Whatever It Takes

By Jess_Steiger

15.1K 646 136

"If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance." -Bernard Williams Daniella Baxton... More

Chapter- One
Chapter- Two
Chapter- Three
Chapter- Four
Chapter- Five
Chapter- Seven
Chapter- Eight
Chapter- Nine
Chapter- Ten
Chapter- Eleven
Chapter- Twelve
Chapter- Thirteen
Chapter- Fourteen
Chapter- Fifteen
Chapter- Sixteen
Chapter- Seventeen
Chapter- Eighteen
Chapter- Nineteen
Chapter- Twenty
Chapter- Twenty-one
Chapter- Twenty-two
Chapter- Twenty-three
Chapter- Twenty-four
Chapter- Twenty-five
Chapter- Twenty-six
Chapter- Twenty-seven
Chapter- Twenty-eight
Chapter- Twenty-nine
Chapter- Thirty
Chapter- Thirty-one
Chapter- Thirty-two
Chapter- Thirty-three
Chapter- Thirty-four
Chapter- Thirty-five
Chapter- Thirty-six
Chapter- Thirty-seven
Chapter- Thirty-eight
Chapter- Thirty-nine
Chapter- Forty
Chapter- Forty-one
Chapter- Forty-two
Chapter- Forty-three
Chapter- Forty-four
Chapter- Forty-five
Chapter- Forty-six
Chapter- Forty-seven
Chapter- Forty-eight
Chapter- Forty-nine
Chapter- Fifty
Chapter- Fifty-one
Chapter- Fifty-two
Chapter- Fifty-three
Chapter- Fifty-four
Chapter- Fifty-five
Chapter- Fifty-six
Chapter- Fifty-seven
Chapter- Fifty-eight
Chapter- Fifty-nine
Chapter- Sixty

Chapter- Six

408 15 1
By Jess_Steiger

I grabbed the thong and bra that were left in the kitchen. I walked into my dads office.

"I think you forgot about these." I said and threw them on his desk and walked away slamming his office doors. I walked over the sink and sterilized my hands from touching those grimy things.

I walked up to my room and shut my door. I pulled out my tight yoga shorts. I opened my closet and grabbed my lace teal dress Elliot bought me a while back. I zipped up the back myself and walked in front of my mirror. I contemplated what shoes to wear. I slid my feet into my tan heels and looked into the mirror. They worked. I took them off and placed them by the door. I then started my makeup. I never really wore makeup. I hate the feeling of it clogging my pores so I just go natural. I applied the pink blush and then rubbed my cheeks a little so it didn't look over powering. I took my chapstick and put some on my lips. I opened my little purse and placed my chapstick in there, along with my phone some tissues incase I need to blow my nose, a small bottle of perfume, and my house keys. I put on my heels and walked out of my room to be stopped by my mom.

"You look gorgeous sweetheart!" My mom exclaimed. I smiled.

"I tried. I'm not good with makeup." I said. She hugged me.

"Have fun. I love you and stay close to one of the football players or your brother and Oliver. You and Oliver. You guys would look so cute together!" She squealed. Oh geez she's going to cry. She always tried to tell me I should date Oliver. I don't have feelings like that towards him and he doesn't have any towards me.

"Mom, don't cry." I said and wiped a tear before it fell down her face.

"I love you so much." She whispered and kissed my cheek. I said goodbye and headed down to my brothers truck.

"You're wearing the dress I got you for your birthday this past year." He said looking me up and down.

"It is my favorite." I said.

"I'm glad." I turned to Oliver and his eyes were wide.

"Do I look bad?" I asked, oh god I must have messed up my makeup or my hair is sticking up.

"You look- amazing as always." He stuttered.

"Thank you." I said and we got into the truck. I sat in the middle of both of them.

"Woo turn it up!" I shouted turning the volume up. Oliver and I sang crazily and Elliot only looked at us as if he didn't want to know us.

Elliot turned the music down and parked in the school parking lot. The school was throwing a small party for Sophomores and Seniors. Homecoming wasn't until the middle of October and it is only the end of September. We start school in the middle of August which sucks but then we get out earlier which is a plus.

I didn't really want to come to this party because I could be reviewing for my honors calculus test but I'm here now.

"I'm gonna go walk around." I said wanting to just sit and not do anything. I quickly found an open table and sat by myself. I took off my heels that were making my feet bleed. I slumped and leaned on my hand. The music sucked ass and I was bored as heck.

I only got up once to get punch but only dumped it after the first sip because someone spiked it. Here's a tip, never drink punch at a school party someone will most like spike it. I sat back down and crossed my legs.

Veronica sat in a seat in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I asked not really wanting to see her face before me.

