Just Friends | A Joe Jonas Fa...

By joecationeyes

36.3K 791 681

Ann is a 26 year old ambitious singer whose dream is to make it in the show business. Moving to California to... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Final Chapter
Sequel is up!

Chapter 7.

945 20 3
By joecationeyes

She lost count as to how many shots they've taken after five. They just kept going, while staring at each other, without saying a word. It was like a silent battle as to whose got stronger head. She slid the shot glass to the bartender for another one and when the bartender tried to pour one to Joe he declined with a hand gesture. 'Oh the sweet taste of victory.' She thought and couldn't help but smirk.

"Better luck next time." She said and licked her lips from drips of alcohol. His eyes were blurry, the vodka evidently starting to kick in. "Wanna dance?" She gestured to the dance floor, where all of the other band members started to gather. She didn't wait for his answer, but got up and joined Mark and Jinjoo. She started swaying to the music, knowing damn well she was being eaten by Joe's eyes. And she liked it. She decided to give him a "private show". The vodka definitely boosted her confidence and she was ready to tease and then dump him. She turned to face him and started dancing seductively. She closed her eyes and got lost in the music as it led her body to the rhythm. Until she felt a warm breath on her face.

When she opened her eyes, Joe was standing inches away from her face. Her heart dropped at the sight. She never saw him from this close. The dim light in the room lit up the small details on his face that she now was noticing. His eyes were filled with desire and his lips slightly parted.

"Stop teasing me." He whispered in her ear. His breath on her neck made her shiver. She just smiled, put her hands on his chest and started swaying to the rhythm.

"Dance with me." She whispered. He gave her one more look before putting his hands on her hips, joining her tempo.

They were in sync. Their bodies fitted perfectly together. Their hands exploring each other. The connection was electrifying and addictive. They didn't care about anyone else in the room. They knew everyone was probably watching them, but they were lost in each other. Everything else was a blur and felt like in a slow motion, when they stared at each other. Joe's eyes were jumping from time to time to her lips, which made her stomach turn. Her body trembled at the touch of his fingertips. Her "brilliant" plan got lost somewhere between the shots. Their breaths got sharper as their bodies got closer, rubbing against each other. She looked at his lips, feeling that what she wanted in that moment is to just taste them.

"Get a room!" They heard a voice and some laughs from behind them. This made them remember that they weren't all alone. They jumped realizing that what they were doing was definitely not appropriate.

But Joe, even though tipsy, took control of the situation and laughed it off, causing everyone to get back to what they were doing. Ann was blushing hard, scared what they were going to think of her. Joe took her by the wrist and led her to a couch that was standing against the wall. They sat down, letting a heavy sigh. After a couple seconds they looked at each other and started laughing.

"That was... wow." Said Joe while nodding his head.

"Yeah, that was very wow. Too much wow, actually. What if we get in trouble?"

"Nah. Besides, I thought you liked a little adrenaline."

"I do, but not when my job is on the line."

"I've got this, don't worry."

"I hope so." There was a long silence before Joe put a strand of Ann's hair behind her ear.

"Wanna get out of here?"

'You did not just say that, Joe Jonas.' She thought to herself.

"Wow, you must really think I'm that easy." She chuckled.

"I meant to get something to eat. I'm starving." He laughed. "And what did you thought I mean?"

She blushed and shook her head. "Nothing. Yeah, let's go."

They stood up and joined the group asking if anyone wanted to go as well. Ann wished someone would agree to keep na eye on them, but deep inside she really didn't. She missed talking to him. Throughout the day they were very silent to each other, letting only their bodies talk on the dance floor. She wanted to get to know him more. Eventually, no one agreed, they wanted to stay for a little while longer in the club.

He helped her put on her coat and they left, waving goodbye to everyone. They squeezed through the club and reached the exit, finally getting some fresh air.

"So... any suggestions?" She asked while putting her hands in the pockets of her coat.

"There's a nice sushi place just around the corner." He pointed in the direction and Ann nodded, agreeing to the destination. She didn't really care where they end up, she wasn't even that hungry.

A bell jingled as they entered the restaurant. The place was filled with people, as was every restaurant in LA in the evenings. Their appearance made some head turns and whispers. Ann wasn't used to this kind of life. The kind of life, where you have to wonder where you're going and who you're going with. That's why it seemed normal for her to go to a restaurant together. Now she was scared of the outcome.

"A table for two, please." He said to the waitress and she guided them through the room to a more private area.

