The Break Up Pact

By miadaley17

273K 17.5K 11.5K

What could be worse than having your enemy shoved forcefully back into your life? Unfortunately for Phoebe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 59

4.1K 268 85
By miadaley17

Rubbing a hand loosely over my embarrassingly sweaty forehead, I flopped down onto the changing room bench with an overexaggerated sigh. It was finally five- o'clock and we'd finally finished through with cheer practice. It had been a pretty intense session due to the sweltering hot weather and the excessive number of times we'd gone over the routine.

Practice had almost been intense enough to make me forget about Sebastian. Almost. I'd been tense and paranoid all day that he was up to something. He said 'challenge accepted' for fucks sake, so I couldn't help but feel scared that he was going to do something destructive. But surprisingly, Sebastian had been acting fairly normal so far today.

In the classes that we shared together, he just lightly chatted to me and made his normal stupid jokes, and nothing more. He didn't even mention me sneaking into his room, staying over, and kissing him. It was as though it never happened. Well, as almost as though it never happened.

As every day as the conversations may be between us, there was still this unshakeable feeling of tension that seemed to hang between us. And the way he looked at me only seemed to amplify this feeling.

"You, alright Phoebs, you look a little daydreamy?" a voice commented before the bench sunk down beside me. So absorbed in thought, I was caught by surprise to find Ava sitting beside me while eyeing me with a confused smile.

She as always looked like she had barely broken a sweat, and her bright bleach-blonde hair was streaked back into a tight even bun.

She looked healthier since the incident at the party. Her eyes were less baggy, she was starting to sit a little straighter and I noticed she was starting to drift back towards her normal clothes, and less towards the baggy stuff.

"Erm, yeah, I'm fine," I finally mumbled, once I was pulled away from my thoughts.

"Good," Ava said with a smile before starting to change out of her shoes.

"You seem a lot happier today?" I commented conversationally as I took notice of the smile on her face.

I had noticed it since this morning. She's been smiling away all day, in a way that was impossibly hard not to notice.

"Hmm, I guess," Ava commented while still smiling away.

Curiously nagged away at me. What was she hiding?

"Anyway, got to go, Phoebe. I'm late for something already-"

Then without a further word or explanation, she shoved the rest of her clothes into her bag before starting to make her way to the door.

Well, that was weird... Ava wasn't normally one to be shy about sharing her plans.

Figuring maybe she was getting me a birthday present for next week or something, I let it slide and decided not to pry.

Looking around, I realized I was the last one left in the changing room, and all the other girls had cleared off and left.

Quickly getting changed into some jeans and a top, I started stuffing the rest of my old gym clothes into my bag as I got ready to go. That's when I heard the soft creak of a door from outside the girl's changing room door.

"Phoebe?" I heard a voice call. Recognizing the voice as Sebastian's, my heart jumped in the foolish way it always did when I heard his voice. What the hell was he doing here? School finished ages ago, and I knew he didn't have swim practice today.

"Yo, Phoebe?" he called again, slightly louder this time as he likely got closer. "Yeah, just a second, I'm just finishing getting changed," I yelled back as I walked to the mirror and started re-tying my hair up in the mirror.

At the sound of his voice, my mind rather unhelpfully stared providing me vivid flashbacks of messing around with Sebastian in bed on Saturday morning. My face instantly burned, and an electric feeling rushed through my stomach. It was like my own mind was mocking me.

"You in there alone?" he called out.

"Yeah," I answered back smoothly. The second I spoke those words; the door made a creaking sound and the next thing I knew, Sebastian was boldly walking his way through the threshold of the girl's changing room.

Seeing his reflection in the mirror, I turned around immediately. "What the hell, Sebastian. I literally said I was still getting changed. I could have been naked!"

"Yeah, I know, and that's exactly why I walked in," Sebastian commented smoothly with an amused smile and chuckle as he walked further into the room.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention back to the mirror with a heavy sigh. "One of these days you're going to be arrested for being a pervert, Sebastian," I commented flatly as I continued adjusting my hair.

