Inviolable Bindings | Aemond...

By dragonnwriter

38.6K 1.2K 122

As the granddaughter of an exiled Targaryen, Viserra has always craved connection to those who also share the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 31

372 16 1
By dragonnwriter

The night passed quickly, and both Aegon and Viserra alternated their patrols in the sky. Not long after they had both changed out twice, the sun began to rise on the horizon. The army was roused in good spirits, satisfied from the food and indulgences the evening before.

Viserra landed within Duskendale's walls for the last time, coming upon Aegon, his Hand, and other commanders discussing the plans that would soon come to fruition once they descended upon the next city.

"Most importantly, you both will stay at the rear while we lay siege to Rook's Rest," Cole began. "It is imperative that your dragons stay back and very much out of sight until they are needed."

Viserra and Aegon exchanged brief glances before nodding in agreement. No doubt Lord Staunton would have received word by now about their army advancing north. If the city didn't fall as effortlessly as Duskindale, a crucial aspect of their plan relied on the lord assuming they were launching an attack without the aid of dragons.

Begrudgingly mounting her horse after the others, she took note of the destruction they were leaving behind. Aegon's mood remained playful as he talked and bantered with a few of the commanders but Viserra kept quiet and tried to enjoy the coastal scenery.

The journey to Rook's Rest took three whole days. Cole had marched the men before the sun would rise and only let them set up camp after dusk. The amount of time they spent on these tiny beasts was not to her liking and she was more than eager to patrol the skies when it was her turn.

On the day of their arrival, both Aegon and Viserra did one more search on dragonback before leaving them free to roam the cliffside. They would ride on horseback until the afternoon when finally coming upon Rook's Rest.

Just as they had thought, their arrival had been expected and the city was surrounded by a small army. While not as undefended as Duskendale, they would greatly outnumber Lord Staunton's men almost ten to one.

Without hesitation, Aegon's army descended upon them and it quickly erupted into bloody chaos. The dragonriders held back as instructed, watching their men pave their way to the cityfront with ease.

By nightfall, the last defending man had been slaughtered and Cole took a large selection of their soldiers to test the permeability of their walls. As expected, they would not be able to make it through with just their men and he returned to them to further plan out their next move.

Camp was set up quickly and the army was divided into two groups: one to rest and one to keep watch. Since nightfall was already upon them, they had agreed for Viserra to leave at first sunlight. She would ride back south to reunite with her dragon and from there, the journey back to King's Landing would be less than a half day's flight.

The tension that hung through the air in camp did not go unnoticed. Most of the men remained attentive and eager to keep their posts as this was the first time they had been actively in siege during the night hours.

Viserra was distracted with other thoughts, however, worried to leave Aegon in the company of his brother. The two had not proven they could withstand each other for long bouts of time and it would certainly be detrimental for her to be brought up between them. Whatever happened was out of her control, and that is something she just had to accept.

Even without Aegon's usual persuasions, Viserra opted to spend the final hours with him before her departure. Disregarding the new lady's maid's attempts to assist her in undressing for the night, she chose to don a simple gown and joined the king in his tents.

Aegon's eyes did not light up the same way as they usually did when she came through the tent door. She walked to him straight away and climbed onto his lounging figure in the chair. The dark circles under his eyes were noticeably more apparent than usual and she felt a twinge of sadness knowing she would be leaving the next morning.

Taking his face into her hands, she brought her lips to meet his in a long and somber kiss. His hands found their place to her hips and he shifted himself just slightly underneath her weight. Pulling away for just a moment, she looked down to him and smiled.

"It will not be long until you see me again," she encouraged. "Once you've taken the city you do not have to travel back on foot."

"That is true," he sighed, bringing his hands underneath the bunched up fabric of her gown and beginning to work it off of her. "My brother will not be nearly as good of company as you."

She smacked him playfully on the shoulder just before the dress slipped up and over her head. Letting her arms drop down and placing her hands to his shoulders, she watched as he took her in like it was the first time he had seen her bare.

"Gods," he groaned, bringing both of his hands up to fondle her breasts before letting them trail down to the soft skin of her hips. "Even a few days without this might kill me."

Her hand came down to hit his shoulder once more. "You cannot have me each and every waking moment, Aegon." She laughed at the simplicity of his needs.

"If it were possible, I would not ever let you leave my bed." His words were sincere and laced with hopefulness.

The way he felt about her was both flattering and endearing. She felt that something more had sparked between them over the last week but she couldn't put her finger on what it was exactly. Giving him a smile, she tugged at his shirt, indicating that it was now time for him to match her in nakedness. He did not hesitate to comply.

