Inviolable Bindings | Aemond...

By dragonnwriter

39.5K 1.2K 122

As the granddaughter of an exiled Targaryen, Viserra has always craved connection to those who also share the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 29

435 19 2
By dragonnwriter

The early morning came quickly and Viserra had been awakened by her chambermaids and a warm plate of food. She was grateful that Aegon had left earlier in the night because she truly did feel rested, her mind clear and focused for the day ahead.

While forcing herself to eat through the butterflies in her stomach, she let the girls braid her hair neatly in hopes she would not have to bother with it over the next few days.

In the final moments of finishing her braids, there was a knock to her chamber door before it swung open and a set of footsteps came into the room. Turning to see who the intruder was, Viserra was pleased to see Aemond. Cassella quickly tied off the last of her hair with a ribbon and they moved out of the way as he approached.

Like always, he was neatly dressed, his features and hair standing out against his black clothing. In his hands, he carried a long and slender package, something wrapped in a leather cloth and handled with care. As soon as they made eye contact, he greeted her with a warm smile and she saw that his violet eye was shining unusually bright.

"I have something for you," he announced, walking to her before taking himself down to one knee. Carefully unwrapping the item, he revealed a sword held in a decorated scabbard.

Her eyes widened at the display and she reached up slowly to receive it in her hands. Though she had a hunch at what had just been presented to her, she was hesitant to unveil it. For a brief moment, she continued to study it before slowly unsheathing the blade. Her breath caught in her throat. The dark metal and the waving pattern gave way to what she held in her hands.

The magnificent piece had been forged with both metal and sorcery like all other blades made of Valyrian steel. The hilt was decorated with the black heads of two dragons and a blood red gem set beautifully on the pommel.

Viserra knew this blade well, she had wished it to be hers since she was a small child. Her grandmother, Saera, had come into possession of it during her life in Volantis, and as it tied them to their only blood across the narrow sea, she had kept and cherished it until her passing. For the last decade, Viserra believed that the blade had been lost. Her father had denied knowing of its whereabouts and had discouraged her curiosity in finding its location.

"Aemond," she breathed, looking up to him with her eyes still wide. She had always dreamed of wielding a sword made of Valyrian steel, this sword, and somehow he had made it a reality.

"Though I would like to take responsibility for acquiring it, your father is the one who deserves your gratitude." He stood and offered his hand to Viserra to join him.

"My father?" She gasped. "You have heard from him?"

Aemond nodded and watched as she tested the weight of the sword in her hand. "It came with the last ship of sellswords that arrived yesterday." He pulled out a small piece of parchment and before he could present it to her she snatched it from his hand.

Quickly scanning over the letter, she noted that the content was mostly about the sellswords that her father gifted to aid them in their war. At the bottom, Viserra found the words that were intended for her.

My daughter will soon fly to war carrying your King's banners. Within the crate of Volantene wine lies yet another sealed box. It is a gift from her late grandmother who entrusted me to determine the right moment to bestow it upon her.

Viserra felt her heart skip a beat as she read and reread her father's writing. Looking up to Aemond, she took in a shaky breath and handed the letter back to him. "You cannot begin to comprehend what this means to me."

He tucked his hands behind his back and smiled at her unusual display of emotion. "I can see that it means a great deal," he observed, "I understand your grandmother was a force to be reckoned with and I can only imagine that she saw the strength of her blood that courses through your veins."

Moved by his words, she reached forward and pulled him into an embrace. She knew her grandmother saw her for the Targaryen she was. It was like she knew Viserra would be the one to return to the family that she had once held so dear.

Aemond wrapped his arms around her and held her until she was ready to let go. When she finally pulled back, he noticed that the overwhelm of emotion had now changed into fiery determination.

"Are you ready?"

She smiled, giving him a quick nod. "Would you help me dress?"

It did not take long for the armor to be secured to Viserra's body. She placed the new blade on her hip and let Aemond walk her down to the front of the Red Keep. Waiting there with a dozen knights, was the King and his Hand on horseback. Aegon was also dressed in dark armor, the black and rubied crown glinting in the morning sun that had just begun to rise on the horizon.

Looking to the sky, she saw two dragons circling around the castle. The beautiful gold and salmon coloring of Sunfyre was quite the opposite of Rhyn's black and red. Her sense of purpose and determination was only heightened when she took in the sight all together. But suddenly, she felt nervous.