Sebastian still smiling, came to a stop beside me by the edge of the mirror, and stared at me through the reflection. "Sorry, my bad, I just thought breaking into the other person's locker room was our thing," he teased.

I gave him a deadened, but half-amused look through the mirror. "Funny," I said flatly.

Sebastian looked me up and down with a sparkle in his eyes. "Also, speaking of that day, I still haven't got my full revenge. You got to gawk at me naked remember, yet I'm still waiting to fully see you."

The temperature of my face instantly started to rise. "And you're going to keep on waiting," I snapped immediately.

Sebastian's brow quirked up. "Oh, is that so?"

"Yes," I said quickly, doubting the truth even behind my own words.

From the way his eyes alone were making me feel as he stared at me through the mirror, I wasn't too sure that I'd need a whole lot of convincing from him to get me out of my clothes. I could only hope, he didn't know that.

"What are you even doing after school so late? You didn't have to swim, right?" I asked curiously, hoping his answer would distract me from my increasingly worrying thoughts.

"Oh, no reason, just hanging around because I was bored," he answered with a shrug. I turned around and eyed him up and down cautiously.

"Anyway, are you doing anything tonight? I figured we could do something?" Sebastian suddenly asked as he rocked his eyes between mine with a smile. One of his suspicious smiles. I was smart enough to realize that spending more alone time with Sebastian after all that had occurred between us recently was a terrible idea. A tempting and extremely fun idea, yes, but still an awful one. He was too good at getting me to kiss him. Any more time alone with him, and I'd do something even dumber than kiss him.

"Sorry, I'm a bit tired tonight, I think I just want to crash in bed. Maybe another time," I lied quickly.

Seemingly unbothered by my statement, Sebastian just shrugged. "Okay, fair enough. Want a lift home then?"

"You have a car today?" I asked in confusion.

"Mm," Sebastian nodded. "Your brother lent me one of his for the day." This confused me even more. Why did Sebastian want a car specifically for today?

"Erm...well, yeah, I suppose I could do with a lift home, thanks," I answered slightly hesitantly. I didn't have my car today, so it was actually pretty good timing. My brother had asked for me to leave it at home today because he weirdly decided he wanted to check it over for me. He was unnervingly persistent about it.

Once I had rounded up all my stuff, Sebastian led us out into the parking lot and over towards the car. As I got closer, I realized he'd borrowed my brother's red Jeep. The door made a click as he unlocked the door and I quickly popped open the passenger side door and climbed in.

As I settled myself into the seat, I spared a quick glance at Sebastian as he started up the engine of the car. With one hand resting loosely on the steering wheel, I watched as he casually reversed out of the parking space. A weird feeling rushed through my stomach at this simple action. How the fuck was I getting turned on by him starting up the car? Man, I needed help...

I let silence drift comfortably around the car as we pulled out onto the road, and I mindlessly stared out of the window for several minutes as I stared at other cars. It was only as he took his second turn, did I suddenly realized something.

We were going in the complete opposite direction to my home.

" missed my turn?" I said, turning to him in confusion.

"Yeah, I know," Sebastian said with a comfortable smile while continuing to drive right on ahead. He didn't look remotely concerned.

"Well, aren't you going to turn back...? I questioned again, starting to genuinely wonder if he'd lost his mind.

"Nope," Sebastian answered with a snort.

"What the hell Sebastian? You said you were taking me home?" I snapped.

"Yeah, and I am going to take you home, just not now," he said, his lips curving up a little higher as though proud of himself. The little prick had seemed to have found himself a stupid loophole. Not a good one, but a loophole, nonetheless.

I flopped back into my seat, with a bitter sigh. "Great, going, Sebastian, you've progressed yourself from a pervert to a kidnapper."

Sebastian's grin only widened, and he lazily rolled his eyes at me. "I'd hardly call it kidnapping if your supposed kidnapper is planning on taking you home after."

"Yes, it still is. It's just temporary kidnapping," I argued childishly.

Sebastian took his eyes briefly off the road, to spare an amused look over to me. "Well, fine then, I'm temporarily kidnapping you then. Happy?"