"You look really nice." She smiled. What does she want?

"What do you want?" I asked with a little attitude.

"Just complimenting you because girls like you are below average." She said

"I'm taking that as an insult." I stated and she finally left. What made her think I was going to accept an insulting compliment like that.

"Hi Danny. May I ask you for a dance?" Colton asked. Why do the football players want my attention. I'm not even what they think I am. I'm pathetic.

"Um, sure." I said hastily. I got up and put my heels on.

"If you want you can just put your feet on mine. I don't need you breaking an ankle. Your brother will wring my neck." He chuckled nervously.

"Thanks." I said sheepishly. I left my shoes at the table. We walked a little bit away from the table so I knew no one would take my stuff.

I placed my feet on the tip of his black dress shoes. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. I wasn't going to lie, I was a little uncomfortable. We swayed to the music and I barely made eye contact with him.

"You should have more confidence in yourself." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because when you gain confidence you are able to let go of yourself a little more." He said. If only he really understood why I was how I was. I unclasped my hands and stepped off his feet.

"Thanks for asking me to dance." I said politely and grabbed my shoes and my small purse. I walked through the hallways and stopped at my locker. 'Slut' 'Whore' were written on my locker with a crimson red lipstick. It was most likely Veronica. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed paper towels.

I rubbed the lipstick, but it never fully came off. You can still make out what it read. I hadn't realized that tears were falling fast down my face, my breathing hitched. I slammed my fists on the lockers and slid down to the floor. I heard whispering and I could easily make out the voices to be Elliot and probably Dylan. I wiped my face quickly and got up. I rounded the corner and was stopped by my brother.

"Did something happen?" He asked.

"No. I just needed to be alone." I said.

"Your face is red and so are your eyes. You were crying. Tell me what happened." He demanded.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"Dude, don't force her to tell you. You'll get nowhere." Dylan inputted.

"Go look at my locker then." I said and then they walked around the corner as I walked down the hall and made my way back to Elliot's truck.

I leaned against his truck.

"You ditching too?" Oliver's voice scared me.

"I guess so. Why are you ditching?" I asked as I turned to him. He was sitting in the back of the truck.

"I couldn't find the right girl to dance with." He frowned.

"I'm sorry." I said and climbed in next to him.

"I would dance with you but my feet are bleeding from my heels." I said as our heads turned to the school's door slamming open.

"Who do you think you are?! There is no next time! What goes on in that psycho bitch brain of yours?! You treat people like crap, and no wonder all of your cheerleader friends want to quit the team. You are a selfish bitch who doesn't deserve anything she gets!!" My brother screamed in Veronica's face.

"You are such a dick!" She screamed and screamed and then finally stormed off. My brother came walking over here. His ash brown hair fell slightly over his eyes. A red handprint was visible on his face.

I climbed out of the back of the truck and ran to to him. I hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." I said and tried to calm him down. He cried heavily.

"I thought, I thought she was different. I thought she changed. I thought I loved her. It was all a lie. A lie to hurt you." He cried. Oliver knew to wait in the truck.

"You can't change someone to make them better. Their actions are their own mistakes and it won't change. I'm sorry you went through this." I said to him.

"I'm an idiot." He said.

"You're not an idiot. Everyone believes they can change someone for the better. Its reality and it happens." I said rubbing his back. He unlatched our tight embrace.

"She doesn't deserve anyone." He said. I nodded. I clasped our hands together and we walked to the car. I drove Oliver home and then Elliot and I went home.

Elliot went straight to his bedroom without saying a word. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, then I headed to my room. I grabbed a change of clothes and went into the bathroom for a refreshing shower so I could my favorite shampoo from Oliver.

Later that night Oliver called me and just wanted to talk to help me fall asleep. He would do this when he knew my mind was everywhere.

"Is he okay?" He asked.

"He'll get through it. He's tougher than I am. But I think she broke his heart. I feel really bad. I said and moved my pillow and switched positions to get comfortable in bed.

"He is tough but not when a girl hurts him. He will get through it but it's going to be very hard for him." Oliver told me.

"I know. You and I are there for him and I think he is really going to need us." I said. Oliver said some others things and then he quickly went to look at an article.

"You are never going to believe this." He said after a few minute of silence

"Well tell me. Don't leave me hanging." I said.

"Coach Baxton has been fired from coaching the rest of the football season. It says he was caught making out with one of the other teachers. They didn't reveal her name. So I guess we are getting a new coach and you'll be with us on the field." Oliver said.

"Holy crap." Is all I managed to say. I sat in silence and then my phone died. Damn that phone, and since I was too tired to plug it in, I'll have to tell him tomorrow.

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