As if he could feel it radiating off of her, Aemond placed a hand on her shoulder to ground her. "The next time you are riding out into battle, I will make sure it is by my side." His voice was low yet determined. "Duskendale should fall easily. Consider this practice."

His words brought a small smile to her face, and the realization hit her that there was no time for dwelling. With a nod, she left him behind and swiftly mounted her horse. Glancing one last time in search of Aemond, she noticed he had already begun retreating into the castle. Her attention was brought back to the departing party, finding that Aegon was watching her, a gleam of wild determination in his eye.

"Ready?" he asked.

"More than ever," she affirmed, taking the reins and directing the beast to follow the others.

The ride to Robsy took a day and a half, their pace quicker than planned as everyones' spirits were still high and they had yet to be drawn into battle. Aegon and Viserra took turns every few hours mounting their dragon and circling the skies to look for unexpected visitors.

As predicted, Lord Rosby did not hesitate to bend the knee again under the threat of bloodshed. The turncloak reaffirmed his loyalty to Aegon, offering him more soldiers for his army and inviting the King and his party in for supper and a place to sleep for the night.

They moved on to Stokeworth the next day and were pleased to find that the house bent the knee just as easily as Lord Rosby. With even more soldiers added to their forces, their numbers now reached almost three-thousand.

By this point, the men had again marched on from sun up to sun down before settling into camp. It had been agreed upon that the wisest plan would be to fall upon Duskendale with well fed and well rested soldiers. As the sun set on the Crownlands and the royal tents were being perched, both dragon riders took to the skies.

Viserra much preferred riding atop her dragon, finding horseback to be uncomfortable and lacking. As she soared through the open skies, she reveled in the sensation of the freedom and power that the ground could not give her.

Riding with an equal amount of satisfaction and fulfillment, Aegon flew Sunfyre up and around them both. She raised her hand to shield her eyes from the fading light as the evening sun bathed them in its warm glow. The dragons' scales reflected the rays with contrasting beauty, a seeming parallel to the daylight that was quickly turning into night.

The skies had been cleared by the dragons and their riders. As the last of the sun set behind the horizon they descended back down towards the camp. Each time the dragons touched down on the earth, the men seemed to scatter. There was something about watching them scramble from her dragon that brought a swell of pride within her chest.

Viserra climbed down the ropes from her saddle and dismounted her dragon into a large cloud of dust. She watched as Aegon climbed down himself and made his way over to her side. The dragons took off nipping at each other, but it was only their riders who could make out that their exchange was playful.

Slowly, they made their way back to the royal tents. The day had been long and the upcoming siege weighed on their minds. When they reached camp, Viserra was not surprised to find that her designated tent had been placed next to Aegon's. The guards were already set up outside the entrances and she was welcomed in with a nod.

The moment that she stepped inside, she found herself surprised at the accommodations. The interior was decorated with ornate tapestries, soft cushions, and a makeshift bed that was still nicer than any common folk would ever sleep on in their own homes.

She had traveled all across Essos in the days of her training, sleeping on the ground in small tents. Her expectations from traveling had been far exceeded. Though giving it some thought, she knew Aegon had a love for luxury and extravagant embellishments and it should not have taken her by such surprise.

An older woman stood waiting inside, her hands clasped in front of her and her expression respectful and welcoming. Viserra recognized her from the Keep, but she had not personally had much interaction with her before today.

"M'lady, my name is Ayla. I have been assigned to your care while traveling," she spoke with a warm smile.

Viserra furrowed her brows for a moment before reluctantly accepting the woman's presence. "If I were in need of a lady's maid, why would I not bring my own?"

"With all due respect, they are rather young to to all of this," Ayla suggested.

"Indeed," Viserra hummed as she realized that the woman had a valid point. There were many reasons that the girls would be unsafe there in camp and she did not want to dwell on those thoughts.

Without any delay, the woman approached her and carefully began to help her doff the armor. She found herself lost in her thoughts as the pieces were removed from her body. With the weight of it being taken away came the uncomfortable sense of vulnerability. Once the simpler padded garments were all that remained, Viserra held on to them, rejecting Ayla's attempt at completely undressing her.

