
By katiieLeiigh

71.3K 1.8K 51

Jamie-Leigh Stewart is a witch who has three soulmates, which was rare in itself. In a world where supernatur... More

Cast List
Soul marks
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 1 - Season 2
Chapter 2 - Season 2
Chapter 3 - Season 2
Chapter 4 - Season 2
Chapter 5 - Season 2
Chapter 6 - Season 2
Chapter 7 - Season 2
Chapter 8 - Season 2
Chapter 9 - Season 2
Chapter 10 - Season 2
Chapter 11 - Season 2
Chapter 12 - Season 2
Chapter 13 - Season 2
Chapter 14 - Season 2
Chapter 15 - Season 2
Chapter 1 - Season 3
Chapter 2 - Season 3
Chapter 3 - Season 3
Chapter 4 - Season 3
Chapter 5 - Season 3
Chapter 6 - Season 3
Chapter 7 - Season 3
Chapter 8 - Season 3
Chapter 9 - Season 3
Chapter 10 - Season 3
Chapter 11 - Season 3
Chapter 13 - Season 3
Chapter 14 - Season 3
Chapter 1 - Season 4
Chapter 2 - Season 4
Chapter 3 - Season 4
Chapter 4 - Season 4
Chapter 5 - Season 4
Chapter 6 - Season 4
Chapter 7 - Season 4
Chapter 8 - Season 4
Chapter 9 - Season 4

Chapter 12 - Season 3

662 18 0
By katiieLeiigh

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Damon's voice, I honestly didn't think much of it so I just closed my eyes again so I could go back to sleep, just as I was about to drift off Damon's arms wrapped around me as he pressed kissed to my bare shoulder. I turned around to face him and snuggled into his chest, neither of us saying anything to each other, just enjoying the cuddle. Just then a knock on the door downstairs makes me groan, I slipped out of Damon's hold and pulled on my silk robe knowing it didn't really cover anything, right now I didn't care, whoever was at the door has disturbed my sleep. Pulling the door open I openly groaned at the sight of Elena.

"What do you want Elena?" she said nothing in reply and just pushed past me, "please come in" I muttered sarcastically as she walked into the living room.

"Where's Damon?" I raised my eyebrow at her attitude and moved to make myself a drink.

"He's in bed, naked, waiting for me to come back to him" I grabbed my drink and stopped in front of her when she went to move past me and up the stairs, "I suggest you don't try and take another step Elena. My patience with you had run out and I will cause you actual harm".

"You should know the Esther is planning to kill her entire family, Klaus and Elijah included" I nodded at her whilst taking a sip of my drink.

"I am aware, I figured it out last night and told Elijah" Elena ignoring what I just said went to move around me, so I grabbed her arm and held her in place.

"Jamie let go of me" I just carried on sipping my drink as she struggled, "Jamie your hurting me" I shoved her backward as I let go. Elena didn't say anything but got this weird smirk on her face when she spotted someone behind me. I didn't bother turning around, I knew it was Stefan from the look on Elena's face.

"I wouldn't bother Stefan, Damon is done with your attempts to kill me, try it again and he will kill you himself, he already made that perfectly clear" apparently Stefan didn't care what I had to say as he rushed up to me and pinned me against the wall. I used my magic to throw him off me as I took off towards the stairs shouting for Damon. Stefan used his speed to get in front of me as I reached the top of the stairs before he harshly shoved me back down them, I braced myself for impact and when it never came I opened my eyes only to come face to face with Trevor. I looked over and watched as Damon started beating Stefan harshly before snapping his neck and rushing to me.

"Angel, are you alright?" I nodded before rubbing my throat, I knew bruising had already started to form by the way Damon's eyes turned murders when they fell on that spot. Picking me up and saying a quick thank you to Trevor he carried me off up the stairs. "Do you want healing?" I shook my head at his offer as he set me on the bed, I just pulled him back into bed with me and closed my eyes. Just as I was about to start drifting off a knock sounded on Damon's bedroom door, Damon quickly covered me up before telling whoever it was to come in.

"Good morning darling" my eyes opened, and I smiled lazily up at Elijah, as he approached I stretched out a little exposing the already forming bruises on my neck, "what happened?" I froze momentarily and mentally cursed myself for forgetting about the bruises.