I didn't bother him with a response, knowing he was making fun. "Where are we even going anyway?" I asked, realizing we were heading down a route I didn't recognize at all.

"It's a surprise," was all Sebastian said, while still smiling away.

Sebastian was damn lucky he was hot because if anyone else was leading me off to mysterious places in the late evening, I don't think I'd be anywhere near as relaxed.

Finally, after about ten minutes or so of driving, Sebastian pulled the car down a dirt path road, and we followed it on for 50 yards or so. Once we got over the hill, I soon grew sight of an empty sandy beach stretched out just a few meters before us.

I silently watched as Sebastian pulled the car right where the edge of the dirt road met the sand before pulling the car to a stop.

As he pulled the car into park, Sebastian suddenly turned my way. "Now close your eyes," he ordered.

"Why?" I asked cautiously. "What are you up to?"

Sebastian let out a laboured breath as though consulting with an impatient toddler. "Come on Phoebe, just trust me, and close your eyes." The tone in which he said it was so gentle and sweet, that I immediately found my resolve crumbling away into nothing.

"Fine," I mumbled before closing my eyes.

"Good," Sebastian said his smile practically audible in his tone. "Now, wait here till I say, and please keep your eyes closed."

The next minute I heard Sebastian's car side door close, followed by the sound of the back of the car opening. Curiosity nagged away at me as I wondered what he was doing.

"You still got your eyes closed?" Sebastian called out in question, after a minute or so of intense rustling.

"Yes, Sebastian, I've still got my eyes closed like an idiot, don't worry," I called back.

"Excellent," he said.

It was only about a minute or so later before I felt the wind hit the side of my face as Sebastian popped open my car door.

"Okay, I'm ready for you but still keep your eyes closed," he insisted. He then grabbed hold of my hand causing my heart to jump a little foolishly. Oh, get a grip, Phoebe.

With my eyes still closed, I followed the lead of his hand as he guided me out of my car seat. To be even more annoying, Sebastian slapped his hand on top of my already closed eyes while he led me from behind.

"Seriously?" I mumbled.

"Oh come, on Brooks don't pretend you haven't had your fair share of fantasies about being blindfolded by me," Sebastian teased.

"Nah, I think you're confusing me with you," I laughed.

Finally, we came to a stop somewhere after only walking about a meter. Sebastian angled me off in a certain direction by my waist before finally stopping.

"Okay, Perfect, now open," Sebastian said before dropping his hands-free from in front of my eyes.

As my vision cleared, I found myself looking at the back of my brother's jeep. Except it no longer looked like the back of my brother's jeep. Instead, the back seats had been pushed down to make more space, so that the whole back could be covered with dozens of cosy-looking blankets and cushions to make what resembled a little den. Little battery-powered lanterns were scattered all around the trunk creating a soft romantic effect. And in the very center, there was a small little tea towel, that sat underneath plates full of food. There were some samosas, salad, some homemade cookies, and my favorite – chocolate-covered strawberry. I blinked once, then twice as I took it all in; my heart racing faster for every second more I stared.

Finally, I turned to look at Sebastian and found him around him watching me with a smile. "See aren't you glad I temporarily kidnapped you?"

"I-" I stuttered out, overwhelmed to the point of speechlessness. "Did- did you make all this?" I finally stammered out.

Sebastian nodded. "And I even bothered to make homemade lemonade as well, so consider yourself officially spoilt," he chuckled with a smile.

"Sebastian I'm – Why did you do all this?" I foolishly stuttered out.

His eyes rocked softly between mine, in that way of his that always made my heart jump about. "Because," was all he said as though that was an explanation in itself.

"Now, come on, let's enjoy," Sebastian said. Grabbing hold of my hand, Sebastian gave it a light tug, and feeling a light smile tug to my face against my will I followed after him.

As I settled myself into the little den in the trunk cozied up by Sebastian, I knew all hope for me was slowly dwindling into a pathetic nothing.

He'd made it official now– I was never getting over Sebastian Diaz. 


Hope you enjoyed

Next update: Saturday

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