"I can manage the rest myself," she spoke, reaching out to take the clothing from the lady maid's arm.

"Are you certain?" Ayla asked, her voice and eyebrows raised in surprise as she held fast to the clothing in her hands.

"Most certain," Viserra snapped as she pulled hard on the fabric and finally came to victory in their tug of war. Turning away from her, she finished doffing her battlewear and dressed in the simple tunic and pants.

She welcomed the silence that hung around the room for the next little while. Laying on the bedding she mindlessly studied the tapestries that hung on the walls. She thought about how she was exactly where she had always hoped to be, but she had never considered being in this position with not just one, but two others that had a hold on her heart. Even more, the worry she carried for Helaena at home was a notable weakness when it came to others that could influence her decisions here in the midst of war. It had already been a personal blow when Aegon's heir became a target, there was no telling who or what the next strike would be.

Just as her thoughts were beginning to spiral, the tent door flapped open and a guard cautiously entered inside. Ayla stood to attention but Viserra only turned her head and seemed less than pleased to entertain yet another guest.

"My lady," he spoke with a respectful bow, "His Grace, the King requests your presence to share a meal this evening."

A sense of relief washed over her that she would not need to spend the evening ignoring the tension between her and her new lady's maid. His invitation was a reminder that no matter her newly realized concerns, there was no denying that this was now their reality.

Swinging her legs around she quickly jumped to her feet. Before Ayla could follow, she motioned to her to remain there. She did not want to carry the weight of that tension into the next tent, knowing the last thing she wanted to have to do was watch her tongue.

Following behind the other man, she observed the liveliness of the campsite that was now starting to bloom. The fires were bright and in turn the men were pleased with their wine and meal. But as Aegon's tent was only a few paces away and it did not give her much time to watch.

The two guards at the tent entrance nodded their heads as Viserra approached them, opening the makeshift door and letting them in. A smile found its way to her face as she laid her eyes upon the King.

Aegon was lounging in a chair, casually selecting fruits from a platter presented by an unfamiliar woman. It did not surprise her that he maintained a luxurious setup, even housed within a tent. Apparently, his need for indulgence persisted, perhaps forgetting they were currently in the midst of a war. The moment he realized Viserra had made her way into his presence, his eyes lit up and he pushed the woman and tray aside.

"Leave us," he commanded, motioning for everyone else to depart.

In the brief moment before they found themselves alone, Aegon rose from his seat and approached her. He held his usual cup of wine, and she momentarily glanced at it before meeting his gaze once again.

"And what if we all indulge ourselves in many cups just to find that the enemy is waiting for the moment we settle in camp?" She asked, reaching out and taking the cup from his hand.

She raised the stolen vessel and took a drink of the sweet liquid. A smirk playing at her lips as soon as she had finished. Aegon's eyes glimmered as he picked up on the game she was starting to play.

"Then I suppose we are fucked," he replied, closing the distance between them and trying to take the cup back from her hands.

Viserra quickly moved the wine from his reach, turning herself around to take it further from him. A familiar warmth suddenly became flush with her back as two arms wrapped snugly around her waist. As soon as she felt the hot breath on her neck, she closed her eyes and let herself sink into his hold.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Aegon grabbed the cup from Viserra's outstretched hand, quickly downing the last little bit of the wine before tossing the cup aside. He felt a childish sense of victory in his accomplishment, wrapping his arms back around her waist and bringing his lips down to her neck. After running his hands down over the curves of her hips, he brought them up underneath the hem of her shirt.

Viserra's breath caught as soon as his fingers began to make their way up her bare skin, Both of them reveled in forgetting about where they were and their purpose there, the electricity between them distracted them from reality.

The shirt was quickly pulled off of her body and discarded on the floor somewhere near the empty wine cup. Aegon's warm hands returned where they left off, roaming over her body.

As his hands moved upwards, his fingertips grazed over the sensitive skin of her waist and traveled upwards to cup her breasts. He gently rolled each of her pert nipples between his fingers, eliciting a throaty breath in response.

Viserra could feel the hardness of his body against her, a delicious friction that made her need for more. Surrendering to her desires, she turned to face him while remaining encircled in his arms. As soon as their eyes met, the fire that connected them surged with a sudden intensity.