"Stefan happened because of Elena. Again" Damon grumbled at Elijah, who in turn sighed. "Don't worry we will deal with it when all of this is over. Until then, use Elena as leverage" Elijah seemed to think about Damon's words.

"That is a very good idea, I will be back later. I love you darling" smiling up at Elijah I told him I loved him too as I watched him retreat out of the room.

"Now that we are alone, why don't we start this day off properly?" Damon asked as he moved to hover over me.

"What did you have in mind?" Damon didn't say anything in response, he just started placing light kisses across my neck, allowing one of his hands to slide lower down my abdomen, "bite me" Damon looked up at me, so giving him a gentle nod he moved his head back to my neck, placing soft kisses on my neck before I felt his fangs puncture my skin, I used magic to make a cut on his shoulder before attaching my lips to it. Damon groaned as he gently pulled away from me, before pulling me away from his shoulder and starting his attack on the rest of my body.


When me and Damon finally came up for air I'd received a phone call off Klaus asking me to join him at The Grill, so after quickly getting ready Damon had dropped me off telling me he was going to meet with Elijah back at the boarding house. Walking into the restaurant I waved to Jenna and Ric before making my way over to Klaus and Kol.

"Hey Nik. Hey Kol" Klaus gave me a kiss on the cheek in greeting.

"Hello gorgeous, I didn't know you were joining us, I thought you were still rolling around in the sheets with your Salvatore" I rolled my eyes at Kol's comment as Klaus handed me a drink.

"Yes well, I do have three soulmates and they all deserve my attention so here I am. Though you two did pull me away from a rather euphoric morning" I quickly finished my drink before ordering myself another.

"Well I doubt it would be better than me, but I'll let you believe it" Klaus growled at his brother who raised his hands in surrender.

"How come you're here anyway, I thought you would have been helping Eli" I looked at my soulmate who just shrugged.

"He said he had it covered so I'm trusting him" I nodded but left it at that. For the next few hours the three of us started to drink our way through the liquor supply of The Grill when Caroline walked in looking like the bombshell she is.

"Caroline! Come join us for a drink" Caroline looked at me when she head my voice and smiled.

"I will happily have a drink with you Jamie, but them not so much" I rolled my eyes and laughed at the feisty blonde.

"Fair enough" I quickly finished yet another drink when Caroline spoke again.

"Actually I was wondering if I could have a word with you outside?" I furrowed my brows but nodded, kissing Klaus on the cheek and letting him know I'd be back in a minute. When me and Caroline got outside we took a seat on a bench in town square.

"So what's up hen?" Caroline fidgeted a little before looking down, right then I knew there was something going on. "Caroline you realise I can see right through you, so you have ten seconds to tell me what is going on or I'm going back to Nik".

"Look, I didn't want to do this, but Stefan begged me to. I needed to distract you long enough for Ric to dagger Kol" I stood up and started heading towards The Grill when Caroline's hand on my arm stopped me. "Jamie please, I don't want you caught in the middle of this" I looked at Caroline with the coldest look I could muster.

"Caroline I love you, but if you don't let me go right now I will temporarily kill you" Caroline let go of me like I was on fire and I took off running back inside, as my eyes swept the room they locked on Klaus's who spotted my alarm. Running back outside and round the side of the building I saw Ric and Jenna hauling a daggered Kol back out. "Seriously? You two are also in on the plot to kill my soulmates?" Jenna looked up shocked before trying to stutter out an explanation, Ric has frozen but that gave Klaus plenty of time to rush over, throw Ric into the wall and pull Kol's dagger out. Stefan then came over and started to fight Klaus, honestly I couldn't even listen to them right now, I was heartbroken over the fact Jenna and Ric, two of my friends, went behind my back to kill my soulmates.

"Leave him, Niklaus. We still need him" I looked up at Elijah who was now stood at the top of the steps we were at the bottom of. "You tell me where the witches are, or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now" Elijah held up his phone to Stefan, Ric and Jenna to show how serious he was about calling Rebekah.

"They're at the old witch house" Jenna said sadly, I gave them all one last look before rushing off with Elijah, Klaus and Kol.

