dissipate. Everyone seemed to be hustling around in their usual business and plenty of busy noise was echoing off the stone walls.

Eventually, Viserra reached the entrance to the gardens, greeted by the usual pleasant smell that hid the stink of the city well. There, under a tree, she spotted Aemond seated on the ground, arm resting on one knee with his other leg stretched out in front of him. Beside him, the little princess sat quietly, nibbling on some sort of treat. The children's nursemaid chased after Maelor nearby, the child giggling as he continued to run just out of her reach.

Viserra paused for a moment, taking in the sight before her. Though it was heartwarming to see the little ones happy and interacting with their uncle, she could not help but feel melancholy that at least one of their parents should be present with them.

As soon as Maelor set eyes on Viserra from across the way, he began to dart in her direction. Leaning down, she caught the boy with open arms, lifting him up in one swift motion just to settle him on her hip.

"Sȳrī rȳbā?" She asked, tickling his side as he giggled and squirmed in her arms. Are you listening well?

Viserra walked to meet the others under the tree, noticing Aemond watching her with a careful eye. His expression remained neutral yet there was something underneath she could not decipher. Seating herself on the ground in the most ungraceful manner, she found it difficult to mind her skirts while holding on to a wriggling toddler.

As soon as she was settled with the boy on her lap, she grabbed a small sandwich off a silver tray to hand to him. The little prince's eyes lit up with delight as he eagerly accepted the offering and wasted no time shoveling it into his mouth. Jaehaera's big round eyes caught Viserra's attention and she smiled at the girl, inviting her to join her brother. She did not need to be invited twice, jumping right up and coming over to sit at her side.

Aemond's eye followed her as she abandoned him to sit next to Viserra, the start of a smile beginning to appear on the edges of his lips. "They are quite fond of you," he remarked, his tone casual yet curious.

Viserra looked down to observe the little ones' ease in her presence. She would not deny that she had also grown quite fond of them as well. Though part of her felt just a bit of sadness tug at her heart. These children, so innocent and impressionable, deserved more than to be confined within the castle walls with the fate of their parents unknown.

"Of course they do," she replied softly. "They are children who crave love and attention, though they do not interact with anyone other than their nursemaid, septa, and your mother."

Aemond looked at her, absorbing the truth in her words. He had not thought about how lonely his brother's children must be. He had felt alone much of his childhood, but he could not deny that he had at least grown up with the freedom to interact with others.

"I have been with Helaena all morning," Viserra spoke, changing the direction of the conversation. "She did not seem to mind my presence and I spent a few hours reading more of Valyrian histories. I intend to return in the morning if you would like to join me once more."

Aemond flashed her a smile. "I admit that your idea of spending time with her is a wise one," he replied. "While you were there, I attempted to see Aegon today, but my mother forbade it."

Viserra raised her eyebrows, surprised that Aemond had taken the initiative on his own. "The new Prince Regent must still obey his mother's commands?" She tried to relay teasing in her tone though in truth, she had thought his newfound authority would certainly work over Alicent as well.

Aemond quickly gave her a warning look. "I do not wish to upset my mother as she so dutifully cares for her two incapacitated children."

He had a point and there seemed to be little reason to push any further on the matter. It was probably a wise idea to pick their battles with the dowager queen. She did not know what it was like to be a mother watching such things befall her family, but she did know they did not need to be the cause of further distress.

Glancing down at the children, she chose not to continue on the conversation knowing that distracted little ears often caught more than they would let on. There was no need to speak of things that would upset them as the world had been cruel enough to them already.

The afternoon passed quickly as they all roamed around the gardens. Jaehaera remained close to Viserra's side, content to clinging to her hand and occasionally branching out with her brother. Meanwhile, Maelor seemed unaware of the chaos in their world, bounding from bush to bush in search of anything that wriggled or crawled.

Once it was clear that the little prince was running on borrowed energy, Viserra scooped him up into her arms and they all made their way back to the castle. The children's nursemaid stood at the entrance to the corridors, coaxing them into her care with gentle reassurance when they approached.

The little ones fussed only a bit as they walked down the hallway. As soon as the echoes of their footsteps could no longer be heard, Viserra turned back to Aemond who had remained an arms reach behind her .

He took a step closer to her, his facial expression softer than what he let the rest of the world see. "From what I continue to observe, you fit in rather seamlessly here in the Keep. It is actually quite puzzling that you feel discontent in your role, truthfully."

Viserra smiled at Aemond's sincerity. "That is kind to say, Aemond, but it is not quite that simple."