As she rose up on her knees, he carefully and expertly wiggled out of his breeches without her needing to leave his lap. But before she could lower herself back down, he had wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him.

Aegon relished the feeling of her fleshy lower abdomen on his lips. Despite her physical strength she did not lack in the softness of a woman's body, something that had him quite perplexed. Slowly, he lowered her back down, ignoring the large scar and placing kisses up her middle.

The aching in his cock was almost too much as it met the entrance of her core. Taking over, Viserra let herself come down and take the length of him all at once. She arched and leaned back in response to the sudden fullness and he eagerly continued to explore the front of her with his mouth.

As she began to move her hips, he reveled in the image before him. This powerful Valyrian woman surrendered herself and heart, something he knew she did not give easily. His hands moved over her body, caressing her breasts, then gripping her hips to pull her closer to him. The intensity of their connection continued to build, the pleasure growing with each movement.

Their bodies moved together, a dance of longing and need. Sounds filled the air, mixing with the rustle of the tent and the busy happenings outside. In no time, they were both slick with sweat. As they continued to rock in unison, the heat between them felt both physical and emotional.

Viserra's nails dug into his back, leaving faint red marks on his skin. She could feel her release nearing the edge as she threw her head back once more. He suddenly grew more forceful, fingers pressing into her hips as they mirrored the marks that matched his own. With one final thrust, he pushed them both over the edge, filling her as her muscles tightened around him.

They held onto each other tightly, bodies trembling as they rode out the waves of their release. As their breathing slowed, Viserra brought herself back to look at the man under her. He gently pressed tender kisses against her damp, flushed skin. "One kingdom at a time, Viserra," he whispered, his voice filled with possessiveness. "You will be mine."

She shushed him quietly instead of outright declining him this time. Pressing her finger to his lips she then left a kiss on top of it. "One kingdom at a time," she repeated. "I will consider letting you crown me once you have the support of all Seven Kingdoms."

Aegon's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and hope. "Do not tease me," he spoke, his eyebrows slightly furrowing.

"I am not teasing you." The words left her mouth before she had the thought to hold them in. She was not sure what she was offering exactly, but she did know that everything felt right in that moment.

His heart seemed to skip a beat and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The thought of the woman he desired more than anything, sitting beside him on the Iron Throne filled him with an indescribable joy. Gently, he took her face in his hands, thumbs brushing against her cheeks. His voice was filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination as he spoke, "If you mean what you say, I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to gain the support of each kingdom. We will tear down Rhaenyra and those that swore to her one by one."

Viserra's eyes softened as she looked into his intense violet gaze. She could see the determination and devotion fuming there, something she realized only came from him with her encouragement. The young king had come so far over the last two moons and she recognized the same fire that burned within herself.

"That decision will not be made lightly, Aegon." She warned, her gaze unyielding. "I will not stand by idly. I will continue to fight, I will lead, and I will be respected. I will not be a mere ornament on your arm and by choice, I may never bear you any more heirs."

She knew her words were harsh, but she needed him to understand. That path was something she had given up and disavowed many years before. It was not one she would choose herself if the decision had been given solely to her. She saw her importance and the influence she had on him when she stood at his side. And it was that responsibility that led her to consider the outrageous idea of marriage vows.

Aegon looked at her, slowly processing her words. But then, a slow smirk spread across his face, and he nodded. "I wouldn't want you any other way." He could see the fire burning in her eyes, the same fire that had led them here. He admired her for her strength, her resolve, and her will to fight. He saw it in her and found it within himself. She was a force to be reckoned with, a woman of power and strength.

Viserra sighed and gave him a sad smile. "I do not wish to spend any more of this night talking of things to come."

His heart was still beating fast at her words as he nodded. Pulling her close to him, he wrapped his arms around her once more. "As you wish," he said, pressing his lips to hers. He did not want any moment with her to go to waste. Knowing it might be days before seeing her again, he wanted to savor every second, every touch, and every kiss.

They sought solace in each other's company, finding comfort in the warmth they shared until sleep claimed them both. The night did not come without fitful dreams or fragmented sleep as the moon made its way across the sky.

Slowly, the morning light of the sun seeped through the tent door, accompanied by the crisp air that gently blew in their direction. Aegon woke from his sleep, his reflexes seeking the familiar warmth beside him. However, as his arms met emptiness, his eyes shot open to discover her sitting on the edge of the bed, head cradled in her hands.

"What is it?" He asked with concern, quickly sitting himself up and coming to her back.

As soon as she realized he was awake, she turned to him and gave him a small smile. "It is nothing," she denied. "I just did not sleep well."

Aegon gently pulled her back into bed, the warmth of the furs enveloping them as they lay side by side. He couldn't help but admire the silver mess of her hair that cascaded around her face. In the quiet intimacy of the moment, he played with a strand between his fingers, bringing another smile to her lips.