"You three go first, I'll be there in just a second" the three nodded at me and walked ahead. Damon came beside me and held my hand as I felt my magic flare around me, "Mum, ancestors, I need your help.." my ancestors and mother listened as I explained what was going on and they agreed to help, just as Esther was reaching her point me, Damon, my mum and ancestors all stepped out of the shadows. "Esther, what you are doing is genocide. As keepers of the balance we cannot allow you to disrupt it again. If you continue down this path it will only end with your death" Ether looked at me in alarm before slowly looking round, my ancestors gazed back at her, my mother with a look of venom.

"I haven't got a choice; I should have ended this a thousand years ago" I looked at my mother at Esther's words and nodded. Me, my mother and ancestors all started chanting, we were draining Esther's connection to the Bennett line. Esther started screaming begging for the Bennett witches not to abandon her, the torches around her flared up as we reached our peak in the spell, my hands had started to shake, and I was quickly losing consciousness.

"Hold on Jamie, you can do this" at my mother's encouraging words I chanted louder when we felt the connection to the Bennett line break. When I opened my eyes Esther and Finn had gone, I stumbled back into Damon, who gently sat me on the ground.

"Did we do it?" I looked up at my mum who nodded with a smile on her face.

"Yeah baby, we did it. You are absolutely magnificent; I have to go but I love you and call on us if you need to" I didn't have chance to respond before my ancestors disappeared. At the sound of footsteps approaching my soulmates stood in front of me protectively as Kol helped me up and held onto me so I didn't fall again.

"Jamie? Oh my god you did it. You broke her connection to us" Bonnies voice had me pushing out of Kol's arms and through my soulmates before engulfing her in a hug. "I didn't want to do it Jamie, Stefan threatened me if we didn't open that coffin he was going to kill grams and then when she came out she told me that she was channelling the entire Bennett line, and I couldn't stop it".

"Bonnie, it's alright, calm down" Bonnie stopped her rambling and hugged me a little tighter. "Though I would appreciate it, when the time comes, if you help me unlink them?".

"Anything. I'm sorry they are always trying to kill you guys. Jamie deserves nothing but happiness so when the time comes one of you call me and I will be straight there" I hugged Bonnie again before saying my goodbyes. Me, my three soulmates and Kol made it back to the Mikaelson manor and we all sat in silence for a moment when my phone rang.


"Hey Jamie, I need to let you know that Stefan turned Bonnie's mom into a vampire whilst she was talking to you. She needs you".

"I'm on my way" I hung up the phone before turning to my soulmates. "Are all three of you going to be here when I return?" at their nods and confirmations I gave them all a kiss and hugged Kol before Elijah passed me his car keys and I set off to Bonnies, breaking every possible speed limit and thankful that there are no police about. Pulling into the drive. I jump out of the car and rush towards the house, I didn't even knock before the door flung open and Bonnie slammed into me sobbing. Pulling out my phone I called the one person I never wanted to speak to again.

"What do you want Jamie?"

"Why did you turn her Stefan?"

"I needed to break the magical link to save Elena".

"Fuck sake Stefan! I'd already done it. You and Elena deserve each other, you're both selfish bastards" I hung up the phone before consoling Bonnie. Around 2 hours later I finally headed home, pulling up to the Mikaelson manor I stepped out the car only to be met with Elena. "Listen Gilbert it's been a long day I haven't got time for this-" she held her hand up cutting me off.

"I'm here to apologize Jamie. After what happened to Bonnie's mom I realised that I cant keep putting everyone in danger like this so I'm done, you can be happy with your soulmates because you're right me and Stefan are selfish and I was so blind I couldn't see it" I narrowed my eyes at her, whilst her words seemed genuine her tone didn't. She sounded like someone had a gun to her head.

"Well don't be mad if I don't believe you. You really want to apologize, show me you're remorseful. The thing is Elena you condemn Nik because in your eyes he isn't worth forgiving but you are just as bad as he is. You will allow your friends to make sacrifices for you but will not show them the same curtesy, so in my book you are the one who isn't worth forgiving. You can see yourself home, right now I need to be with my soulmates" and without saying another word to Elena I locked Elijah's car and walked into the house. Klaus walked over and kissed me so passionately I thought I may pass out. "What was that for?" Klaus just shrugged before pulling me into the living room where my other two soulmates where. Elijah informed me Kol had left to go off on his own for a while but left me some of his blood so I could still unlink them. As I looked around at my three soulmates laughing at something Elijah had said, I knew that I was home.

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