Aegon's lips captured hers before either of them could form a coherent thought. He held her firmly as if worried there was a chance she would pull away from him. However, the fear was unfounded as Viserra happily let herself melt into the moment.

Their kisses grew more urgent, as if they were both starved of attention. His hands slid down to her hips, firmly gripping her as he hoisted her up onto the nearby table. The sound of objects rattling and falling to the ground went unnoticed as their focus remained solely on each other.

Viserra raked her fingers through his silver waves, tugging at them gently. Aegon groaned against her lips, his desire for her more evident with every minute that passed. Pulling away for a moment, he looked deep into her eyes as he tried to steady his ragged breathing.

"Nuha Dāria," he whispered, bringing his forehead down to rest on hers. My Queen.

The words caused Viserra's breath to hitch in her chest again as she seemed to regain just the slightest bit of clarity. The deep seeded worry that these feelings could be used against them bubbled up out of nowhere. She furrowed her brows and closed her eyes, trying to push the unpleasantries away.

Feeling the energy shift just slightly between them, Aegon again pulled away with a hint of confusion. When she looked back to him, he saw the worry in her eyes.

"What is it?" He asked, starting to feel a bit of uneasiness himself.

Pursing her lips for a moment, she seemed reluctant to answer.

"Aegon," she breathed, bringing her hands up to hold his face. "Does it not bring you worry knowing there is the chance I might be killed out there?"

He studied her face intently, unsure of what had brought this thought into her mind.

"Of course that is something I fear," he replied. "I already voiced these worries shortly before our departure. Why are you asking me this now?"

"Does it not concern you that your feelings for me might wrongly influence the decisions you make?" Viserra's voice was soft and strained.

"Of course they do," he spoke, his words laced with confusion. "Why else would I have accepted my duty as King if not for those that I care for?" He was being honest and it was evident by his face that he still did not understand her question.

Viserra took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words to express her concerns.

"I worry that if something were to happen to me, it would cloud your judgment. These feelings are a dangerous thing, especially right now," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

Aegon furrowed his own brow and leaned in to press a soft kiss on her forehead.

"If those I love meant nothing to me, I could not have found the will to sit the throne," he confessed. "And it is because of you that I continue to be motivated to make wise decisions."

Bringing his hand up, he softly caressed her cheek with his thumb. His words did little to reassure her concerns, but it was enough to bottle it back up for now. He focused his attention back to her half naked body, his hands again finding her breasts in an attempt to bring back the fire between them.

"You will not find me content until my sister's head is on a spike and you sit next to me on the throne." His words were filled with determination while his fingers expertly played with her flesh.

Though he had spoken many times of this desire, it was only that Viserra realized just how serious he had been. The truth of his words rang through her head. She did believe that he would not have had the motivation to sit the Iron Throne without both the death and love of those he cared for. She toyed with the idea that he might truly need her by his side to remain strong in his reign.

Viserra's thoughts became cloudy as her body began to respond to his hands. Her previous worries twisted and she was suddenly not sure of where she stood with it all. To secure her complete distraction, Aegon pressed his lips to her neck, sucking at the flesh as he made his way down to the dip on her shoulder.

Without another thought, Viserra let her hands roam over his body, tugging at his shirt and desperate to feel his bare skin against hers. He eagerly obliged, taking a moment to pull it up and over his head, tossing it carelessly to the ground. As he brought his lips back to hers with a greater intensity of hunger, he clumsily began to work her pants off of her seated rump.

It took only a brief moment before they were both fully disrobed with their bodies pressed together with a sloppy desperation. Viserra's legs wrapped around his waist as they continued to enjoy each other's kisses, his now exposed cock resting uncomfortably against her abdomen.

Breaking their lips apart, Aegon looked down to adjust his position at her lower lips. In a few careful motions, he made his way completely inside her. A quiet gasp left her mouth at the sudden fullness and she slowly brought herself back to lean on the table.

They remained still for a moment, savoring the satisfaction of finally joining in union. Aegon's gaze slowly trailed up her body. He admired the way she looked laying there bare and sheathed upon his most treasured part. Placing his hands to her hips, he pulled her more firmly towards him and watched as she grimaced slightly in response.

Without any more delay, Aegon started to move within her. His thrusts were measured and deliberate, slowly picking up his pace as he fell into a rhythm. Viserra leaned her head back, focusing on trying to receive her pleasure without making too much noise. She reminded herself that the walls of the tent were much worse than those of the castle when it came to stifling the sounds that came from within.

