Coming Into Your World I Fell...

By LisbethLemonPuff18

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Coming Into Your World I Fell In Love With You| "I'm...In love with someone who's in a TV show?! And he's not... More

Season 2


746 28 4
By LisbethLemonPuff18

I don't notice Mister Bug look at Volpin and I with a glare since he was jealous just a bit. He then stands while he says, "First the meteorite, now Hawk Moth appearing, both on the same day? Don't you think that's a bit unusual?" He turns to me while I stand nodding my head while Volpin stands and questions, "Why would you say that?"

Mister Bug glares at Volpin and says, "I was asking Lady Noire." I look to Mister Bug and say, "I'm finding you unusual today Buggaboy, everything okay?" "I'm fine, just fine." Mister Bug says while he stands in front of Volpin and asks, "Say Volpin, what's your Miraculous?" Volpin gasps with wide eyes then composes himself and holds up his necklace.

"My necklace." He says with a smirk while Mister Bug asks with a glare, "What power does it give you?" "The power of flight and super-strength." Volpin says leaning closer to Mister Bug with a smirk. I look seeing the illusion of Hawk Moth whoosh away from the roof she was on.

Volpin looks seeing her gone as well and he gasps, "She's getting away!" Volpin then flies after her while Mister Bug swings after and I launch myself in the air following them both. We all then land on a roof and we all see Hawk Moth at city all on the roof.

"Mister Bug, go to her left. Lady Noire, you take the right. And I'll come from...behind." Volpin explains while. mister Bug jumps in the conversation and says, "No! I take the right, Lady Noire goes from behind, and you...go take the left." Volpin looks to Mister Bug and says, "Fine. Makes no difference to me." "Good." Mister Bug says while Volpin flies away and I launch myself off the roof going to the left while Mister Bug swings off the roof going to the right.

I jump roof to roof getting closer but I knew she wasn't there since she was an illusion. I look seeing the illusion was gone and I knew Volpin was watching so I turn to see the illusion of Hawk Moth. The illusion then whooshes away and I follow after the illusion so I don't mess up more of the plot of this episode.

I was standing on roof waiting for the call from Mister Bug while then my baton beeps. I answer it while Mister Bug asks, "Is Volpin with you, Lady Noire?" "No, and I can't find Hawk Moth either." I say being oblivious while Mister Bug says, "Forget her. She was never there in the first place." "What do you mean? But we saw her?" I say being oblivious still.

"That's Volpin's power. He creates illusions. The Hawk Moth we saw wasn't real." Mister Bug says while I nod my head saying, "He's not a superhero, he was alumatized by Hawk Moth." Mister Bug nods his head while he sighs, "I think it's partly my fault. I ruined his chances with a girl he likes. I'm sure he's going to her house. I'll send you the address, meet me there."  Mister Bug explains while I nod my head, "You got it." I say while I hang up the phone.

"I think I know the way already." I say to myself about to launch myself off to Adriana's but I stop myself seeing Volpin fly away from Adriana's. I was confused so I quickly and stealthily follow him without him knowing. I jump from roof to roof while then my eyes widened seeing he was going to my house.

"Why the heck is he going to my house?!"

" the heck does he know where I live?!"

"To be fair...I always wondered in the show how Lila knew where Adrien lived."

I shake my thoughts away while I call Mister Bug. He answers while he says, "He's not here. I came and Adriana told me that Volpin never came here." I then say, "I know he's going somewhere else and I think he's going over there." I then point my baton over to where Volpin was headed to my house while Mister Bug gasps, "That's Adriana's friend's house (Y/N). She just told me." Mister Bug says while he then continues, "I'll meet you there. I wonder why he's going after her and not Adriana."

"You read my mind." I say while I hang up and I jump down the roof landing in an alleyway. I then de-transform while I catch Plagg in my hands, "Wouldn't Lady Noire be more useful in this situation?" Plagg asks me confused while  I say, "I need to know why he wants me instead of Adriana. You saw in the park what happened shouldn't he go after her?"

"You're right let's just hope you'll be careful." Plagg says while I giggle, "I'm always careful." I say while Plagg flies in my hair and I run down the street to my house and I walk inside. I look around not seeing Volpin so I go upstairs and I walk in my room and my eyes widened. I see Volpin right in front of me while he says, "(Y/N)."

"Hey. Who are you?" I ask while he says, "Do you remember this necklace you saw on my neck? I didn't know how to tell you the truth but at least this way you can see for yourself I'm not lying, I am a superhero." I then play the part and say, "Leon?"

"You can call me Volpin. I'm sorry about what you saw in the park earlier today. Even though Adriana thinks I'm lying I prefer for you to know the truth. Because you are very different from other girls I met." Volpin explains while I just stare at him confused.

"How am I different?!"

"I mean...I am from a different universe where this is a Tv show."