They lingered together for a few more moments in silence before being interrupted by a manservant entering the room. Upon catching sight of them together, he quickly averted his eyes and turned from them. Viserra, unfazed, asked for him to fetch her armor from her own tents before bringing her attention back to Aegon.

Once the man had left, Aegon's gaze returned to her with a tinge of sadness. "I will miss your warmth in the mornings while you are not here," he confessed, the weight of impending separation evident in his eyes.

"Aegon," she whined. "You will be without me for a few days at most." The way he acted as if he would not see her for many moons as quite amusing.

"Much too long," he jested, bringing his finger up to draw a line from her nose to her lips.

Viserra smiled at his gentle touch and closed her eyes while his fingers continued tracing along her skin. When she heard the tent door open once more, she finally pulled herself from his warm embrace.

​​Ayla entered quickly, carrying Viserra's armor in her full arms. The lady's maid seemed caught off guard by their unexpected proximity, her usually composed demeanor wavered just slightly. Though uncomfortable, her subtle fluster did not seem to stop her in assisting Viserra dress.

In the hushed moments of her dressing, Aegon took no shame in pulling himself from the bed to don a simple tunic and pants. His movements were purposeful, yet his eyes lingered on Viserra as she transformed from the soft and vulnerable woman to a formidable dragonrider and soldier.

Once dressed, they both emerged from the tent, stepping into the cool morning air. The remnants of the fire before them were still dwindling, casting a soft warmth that both of them were drawn to. Their attention was quickly brought to the Hand as he approached them as they stood by the fire. His eyebrows furrowed in subtle disapproval as he looked over the two of them together. However, he refrained from commenting on their closeness, the urgency of her upcoming departure demanding his attention.

"It is time," he announced with a stern look. "The weather is good, you should arrive in King's Landing by midday."

Turning back to Aegon, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over her. What she truly desired was to collide her lips into his, to savor one last moment before her departure. However, she kept her wits about her and settled for a graceful bow instead.

In response, Aegon took her hand in a gesture that spoke volumes. He brought her fingers to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss as a final farewell. As she withdrew her hand, their eyes locked and she saw the sadness within them, the unspoken pleading for her to stay.

With a reassuring smile, she whispered to him, "Kessa daor sagon bōsa, ñuha Dārys." It will not be long, my King.

"Geros ilas, ñuha jorrāelagon," he replied in their native tongue. Goodbye, my love.

Her expression brightened at the sound of his Valyrian. Something she had rarely heard coming from his mouth. Satisfied with their farewell, she turned from him to follow Cole to where a horse had been prepared for her departure.

Viserra followed him through the camp, her boots crunching the dirt beneath her feet. As they approached the readied mount, she realized one of the Kingsguard was mounted atop another.

"You will be escorted to your dragon to ensure your own safety," he declared, his tone leaving no room for debate.

Viserra met his gaze, and she couldn't ignore the suspicion that lingered in his eyes. She agreed to the escort, even though the subtle scrutiny from Cole bothered her.

As they approached the waiting horses, she spoke her mind in a failed attempt at holding her tongue. "You needn't worry yourself with my relations," she asserted, her voice holding a trace of defiance. "Aegon wouldn't be half the king he is in this moment without my standing behind him." His expression remained stoic, but Viserra pressed on, unwilling to let the suspicion fester. "Mind your own affairs. You cannot possibly understand the fire that courses through our Valyrian blood."

Cole, continuing to maintain his composure, politely dismissed her with a nod. She wished to escape the uncomfortable tension and mounted her horse gracefully. Without another glance back to him, Viserra urged the beast forward at a brisk pace, the Kingsguard dutifully following in her wake.

In less than an hour, they reached the cliffside where she and Aegon had left their dragons. Like clockwork, the black and red dragon burst into the sky before her. A loud screech echoed in the air as he made a large circle before landing. Sunfyre sped into view as well, following closely in suit with her dragon. She smiled at the sight of their playfulness, wondering if they could feel the connection between their bonded riders.

Viserra dismounted her horse quickly, dismissing the Kingsguard with a swift nod. She ran to Rhyn, meeting his snout with her arms and feeling content in his presence. The bond between them was palpable, and without hesitation, she climbed up the ropes to mount the saddle.

"Kesīr umbagon," she called to Sunfyre. "Aegon kessa māzigon naejot ao isse jēda." Wait here. Aegon will find you in due time.

With one simple command, Rhyn spread his wings and they ascended into the skies. The earth shrank beneath them as they began their southbound journey and the winds whispered in her ears as they carried them on course back to the castle.

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