For a moment, Aemond looked past her, something obviously on his mind. He then offered up his arm, wearing the start of a smile on his face. "Come with me," he spoke. "There is something I have been meaning to do for quite some time."

Viserra accepted the gesture, both surprised and intrigued by the change in his tune. She let him lead them both back through the corridors and out to the castle gates. As their feet reached the dirt floor of the outer yard, she almost could not contain her curiosity.

"What could you possibly have in mind that involves leaving the safety of these walls?" She asked, the sarcasm evident as she addressed the crown's defenses. When he did not answer her immediately, she felt her interest morph into eager anticipation.

Aemond released her arm and motioned for her to stay put, then approached one of the guards at his post. Viserra watched curiously as he engaged in a brief conversation before returning to her side. The smirk played on his lips and hands held behind his back brought her own smile to her lips.

"What is this?" She asked, mimicking him in her hand placement.

Aemond let out a quiet chuckle. "You will see." he replied, receiving an eye roll in return.

Viserra continued to look around suspiciously until she heard the unmistakable sounds of the wheels of a wheelhouse. Her curiosity piqued at the unexpected sight, he was indeed intending to take them somewhere. While part of her wanted to ask him once more what he had planned, part of her delighted in the suspense of it all.

Efficiently, they were ushered into the wheelhouse with two of the Kingsguard trailing behind on horseback. Though he had entered behind her, Aemond found himself the first to settle in his seat. The doors were promptly closed and secured, leaving Viserra with little time to take her place before he reached out to grab her by the skirts. She let out a noise of surprise as she felt herself fall into his lap. Relishing the playfulness of the gesture, she could not help but smile.

"What has gotten into you?" She asked, genuinely wondering what he had thought the end game would be. Looking over his face to try and depict any evidence of his intention, she could almost see past his neutral expression and into the darkness of his eye.

"It is absolutely imperative that if we are separated in this war, that we might predict the other's next move even hundreds of miles apart," he explained with no lack of seriousness in his tone. "With our skill and dragons, it is inevitable that we will need to split our forces to both take the lands from the Blacks and also defend our place in King's Landing."

Viserra's smile slowly turned into a frown, her gaze meeting his with uncertainty. "I do not think dividing our forces will ever be the best strategy."

Aemond's expression did not waver as he continued, "Daemon sits in Harrenhal. He is the biggest threat to the crown and he must be eliminated. Without him, Rhaenyra's power will crumble."

"Are you planning to leave?" She asked, wanting him to be upfront with the plans formulating in his head.

"Not quite yet," he replied, bringing his hand up to run through her hair. "You will be the first to know the next move once it has been decided."

Viserra's eyebrows furrowed as she thought through his words. If everything she had heard about Daemon over the years was true, she thought it foolish for only one dragonrider to challenge him in the skies. The man and his dragon were experienced in war and from the brief moments she spent in his presence, he had radiated a dangerous energy.

"Promise me you will not make any rash decisions on your own. If you wish to continue to utilize me and my dragon in this conflict, you cannot disregard my input," she warned. "I swear to you, Aemond Targaryen, I will fly myself back to Volantis if you keep me in the dark about a single thing."

Aemond's eyebrow raised at her words. "There she is," he smirked. "That is the fire that will help us win this war." His fingers ran up the nape of her neck before gripping onto her hair, the breath audibly leaving her mouth.

The sudden jolt of the wheelhouse starting on its way might have thrown her off balance if he hadn't already been holding onto her. His free arm moved around her waist, keeping her steady on his lap. As he pulled her body flush to his, he buried his face in the crook of her neck, lips brushing the skin under them.

"I have no intention of keeping you in the dark," Aemond spoke, leaving a slow and soft kiss to the exposed area.

Viserra closed her eyes and let herself sink back into him. She wanted to believe those words, but there was something in her that urged her not to place blind faith in them. Despite that, she would not let him think that there was any doubt, knowing that it would be for each of their best interests if she kept her wits about her.

The attention to Viserra's neck was pleasantly distracting from having to finish the conversation. She pulled herself away so she could turn and face him, adjusting the bustling fabrics of her skirts just as warm hands found their place on her thighs.

Aemond looked down to the newly exposed skin on her legs. But as he brought his eye back up to meet hers, she quickly leaned in to press her lips to his. It was as if the kiss broke through the restraint he had been trying to maintain, his fingers quickly working their way up to her hips.

The kiss was intense and passionate, almost as if they had both been starved of any affection. Her own fingers found their way to the top of his breeches, relentless until she loosened them just enough to find what she was looking for. Taking his cock into her hands, gently pulled it free.