"But that doesn't matter right now! Why the heck does he think I'm different all I did was be nice to him!"

I shake away my thoughts while Volpin continues, "Mister Bug's jealous because he's not as powerful as me." I stare at him while I look in the corner of my eye seeing Mister Bug upside down looking into my window. He jumps on my roof my guess try ing to get ahold of me as Lady Noire. But little did he know I was kinda in a pickle. Mister Bug then swings himself down and into my window that was open.

He lands on the ground on his feet while Volpin gasps and turns around seeing Mister Bug. "See what I mean? He's jealous of me...of you, of us. But this time you're not going to ruin our date like you did with mine and Adriana's, Mister Bug." My eyes widened while I look to him then I say uncomfortably, "Excuse me but it wasn't really quite a date...per se."

Volpin turns to me with wide eyes while I continue, "I mean what I meant was, it could've become one, right? No need to get bent out of shape." "Excuse us, but I need to have a chat with Super-liar." Mister Bug says while Volpin turns to him with a glare.

"You! Stop thinking your illusions are reality." Mister Bug says glaring at Volpin who glares back at him. I quickly run into my bathroom hiding while Plagg flies out of my hair. He smirks crossing his little arms over his chest then says, "So, was I right, or was I right?" I giggle shaking my head, "Come on. Claws out!" I say while I then turn into Lady Noire again.

I open my bathroom window and I jump out while I go around my roof and I jump on the open window seeing Mister Bug and Volpin fighting. They both were about to fight again while I say, "Sorry I'm late. I had some trouble finding the place. I couldn't really tell where this place was."

I jump in the room landing on my feet while Volpin looks to me with wide eyes. He then used his flute to make several more illusions of himself. He then jumps down into the illusions hiding. Moster Bug then throws his Yo-Yo swatting at the illusions away but Volpin wasn't there anymore. "Illusions?" I question being oblivious while then Moster Bug turns seeing The real Volpin was now on a roof with an illusion of me.

"Lady Noire, he's taken (Y/N)!" Mister Bug yells with wide eyes while I look over seeing Volpin jump away with the illusion of me and to the Eiffel Tower. I turn to Mister Bug, "That's an illusion too." "How are you so sure?" He questions confused while I hesitate and say, " uh...feline sixth sense. It's legendary."

My eyes widened seeing Mister Bug go to my bathroom opening the door not seeing me in there. "Really? You don't say. (Y/N's) gone!" Mister Bug says while he runs out of my bathroom and out of my window going after Volpin.

I groan, "I'm not even gonna try and get outta this." I say to myself while I jump out of my window following Mister Bug. We both then make it to the Eiffel Tower and we jump on the side of the Eiffel Tower. We look up seeing Volpin and the illusion of me at the top of the Eiffel Tower. He starts to cackle while we both look up to him.

"Give me your Miraculous now or I will." Volpin says swinging my illusion back and forth, "I thought you loved her." Mister Bug says while Volpin says with a glare, "Not as much as seeing you two defeated." He then pulls the illusion of me up to his face and says, "No hard feelings right?"

"You're bluffing. It's another illusion." I say with a smirk while Volpin says, "You wanna bet on that?" He then slowly starts removing his fingers around my illusions hand. Mister Bug's eyes widened while he yells, "No!" He falls to his knees on the side of the Eiffel Tower and was about to take off his earrings.

I quickly go over to him and say, "Don't do it, Mister Bug." I then throw my baton a Volpin and my illusion while Mister Big yells, "No!" I hit the illusion making it disappear while I catch my baton with ease. I look seeing Volpin come out from behind a bar from the Eiffel Tower with a glare.

"There he is!" I yell while Volpin climbed all the way up to the Eiffel Tower. We follow him and land at the top while our eyes widened seeing a lot of illusions of Volpin but not the real one. Mister Bug throws his Yo-Yo in the air while he says, "Lucky charm!" His Yo-Yo glows while ladybugs spin around and suddenly a ladybug themed chocolate popsicle.

I smirk while I say, "I've got an idea to take down Volpin." Mister Bug opens the wrapper then squints his eyes because of the shine from the wrapper. "With a chocolate popsicle?" Mister Bug questions while I say, "Trust me. Just be ready." Mister Bug nods his head trusting me while I then yell, "Cataclysm!" I raise my hand with my cataclysm and I turn to Mister Bug tilting my head to the wrapper.

He then realizes what I'm hinting at and he holds the wrapper up letting it shine from the sun. We look at all the illusions seeing them not flinch while then we see the real Volpin cover his eyes and I jump up. I place my cataclysm hand making the metal bars Volpin was standing on, making it all crash down on him and trap him.