It was a table secluded from the room by a wooden partition. He thanked the waiter and took off Ann's coat. He then moved back the chair for her and gestured her to sit down with the significant smile of his. That was the kind of princess treatment that Ann wasn't used to. They browsed the menu, Joe making a few suggestions to Ann. They settled for some sushi mix plate and a side of spring rolls. As for drinks they agreed on water, having enough alcohol for the night. They placed the order and the waiter left, leaving them all alone. Still tipsy from before, they were staring at each other with smiles.

"So, you can't get me out of your head?" Ann smirked trying to intimidate him. He laughed and brushed through his curls. "Oh my god, Joe Jonas, did I just make you uncomfortable?" She said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yes. Yes you did. You do a lot of things to me."

"Like what?" She continued.

"Enough about me, tell me why were you acting like this today?" He cut her off and got more serious with that question.

"Let's just say a few sources warned me about you."

"Jinjoo, right?" He chuckled. "Of course she did."

"Did you guys ever... You know, dated?" She asked thinking that's the reason she said what she said.

"No, oh god, never! She's like a sister to me. But she loves dragging girls away from me."

"Well, she must have a reason then."

"Yeah, she just loves seeing me miserable." He rolled his eyes. "Let's not talk about this. I want to hear your thoughts after rehearsal." He fixed himself in the chair, quickly changing the uncomfortable topic.

"It was fantastic. I had so much fun, I can't wait for the tour to start. It was exhausting, but totally worth it."

"Yeah, and it's just the beginning. It's going to be a very difficult couple of months. Lots of traveling, rehearsals, performing, interviews and all that fuzz. Not to scare you or anything, but it's going to get more exhausting."

"Thanks." She chuckled. "No, I'm excited. This was always my dream."

"I won't believe that you're dream was to be a backup singer." He looked at her from under his eyelashes.

"No, I mean, of course not. I meant being on stage, performing... I don't care that I'm in the back and not in the center of attention. I'm just happy to be there and sing."

"I love your passion. That's what drew my attention. That's why I fought for you. I knew instantly that you belong in our band, that you'll fit perfectly. Nick wasn't so sure about that, saying I only want you, because you're hot. But after today'a rehearsal he apologized to me, because he saw how amazing you are." Ann loved how emotional he was talking about her. But one sentence stood out to her.

"Wait, wait... You think I'm hot?" She squinted her eyes.

"Seriously, that's all you've heard?" Joe threw his hands in the air and they both started laughing.

"Thank you. For believing in me and seeing me for who I am." She got more serious and gave him a warm smile.

"Of course I believe in you. You're a rockstar." He winked at her and lost his eye contact to the waiter which was now putting the food on the table.

They started to dig in the different kinds of sushi, ranking them from best to worst. They continued talking throughout the eating. They were having a lot of fun together, crying from laughing and talking loudly. He was the kind of man that whatever he said was funny. She simply enjoyed spending time with him. The stayed at the restaurant for another hour, before Ann felt the tiredness hitting. She yawned and brushed through her hair.

"I'll get the check." He gave her a reassuring smile.

"Sorry, didn't mean to sound like you're boring me." She tucked her hair behind her ear.

"It's been a long day. Although I could sit with you all night here, I'm getting tired too." He brushed his eyes before calling the waitress.

He paid for the dinner and helped her get dressed again, before leaving the restaurant together. He called one of his drivers to come pick them up. Of course, celebrities don't take taxis, they have private drivers. Ann felt that she will never fully get used to this life. They stood there silent for a while before Joe took the lead.

"And yes, I think you're hot." Her stomach dropped and filled with butterflies. "I know it would keep you up at night, so I wanted to get this settled."

"Sometimes I wonder, if you ever have trouble with answers. You always have something sassy to say." She laughed.

"Now it's your turn, do you think I'm hot?" He squinted his eyes and brushed through his hair sarcastically.

"Oh my god! I'm not answering that." She covered her face with her hands from embarrassment.

"No answer is a 'yes' for me too."

"Yeah, keep saying that to yourself. You need to keep your ego steady at all times, don't you?"

"I wouldn't say that. Girls scream when they see me, so I know I'm hot. And I know you think I'm hot. I just wanted you to admit it."

"Oh my god! Could you be more in love with yourself?" She shook her head in disbelief.

"Admit it." He continued, getting closer to her.

"Never." She whispered and he chuckled.

Finally, the car arrived and they sat in the back, Joe letting her go in first. He closed the door and greeted the driver with a handshake. He introduced Ann and he shook her hand.

"Where to?" The driver said while looking at Ann.

"Oh, yes, Sunset Park. Thank you."