Each thrust pounded into her upper walls, gradually tightening and building her peak from within. Viserra arched her back and in response Aegon tightened the grip on her hips making sure she remained anchored there.

The air quickly grew heavy with their heated breaths and the sound of their bodies colliding. It was Aegon's sudden reach for her breast that seemed to bring her back from the dazed trance. She looked to her chest and then met his eyes with the hint of a smile, watching as he seemed to also gain a bit more consciousness.

"I can't help it," he breathed out a laugh, bringing his thrusting down to a slower pace. "Your tits bouncing in front of me like that are absolutely irresistible."

"I did not say a word," she smiled, bringing herself back up into a seated position.

Viserra let her hands roam over his pale chest, nails grazing over his skin as she leaned in to meet his lips in yet another passionate kiss. As she pulled herself back, she unwrapped her legs from his waist and gently pushed his hips away from her. As he came free from her body, she felt an unsatisfying emptiness left behind.

Aegon's previously joyful smile had now settled into one of confusion. She slid herself off the table and grabbed his hand to lead him back to the small bed where she intended to finish what they had started.

She turned him around as one would turn their partner in a dance, guiding him to sit. As she climbed onto his lap, each knee found its place on either side of his own. Gently pushing on his chest, she waited patiently until he slowly reclined himself back onto the bed.

Without another moment of delay, she took his cock into her hand and gently guided it back to her entrance, bringing herself down to take him within her.

"Gods, Viserra," he moaned, overwhelmed to feel himself within her once more. He did not finish his thought before she began slowly rocking and riding her body in a methodical manner. He gradually started to meet her movements with his own, their bodies soon synced up in perfect harmony.

Aegon brought his thumb to her sensitive bud, eager to help her obtain the most out of their union in that moment. He enjoyed the sight of her working the length of him at her own pace and angles, having no shame of taking her pleasure by her own means.

Each of their climaxes approached, though Aegon was desperately trying to hold back until Viserra had been satisfied. As the intensity grew, her movements became more urgent and desperate and in turn he attempted to maintain a steady rhythm with his thumb.

Finally, Viserra let out the start of a moan, though catching herself halfway and biting down on her lip instead. As her inner walls began to pulsate around him, he was quickly driven over the edge himself.

Aegon did not hold back his own grunt of pleasure as he felt himself release himself deep inside her. She finished riding him until her body trembled with the aftershock and she brought herself down to meet her sweaty body with his own.

They laid there in a tangled heap of limps for a few moments before either had the energy to move. Viserra slowly brought herself off of him, settling contently down to his side. Breathing heavily, Aegon turned to her and captured her chin with his hand. He pressed kisses along her jawline and carefully down the side of her neck.

"That...was..." Aegon panted between kisses. "Incredible."

Viserra met his gaze and gave a small grin. It was absolutely futile at this point to try and deny that at least a small part of her could see her staying there by his side. Though the rational part of her screamed that she was making foolish mistakes, her heart seemed to only be truly satisfied when she let their fires ignite and burn together.

Aegon brushed her hair from the sticky skin on her shoulder, leaving another gentle kiss in its place. He then turned to lay on his back, staring at the ceiling of the tent and not saying another word. Feeling just slightly conflicted within herself, she leaned her head into his shoulder and watched the rising and falling of his chest.

The reality of their circumstances seemed to have come crashing back. The weight of their responsibilities, the challenges they would face, and the danger that loomed over them all seemed to settle back into her mind like a heavy fog.

Having sensed the shift in her mood, Aegon wrapped his arm around her and pressed another soft kiss to her forehead.

"I will do everything in my power to have you by my side, nuha Dāria," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination. My Queen.

Viserra did not respond, only letting out a long breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Aegon had meant those words and it was obvious that at this point, she was now truly caught in a web that was much more complicated than she had initially intended. But for now, in those quiet moments after satisfying each other's needs, Viserra closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the warmth and security of his arms.

Author's Notes:

It has been a while since an update! My apologies. Life is busy and having two jobs is kicking my ass. I am hoping to continue to get an update out every 3ish weeks at this point! But I promise I still have so much for this story. I go to sleep thinking about it at night. :)

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