We jump up to him and land on our feet, "Trapped, like a fox." Mister Bug says while I grab the necklace from Volpin's neck and hand it to Mister Bug. Volpin gasps while Mister Bug says, "Your days are over, Akuma." He throws the necklace down and steps on it breaking it. The Akuma then flies out of the broken necklace while Mister Bug then opens up his Yo-Yo while saying, "No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma." He spins the Yo-Yo around behind him and says, "Time to de-evilise!" He throws his Yo-Yo to the Akuma and catches the Akuma. "Gotcha!" He then catches his Yo-Yo and opens it seeing the butterfly fly out and he says with a smile, "Bye-bye, little butterfly."

Mister Bug grabs the ladybug themed chocolate popsicle while he then throws it up in the air while saying, "Miraculous, Mister Bug!" The ladybugs then go around fixing everything that Volpin did. Volpin then turns back into Leon who looks around confused.

Mister Bug walks up to him, "Leon?" He questions while Leon looks to Mister Bug and questions, "Mister Bug?" "I...totally overreacted and never should have spoken to you like that. I'm sorry." Mister Bug explains while he kneels down to Leon placing his hand on his shoulder.

Leon glares at him then looks away, "Forget it, Mister Bug, you were right, we'll never be friends." Leon says while he pushes Mister Bug's hand away from him. He then gets up while grabbing the necklace and walks away. I watch him leave along with Mister Bug while I say, "Ouch." Mister Bug stands and turns to me, "There's one problem we still have to solve where's (Y/N)?" Mister Bug questions while I quickly say, "Uh...everything's been put back to normal right, so she must be safely back at home."

"I should check to make sure." Mister Bug says about to leave while my eyes widened then I quickly say, "No! Don't worry about it, I'll go. You're about to change back." I point to his earrings that start flashing.

He then looks to me and says, "So are you." I hear my ring beep and my eyes widened while Mister Bug grabs his Yo-Yo and says, "No arguing. I'll take care of it." He jumps off the Eiffel Tower and swings off to my house.

I groan watching him go, "That stubbornness. It's" I say with a dreamy smile while my eyes widened and I slap my forehead while I say to myself, "No! No! Stop it!" I sigh while I knew he was meant for Adriana.

I shake my head while I grab my baton and I launch myself off the Eiffel Tower and I head back to my house.

I make it back to my house jumping into the bathroom window and I land on my feet while I quickly run to my door. I then hear Mister Bug by my bathroom door and he says, "(Y/N)? Are you there?" My eyes widened while I quickly run to my shower that had a wall attached to it so he wouldn't see me. I hear him open the door and ask, "Can I come in?"

I quickly then cut my shower on while Mister Bug slams my door shut. "This is Mister Bug. Is everything okay?" I hear him ask while I say, "Uh...yeah, yeah. I had to grab a shower after all this excitement." I walk over to my bathroom door that was closed and I place my ear to the door.

I then hear Mister Bug say, "O-Oh...yeah, sure. I'm sorry, I'll be off then. Huh?" I hear him chuckle while I say, "Thank you." I sigh while I place my forehead to my closed door not knowing Mister Bug did the same thing on the other side of the door.

I then hear him walk away and leave, I wait a few minutes while I then walk out of my bathroom seeing him gone.

I was back at him in my civilian form in my room while I look at the book, "I'm not gonna be returning this to Adriana, huh?" I ask to Plagg who was looking at the book then turns to me, "I'm really sorry, (Y/N) but it's information is invaluable."

"Information? But it's all written in code." I explain while Plagg floats in front of me, "I know someone who's been looking for this for a long time. She knows how to decipher the codes." Plagg explains to me while I ask, "So what exactly is so special about this book?"

"It contains all the secrets of the Miraculous powers it's sacred. And extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. She needs it back." Plagg explains while I say, "I don't get it, Plagg. Just tell me what's going on please. Who is she?" Plagg looks at me then says, "The Great Guardian. And I think the time has come for you to finally meet her." My eyes widened while I stare at him knowing what he meant but it wasn't supposed to be me!

It was the next day and I just got out of school. I was now where Plagg told me to go and I knock on the door. I poke my head in while Plagg floats beside me. I look seeing the same woman who had helped Plagg when he was sick. My eyes widened while I hold the book in my hands. I stare at the woman who looks up to me with a smile, "Hello, Lady Noire."

I stare at her with wide eyes while Plagg and I go into the room looking at the woman who sits down smiling. Then the door shuts behind me leaving me inside with Plagg and the woman who was the Guardian.

A/N;OMG! I finally finished season 1! I'm so happy! But I hoped you guys liked this episode! And I want you guys to know I'm only taking a little break from this book and I want you guys to give me some stories you would like to read like this one. You know, where the reader comes to a different dimension I would really like to write what you guys want to read. But I will let you guys know when I work on season 2 for this book! Anyway hope you enjoyed season 1 until next time my lovely readers!

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