Pulling from the kiss, Aemond looked at her with a smirk. "Awfully eager, aren't you?"

She stopped for a moment and looked him in the eye. "I do not know where you are taking me, but I can't imagine we are going too far. It would be quite the sight if the doors opened for everyone to see the new Prince Regent being mounted in his wheelhouse."

"Let them," he growled, his eye gleaming in the same manner she had seen just the day before. "Let them watch."

Narrowing her eyes she looked over his face for any indication that he did not mean what he had just said. Aemond's hands slid back down to her thighs before she could conjure up a response, gripping onto her legs and shifting her closer.

His actions spoke louder than words in that moment and she responded by letting herself slowly come down to take the length of him. The heat of the moment only made the union more irresistible. Something about not knowing when they would arrive at their destination and Aemond's last statement made it all the more thrilling.

Aemond did not let her set her own pace. Instead, he maintained a strong grip on her thighs, guiding her exactly how he wanted. There would no doubt be little bruises in the places that his strong fingers had dug into her flesh. She held fast onto him, digging her nails into his shoulders as the wheelhouse jostled on the uneven road.

Viserra bit down onto her bottom lip in an attempt to muffle the noises wanting to escape from her mouth. Watching her with a darkened eye, it was clear he was thoroughly enjoying both the sight and feel of her. His focus and rhythm only seemed to increase as he continued to guide her on his length with purpose.

Locking her lips onto his once more, she felt Aemond's breath hitch in response. He let out a soft grunt into her mouth, his eye rolling closed as she held fast to the nape of his neck. His fingers dug even harder into her thighs and she could feel that his hips were now leaving the seat to meet her own.

"Fuck," he groaned into her mouth before returning the kiss frantically. He was close, she was sure. It was not a surprise when his movements became more desperate and he finished with a few, ragged and deep thrusts.

Aemond's grip on her thighs did not wane until she could no longer feel him pulsing within him. The light layer of sweat on his brow did not deter her from gently resting her forehead to his. Neither spoke for a moment as they let their breathing slowly come back to its regular rate.

The wheelhouse jostled once more, bringing them both back to their reality. Viserra gave him a smile, not making any attempt to pull from his lap.

"I did not let you finish," he observed, eyebrow raised.

Viserra shook her head but did not let her smile waver. "Consider it a debt to be paid." Though her tone remained pleasant, it did not mean she was any less serious in making sure he did indeed follow through.

"I have no doubt the opportunity will present itself," he replied with confidence.

Rolling her eyes and stealing one last quick kiss, she finally lifted herself up and off of his lap. Smoothing down her skirts with one hand, she looked over to see that he was fixing his breeches. His eye roamed over her as she stood in front of him, her cheeks still flushed yet the fire remained bright in her eyes.

Viserra seated herself next to Aemond and promptly laid down and let her head rest in his lap. Without a second thought, he ran his fingers through her silver hair and she closed her eyes while enjoying the intimacy of the moment.

After a little while, Aemond looked down to find her blinking lazily back at him. His fingers then moved to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. But instead of returning to her head, he continued to trace her jawline before settling on her bottom lip. Instinctually, Viserra let her mouth slightly part, enjoying the feeling of him toying with the plump flesh. He then gently pressed on the front of her teeth with his thumb and she jumped at the opportunity to bite down on the tip of it.

Aemond held her gaze but did not make any move to remove his finger from her mouth. For a moment, there seemed to be a silent struggle of control. But as he opened his mouth to speak, the wheelhouse suddenly came to a halt.

Viserra let go of his thumb and brought her back up into a seated position, turning to see that Aemond was watching her with an intrigued expression.

"It seems we have arrived," he said, standing and offering to help her up.

Viserra took a look at his hand before meeting his eye again. "Where are we?" She questioned, declining the gesture and meeting him on her feet. The doors of the wheelhouse were opened almost immediately after she had asked the question and the towering structure of the Dragonpit was easily recognizable from where she stood.

Without waiting for an answer, Viserra stepped out of the wheelhouse also making it a point to decline the guards assistance down the steps. Aemond watched her closely, followed right behind her, positioning himself by her side.

"I have a proposition for you," he spoke clearly. "I would like you to ride Vhagar."

Viserra's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What?" She asked, the confusion and uncertainty evident in her tone.

"With me," he finished, remaining steadfast in his words.

Viserra glanced back at the Dragonpit before meeting Aemond's eye once more. He watched as the surprise in her face began to morph into one more of curiosity and excitement. "Are you certain?"

Aemond nodded and spoke with absolute certainty, "Yes."

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