They started driving and both of them stared out of their windows, watching the passing cars and building. Ann couldn't help, but feel that the events from last night are starting to repeat themselves. She didn't want it to end like that. She wanted more. Ann turned to look at him and tried to get his attention, but he was visibly lost in his thoughts. She kicked him in the knee softly, which made him turn to her.

"Am I still on your mind?" She said playfully.

"Always." He responded, scarily serious. She moved closer to him. She felt comfortable around him. She felt beautiful and needed. She ran her hand through his thick curls, which made him close his eyes.

"Don't do that." He said in a whisper.

"Why? Is that your soft spot?" She chuckled, but stopped when he nodded slowly and opened his eyes now full of desire.

'Here we go again.' She thought.

They were dangerously close to each other. Her hand was still in his hair, now softly scratching his scalp. He put his hand on her thigh and lightly stroked it with his thumb. They just stayed like that for the rest of the drive, lost in each other's eyes. She didn't want the moment to end. It felt so good. Maybe it was still the alcohol hitting in, but she really wanted to invite him in for the night. He would probably agree in a heartbeat, but she knew it was bad as it is. Making love to that man would only complicate things even more.

"I'm sorry, miss, but we're here." They snapped out of the moment at the driver's words. She looked out of the window and saw her apartment complex.

"Yup, that's me." She said not sure how to end their little moment together. "Thank you so much." She said to the driver and then turned to Joe, who had a hopeful look in his eyes. It was like he was reading her mind. He wanted to go with her. But she knew he drank too much today and wasn't thinking straight. "Bye, Joe." She stretched out her arms to let him know it was okay to hug her.

He pulled her in a tight hug and hid his face in her neck. They fitted perfectly together. The smell of his cologne was so strong and she knew it would stay on her clothes. His warm breath on her neck made her hair stand.

"I really need to go now." She said pulling out of his embrace. He looked at her one more time, before placing a soft kiss on her cheek. That took her by surprise and her hand immediately rushed to her cheek as she blushed.

"Bye, Ann."

"Bye." She said before exciting the car. She rushed home, her hand still on the cheek where he left his kiss mark.

She opened the door silently, trying not to wake up Jazz, but to her surprise, she was still awake. She jumped out of her bedroom and ran up to her.

"And? Did the plan work? Did you punish him? Did he cry at his ego getting destroyed?" She was so excited to hear all the details.

"Yeah, kinda." She said not able to look into her eyes. She failed again. She tried to ran away from her.

"No, no, no... Girl, look at me." She stopped her, standing in front of her. "Wait a minute..." she started smelling her clothes and jumped back. "No, you didn't..."

"Nothing happened, Jazz." She rolled her eyes and tried to run again on the other side of her, but she stopped her again.

"Na-ah. Why you smell like a man?"

"Jesus, Jazz. There are men in the band, you know? We were all hugging, don't make such a big deal out of it."

"Oh, I will. I don't smell different perfumes, I smell one in particular. You're soaked in it." She raised one of her eyebrows. Ann sighed, knowing she'll not be able to hide it from her.

"Fine. It's his." Jazz pushed her head back and moaned. "But nothing happened! Yes, we drank and danced at the club, but-"

"Just you two, all alone?" Jazz cut her off.

"No, everyone was there, but-"

"But you danced with him. Okay. Go on."

"Then we left to a restaurant to-"

"Just you two?"

"Yes, but we asked, nobody wanted to go!"

"Mhm." She mumbled not really believing her story. "Continue."

"That's it. We ate and his driver took me home." She shrugged her shoulders.

"What happened in the car?" She crossed her arms.


"Ann, what happened in the car?" She repeated, vividly mad at her friend for lying to her.

"He hugged me as a goodbye and... And kissed me on the cheek." She looked down embarrassment.

"Girl!" She shouted and started walking around the room. "I don't have patience for you today. Go and shower, we'll talk tomorrow." She said before aggressively closing the door to her room.

Ann sighed and took off her shoes. She jumped on her bed and finally unlocked her phone. She didn't look at it the whole night, which only proved how hypnotizing Joe can be. Her heart stopped as she saw four missed calls from Travis and a text which said:

You and Joe. My office tomorrow. 10 a.m.

That didn't sound good. She wondered if maybe one of the band members told him about their club encounter. She opened Facebook, wanting to ask Jinjoo about it, but her stomach sunk as she did. She saw dozens of articles and posts with their photos from tonight as they were leaving the club, sitting in the restaurant and getting in a car together. She read the article titles, feeling like she might pass out.

Joe Jonas's new girlfriend! We know who she is.

Joe Jonas scoring his backup singer!

From fan to backup singer to lover. Here's what we know about the mysterious girl.

Joe Jonas has heart eyes for his band member!

Big trouble.

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